Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 484 Possibility (Part 1)

"Is there anything funny about what I said? Mr. Jean."

Potter stared at Jean, who put away his smile and still shook his head.

"This is no reason why you can enter the city!"

Veins popped up on both sides of Potter's forehead. Over the years, Potter's temper had calmed down a lot, and he could tolerate a certain degree of cynicism.

But at this moment, his mind was filled with images of the whole city turning into a sea of ​​flames and corpses everywhere. He couldn't bear it anymore. Living in such a lightless barrier zone for so many years, this feeling was only Only those who live in barrier zones know.

"Are you serious? Mr. Jean."

Potter asked tentatively.

"Of course I'm serious!"

Porter sneered, his smile slightly sour. He stood up and limped slowly to Jean. Under the smoke, Jean's expression became serious.

"We must enter the city, Mr. Jean. This is our bottom line. You should have seen everything in this city of rebellion. You can find such a possessor in the barrier area."

"I say it again, this is not the reason why you can enter the city and live in the sun. The food supply will be cut off one day in the future!"

Potter's eyes widened in an instant. This was Zhu Fei's guess. He was still doubtful before. If the food supply in the barrier area was cut off, it would mean war. People without food would definitely try their best to break the guard. Standing still, such words actually came out of Gene's mouth. Zhu Fei's guess was correct.

"Do you want to start a war?"

Potter's tone began to become vicious, his face twisted into a ball, and his brows furrowed.

"The worst-case scenario is war."

Gene said, blowing out a puff of smoke.


Potter looked at the ground blankly, and only uttered one word. He couldn't bear it anymore. Zhu Fei had repeatedly warned him to be patient, stay rational, and not think about the worst. Once the war really started, he would stop. Not coming down.

"Answer me, why do you want to enter the city?"

Gene asked again. Potter's eyes widened and his expression became angry. Red particles were floating around his body. The cups and water on the table slowly floated up, making a rattling sound. The cup has cracks.

At this time, the 30 cadres hiding in the room above are ready, but they have not yet received the instructions from the commander-in-chief. Everyone is enduring, but at this time, everyone is in pain in their hearts and listening. After the food supply will be cut off.

"That's enough!"

As Potter said this, his body seemed to have lost strength, and his telekinesis was released for a moment. But at the moment when the cup was about to fall to the ground, a light blue particle dragged the cup and placed all the fallen objects on the table. .

Potter sat softly at the table.

"Potter, now you are expelled from Brilliant City for fraud, kidnapping, murder, robbery and organizing a criminal gang!"

In my mind, I recalled the time when I left the city. It was more than 50 years ago. There was no death penalty in the city, but felons could apply for death by themselves. Those who committed the most heinous crimes would be expelled from the city and would never have the chance to return. In the city.

When Potter first set foot on this land, he immediately understood the law of this wasteland, the strong is king.

"Trash, just wait for me. One day, I will definitely return to the city. Then I will make you trash cry. This is the land that suits me!"

When walking across the Weeping Bridge, Porter once confidently looked back at the glory of the city and swore with contempt. Now that he is over a hundred years old, his health is getting worse day by day.

Over the past 50 years, he has done countless evil things, but he never thought it was wrong, but gradually he realized that when he was in his 20s, his parents asked him to be a carpenter and to be a down-to-earth person, but Porter and some He is a member of a violent gang. He looks down on those workers who work hard and are exploited. He thinks they are ignorant. He wants to be superior to others and strong.

But recently, after knowing that the people in Areas 113 and 114 were expelled, Potter had a dream, and it was a similar dream several times. He was running around in the sun, returning to his youth, chasing the girl he liked, and only woke up. At that time, the woman in the dress next to me was not the girl in my dream, and it was dark outside the window.

"I'm tired, Mr. Jean!"

Potter raised his head with a painful expression and looked at Jean with sad eyes.

"Everyone is patient. Rights indeed belong to everyone from the day they are born under the sun. But when they enjoy rights, they trample on them time and time again, instead of fighting for them. After finally losing the right to live under the sun, you want to regain the rights you once had. Opportunities have been given to everyone countless times. Even in such a barrier zone, with food supplies from the city, at least you are still alive. , however, most people think this is appropriate. Many people in the city call you bedbugs. Let me ask you about the reasons you mentioned before. Which of them can be your right to enter the city? You have given up your rights long ago and are not qualified to set foot. City!"

Jean stood up and looked at Potter in a daze. He was the epitome of the people in the barrier area, and when Potter's threats threatened him again and again in his final prayers, what Jean saw was a sinister face, showing no sign of any concern. I have no regrets for everything I have done. I only care about myself. If I agree to the request of this group of people, after the young and strong people leave the city, the remaining 100,000 people will be ruled by other armed forces.

Gene has encountered many such organizations, large and small, and he has asked the leaders of these organizations again and again, but the results are always the same. What they say and do is only superficial.

"I will come back in an hour and think about why you want to enter the city, if you can't give an answer."

When Jean reached the door, he stopped, tilted his head and turned around, staring at Potter with sharp eyes.

“Just pretend tonight’s negotiation never happened!”

After leaving the room, Jean went directly to the top floor and took out a cigarette again. At this time, Jean was struggling in his heart. As early as the beginning of the city's establishment, more than 50 years ago, it had its current scale. Later, Jean took the lead in abolishing the death penalty and gave many people a last chance. However, it is now over and failed!

Choose to apply for the death penalty or live like a bed bug. When dawn comes, many people choose to live. Jean always believes that time can change everything. After providing food supply to the barrier area, the city was once in a state of turmoil and many people I think this approach is foolish.

However, over the years, Gene has witnessed countless people struggling to get up from the garbage pit.

After scanning the endless dark wilderness, Gene quietly walked to the edge of the rooftop.

"Sure enough, humans are tough creatures!"

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