Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 489 Nervous! Countdown 1 (Part 2)

“Dear citizens, please do not continue to wander on the streets, please return home quickly. There are some problems with the power equipment in the city, which will cause power outages in a short period of time, travel will become extremely inconvenient, and there may even be crimes. For the safety of you and your family, please go back home and lock the doors and windows. Once again, the monitoring equipment will be ineffective after the power outage, and crimes may occur. We also remind all citizens not to take advantage of the power outage. If you are caught committing illegal crimes, whether it is as minor as stealing or as serious as murder or arson, you will be deported."

At 11:13 p.m., the light and shadow screens that appeared on the electric poles on the streets kept repeating the message to all the people wandering on the streets to go home, or find some nearby hotels or friends' houses, and not stay there. Outdoors, on the screen are the logos of 13 departments, which are constantly flashing red light.

The streets are full of members of the Acting Section, and you can see members from Sections 1 to 12. They are all admonishing people who are still on the street to go home, and directly take compulsory detention measures for some drunk people.

There are constant lifts and landings flying over the city, and a large number of lifts and landings from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology are shuttled over the city. This scene makes people think that it is not a simple power accident.

Many people are speculating whether a major accident is about to happen. Many people have returned home, and their families and friends have gathered together. Everyone is discussing that the Internet has been blocked, and the reason is that the power supply There is a huge problem with the equipment and the network is temporarily unavailable.

Some areas have completely lost power, with only emergency light and shadow poles still on. Members of the administrative department wearing night vision detectors and holding automatic rifles took to the streets.

At this time, there were still some people wandering outside, and the voice on the light and shadow screen once again issued a stern warning.

"Citizens, please answer your questions. Anyone who is still wandering on the streets after 12 o'clock will be regarded as a criminal. I repeat it again."

There were light and shadow screens flashing with orange light, and many people wandering outside started running happily.

In a spacious office, Niya looked at the detailed layout of the 120 districts on the huge light and shadow screen, surrounded by directors and captains of special teams.

"Report to Lady Niya, snipers in areas 1 to 20 are already in place. Any suspicious persons will be killed directly."

"Lord Niya, a temporary cordon has been set up in areas 21 to 60, and 40 regional officers have requested permission to fire!"

Niya folded her hands and put her uniform jacket on her body. She was currently in the conference room of the headquarters of the 5th Public Security Management Section adjacent to the Military Section to the north. She was chewing a cigarette and quietly staring at the permission unlocking book in front of her. , once you unlock the permissions, anyone who dares to go to the streets to provoke after 12 o'clock is likely to be shot directly.

"Sir Niya, there has been a small-scale unrest in areas 61 to 120. 5,783 people have been arrested and detained, and 58 regional officers have applied for firing authority."

Another permission to fire has been submitted, and the situation at the bottom is even more chaotic. At this time, some people are dissatisfied with the sudden control and are making a fuss.

The directors gathered in small groups, processing the reports that were constantly being transmitted.

"Lord Niya, if there really is a war outside the barrier area, the rioters in the city will definitely take the opportunity to do something. If we..."

"What bullshit authority? This is what bothers me the most in my life. Tell them 118 on-the-job officers. Depending on the situation on the scene, if there is any threat, they will open fire unconditionally. Let all personnel be equipped with weapons and conduct street control. blockade."

At this time, the 5th Public Security Management Section released another message. Sections 1 to 13 were taking advantage of the power outage to conduct a large-scale military exercise in the city.

"That kid Qin Dong."

Niya sighed, took a puff of cigarette, and smiled helplessly.

"Now I'm going to the Western Guard Station and take direct command. I'll leave this to you. Listen, I'll say it again. You can only open fire when the situation is dangerous. For those who are still wandering on the streets at 12 o'clock, I will directly arrest."

Niya turned around and walked away angrily, and 20 council officers quickly followed her. Just as she was preparing to take a bath and go to bed, suddenly the permission of the Six Gods King's Seal popped up, and the city was blocked and controlled. Four guard stations required 4 people. The section chief went over to give instructions, and Niya was assigned to the western guard station.

Later, when she came over to Section 5 to arrange work, Niya knew the general situation now, and that the damn plan of annihilation was about to start. It would be 12 o'clock soon. Once the war started, it would be out of control.

Bastard Gene, what the hell are you doing? Wake up, you idiot!

Locke looked at the monitoring report sent by Section 3 with a solemn expression. A large number of forces in the barrier area had begun to gather and move closer to the four guard stations.

Michelle is still directing all the secretaries and directors, sorting out the documents to be submitted one by one. Nearly 300,000 people in the administrative department have been dispatched.

The city outside the window has fallen into darkness. The city that was still brightly lit before has now begun to have large-scale power outages, blocked the Internet, and blocked city streets.

This is what Locke Jiahui least wants to see, but I am afraid that the result can only be this. Locke Jiahui has already thought of the worst result, and in the order sent to Section 3, the six gods have clearly instructed that each guard station An additional 10,000 troops were added, leaving nearly 60,000 troops to assist Section 5 in the blockade on the ground floor.

The roar of the takeoff and landing machine filled the night sky, and all the staff in the General Affairs Department had already started working.

"Your Excellency, the Chief Manager, we have detected the air power of the armed forces in the barrier area, as well as a large number of heavy firepower weapons, on their way."

"The six gods have given Section 10 the authority to activate optical nuclear weapons."

Michelle's eyes widened for a moment.

"Is there really no way to solve it? Once weapons are used, the city will not be safe."

Locke smiled calmly.

"So the six gods took action themselves!"

Michelle's eyes widened in shock.

A Division 10 strategic ship slowly landed on the lawn of Tian Ai's house. Noah calmly walked out of the open hatch of the strategic ship and looked at Tang Rao with a smile on his face.

At this time, Tian Ai looked shocked, and her hand was still holding Tang Rao's arm.

"Little girl, let go of your hands. Auntie, I have to go outside!"

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

Tian Ai's voice was trembling, and Hawke was still comforting her.


Tang Rao replied, and Tian Ai looked at the dark sky in the distance with a pale face.

"We can't let that bastard guy bear all this alone. We agreed to the deportation bill at that time. Rather than letting criminals die or serve their sentences in the city, that land is more like a cage. And for some future plans, let Those bed bugs survived, but now we can no longer wait. This is our responsibility and our obligation. No matter what happens in the future, for everything in the city, we can only become cruel, like crushing bed bugs. Same, crush everything in the barrier area until they are destroyed. Auntie, I am not preaching to you, nor am I joking with you, little girl, let go!"

Tian Ai grabbed Tang Rao's arm tightly.

"Hurry up, Tang Rao. The two of us are in charge of the east side, which is an extremely important place. What the armed forces in the barrier area want to capture most is the eastern guard station. Two of the other four guys went to the north, and two went to the north. To the west, and that idiot Jean is to the south."

Werther walked out of the hatch, still dressed casually, covered in mud, and Hawke put a hand between his eyebrows.

"Even you are here, Mr. Witte. It seems that you are serious about this."

"Of course, optical nuclear weapons are already being prepared. We only need six gods, or seven gods, to carry out staged battles and temporarily block the attacks of the armed forces in the barrier area. We will have enough time. Activate the optical nuclear weapon, don't worry, one shot will completely wipe out a large area."

"I don't hear that as a human being, Noah!"

Tian Ai froze and his eyes were full of anger. Noah smiled and shook his head.

"Hahaha, people? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about. Little girl, people are very scary things. There are many things that you have no right to know, but I can tell you responsibly, what you call people , in many cases, they are extremely cruel. You who come from the barrier area should have seen what a human is!"

Tang Rao smiled, turned his head, and put one hand on Tian Ai's head.

"You are no longer a child. When Jean brought you two brothers and sisters back, it turned out that he was right. Even though you are from the barrier area, you are doing far better than many people in the city. But this time it won't work. 20 The reason why the riots were able to calm down years ago was because we still had enough time and enough food, but now there is no more. Serious problems have arisen between the two. The guy who is most willful like a child, Now I have finally behaved as a god should."

The moment he finished speaking, Tang Rao had already shaken off Tian Ai's hand and entered the lift. Werther glanced at Tian Ai and Hawke and smiled.

"Only a few people need to bear these things. The seven of us will bear everything. Noah, hurry up and send us there. You will personally locate the location of the optical nuclear weapon strike and activate it!"

Noah smiled and walked up, stepped into the small strategic ship, and glanced at Tianai and Hawke outside the window again. At this time, Tianai had collapsed on the ground with a face ashen as death.

"For that girl, the Barrier Zone is like her second home! I remember that child said before that one day she wanted to let her singing voice reach the Barrier Zone."

Tang Rao said, and Werther pressed his eyes for a moment.

"Don't say it so sadly. Which of the processes in human history is not a bloody history? There are only two points: agree or disagree. It seems that the era of mechanization must be started in advance, even if it has to bear the potential risks brought by artificial intelligence. Risks are inevitable!”

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