Le Xiao's eyes widened, looking at an elevator that was slowly descending, and the person escorting him had been replaced by the Urban Crisis Analysis and Countermeasures Section of Section 2.

The change was so fast that Le Xiao had no idea what was going on. Citizens had the obligation to assist the department personnel. Lexiao had to follow the people from Section 2 to assist in the investigation, but Le Xiao was not informed of the content of the investigation.

But at this moment Le Xiao's heart was broken, her back was numb and she was sweating.

"Excuse me, what exactly are you taking me to assist in the investigation?"


The elevator door opened, and there were roller coaster-like tracks in front of us. There were two box-shaped floating trains on them, both of which were independent. This is the mode of transportation in Bright City. It is divided into horizontal and vertical columns. Channels are connected.

The box train parked on the track is about 5 meters long. The word "Congress" is written on the door of the carriage. Citizens are not allowed to ride in the special train of the bright city officials.

There are five lines in each channel. These trains automatically run to and from their destinations at scheduled times every day. If there are no people, the train will not start. There is such a station within 5 kilometers. It is a very convenient mode of transportation, but there are not many people taking it. , especially in the lower middle class. Le Xiao was born in a slum, and he only remembers that his father took him to ride on it once when he was a child.

Thinking of this, Le Xiao felt a little depressed, but she was full of expectations, because she had not ridden in many years, and a 5-kilometer journey cost 0.5 yuan, so most people with low income would never take the ride unless they were in a hurry. of.

"Lele, is the roller coaster fun?"

The moment he stepped into the car, a picture appeared in Le Xiao's head. His father wearing glasses smiled softly. There was some kind of light next to him, and it was a very beautiful light that hit his father's face, soft and heart-warming. .

"Miss, please sit down."

A person from Section 2 next to him said something, and Le Xiao hurriedly sat on a light and shadow fixed chair that was being produced. After sitting down, she was very happy. Xiao's head and many parts of her body were wrapped up, and the rapid levitating train The speed is very fast and it is indeed as exciting as a roller coaster.

With excitement and moist eyes, the train began to speed up, and Le Xiao's head suddenly turned pure white.

Qinglong District is located to the east of the upper level of Bright City. This is the most prosperous area in the upper area. There are criss-crossing streets and a large number of shops. You can find everything to eat and play. It is even more lively at night because there are a lot of excitement. And a blushing and heart-pounding entertainment venue.

But in such a block, located at the end of Qinglong North 6th Street, there is a building that seems out of place in this bustling area.

It is a courtyard-style building locked by two large iron gates up to 5 meters high. There is a red circle on the left door on both sides of the door with a number 2 inside, and on the right side is a green brain pattern that emits light.

Gene stood at the door with a cigarette in his mouth, looking up and smiling.

Section 2, Urban Crisis Analysis, Processing and Countermeasures Section, gathers the top intelligence analysis experts here. They can do everything from laying a pipe on a certain street in the city to building a building in the city. Current situation, analyze the things that may affect the next few years or even ten years, ranging from citizens' travel, to possible energy depletion, fires or human factors, in order to simulate the occurrence of crises in advance, and when a crisis occurs There are many emergency measures.

It applies to serious crimes and other crisis management. As soon as the riot that occurred at the South Guard Station last night happened, the scene was taken over by Section 2, and they immediately analyzed what might happen in the future. Various problems, the hazard is defined as LV1, a total of six levels, from LV0 to LV5, the second level of danger.

Congress immediately asked Jean to go there. Jean was on his way home at that time, at least 60 kilometers away from the South Guard Station in a straight line, but only he could do it, arrive in a short time, and be able to seal the place airtight. The problem has been solved. Until now, everything in the South Guard Station has been submerged in darkness. No one knows what happened that night, except for the residents of the barrier area, but the probability that they will be able to return to the sun again in their lifetime is low. 0.1%, even if it comes back, things have already passed a long time ago.

After a beam of red light swept across, there was a snap, and the small door under the left door opened. Gene strode in. It was already past 12 o'clock. He had just eaten in the Congress cafeteria and came for a walk.

As soon as you enter the door, there are soldiers with live ammunition on the left and right sides. There are two guard towers behind, and a spacious and white avenue with bright green lawns on both sides. Behind the lawn are rows of three-story buildings, and in the middle of the road. There is a small fountain and a separate two-story building at the end.

Gene tossed back his uniform casually, and a member of Section 2 who was in charge of reception came over and bowed.

"Lord Jean, please come with me."

Under the attention of the soldiers, Jean walked slowly with the waiter. A pair of puzzled eyes stared at Jean. A man with a playful face walked out from behind the fountain. He looked young and disdainful. The boy with short hair smiled excitedly.

"Hey, when we first meet, you must be the rumored Jean!"

With a whoosh, the boy who was still 50 meters away from Jean came to Jean in an instant. The black uniform he wore casually flew with the airflow, and he hit Jean in the face with his raised fist.


A gust of wind blew by, and the smoke exhaled by Jean trembled in the strong wind and then disappeared. He raised a finger to hold down the opponent's fist.

Beads of sweat oozed from the forehead of the short-haired boy opposite, and his excited smile gradually became stiff. But soon, small bumps began to appear on the short-haired boy's hands.

"It's amazing, as strong as a monster. Remember Jean, my name is Li."

There was a bang. Before the short-haired boy finished speaking, Gene was already standing behind him and cut his neck with a hand knife. His eyes widened in disbelief. His nosebleeds flew and he fell to the ground. The bang sounded like a blow. He fell to the ground as if hit by something heavy. The white stone slab was dented and cracked.

"what's your name!"

Gene lifted up his uniform, tilted his head and squinted at the short-haired boy who had already passed out on the ground, and started walking slowly.

"Sorry, I was too harsh."

The receptionist next to him immediately bowed.

"Lord Jean, the newcomer in our department has caused trouble for you."

Once entering the house, it was an ordinary room with furniture, but there were no doors or passages on the four walls. Gene followed the receptionist to the carpet in the middle. After the carpet turned into scattered light and shadow, the two of them disappeared. His body began to sink, and a downward plane elevator started.

After arriving at the first underground floor, there is a hexagonal hall with six passages with numbers 1 to 6 respectively.

"This way, please, Lord Jean."

Jean followed the receptionist toward aisle 6. There were independent rooms on both sides. After arriving at the bottom room, the door in front of Jean's eyes flashed with white light and turned into a glass, allowing him to see what was going on inside. .


Blood was splashing in the air. A member of Section 2 wearing a glove full of spikes was attacking a big man who was tied to a chair. The punches were really hitting the flesh. There was no good spot on the big man's body, and his body was hanging. There was blood and froth flowing from his head and mouth.

"You are still as cruel as ever!"

Jean muttered and took out a cigarette. The receptionist opened the door with a smile. Jean walked in slowly. The man who was torturing him immediately stood aside and took off his gloves respectfully. A handful appeared in front of the big man. Chair made of light and shadow.

"Remove the surveillance camera and make the room soundproof. No one is allowed to come in without my permission."

Gene said with a serious face, and sat in front of the big man. The only good piece of meat on the big man's bloody left hand was a tattoo of a two-headed snake. He was the one who was kidnapped on Ring Street No. 7 in Central China at noon yesterday. The mutant hunk who was the hostage.

"I'm not afraid of the lackeys coming."

Gene lit a cigarette, crossed his legs, leaned on the chair, held his chin with one hand, took out a mercury necklace from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"Your brother is dead."

For a moment, the big man's eyes widened, and his swollen eyes opened slightly, and tears burst out of his eyes instantly.

Accompanied by a burst of painful whimpering, the big man struggled violently, but his hands were tied behind his back and he could not move. He could only let his tears and nose run out, and his roar soon turned into a low whimper.

"What exactly is the tattoo of the two-headed snake?"

Jean asked, and the big man smiled sadly and grinned.

"Kill me, I won't say anything. You group of powerful people who are obsessed with profit will have your retribution one day."

The moment the big man raised his head, grief and anger appeared on his face, tears mixed with blood dripping down his face, he laughed crazily and cried.

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke, stood up, picked up the chain on the ground, and placed it on the big man's lap.

All the soldiers in the South Guard Station, including the six who survived, were given tattoos of two-headed snakes. It was obvious that the enemy was trying to cover up the situation. There was indeed an insider, so they were able to break through the guard station so easily, but they didn't know who it was. , because the big man finally got the location of the attack from the big man before the crisis occurred, and the big man refused to say a word, so Jean arrived an hour late, and there were only 6 soldiers left.

"Wu Chao, it's up to you whether you want to wear a collar and work underground to survive or die."

Gene stood up, turned around and walked towards the door. When the door opened, Gene stepped out in one step, but suddenly he stopped and tilted his head, with a smile on the side of his face while holding a cigarette.

Wu Chao is the name of the big man. He grew up in the barrier area. He has a brother Wu Yue who is one year younger. He is the mutant that Jean killed last night. The two brothers are the perpetrators of this riot, but what is behind the scenes? Who, it is not known yet, Gene came here to confirm something.

"I forgot to tell you, I killed your brother with my own hands."

There was a snap, and the moment the door closed, an angry wailing came from the room.

"The result of the analysis is that this guy probably doesn't know who the mastermind behind it is. What do you think, Sir Jean?"

Gene put on his hat, pressed the brim of the hat, and hummed.

"Just leave it to me to handle it. If he doesn't want to say anything, just take him underground to work."

The receptionist stood at attention and bowed, and Gene walked slowly.

"I really don't know. I'm really just a reporter. Really, I have nothing to do with that matter. Please believe me and call a lawyer for me."

A panting female voice came from the next room. Gene looked over and saw Le Xiao, who had been handcuffed and took off her coat, dripping with sweat and shaking her head with fear on her face.

Jean's eyes widened, and an angry look appeared immediately.

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