Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 508 Le Xiao’s Passion 1 (Part 1)

Half an hour ago, 12:16 pm

Ivy was sitting quietly in the office of the Business Section Headquarters at No. 1 Ring Street on the middle floor. She had just returned from the film and television area. At this time, she was still waiting for someone, the secretary of the 9th Business Section, Chloe. She was facing Hurry this way and you'll arrive soon.

A glass of red wine was swaying gently in Ivy's hand. She was not planning to go to the Congress Hall yet. Too many things happened tonight. In just one night and a few hours, she was a little tired. very tired.

With a slight sigh, Ivy behaved elegantly. The raised corners of her mouth looked like a smile but not a smile. No matter when and where, Ivy was always like this, with an elegant and gentle demeanor. This was what her mother had taught her since she was a child. Something that was instilled in her.

Elegance is the only beauty that never fades, and it is also the greatest weapon of a woman. She has received extremely strict education since she was very young, and so have many people around her. She has also gradually accepted her unusual birth. .

But this time, when Ivy was 10 years old, she met a man who was as elegant as a gentleman. He always smiled and spoke very softly. Especially the cigarette that was always around his mouth made him look more relaxed and calm. , but Ivy could not find any trace of the arrogance of a high-ranking man from this powerful man. Instead, he was more like a big brother next door.

"Lord Jean, can you tell me what a beautiful woman looks like in your eyes?"

Ivy recalled a question she had asked Gene when she was a child, but Gene just smiled and didn't answer anything. Until Ivy grew up little by little, Gene was present in person at her graduation ceremony. He also gave her some beautiful flowers and answered Ivy.

"Strong women are the most beautiful!"

In the past, because of some construction problems in the city, Jean would often come to his home to discuss things with his parents and other people in the family. Ivy looked forward to it every time and was very happy, but as Ivy began to follow After she entered the power world with her mother and started working as a grassroots councillor, she gradually understood that this was just a beautiful bubble under the sun, because there was only one Jean in the Brilliant City.

Although Ivy has adapted to various situations over the years, she is actually very tortured inside. She cannot stand the various competitions in the power arena, nor the various intrigues in the shopping mall. .

It was at this point in time, when Ivy had just become a member of Congress, that Gene once again brought a bouquet of flowers to congratulate her.

"You are still living a beautiful life as always, Miss Ivy!"

Gene said this to Ivy again, and Ivy smiled happily. Only she knew the pain in her heart. Later, with the help of her family, Ivy met Ji Mo, who was a young and promising person. Member of Parliament, and took over the family's heavy family business very early.

The days after marriage were very boring, and the relationship between the two gradually became estranged, because everyone was busy with their own affairs and never even looked at each other. At this time, Jean came over again, holding a childbirth application form. , persuaded the two of them to have a child, but the two of them had never thought about it and were at a loss.

"Trust me, everything will get better. Children are very cute."

In the end, the couple applied. After the application was approved, Ivy soon became pregnant. She didn't know what the new life in her belly meant, but she found that Ji Mo, who was originally taciturn, often came home early and asked Some of her conditions and simply take care of her.

"I used to be very happy!"

Ivy drank the wine in the glass. Because of the arrival of the child, she and Ji Mo finally understood each other. She also supported Ji Mo's actions and had been silently helping Ji Mo. Ji Qing arrived The 10 years when Ivy was 10 years old were the happiest times in Ivy's life, but now she was forced to step onto the throne.

For countless days and nights, Ji Mo talked about his ideals in front of her and wanted to bring a brighter future to the entire city. Ivy was gradually infected, lying on the sofa every night, drinking like a child. While drinking wine, she looked at her husband quietly and talked about her ideals without emotion.

Ivy trembled and took out a cigarette. After lighting it with some sadness, she took a puff and coughed a few times.

"Life is really like a waltz!"

Ivy has never admitted that she is strong, but in the eyes of outsiders, she is a strong, elegant and beautiful woman. Whenever she is alone, Ivy feels very sad inside, and her life is like a Like an elegant waltz, outsiders are applauding and helping, but she can only keep spinning in circles, spinning around in the circle of power and money. None of this is what she needs. She just wants to go back to those 10 years. , but nothing can go back.

When something happened at the end of the season, King Xue and Leona found her and asked her to take over the 9th subject. Ivy was shocked, but she agreed without hesitation. Leona knew very well that after so many years, Come on, Ivy helped to take care of many things in the end of the season secretly. Even when the end of the season became the section chief, it was Ivy who helped take care of a lot of things in the end of the season behind the scenes. In addition, in the end of the season, she has been in the city for so many years. image, but this was not the reason why Ivy agreed.

On the night of the accident, the woman contacted her, and Ivy was shocked.

"Mom, everything Dad did was right, but he was a little off track. Please believe him, because I believe Dad and everything he said before!"

Ivy agreed and took on the heavy responsibility of Section 9 because she didn't want to see the plans to transform the city that she had worked hard on for so many years at the end of the season go to waste.


The door to the room was opened, and a smiling young woman ran in, looking out of breath.

"Aunt, it's true."

"Chloe, knock before you come in. I'm your boss."

The girl in front of me carelessly took out some food from a wine cabinet in the office, and sat on the sofa to eat.

Her blond hair was twisted into braids that criss-crossed the back of her head, like flower petals. There was a round piggy-pattern hairpin on the left side. The girl looked sweet, had a pair of quirky eyes, and a naughty face. Face.

"Okay, Auntie, tonight is the first time I've commanded so many people. I'm a little scared, but the people below really obey orders absolutely!"

Ivy sighed. After the previous section chief and secretary resigned, Section 9 has no secretary since taking over at the end of the season. There is only an outstanding director as an agent. After Ivy takes over the big stick, the family members So she directly recommended Chloe, her niece, who came from the Super Domain Academy, was a top talent with the highest scores in all categories, had interned in 9 subjects before, and was just 48 years old this year.

Ivy was also very helpless towards this casual niece. She originally didn't want to use Chloe. Not only King Xue, but also everyone in the family wanted her to do so. She knew very well that once Chloe passed the exam next year, If she fails the exam, she will always be wandering in the vortex of power in the future, which will make this naturally optimistic child lose her freedom.

Except for the 13 departments in the Operations Department, the General Affairs Department plus 12 other departments. Except for myself and Ye Chunwang, who had a marriage experience, the other section chiefs and secretaries are all single without exception. Fortunately, Jewell is getting married soon. .

"Chloe, have you really thought about it? It may be very hard for the rest of your life, and there will be more in the future."

Chloe blinked and looked at Ivy with a puzzled look. Her mouth was bulging, she was still chewing something, and her voice was a bit humming.

"Auntie, I have been able to work harder for many years less than others. Auntie, hold on to your thigh. Wasn't that Le Xiao who hugged Section Chief Jean's thigh when he was only 26 years old and became a secretary? Of course I can too I want to experience it. Anyway, my parents sent me to that kind of weird school to be tortured since I was a child. Isn’t it just so that I can get ahead in the future? Now I am getting ahead, and I have completed the tasks my parents gave me brilliantly, so That's it. If I'm really unhappy, I'll have to resign at worst. Anyway, I'm a dead pig and I'm not afraid of boiling water. I can just leave the matter to those directors. From now on, my life will be free."

"Chloe, the job of the business department is..."

Ivy said, but Chloe was pressing the light and shadow screen with one hand and eating something with the other hand, looking at Ivy with a smile.

"Aunt, you have forgotten that I am a genius, a genius in the eyes of everyone. Of course I can solve such a trivial matter. I completed tonight's task very well. Even the directors think I am very powerful. That's it. That's enough, if I cause any trouble in the future, Auntie, you have to help me carry it."

Ivy said with a smile and her chin in her hands.

"There is already a kid in the business department who has caused a lot of trouble. I'm afraid if you are added to the list."

"That Le Xiao, I think it's very good. I always feel that everyone is taciturn, and they are not old men or women. I told you first, Auntie, if I am not happy with this job, I will destroy myself. Qiancheng, when the time comes, you can tell my parents that I am under too much pressure at work and will have mental problems. If I don’t get treatment, I will be sent to a mental hospital or something. Anyway, you can find any reason. Aunt, you are also short of people here. Work I will help you do it well, don’t worry, there are no three words in this genius’s dictionary that can’t be done.”

While speaking, Chloe had completed tonight's mission report, handed it directly to Ivy, and stood up.

"I took the lift myself. By the way, aunt, let me ask you, are the secretaries in the business department, except for that Le Xiao, fierce?"

"Super fierce!"

Chloe made a V-sign of victory on her forehead, stuck out her tongue, and blinked.


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