Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 517 Reconciliation 1 (Part 1)


The engines of the cars were roaring, and they were connected. Five kilometers away directly opposite the Eastern Guard Station, a large number of cars stopped one after another. Most of them were small and medium-sized trucks. A large number of armed forces had already arrived. There are people everywhere you look.

"Uncle Mo, let's go there quickly!"

Although Ling Fei had just eaten, she still wanted the 30 cans of liquid food allocated to each person. The area near the Weeping Bridge was already crowded and crowded, but no one came near because people from the 3rd department had formed a human wall. , there is a fire tower behind it, most people came here last night to wait.

Although many people are hungry now, they can only endure it for the time being. Because of the sunshine that hit the barrier area last night, everyone is guessing when the business department will start to establish an agricultural base.

"Feifei, let's just go and get it. Don't worry about the food. Someone will deliver it to me regularly."

Ji Mo, who was mixed in the huge car fleet, looked worriedly at the huge light and shadow screen clearly visible in the distance, the battle in the business department, and the speech to be delivered at 11 o'clock. Everything seemed so real, but Ji Mo is well aware of Xingke's approach. The hoarse shout last night reached everyone's ears and hearts.

However, cities still do not have the ability to establish agricultural bases. This is very clear when Ji Mo is still in office. He has also discussed various issues with Jean, but the result is that it is difficult to establish an agricultural base. The entire city's economy was dragged down.

Even if the crops can mature in the third month after establishment, in such a barrier area where even the air is harmful, it is impossible for the crops grown to be supplied to the city immediately, but within three months, the crops must be maintained To live in an agricultural base, you need to face a lot of problems, and the most critical thing is the scale of the agricultural base. If it is too small, it is meaningless. It will take too much manpower, material and financial resources to build it. The most critical thing is The environment needs to build an ecological circle suitable for crop growth. Large-scale air purification devices are indispensable. It also needs to use light and shadow materials to build an all-weather package shell that cannot affect sunlight exposure.

Ji Mo still remembers that in the third month after he took office, Gene took him to Section 10. Section 10 can technically solve all problems, but in the actual operation process and accidents beyond the controllable range, it cannot be calculated. Yes, the biggest threat is the armed forces in the barrier area. Hungry wolves wandering in the wilderness will be attracted by the smell once they see meat.

The speech last night was really shocking. It allowed these people who have lived in darkness all year round to see the light, the real light. Ji Mo pressed his aching forehead. He didn't sleep all night last night, and They are running around, have contacted hundreds of armed forces, and told them clearly that the creator cannot be trusted.

The news will spread like wildfire. Although the creators’ follow-up plans are not clear at the end of the season, the barrier area is essential. This time the creators lose, their follow-up plans will also be affected by the sudden arrival last night. The sunlight in the Barrier Zone was hit hard.

"If Uncle Mo really builds an agricultural base, we will go there. If you can figure out where to build it, we can go there in advance."

Ji Mo looked at Ling Fei next to him with a smile. He did not answer. At this time, Ji Mo felt a little desperate in his heart. He really hoped that the agricultural base could really be established in the barrier area, but he was afraid that this was just a performance by Xing Ke. , because no matter how you look at it, the current situation in the city is that it is impossible to spend money to establish agricultural bases.

Looking at the crowds with smiles on their faces all around, I finally saw a tiny bit of hope. If it was crushed again, no one would be able to stop it next time, and the long-standing conflicts would definitely break out.

Even if optical nuclear weapons are used, Brilliant City will suffer heavy damage. Everyone is waiting for a clear answer. Everything in front of the guard station has convinced most people in the barrier area that the Xingke Department will do something. Really An agricultural base will be established.

All the answers will be revealed today!

Ji Mo smiled. Anyway, what happened last night could indeed temporarily change the mood of the people in the barrier area. The long-suppressed emotions were released last night, and today's food distribution will look normal. Unlike last month, some people who waited for three days did not receive food or water.

"Feifei, let's go over there."

Ji Mo glanced around and felt that someone was staring at him, although he had covered his face tightly. After pulling Ling Fei onto the motorcycle, Ji Mo turned the front of the car and started moving.

As time passed, Le Xiao kept her head lowered. Although she said she had a plan, she actually had no plan at all. She wanted to tell everyone present that what she said was not lies. But once the plan to establish an agricultural base is launched, what Ye Jiao just said will indeed come true. The city's economy will be dragged down little by little, and the people in the city will not remain silent by then. It's a terrible thing. It will happen over and over again.

Michelle has made it very clear that procrastination is something that Le Xiao cannot imagine. Everyone's attitude is almost the same. The table in front of them seems to be getting farther and farther away from her. What she saw last night is... Everything he heard was moving away from him, and Le Xiao felt as if he was sinking, sinking into the darkness.

Sweat had covered Le Xiao's forehead. She didn't dare to raise her head. What she said last night was indeed spoken by herself without authorization, and she said it to everyone in the barrier area. Her shoulders began to become heavier and heavier. .

Le Xiao finally understood the meaning of Jean's hand patting her shoulder when he left this morning. It was a heavy pat. She had never thought about what she would face after entering the conference room. What.

"What is your plan, Secretary Le Xiao!"

Five minutes had passed. Looking at Le Xiao who still chose to remain silent, Locke opened his mouth and looked at Le Xiao with sharp eyes.

"I can not do it!"

Le Xiao finally uttered four words, with a cry in her voice, and slowly raised her head, with sneers on her lips. Le Xiao was almost about to cry, but she held it back, the situation was so bad. .

"If you can't do it, just follow the business method and postpone it for now. We will prepare the follow-up plan for you. You just need to act as the city's voice for the barrier area!"

Mo Xiaolan said with a serious expression, staring at the sad little girl in front of her. She was almost forced into a desperate situation.

"Secretary Le Xiao, please follow the orders of the Business Department from now on, and please don't make any shocking remarks again!"

Michelle's words were like frost blowing over her, and Le Xiao's head dropped again.

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