Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 523 Reconciliation 3 (Part 1)

On a messy street, many people were wailing, covering their bodies in pain, and rolling on the ground. Smoke and dust were everywhere. People from Section 3 and Section 5 kept pulling people up from the ground, handcuffed them, and stuffed them directly into the ground. Enter the lift not far away.

"This is Lu Qi, the regional officer of District 46. The conflict caused by the demonstration in District 46 has been brought under control. No one died. Many people and officers were injured in the conflict."

Lu Qi held up the phone in his hand and was reporting the current situation to a director. These people who rioted through demonstrations will be sent directly to Section 12 after registration. They will start a two-week period of work at noon today. For them, This was the minimum punishment. Originally, the citizen level had to be downgraded, but this time the superiors only gave such a slight punishment. Lu Qi was a little puzzled. Her body was covered with colorful paint, and her whole body Looking a little embarrassed.

At this time, a cute-looking reporter hurried over.

"Your Excellency Lu Qi, how will the people who caused the riots in this demonstration be treated?"

"They will be sent to Section 12 to work for two weeks as punishment!"

At this time, the commotion had passed, and many people poured into the streets, watching with cold eyes. From time to time, some unpleasant gossip floated over, and Lu Qi frowned.

"We ask the general public not to cause riots in the name of demonstrations. This will not be the case next time. This time we will only give you a warning. Next time we will prosecute you for the crime of disrupting public security. Violators will be detained for at least one year."

Lu Qi said to the camera resolutely. The reporter Taotao in front of him looked a little embarrassed and wanted to change the topic for a moment, but at this time, accompanied by a beeping sound, a stream of energy was shot out from the electric poles on the street. There were beams of light, and soon the light gathered into pieces of light and shadow screens.

On the huge light and shadow screen, there was an aerial shot in the middle. A large group of people were sitting quietly on the dimly lit land, like a large black area like ants. At this time, interview scenes began to be segmented next to it.

Lu Qi's eyes widened and he looked at everything in the screen in shock.

"What exactly is this."

"How much food and water can you receive every month?"

A female reporter held up the sound generator in her hand. In front of her eyes was a group of people sitting on the ground. They were in ragged clothes and had some small bumps on their blackened skin. Some of them looked a little deformed, but without exception they were , there was fear and cowardice in their eyes, there were old people, women and children among them.

No one spoke, and many people lowered their heads, as if they wanted to hide, and moved their heads away with evasive eyes, as if they were unwilling to answer the reporter's words.

Some people had already stood up and moved around. The female reporter was still trying to ask people nearby. Many people looked nervous. The female reporter glanced behind her and saw the 20 members of Section 3 who were following with weapons. Many of the children had fear in their eyes, and some younger children tried their best to squeeze behind their mother.

"Can you please put your guns away?"

The female reporter said seriously, and the same was true for other reporters who entered the crowd to interview. Many people were unwilling to answer the reporter's questions and evaded when facing the camera, as if they were frightened.

One of the captains who led the team shook his head, but still took out his phone and made contact. After receiving the instructions, he ordered everyone to put away their guns.

At this time, there was a burst of baby crying, and the female reporter immediately came over. A woman wearing a shabby cotton coat and a rag covering her face kept shaking the skinny child in her arms. The female reporter came over, coughing and panting. In the past, the camera focused on this newly born child. He looked a little deformed due to extreme malnutrition. The shape of his ribs was clearly visible. Only skin and bones were left. From time to time, he made a hoarse cry in his mother's arms. Come, but the voice was very weak. The woman weakly tried to get up, but she seemed to sit back on the ground because she could no longer walk.

"Please tell me how much food and water you can receive every month!"

The female reporter, who could no longer control her emotions, had a choked voice and hurriedly wiped her tears. At this time, the camera started to shake a little. The man behind him who was holding a small camera could not help shaking his hands.

"Please tell us!"

The female reporter asked again. The woman's throat was choked and she slowly took off her veil. A face covered with black spots, dirty and hungry, with black eyes and cheekbones were exposed.

"I haven't had enough to eat in two months. Please give me some water. My child may not be able to hold on."

The female reporter looked around and hurriedly touched her pocket. At this time, a member of the administrative department behind her handed over a bottle of water and a piece of dry food.

For a moment, pairs of hungry eyes were staring at them. People kept stretching out their hands and choking. The clerk leading the team immediately scolded the people next to them. The people next to them became more honest. The woman opened her mouth, revealing a look like wind erosion. Her teeth came and she started to eat with difficulty. The female reporter hurriedly gave her water. The woman trembled with her hands and hoped that the female reporter would help hold the child. The female reporter took the child and immediately the camera focused on the child.


Tears kept falling on the shabby, extremely malnourished child in the hands of the female reporter.

At this time, there was no sound in a square in the city. Everyone was staring at everything on the screen. Many people covered their mouths with their hands, some were sobbing silently, and everyone was silent.

The city seemed to be at a standstill. A large number of people raised their heads and looked at everything played on the light and shadow screen with complicated expressions. At this time, in a small restaurant, several young people were laughing happily.

"They deserve it. Who made it impossible for these bed bugs to live in the city."

A girl suddenly spoke, and for a moment, a man in the restaurant couldn't help but stood up and shouted angrily.

"What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied? Uncle, that's what it is."

The girl stopped talking. Many people in the restaurant were a little unhappy with what the girl said and looked over angrily.

The originally silent city began to erupt with more and more voices. What started as a discussion turned into a heated debate.

Locke sat quietly at the table, still waiting. The time was exactly 10:45, and the camera was already focused on him and Michelle.

"It's time to start."

As Locke's voice fell, Locke sitting at his desk appeared in the middle of all the light and shadow screens in the city.

"Dear citizens, what you just saw is the truth, and this is the truth you want!"

Locke said in a heavy voice, with a smile on his lips.

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