Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 545 The track that never fades (Part 2)


The wind howled from the roof of the guard station. More than 20 directors of Section 3 were discussing countermeasures at this time. Tian Hen stood on the guardrail of the city wall, staring at the food distribution that was still going on below. Soon, It was almost 5 o'clock, and the concert was over. Just after the curtain call, Tianai and Mansha were taken back to an observation station not far from here and were resting.

"What can you do? Keep Mansha."

Tian Hen has thought of many plans, but they all feel unreliable. He is not willing to ask other guys for help. Now Leona is still in her office, helping herself to process some documents. She should be able to think of a way. After all, she is very smart. Very good at handling this kind of thing.

"How about this, Section Chief, you invite Mansha for dinner. I will ask someone to bring some seafood and fresh vegetables later. We will create a romantic atmosphere. With your appearance, Section Chief, you want to keep a woman." , it’s not a matter of minutes.”

For a time, all the governing officers nodded in agreement, and Tianhen gritted his teeth and sneered.

You idiots, Mansha is lace! And I have a girlfriend.

The directors behind him seemed to notice Tianhen's displeasure and stopped their joking discussion.

"It's better to talk to the section chief like this. It's better to ask Director Lanni to come over. When the script was sent to the acting department for review, I helped with the signing. There was a scene to be shot at the Eastern Guard Station."

Tianhen nodded immediately, turned around and looked at the female director behind him, and pressed her shoulders appreciatively.

"I'll leave it to you, Midge."

The female director named Mi Qi nodded happily, stood up straight, bowed and left quickly.

At this moment, you will see that Mansha has come out, looking like she is planning to leave. Tianhen instantly flashes red particles and comes to Mansha.

"Miss Mansha, please wait a little longer. Director Lanni just sent a message, saying that he plans to take advantage of you and Tian Ai to shoot the scene at the Eastern Guard Station, which happens to be the intersection of dusk and night. when."

Mansha stared at Tianhen suspiciously, and then asked doubtfully.

"Section Chief Tianhen, can you please take a look at it for me? Why didn't Tianai and I receive the contact from Director Lanni?"

At this moment, a director ran over quickly and turned on his mobile phone. As expected, there was a contact document signed by Lanni, saying that he would arrive before 5:10. Tianhen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take Miss Mansha down below to rest. Don't be lazy."

Tianhen said, a female director smiled and made a polite gesture of invitation.

After watching Mansha leave, Tianhen stood at the door of the observation station, looking at Tianai who was so tired and sweating that she was sitting slumped on the sofa. Hawke was massaging her.

"Stop leaning like a log at the door. Won't you get me a glass of water? I'm so thirsty, you idiot. It's no wonder you're dating the woman."

Tian Ai's words stopped when she reached her lips. Tian Hen walked in unhappily, poured a glass of water, pressed it on Tian Ai's mouth, and sprinkled the water all over her body.

"You brat, be careful, you're splattered all over me, look at you!"

Hawke stared at Tianhen dissatisfiedly, and Tianai choked and coughed. At this time, Hawke gave a signal with his eyes, then said that he was going to the bathroom, and left the observation station.

"Really, I can do it myself."

Seeing Tian Hen clumsily wiping the water off her body, she was so angry that she snatched the handkerchief from Tian Hen's hand and started wiping it herself.

"Okay, okay, you're tired. I'll give you a good massage."

Tian Hen walked behind Tian Ai and gently squeezed her shoulders.

"That's pretty much it. It doesn't matter. The hard work is worth it. I can go on a date with Jean tomorrow. Just work hard. After all, you have wasted your vacation this year on that little bitch."

Tian Hen increased his strength unhappily, and Tian Ai rested his head softly and comfortably on Tian Hen's abdomen for a while, raised his head and pressed one hand on Tian Hen's cheek.

"You bastard, you would rather waste your time on that woman than have a meal with me. I am your sister, so who does that woman mean?"

"I know, I will have some fun with you during the holidays next year."

Tian Ai patted Tian Hen's cheek unhappily.

"It's the beginning of the month, here, take it! Really, what are you doing? For such a big section chief, everyone is extremely rich. But I saw that in the treasury of Section 13, Jean has more than 20 million. ! And Niya, she has more than 100 million in her treasury!"

Tianai put a wallet card with 200,000 yuan into Tianhen's pocket, and Tianhen looked away in embarrassment for a while.

"Damn it, that crazy woman actually has so much money. She could only spare 5 million before."

"I say you, like that crazy woman, take everything on yourself. You are not Jean. You have not learned any of his advantages, at least in my opinion."

At this time, Tianhen's phone rang. Tianhen took a look and it turned out to be Niya calling.

"What for? Call me when you have time?"

"Haha, I'll treat you to a drink tonight. I got the best bottle of wine from that idiot Li Ang's house. The bottle is made from pure grains and has been stored for more than 20 years."

Tianhen's eyes widened.


"Let me think about it, come to my house. You are not allowed to bring anyone else here. There is only one bottle of wine, and that bastard Gene just happens to be not here either. The two of us can drink a lot!"

Tianai sighed.

"I'm really convinced by you two. Just don't drink too much. You're not a good drinker. If you get drunk, you two will..."

Tian Hen slapped Tian Ai on the forehead. Tian Ai pouted dissatisfiedly and pressed her aching forehead.

"Idiot, who would have feelings for that crazy woman? She and I were just drinking buddies who were forced onto the ship by that bastard Jean!"

"By the way, I should be considered a part of the establishment of this agricultural base. Although I don't have much money, I can still afford one or two billion."

Tian Hen looked at Tian Ai doubtfully.

"You go down there and have fun."

"Don't mention that little hamster's name in front of me. I don't like her, that's all. But I still have to support Jean's plan. Just help me talk to her. I don't want to talk to her."

Tianhen sighed helplessly and looked at the barrier area. Originally, if he really drank with Niya tonight, there would be one less person. At the end of the season, it is a pity that there will never be such an opportunity again.

The man who always talked about the bright future of the city. Many of the things he said sounded unrealistic, but in fact, if he really did it, everything in the city would be better. After becoming the section chief at the end of the season, Gene also asked him to He and Niya will help Ji Mo and help him realize those big words little by little.

"That idiot should be among this group of people now. I wonder if he was beaten badly by that bastard Jean last time!"

Tian Hen couldn't help but think of the way Niya was beaten before. At that time, Gene mercilessly beat Niya who was contaminated with hallucinogens, but her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. He was a little worried that something would happen, and Niya resisted again and again. , Niya beat her to the ground again and again, and finally took her to her home, tied her up with chains for a month, and forced her to feed Niya every day. Tian Hen still remembers that scene. Tianhen still remembered that Niya's mother had come, but she didn't enter the house. He didn't know how to tell Violet, so he could only stand awkwardly outside the room. After all, Niya inside was chained like an animal. If you resist, you will be beaten to the ground.

After that, Tianhen couldn't stand it any longer, and wanted to let Niya go while Jean was buying cigarettes. As a result, he was also beaten by Jean.

Tianhen also knows very well that the way Jean treats himself and Niya is different from that at the end of the season. He and Niya are similar to a certain extent. They both grew up in a violent environment, and their personalities are stronger than most people. Ji Mo is much tougher, and Ji Mo is more like a flower in a greenhouse. Jean's approach to Ji Mo is a little gentler, but what Tian Hen didn't expect was that the guy who looked so weak turned out to be a mutant.

When something happened at the end of the season, Tianhen only found out the news later. He and Niya should be the same, feeling very uncomfortable for a long time.

That idiot who talks nonsense, if I see you in the barrier area this month, I will definitely beat you up with my own hands!

Tian Hen walked to the window. At this time, Tian Ai was already asleep. He took off his uniform and covered Tian Ai's body.

Looking at the extremely lively and prosperous trading market in front of him, Tian Hen felt a little helpless and sad in his heart. This was the first bill he supported at the end of the season. The bill was very successful, but the man who talked so much could never come back. .

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