It was just past 5 o'clock. Mo Xiaolan put his hands on his chin and watched the helicopter flying towards Qinglong District. The girl next to him seemed a little uneasy and kept her head down.

"Before going to Section 2, you need to know the structure of Section 2. In our Section 2, there are two level 5 officials."

Ji Qing's eyes widened for a moment.

"Section Chief Mo Xiaolan, two secretaries?"

Mo Xiaolan shook his head and said.

"Lillian is the secretary, she is responsible for external affairs, and in Section 2, except for me, all staff need to follow the arrangements of Mr. R, the chief of the department. In addition, our section does not have special section members, only ordinary section members, 50 There is a small office director, but the office director also has two levels of officials, 2 and 3, based on years of seniority and work level, and the rest are director officers."

Ji Qing nodded in understanding. At this time, Mo Xiaolan directly opened the light and shadow screen. Inside was a woman sitting at a table. For a moment, Ji Qing felt like he had seen her somewhere.

"This is an actress named Chense. Our purpose today is to open her mouth and find out where she went last night, what she did, and what she saw!"

Ji Qing swallowed a mouthful and looked at Mo Xiaolan with some surprise. He recalled, wasn't this the star of "The Queen"?

"It needs to be from the beginning. Can you let me get comfortable first?"

"I don't have time for you to get used to it, so answer my question Ji Qing. What I just said, how do you know everything about this woman last night? Answer me!"

Ji Qing glanced around and found that the directors around him looked relaxed and were whispering about something.

"Listen, if you can't answer correctly, I will give you a parachute, and then you will lose your internship qualifications, because our 2nd department does not need waste who can't even understand the basics!"

Ji Qing's eyes widened and her head felt a little dazed. She always felt that the woman in front of her who looked like a child but was actually the same age as her parents was a bit unreasonable.


Ji Qing replied and Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"Wrong answer, open the hatch."

Ji Qing was startled. The cabin door really opened, and a sharp airflow instantly poured into the cabin. A director actually brought a parachute.

"Miss Ji Qing, let me teach you this once, and you can jump down later!"


"Okay, for your mother's sake, I will give you another chance and give you one minute to think about it. If you can't answer, there will be no seat for you on this takeoff and landing leading to Section 2."

Ji Qing's eyes widened and she stared at the woman with a bitter look on the screen. It was clear that there must be a motive for what a person wanted to do, but if it wasn't a motive, what was it?

"Xiao Qing, tell me the characteristics of your classmate!"

Every new semester, her father would always ask her these questions. Ji Qing could only tell her father one by one about the characteristics of the classmates she had been with for a few days. After her father nodded, he asked her to think about how to get along with each classmate. , and then write it down and tell your father.

"Alright, it's time, please answer!"

"It's the heart!"

Mo Xiaolan grinned, then raised his hand, and the directors closed the cabin door.

"The answer is correct. The reason why people are called people is because they have a heart. No matter what kind of motives she has, our job in Section 2 is to strip her naked, and then see her heart. No need to From a basic point of view, you look at this woman's information in detail. You will interrogate her later. There will be about 14 hours before tomorrow morning. This is your second test. If I wake up tomorrow morning and cannot call morning If you find out anything from the mouth of a perverted woman, I will ask you to send you back and personally determine that you are unqualified."

"why is it like this?"

Ji Qing panicked. If he was really deemed to be an unqualified intern by the section chief, other departments wouldn't want him, and even his mother would have a hard time dealing with it.

Mo Xiaolan put his hand on his chin and smiled.

"I did it on purpose. You don't have the right to choose. You can go over later and take a leisurely bath and have a meal. During this period, you can think of how to pry something useful out of that woman's mouth."

"Can I call my mom and tell her."

Mo Xiaolan immediately used telekinesis to get Ji Qing's phone number directly.

"I said you don't have the right to choose. Don't you want to help that bastard Gene? This is your first step. If you can't even take the first step, what's the use? Think about it. , the difference between you and that idiot girl is getting bigger and bigger, and if you don’t do things properly, the gap will get bigger and bigger.”

Mo Xiaolan smiled evilly, and sure enough, as soon as he mentioned Le Xiao, Ji Qing's eyes flashed with a flame of jealousy, but it was fleeting, but she saw all this in her eyes.

Ji Qing sat down for a while. Mo Xiaolan handed over his mobile phone and opened the previous information. At this time, a director took out a confidentiality agreement.

"When you see these contents, you must keep them secret. Except for the section chiefs and secretaries, no one else has permission to view them. As for that idiot, you'd better not tell her. As the saying goes, idiots are contagious. , I think it’s better for you to stay away from that idiot!”

Seeing Mo Xiaolan's evil smile, Ji Qing felt a little angry inside. She swallowed and looked at the information above and some previous interrogation videos with some surprise.

"Why is it so cruel?"

"This is a consistent method of our department. It involves torture both physically and mentally. Of course, you can also use other methods. When the time comes, I will explain the situation to the chief of Room R. He will assist you if you need anything. Yes, as for what we want to know is the secret place where she had a tryst with her old lover Mansha, well, little sister Ji Qing, think of how to get something out of her mouth."

The helicopter began to land slowly. Ji Qing was still looking at the information on the phone. There were many things that she could not imagine, and the popular actress Mansha was actually a member of the rioters and an important member. And she turned out to be lace, which shocked Ji Qing greatly. After all, there was a time when she was particularly obsessed with Mansha's bohemian style and her music with strong visual and auditory impact.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Mo Xiaolan."

As soon as he got out of the cabin, Ji Qing saw a friendly man with squinted eyes and a smile. He had a silver five-pointed star on his hat and a purple letter R on his right arm. The staff around him were all We are waiting in full array.

"Don't you even have a little bit of love? Can't you help me, your absolute boss, push out of the wheelchair?"

Ji Qing was startled, and hurriedly went behind Mo Xiaolan and pushed her to walk. After leaving, Mo Xiaolan immediately ordered a female clerk to take her to a room prepared for her, and arranged for her to eat and Get familiar with the headquarters of Section 2.

"Welcome, little sister Ji Qing, I am Mr. R. I am the person who manages everything within Section 2. If you need anything, just ask me!"

Ji Qing smiled and hummed, but the man in front of him still squinted his eyes and smiled kindly.

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