Click, click, click, click, click, click

The clocks on the four walls of the house were ringing continuously, and the door was still open, but no one came in. On the light and shadow screen at the entrance of the clock shop, there were eye-catching red characters indicating that it was temporarily closed.

Harrison was wearing a burgundy shirt, a black bow tie, and a pair of gray overalls. He had a slightly retro look. He sat on the workbench with his feet dangling in the air. He stared quietly at the door of the store. His eyes were a little heavy, and the phone in his hand was still connected.


"Old Liu, have you forgotten my birthday today?"

Harrison's hands were shaking slightly, and there was a slurred voice on the phone.

"Sorry, Grandpa Harrison, my dad has Alzheimer's disease, I'm really sorry!"

Harrison hummed and adjusted his mood.

"It's okay, Xiao Liu, it's okay."

This is Harrison's 28th call from morning to night today. Unfortunately, only 15 of them were answered. Several friends passed away last month.

Harrison hadn't seen them for a long time, because everyone was busy with their livelihoods, and a few friends were still selling snacks on the street, so they couldn't come over. Originally, Harrison wanted to bring everyone together to make it lively and lively, but it has been several years. I met everyone. Although I have contacted you in advance, it is estimated that most of my friends are busy and unable to come. Many of them have families, and some are sick.

It was already past 8 o'clock, and the dishes above should be cold. Harrison felt very uncomfortable. He had no family, was alone, and was destined to die alone.

"Harrison, I think it would be better for you to get married, but I don't think any woman will like you!"

Harrison felt a little uncomfortable for a moment. He hurriedly wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes. He also liked a woman before, but that woman chose money instead of him in the end. Gene also said that if it really happened If you can't let go, just find a way to look back. Don't care about everything about that woman, as long as you are willing to pay for her. One day she will look back.

"Don't be ridiculous, Gene. The woman herself said that she is just as dirty as the current world. I don't have the ability to change the world, haha!"

"Time is a good thing. If I were you, I would look back. After all, you really love her, don't you? If you really love her, it's like if you really love this world, you will choose her because of the filthiness of the world. Will you leave the world? Will you choose to reject the world because it has hurt you? Will you destroy the world because it is not what you want it to be?"

Harrison pressed his forehead, curled up, and slowly shrank to the workbench. Pressing his forehead, his somewhat troubled, lonely and sad expression twisted into a ball. People were still flowing on the street, and the clock was still ticking.

At this time, on the opposite side of the door, Ran Zai said helplessly.

"Hurry in, the lonely old man needs someone to comfort him."

Gene tilted his head and turned away with a smile for a moment.

"Sorry, I have to go somewhere else to pick up a lady. Didn't you say my birthday gift was shabby?"

"This is the time."

Gene said and threw the wine and flowers directly to Ran Zai, who was startled and hurriedly caught them.

"Before I come back, if you do anything, I will definitely beat you up tonight."

Looking at Jean's rosy face and the breath of alcohol, Ran Zai knew that Jean would only get drunk when he was particularly happy, otherwise he would become more sober as he drank. Jean had drank a lot of beer in the store just now.

"I know, I won't do anything. I don't want to be beaten three-quarters to death by you."

Gene smiled with satisfaction, disappeared into an alley, jumped directly to the roof, looked east, and then smiled. He quickly shuttled across the roof, exuding light blue particles.

Ran Zai looked at the slightly helpless old man in the store quietly. He didn't know what kind of relationship this old man had with Jean in the past, but at this time Ran Zai thought of his grandfather, the wise man. He was still in the hospital, covered in all kinds of wounds. The injury will probably take another week to get better.

"The half-dead old man has clearly stepped into the coffin with one foot. If it were me, I might choose to end this meaningless life. After all, life has begun to rot and wither. Not everyone is like you, Gene. gentlemen!"

"Can you please move faster?"

Tian Hen looked at the documents impatiently. He had already approved all the documents on hand. It was already 8 o'clock. He was also too hungry and couldn't bear it. Now he just wanted to get to Niya's house quickly and eat deliciously. A meal of Niya's homemade barbecue and a drink.

Xima stared at Tianhen sideways. Although she didn't know where Tianhen was going, she still guessed a little bit. She was definitely not his girlfriend. Tianhen would only go to see his girlfriend during the holidays, and after work, he would go There is only one place, a place to drink. No matter how drunk he is, he will appear at the headquarters or guard station on time at 7 o'clock the next morning.

"Qian Jia, please send the section chief to see him, and I will handle the rest of the work."

Xima said that the director in front of him stood up, and Tian Hen looked at Xima with some embarrassment.

"Go, you are happy today, and so am I, but I have to stay here until the food distribution is over!"

Tianhen nodded and stood up and walked out quickly when he came to the door.

"I'll take you with me next time, to that crazy woman's doghouse."

Seema nodded.

"next time!"

Tianhen smiled and walked out quickly. It was quite a distance from Niya's house. Although he could run directly there, he didn't want to wait any longer.

"Section Chief, drink less tonight, otherwise if you get drunk and get into a fight with Lady Niya, it will be another disaster tomorrow morning."

Qian Jia smiled and muttered, Tian Hen nodded.

"If you're okay, I wouldn't mind taking you there."

"Forget it, section chief, people will die."

As soon as he arrived at the top floor, Tianhen's phone rang.

"Oh, I've already had two glasses of this intoxicating wine. If you don't come here, the 20-year-old wine will be gone."

There was also the sound of sizzling barbecue coming from the phone.

"Fuck, you idiot, you didn't even wait for me to start eating. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Qian Jia smiled helplessly on the side. He had been to Niya's house with Tianhen before. It could really be described as a doghouse, but it was surprisingly comfortable. It was just okay that the two guys were not drunk. It's troublesome when you're drunk, Tianhen is quiet and honest when you're drunk, but Niya is a big problem when you're drunk.

"Fly over at full speed."

Tianhen shouted as soon as he got on the lift, Qian Jia nodded.

"Section Chief, I think you should get married early. Haven't you met the right girl now?"

Tianhen smiled.

"That crazy woman won't get married, how can I get married? If I get married, who will accompany her crazy!"

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