Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 58 Different Worlds (Part 2)

"Decide quickly, before the train reaches where you live."

Le Xiao's heart was filled with emotions. She was even a little dumbfounded, but when asked about work, Jean said nothing.

"Can you reveal a little bit?"

Gene, still smiling, shook his head.

"Miss, she will arrive at the station in about half an hour, you have to think quickly."

Le Xiao's head was a little confused. The salary of 2,000 during the internship period was considered normal and even a good job. But after the internship period, the salary was only 5,000 to 10,000. How can there be such a good job in the world?

The biggest reason was that Gene didn't say anything, he just smiled.

"How long is the internship period?"

"It could be a month, it could be a year."

Le Xiao blinked. Jean was obviously trying to trick people, but Le Xiao was a little surprised. The more he talked about it, the more attractive he became.

But when she thought about what Jean did in the dark night, she had seen it with her own eyes, and Le Xiao's mood calmed down again. She was just an ordinary person, but no matter how much she thought about it, she could never become a section member. Yes.

First of all, if you want to become a section member, you must have certain professional knowledge and complete all your studies in a professional school. You must also pass strict examinations before you can become a section member. This is a golden rice bowl, and various subsidies are not available. He said that the salary is still stable. Some classmates once jokingly said that as long as they become a section member and ensure that they complete their work every month, they can live a life of idleness and wait for death.

Le Xiao's major is media studies. Journalism is the best profession. She got her wish and worked hard for 4 years. But now the industry has come to an end. No media company will want her. She has 4 years of experience. His resume over the past few years has been full of misfortunes.

I don’t know if it’s because of the two years she worked in Xu Ming’s media company, or if it’s because she’s born like this. She doesn’t like those bloody and violent things, doesn’t like those celebrity gossips, and doesn’t want to be exposed to those dark things on her own. Most of the time, she likes to report on warm things. Xu Ming once said that there are many people working hard to live under the sun. Instead of things that attract attention, it is better to report more positive things, because the whole society is too Too cold.

It seems that because he chose the wrong path from the beginning, most of the things Le Xiao writes fail every time. Even if most of them pass, they only read very little. There are even a lot of trolls who doubt the authenticity of the things, and Jett scoffs at such heart-warming stuff.

One time in particular, Le Xiao reported on a family whose child had a congenital disease. The parents spent all their money for the sake of the child. As a result, they were on the verge of a dead end. It was Le Xiao who used this report to get some well-wishers to donate money. Let this family get through the difficult time. Later, Le Xiao also followed up on the follow-up report. However, some people spread rumors, saying that Le Xiao had enriched his own pockets and so on. They also said that this family really wanted to be a mother for the sake of their children. Why didn't they do it? Special industries and the like, Le Xiao got angry, and immediately started a fight with these cold-blooded guys on the Internet. As a result, many people ridiculed her, and their media company even maliciously slandered people. As a result, Le Xiao was fired.

"What's wrong? Can you tell me what's bothering you?"

Jean suddenly asked, Le Xiao sighed and began to talk about what he had just recalled.

"Do you think those guys are going too far?"

Gene nodded.

"It is indeed excessive, but currently the law does not have a strict definition for this kind of thing. The only definition is social morality."

The two of them were speechless for a while, and Gene was very calm about such a thing, as if he was just standing at the junction of light and darkness, overlooking everything.

"Gene, what will happen to the city?"

Not knowing why, Le Xiao asked. The man next to her might know this city best. She looked at Jean with a serious face.

"People have to make changes, and this world is the same. It's just that all things, good things and bad things, can't be achieved in a day or two. Isn't it the same for you? Work hard in the sun every day, as long as there is something like Only people like you will have a future for humanity."

Le Xiao smiled happily and nodded.

The car has arrived.

Jean escorted Lexiao to the rental building where she lived and lit a cigarette.

"You still haven't decided, okay?"

Lexiao nodded, turned around and bowed her head.

"Thank you Gene, I still want to be on my own."

Le Xiao had already decided in an instant that she was not going to work as a receptionist anymore. There would always be a way. As long as she worked hard, she would definitely be able to seize the opportunity to live happily in this sunshine.

Seeing Le Xiao return home, Jean smiled slightly. This girl did not collapse due to the hardships of life, but was more resilient than many people.

"Section 13 is short of a secretary. Let's ask her next time!"

The moment Gene turned around, his eyes turned cold. He took out his mobile phone, opened the secret key program, jumped up, and was already on the roof.

The wind whistled by his ears. Gene liked to shuttle between the buildings at nights like this, enjoying the breeze in his ears and the occasional voices heard in the streets and alleys. This made him feel extremely at ease. .

In a more distant past, Jean woke up every day with only crying in his ears. Every day, scenes of torture of human nature were staged. Violence and blood filled the survivors. Survival was the only thing that people needed to consider. Other than that, Nothing at all.

Scenes passed through Jean's mind, and there were many things that he did not want to see again.


Gene landed on the balcony of one of the residents of an apartment building. The lights in the room were still on. There was a sound of footsteps. The moment the curtains were opened, the fat man in front of him seemed to have seen a ghost. He was so frightened that he fell to the ground. .

Gene lit a cigarette, pointed to the floor-to-ceiling glass window, and motioned for Luo Han inside to open the door.

"Sir, who are you?"

Luo Han squatted on the ground and held back the number 13 on Gene's uniform. He was so frightened that he might not die soon and he had to find a way to survive.

When comparing becoming a criminal, being thrown into a prison tower, and dying, Luo Han's facial expression was extremely complicated.

Jean squatted in front of Luo Han.

"Help me get what's in here."

Luo Han still wanted to hold on for a while. He smiled awkwardly, his face swollen. He had just returned home from the hospital, but he didn't expect Gene to come to his door in person.

"Sure enough, that stinky woman betrayed me. It was obvious to me."

"That lady never mentioned you. The night you went to see that lady, I set my sights on you."

Luo Han's expression suddenly changed and she kept shaking her head.

"I didn't commit a crime, really, I just did a small favor for my friends in the prison tower. Jean, you believe me, I"

"I know that if you really commit a crime, I won't let the people from Section 2 let you go home. I'm afraid you can't take care of yourself now. I just need you to do me a favor. I will ensure your safety. ."

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