The sun's rays disappeared little by little under the influence of the color-changing cover of the moon base. Katerina lay in the bathtub, overlooking the city in the distance, and the lights were lighting up here.

The alternation between night and day can only be accomplished manually, because the moon rotates once every one month, so most of the time it can only rely on artificial intervention to ensure that there is light and night every day.

Katerina has had enough of this kind of place. There is a big garden under the window. This is the only thing that can bring a little bit of joy to Katerina. Only when she looks at the flowers every day can she feel better.

Katerina has been the queen since she was 15 years old. It has been more than 40 years now. She is a little tired of everything. Although she has heard about the existence of Brilliant City since she was very young, Katerina was originally Looking forward to it.

She once thought about how great it would be if she could go to Brilliant City one day. Unfortunately, she has entered her twilight years now. Katerina doesn't know how many years she can live, but time has taken away everything from her. .

However, after learning that Brilliant City had medical technology to extend lifespan, Katerina became energized again. Like other people in power in Asgard, she was no longer keen on body organ medical treatment.

Didi didi

A picture appeared on a screen next to him. In front of him was a middle-aged man with long hair and a curvy moustache. He put his hand on his chest and bowed slightly.

"Your Majesty, the fleets of the Second and Third Army are about to launch operations against the rebels."

"General Nicholas, please prepare your first group army at any time. If any accident occurs, go directly for reinforcements."

Nicholas bowed again and then asked.

"General Hult really doesn't need it."

"I have already said that this matter has passed. He is the general of the final empire and no one is allowed to slander or talk about this matter."

After Nicholas ended the communication, Katerina stood up. Water drops continued to slide from her body, splashing on the water. She looked at her old body and closed her eyes.

Many things were extremely clear in Katerina's mind. Many years ago, Katerina had noticed that Hert was secretly doing something secretly. However, Katerina did not deal with these matters in time, but let them go. Hurt's behavior.

There are too many contradictions within the empire, and the contradiction between the founders and the society is the most intense. One side is the one who controls all the power in Asgard, and the other side is the one who provides all the technology for Asgard. scientists.

The differences between the two sides on land and food are particularly serious. Scholars accuse the founders of doing nothing and making no contribution to the entire society, while the founders accuse the scholars of not understanding power at all.

Such problems have begun since the days of Katerina's father. If it weren't for the huge number of clones to continuously provide Asgard with everything it needs, big problems would have begun to arise within Asgard.

The reason why Katerina kept Hert without punishing him was to directly transfer the conflicts when the internal conflicts accumulated to the point where it was difficult to reconcile. Once Hert took action, the conflicts could be successfully transferred. And we can also take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of some disobedient guys.

But not long ago, the aircraft successfully passed through the large hole that could connect the planet, causing Katerina to give up the idea of ​​dealing with Helt.

The conflict was transferred, especially after most of the upper echelons knew that Brilliant City had medical means to prolong life, everyone cheered.

There is another reason why Katerina kept Huerter. He has very huge ambitions. Compared with many people around him, his ambition is about to burst his chest. This is why Katerina admires Huerter very much. It’s a special place because it’s fun.

Katerina raised her hands to cover her eyes. The entire empire was under her control. No matter what Helt did, there was nothing she could do.

Then Katerina got up and put on her bathrobe, picked up the fresh juice on the table, took a sip and pressed it in front of a screen. After a while, Maggie appeared in the video.

"What about this man?"

"Your Majesty, General Hert should have completely given up on the idea of ​​betrayal."

Katerina nodded, looked at Maggie in front of the screen, and then said with a smile.

"After this matter is officially over, I will organize a grand wedding for you and Helt. When we officially visit Brilliant City, you can go with us as Helt's wife."

Maggie smiled and bowed.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Katerina asked with a smile.

"Do you love him?"

Maggie shook her head.

"Then are you willing to be with him for the rest of your life?"

Maggie nodded, and Katerina nodded with satisfaction before ending the communication.

Maggie has lived in the palace since she was very young. She is just a commoner's child, but she has a very good appearance and personality. Katerina began to train her. As expected, Katerina's vision was correct. When Maggie grew up, many noble people were fascinated by her appearance and temperament.

It's just that Katerina didn't give Maggie to anyone. Instead, she sent Maggie to Helt at the right time. As expected, Helt, a man with many lovers, fell in love with Maggie. .

No matter where Helt goes, Maggie will follow him. Although Helt did not tell Maggie anything directly, by telling Maggie everything about Helt, Katerina clearly knows what he wants to do. .

After Katerina drank the juice, she walked to the closet, took out her clothes, and then started to take care of herself in front of the tree stump. After a while, after putting on makeup, Katerina put on her clothes, and he came to the living room next to the bedroom. Here, on a big screen, a picture appeared.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, President Brown."

In front of him, Brown, the President of the United States of the World in a suit and tie, was wiping his lips.

"I just ate too. Her Majesty the Queen, have you eaten?"

Katerina shook her head.

"Let's talk about business first."

Brown was sitting in a metal room with some instruments around him, his face glowing.

"Did something good happen to you, Mr. President?"

"We have had very big breakthroughs in the energy field recently."

Katerina smiled slightly.

"Congratulations! If possible, I hope you can give us a few Steka for research."

Brown spread his hands, put the handkerchief aside, picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

"Of course, Her Majesty the Queen, I hope you will send a scientific team here as soon as possible."

Katerina laughed. The two sides had secretly reached a lot of agreements. The United States wanted Asgard's gravity technology and space-related technologies, while Asgard wanted to get the United States' mechanical technology. , including new energy technology made from mutant human Steka.

"By the way, Her Majesty the Queen, I heard that you are going to visit Brilliant City soon. Have you discussed anything?"

Katerina shook her head.

"We haven't had formal talks yet, and many things are still blank. Of course, we should discuss these things after meeting as much as possible."

Brown nodded and said.

"We hope that Her Majesty the Queen will arrive in AS country smoothly. We have reached a mutual aid treaty with the kangaroos, and they will provide a safe landing site. All you need to do is come directly to our country from the sea."

Katerina nodded, and the two continued to talk about some details. The two countries have established diplomatic relations for almost 100 years. Over the past 100 years, the two sides have met many times through holes wrapped in planetary objects, and exchanged information. There are few commodities, but formal trade has not begun.

Both sides are well aware of this, because the productivity gap between the two sides is very large, and the United States is eyeing the weapons technology of the Sky International Space Nation, and the two sides basically cannot reach any consensus on products.

Because everyone is hiding it, and Katerina does not intend to reveal the matter about Brilliant City to the United States. She will only reveal it at about the same time, and they should be more interested.

"By the way, Her Majesty the Queen, I hope to talk to you about the matter of Brilliant City. We are too far away from them, and there is still no effective way to cross the ocean."

Katerina knew what Brown meant. After all, there were many people with arms turned outwards among the founders. They had also had many private conversations with the members of the United States. After all, people from the United States had come to Asgard before. When I arrived, I should have already known some things about Brilliant City.

"This will only become clear after we officially establish diplomatic relations with Brilliant City. Okay, President Brown, I have to go have a meal. I wish you a happy life."

Brown stood up and bowed slightly to indicate that the communication was over. Katerina stood up. She didn't want to eat yet. Katerina contacted Nicholas of the First Army again.

"How's it going General?"

"Your Majesty, the fleets of the Second and Third Army are currently approaching the rebels' base and will launch an attack soon."

Katerina nodded.

"Be sure to annihilate all enemies."

Katerina wants to put an end to this.

"Tell General Hult and ask him to end everything as soon as possible."


Hert looked at the impact in front of him. Several military commanders were discussing strategic plans. The fleet had arrived at the floating cluster, and a large number of floating objects gathered together were standing quietly in front of him.

Hult has been to this place several times before, as the commander-in-chief of the Clone Front, but everything has changed now. The vanguard reconnaissance plane has figured out the situation. There are many floating groups hidden under huge rocks. in the base.

At the beginning, Helt and Nigel discussed directly using heavy firepower weapons to attack the area, so as to directly eliminate them in the universe, but the cost was too high, so they adopted a strategy of cleaning up from the periphery bit by bit.

"General, we have discovered some strongholds. Do you want to start attacking directly?"

An army commander asked. Hert looked at the dots above. He was very familiar with them, as were many generals present. At this time, along with a burst of contact, General Nicholas of the First Army sent a contact. .

"Her Majesty wishes you to end this as soon as possible, General Hert."

"Please tell Her Majesty the Queen that I will definitely end up together tonight."

After ending the call, Hert was panicking because he probably wanted to remind himself with this sentence and cut off everything in the past. Then he was still the general of the Third Army.

"Send the coordinates to General Nigel."

Hurt said, and the military commanders present seemed a little dull for a moment. Feiya saw the clues. Although everyone had already discussed this matter, many military commanders were also a little difficult to make a decision at this time. Those They all know many of the clones, and they have planned many things together, but now they want to point weapons at them.

And those clones provided great help to the development of the Third Army.

"Everything has passed, everyone. We have to look to the future. There are more important things waiting for us to do in the future."

The commanders began to work on their own. They all returned to their respective frigates. The battle plan had been decided. This time, the Third Army dispatched a giant warship capable of carrying 5,000 soldiers, and 6 battleships capable of carrying 500 people. Frigates, 3 carrier ships capable of carrying 50 shuttles.

The battle formation began to unfold, and Nigel and his army also began to take action. Combat shuttles took off densely from the carrier ship in an instant.

In an instant, accompanied by fierce flames, the first round of firefighting had begun. Hert knew clearly that there were many automatic defense weapons in those floating rocks, but he had already sent the specific coordinates to Nigel.

A large number of shuttle fighters began to attack outside the rock group. Balls of fierce flames appeared in space, and some metal facilities were exposed under the broken rocks.

However, Helt felt that something was wrong at this time, because the resistance encountered was too little, and at this time Nigel sent a communication.

"It seems something is wrong, Helt."

Hult also noticed that soon many rocks in the periphery had been blown to pieces. Some shuttle fighters had already sailed into the rock cluster, and they did not encounter severe resistance. Many video pictures from the scene had been transmitted back. Hult I found that something was missing in many places.

"Could it be."

Hert felt a chill in his heart. Feiya and several military commanders on the side also noticed that the clone base here was empty. At this time, a communication was sent. Several space stations that had been hijacked before did not move towards it. He didn't want them to come over, but changed his route midway and flew towards the moon.

"not good."

Hurt woke up with a start and glanced at Feya.

"The battle plan they sent before was not like this."

Feya nodded. The person responsible for connecting with the Clone Front was Feya, but the situation they saw now was different from what the Clone Front said. I'm afraid they had already gone to the lunar base in large numbers, Hert thought. The mining ship that was destroyed before sent a chill down his spine.

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