"Hurry up, everyone come down with me."

Katerina yelled hurriedly, and there was already chaos outside. At this time, there was a more violent impact and roar. The violent impact shook the entire carrier ship, and the fire rose into the sky. In an instant, A large hole was knocked out of the entrance on the right side of the carrier ship.

After the shock, Yuna stood up from the ground in pain. Katerina helped him up. The remaining ten people were also safe. The group came to the bottom of the cabin. Katerina pointed to a person who had been cut at the bottom of the cabin. After opening the entrance, everyone immediately understood that they had to leave from the underground of the space station.

Underground of the space station are some intricate space station maintenance devices. Looking at the nearly 50 cm steel plate that was cut, Stukov was a little worried, but the group climbed down through the ropes that Katerina had prepared long ago.

There were a large number of pipes underground, and a mechanical engineering vehicle was parked nearby. Katerina came down and looked around. At this time, two people from the clone front lowered Jinna down little by little.

"How on earth did you get here?"

Jin Na looked at everything in front of her in disbelief, because the situation underground was relatively complicated, and clones were not allowed to enter. Only when there are some problems with the internal devices of the space station would the mechanical maintenance experts of the Star Air Force come down. Check.

Many of the devices below are made of extremely high-density shell materials, which are generally not prone to problems.

Katerina didn't say anything, Stukov also felt confused, and Yuna was even more confused, because it was impossible to get in here. The reason why other space stations were able to seize it successfully was because they captured the central control center.

The same goes for other people on the clone front. They were completely confused about the situation. Katerina led everyone away and Yuna quickly caught up with them.

"How did you get in here?"

After Katerina hesitated for a moment, she took off her helmet. For a moment, everyone was stunned. There was a stain of blood on the back of Katerina's head. Stukov probably understood something.

"You'll die if you do that."

Jinna was also a little surprised. At this moment, Katerina's weak body tilted, and Yuna hurriedly supported her.

"It's fine."

Katerina gasped. Stukov did not expect Katerina to do this. She forced open the place where the memory chip was implanted in the back of her head, and then used the chip to connect to the system. She had been given a certain degree of power before. She should have obtained the code to enter the underground core facility from the space station's database and then entered, but she would die if she did so.

"Time waits for no one, everyone should act quickly."

Stukov or everyone walked quickly. A woman from the clone front went over to help Yuna support Katerina. She was very weak now, her face was pale, and her lips were trembling. .

The place where the memory chip is implanted in the back of the head is connected to the nerve part. If it is left even a little bit, it may cause paralysis. Moreover, Katerina accomplished such a thing alone. She had to keep it open while digging out the back of the head. Being sober is unimaginable to ordinary people.

"Are you crazy?"

Yuna said angrily. She felt that Katerina's life was disappearing little by little. Now there were no conditions for her to receive treatment. At this time, a voice came from behind them. The Star Air Force should have discovered it. Their traces have been lost, and now the only way they can turn defeat into victory is to head to the control center.

As long as they seize the control center and directly cut off the connection between the system and the power system, they can control the space station. This is their only way.

Time was no longer waiting for anyone. Katerina's consciousness was a little blurry. She forced herself to hold on, and at this time there was a sound behind her. In such a core part, people in the Star Force would not use weapons of mass destruction. Yes, because if you are not careful, the entire space station will have big problems.

After moving along the cans for a while, Katerina pointed to a spiral staircase going up, which was the entrance to the center. Yuna directly took the crossbow and a blade and rushed up first. Several The clone followed, and Stukov closed his eyes. His breathing was a little violent, because his body could no longer hold on without effective stabilizing drugs.


Katerina spoke the code intermittently. After Yuna entered it, the door at the end of the spiral staircase opened with a creaking sound. Yuna rushed forward first, but the next moment she felt desperate.

Near the central control area of ​​​​the space station, there are all Star Forces with live ammunition. They are standing on some stairs around them, and several captains have been waiting for them seriously.

"You have no way out. If you don't surrender, you have no future."

Yuna did not take action. She looked at many consoles around her. Memory alloy steel plates had been placed. Everything was over. It was impossible for them to seize the consoles.

Yuna looked at these Star Air Force people angrily. He knew very well why many people on the Clone Front failed in this large-scale space station seizure plan because the people who once led them betrayed them.

Yuna held the blade in her hand tightly. At this time, Stukov and the others behind her also came up one after another. Katerina could no longer stand.

"I can assure you that I will not take you back for the time being."

Jin Na suggested. At this time, everyone had no idea of ​​continuing to fight. This plan was originally very easy, but now it has become like this.

"Drop your weapons."

Stukov said, Yuna glanced at Katerina, and finally she closed her eyes. After Jinna was untied, she immediately asked the medical team to come over and take Katerina away.

"Lock them all up."

Soon Yuna was taken to the medical team to treat the wound. Jinna looked at Stukov and asked him to be taken away directly.

9 a.m.

Everything was over. Stukov came to a room on the upper floor of the central control area in handcuffs. Jinna looked at him with her hands clasped.

"The general hopes that you can continue to serve him. Some of the work of our Third Army can be handed over to you, as long as you are willing to give up the idea of ​​resistance."

"Do you want me to convince other comrades?"

Jin Na nodded. This is what Helt meant. The current situation is a bit complicated. Just now Jin Na and Helt had a conversation, and the people from the Clone Front have invaded the moon.

The series of actions they took after seizing the space station this time were more like a strategy to lure away the defenders near the lunar base. They were probably deployed immediately after they knew that Hult had begun to betray, but this way Who actually made the deployment is puzzling.

"Can we think about it?"


Then Stukov was taken away. Jinna stood up and looked at the situation outside, which had begun to return to normal. She announced that these were rebels. There were basically no big problems with the space station, except that a carrier ship was knocked away. Outside the cave, there wasn't much damage.

At this time, several captains entered the room, and Jin Na immediately gave instructions.

"More alert."

We should not be careless about the current situation. Although nearly 200 Clone Front members on Space Station 69 have been eliminated, there may still be hidden Clone Front members. A comprehensive investigation is now needed to prevent problems.

Jin Na came outside. She felt a little hungry now and planned to eat something first and then take a good rest.


Yuna quietly looked at Katerina lying on the bed. Everything she had done was now meaningless, and she herself had suffered extremely serious injuries. She clenched her fists, and now they were In the hospital, but in the special guard ward, they cannot leave.

As long as they make any unscrupulous behavior, the hypnotic gas will be released in the room. The Star Air Force has already told them this. Looking at the streets that are starting to become lively again in the sunshine outside, Yuna laughs.

After knowing everything, Yuna devoted herself to the clone front. Everything she did was to cut off the chains of clone tragedy. But now that everything is over, Yuna wiped the tears that overflowed from her eyes. Maybe tomorrow they will be executed.

Time passed by, and at about 1 o'clock at noon, someone brought food. Katerina also woke up. When she sat up, she knew that the plan had failed.

"Feel sorry."

Yuna shook her head and walked over to help Katerina up.

"It's not your fault, let's talk about the past."

Katerina looked out the window. She thought about Helt, and it was right not to take him with her at that time.

"Have you thought of that boy?"

Katerina nodded and Yuna laughed.

"The kid must be very angry, so we left secretly."

Katerina leaned over and said with a smile.

"Maybe this is a dream we had."

The two began to talk about many things in the past. At that time, everyone gathered together, and they were really full of hope. There were many things worth remembering and laughing about, but as they talked, their eyes dimmed.

"What will happen tomorrow?"

Yuna asked, Katerina shook her head, and the two looked at everything outside the window. Now the entire space station has resumed operation.

Time passed by minute by minute, until when the cover was about to close, Jin Na entered the room.

"I will take you two out of here tomorrow and go directly to the lunar base. The queen wants to see you."

Katerina nodded, and Yuna on the side sneered.

"Aren't you afraid that we will tell the queen what you have done in the past?"

Jin Na shook her head.

"Now that our Third Army is safe and sound, all this is meaningless to Her Majesty the Queen, and we will face a new round of challenges next. There is a country on that planet, and we will fight against it. That country began to establish diplomatic relations.”

The two people in the room seemed a little surprised. Jin Na explained something and then left, and the door to the room was closed again.

Neither of them slept very well that night. After the sun's rays shone through the window, Katerina got up. After a while, the door of the room opened, and several people from the Star Force came in and gave them clothes. After being handcuffed, the two left the hospital.

Many people were looking at them with strange eyes along the way. Jin Na had prepared a small shuttle spacecraft. The two of them would be taken to the capital. Both of them were core members of the clone front, and Also brought along with them was Stukov.

Everything in front of her looks extremely familiar. Katerina has been on this space station for almost a year. She knows very well what will happen next. They will be disposed of. The Queen will not allow them to possess such things. People who resist the will appear.

"The commander is in trouble. Some of the satellites used for resource collection seem to be out of control."

Just when a few people were about to board the shuttle, a captain came over to report. Jin Na opened the computer screen suspiciously. Soon everyone looked at the outside of the space station in surprise. A large number of resource collection satellites had already The space station was completely surrounded, numbering at least several hundred, and these satellites were surrounding the outside of the space station.

Stukov stood up from his chair in surprise, and Katerina and Yuna also realized that this was not a loss of control, but Helt's doing.

An unfamiliar contact signal came in.

"Who are you?"

"Let them go immediately, otherwise these satellites will directly impact the entire space station."

Sure enough, it was Hert's voice. Yuna grinned excitedly. Jinna looked at the resource collection satellites outside the space station with a solemn expression. Although these satellites were not large in size, if they hit the space station, they would be enough to destroy everything in the space station. , there are such a large number of satellites that they cannot completely destroy them even if they send shuttle fighters now, and once the space station is hit, all of them will be finished.

"Sir, please surrender immediately, like this."

"There is no room for negotiation, Miss. If you don't surrender, I will let these satellites crash into the space station. Anyway, we are all just clones. We don't have much life left, right?"

The communication was cut off. Jin Na still wanted to say something, but the other party had already closed the communication. At this time, all the satellites outside the space station had their flashing lights on. Jin Na gritted her teeth and looked at everything in front of her. No one knew. How on earth did this guy control these satellites?

Contact from the satellite control system soon came over. In just over a day, a large number of satellite signals were lost. At first, they thought it was due to a small-scale battle on the space station.

Yuna said with a smile and raised her hands.

"What should we do? Die with us, or surrender."

People from the Star Air Force gathered together, and many captains were discussing, but there was no way. Faced with such a large number of satellites, the entire space station would be destroyed in an instant.

Jin Na looked at the satellite on the image, which had begun to gradually activate. She closed her eyes and then said.

"Agree to his terms and we surrender."

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