Yuna's face was solemn. She looked at the young man in front of her, who looked like he was only in his early 20s. Yuna didn't know if he was a clone, but she was sure that this man must know her.

"Sorry, I don't quite remember."

After Yuna finished speaking, the man immediately said.

"I'm Mels, have you forgotten? I used to open a cafe in Moon City, and you often went there."

Yuna became confused and Mels said with a smile.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you remember me? We have known each other for more than ten years."

As soon as these words came out, Yuna broke into a cold sweat. She looked at Mels in disbelief, and then he smiled awkwardly.

"I was in an accident before and lost my memory."

Mels was a little stunned. Only then did Yuna see the nameplate on Mels. He was a logistics leader of Ivan Company, which meant that Mels was a human being.

"Really, I didn't expect to see you here. A few years ago, I was surprised when you said you were going to perform a mission farther away. You didn't say anything and just left. What on earth are you doing now. "

Yuna looked around and then said.

"Let's talk inside."

Yuna kept thinking about some things in her mind. She looked at her hands. She was a clone, but why this man knew her was something Yuna couldn't figure out anyway.

I have checked it countless times before and found that Yuna herself is indeed a clone. Yuna is in a very bad mood now.

Mels took Yuna to an office, and then he spoke.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. It's true. We haven't contacted each other for several years. I'm already married. What about you?"

Yuna smiled and nodded.

"How is the other party?"

Yuna said.

"not bad."

Although she did not remember Mels, she felt a sense of intimacy as soon as she talked to this man. She was sure that she had definitely known this man before.

Yuna said while pressing her forehead.

"I was in a serious accident before."

Mels said with a sigh.

"It was a pity before. We grew up together. I liked you quite a lot, but I didn't expect you to leave anyway."

Yuna looked solemn and then asked.

"What did I do before?"

Myers shook his head.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, you entered the army when you were more than 10 years old, and then came out again before you were 20. I asked you at that time, and you said that it was a secret and could not be told to us ordinary people."

Yuna felt her heart beat faster, something she couldn't imagine, and then she asked.

"Then what was I doing at that time?"

Myers thought for a moment and said.

"I've seen you come out of the palace several times. It must be something related to the army. I don't know the details. I've asked you many times, but every time you said it was confidential."

She was getting more and more scared inside. She couldn't imagine that she was a human being. She was trying to think back at this moment, but when she just woke up, she was in Space Station No. 47.

Yuna got to know the elderly Helt from that space station.

Echoing it carefully, Yuna had never thought about her identity, but soon Yuna came to her senses and asked.

"When did I leave?"

Yuna asked and Mels said.

"four years ago."

Yuna was shocked inside. Four years ago was also the time when she appeared on Space Station 47, and she spent about half a year at Space Station 47 when she met Helt and knew that she was a clone.

Because Yuna had read her information and found that she was a clone that was just produced half a year ago, Mels said afterwards.

"You have changed a lot now, but you are still the same as before."

Yuna smiled.

"Sorry, I really don't remember."

Mels said with a sigh.

"It's okay. By the way, you're doing the job of transporting goods now?"

Yuna nodded, Mels looked at the time and said.

"I have to get busy. Thousands of people are waiting to eat."

After Mels left, Yuna could not calm down for a long time. Looking back on the past few years, everything was the same as other clones. They all chose to pursue Helt after knowing the truth.

Yuna looked at her body. The only good thing about her was her body. She was stronger and stronger than other clones, and she had never had any problems due to gene deletion.

The last physical examination was three years ago. At that time, Yuna looked at her physical condition and felt it was quite strange. Yuna looked at everything in the distance with solemn eyes. She felt very bad now.

"I should be a clone."

After Yuna finished speaking, she seemed to want to see Helt at this moment and have a good talk with him. But the current situation means that Yuna may not be able to see Helt or even contact him in the next month or two. .

Because contact is too dangerous for them, such long-distance signals can easily be tracked by the empire.

Yuna is now thinking about a question. Maybe her body is indeed a human being, and she should go to perform a mission somewhere. But at this moment, an image appears in Yuna's mind. She is walking on the stairs, and in front of her eyes is A huge door.

Yuna pressed her head in surprise, and then she pressed her beating chest. Gradually, everything in Yuna's mind became clearer and clearer.

Some memory fragments were constantly put together in Yuna's mind. The reason why Yuna felt scared was not because she was a human being, but because of why she was here and who assigned her the task.

Yuna looked at her hands. She knew very well that she might really be a human being. Because of everything she had experienced in the past four years, especially in terms of physical problems, Yuna was much better than many clones.

If a human is cloned, no matter how good the body is, problems will inevitably arise due to gene deletion. Many clones will need to take some genetic drugs.

Yuna herself had taken it, but that time was when she was injured. As long as there was no abnormality in her body, she did not need to take such medicine.

The drugs that the empire claims for clones are all for treating some weird space diseases.

In Yuna's memory, after being injured several times, she did not have the same reaction as other clones after taking those drugs. If they were taken by normal humans, they would have no effect. Instead, they would increase the burden on the body and cause discomfort.

"It's happened many times."

Yuna scratched her head. She remembered many injuries. After taking that kind of genetic medicine, her body would indeed be very uncomfortable. At first, she thought it might be because there was something wrong with her body itself, but now she thought about it carefully. All these past events were intertwined, and Yuna felt scared.

What Yuna is afraid of is that one day, when she thinks about everything, she will become another person. She may really be a spy planted by the empire in the clone group.

But why there is no memory, Yuna can't figure it out. She is afraid that if her memory is restored one day, she will betray the clones, in which case Helt and the others will be finished.

Yuna really hoped to see Hert and have a serious discussion with him about this issue. It was already past 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and Yuna planned to take some commanders to take a look outside the base.

"What's wrong Yuna, you seem to be in a bad mood?"

A commander named Curry asked. He and Yuna have been comrades-in-arms for more than three years. The two have survived many operations, large and small.

Curry could tell that Yuna's expression definitely meant something important had happened.

"It's okay, maybe I'm too tired."

Curry was a little worried, then walked over, pressed Yuna's shoulder and said.

"If you're too tired, take a rest and let's have a drink."

Yuna glanced at Curry and nodded. The other conductors also knew that the two wanted to talk about something, so they left.

After a while, the two found an office and got some food and wine. Yuna took a big sip and Curry asked.

"What's going on? You were fine when you came here. Why is it like this all of a sudden? Who were you talking about something just now?"

Yuna just said without explaining.

“I always feel like everything is unreal, and I don’t know what’s going on?”

After Yuna finished speaking, Curry asked.

"Did something happen with Mr. Helt? After all, you three, to be honest."

Yuna laughed, then immediately patted Curry and shook her head.

"What are you thinking? The three of us are very harmonious. There are no problems. You should see this."

Curry nodded.

"Indeed, Mr. Hult is a very nice person, so he shouldn't have any problems with you. So what exactly happened? The way you looked just now definitely meant that something important had happened."

After Curry finished speaking, Yuna looked solemn, but then said.

"I can't tell you all about this. I can only wait until Helt comes over and I will talk to him."

Curry nodded understandingly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask you, but Mr. Helt won't come here for a long time. If you really can't handle it, you must tell me."

After Curry finished speaking, Yuna smiled and nodded.

"Well, I understand. Let's keep drinking. I'll take a rest after finishing the drink."

Time passed and Yuna was a little drunk. She went to an arranged room, lay down and fell asleep.

It was 4 o'clock in the morning when she opened her eyes again. Yuna pressed her aching head. After drinking some water, she felt much better. Her whole body was soaked with sweat. She had just had a nightmare. She faced Hert And Katerina pulled the trigger.

"Really, when did I become so vulnerable?"

Yuna muttered, then she got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower. The water supply in this place was very sufficient because it was not too far from the city.

And many clones can also take a bath, which Yuna is a little surprised about.

Yuna planned to go out for a walk, but she couldn't sleep anymore. After she left the room, everything in the base was very quiet. Basically, no one would get up at this time, but there would be soldiers on duty at night.

She's in a bad mood now, and Yuna also knows that it won't work if she continues like this, because there are still too many things waiting for her to do.

"What if I can't see Helt?"

Yuna muttered, then she looked at a guard post not far away. She walked over and saw several soldiers on duty playing cards.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and it turned out to be Mels.

"Why did you get up so early?"

Myers said with a yawn.

"As a manager of the logistics department here, of course I have to get up. Everyone has to eat at 7 a.m."

Mels asked as Yuna smiled and nodded.

"Why did you get up so early?"

Yuna shook her head.

"I went to bed too early yesterday, so I got up early."

The two of them were walking in the empty base. Mels planned to go to the kitchen. Now many people were getting up one after another, and they all had to go and make breakfast.

After a while, Yuna watched Mels making overall plans, as if it was a battlefield. Many chefs were moving. Yuna was also a little hungry. After a while, Mels came over with some freshly baked bread, and Some grain tea.


Mels asked as Yuna began to eat without mercy.

"When are you leaving?"

Yuna said.

"It may not be possible to leave for the time being because some issues between the two parties have not been reached."

Myers nodded and then said.

"I heard recently that the rebellious clones have taken root on the moon and attacked two mines. Is it okay for you to transport goods like this?"

Yuna shook her head.

"It's not a big problem, our delivery routes are basically short."

Mels said with a sigh.

"I'm going back in a few days. I haven't been home for a month."

Yuna smiled.

"Are you going back to Moon City?"

Myers shook his head.

"No, I want to go back to a nearby town, Moon Town."

As soon as Mels said this, Yuna suddenly felt her scalp numb. She did not expect that Mers, who knew her, was actually a clone. It seemed that these chefs were also clones.

Yuna never thought of such a thing as a human clone.

"Then the town is very close to here."

Mels nodded.

"It's about 30 kilometers away. Anyway, we'll be there in an hour at most."

Yuna asked.

"Then why don't you run a good store and come to a place like this?"

Myers said with a laugh.

"Because my wife, we met during a goods transaction, she lives in a small town on the moon. I had no choice but to come here, use my experience to join Ivan Company and come here."

Seeing Mels smiling and talking about his wife and children, Yuna didn't say anything. She felt that Mels might collapse if he knew the truth.

Yuna sighed when she thought of the clones who collapsed after knowing the truth.

"Would you like to come back with me? The day after tomorrow."

Yuna shook her head.

"Sorry, I'm very busy here."

Mels nodded and said.

"This kind of life is actually quite boring, but my wife said that in a few years, when the children are older, we will go back to Moon City."

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