Ding dong.

The elevator stopped slowly, and Helt and Nigel stepped out of the elevator. What they saw was a gorgeous carpet and a graceful girl who came over with a smile.

Helt's face was solemn, and Nigel smiled.

"Relax, but at the same time, you have to tell me clearly, where is the fatal flaw you said?"

Nigel was very interested in what Herte said in the palace during the day, and the queen did not ask what it was. Both of them knew that the queen's energy was limited now, and she did not want to think about things that were too complicated.

"That's inappropriate."

Helt said, Nigel walked over with a smile, hugged the two women directly, and started teasing. The two women also came over, one on the left and one on the right, helping Helt take off his coat, and then held Helt's arm hand.

Hult would never come to such a place. Many high-level officials from the empire would come to such a place. It was expensive, and most of the people who provided such services were clones.

And no matter how these clones are treated by humans, even extremely cruel methods, there is no problem.

Helt sighed. He had seen some atrocities in such places many times before, and even female clones were tortured to death. In the end, nothing was known.

After entering the room, Nigel started chatting and laughing with the two women, and Hert also chatted with the two women. Everyone was talking about the big event that happened in the morning.

After a while, Helt became a little drunk. The woman wanted to take Helt to the small room next door. Helt did not go in. Instead, Nigel took four women in.

Nigel came out after a while, he seemed very happy, the women left the room, and Hult took a nap. Although he was still drunk, he was much more alert.

Nigel yawned and continued to pick up the wine glass and said.

"We'll stay here tonight, just relax. If you want to think about it later, just ask them to come in. The girls here are of good quality."

After Nigel finished speaking, Helt said.

"Because I already know what Clone Helt wants to do."

As soon as these words came out, Nigel was half sober from his drunkenness. He straightened up with a solemn expression. The two of them had a drink, and then Nigel asked.

"What on earth did you think of?"

Nigel asked, and Helt said with a smile.

"I often had such crazy ideas when I was young, and this young clone Hert's ideas should be the same as mine."

Nigel nodded, and Hult continued.

"He wants to drag humanity into the abyss."

Nigel looked solemn and asked in confusion.

"What's going on? What abyss?"

Helt picked up the wine and took a big sip before saying.

"We humans have developed so far that a huge problem has arisen. There is no longer any need for middle and lower-level humans to exist."

As soon as Helt said this, Nigel nodded in understanding.

"Indeed, their existence is no longer necessary now. Because the gap between their output and consumption has become wider and wider, and because of the supply of clones, many humans have become more and more depraved."

Hult took out the crystal screen he carried with him, opened it and brought up the structural diagrams of many facilities around the Moon City, and then pointed to the attacked transfer point and said.

"Why do you think he attacked here?"

"I can't think of anything other than sabotaging our strategy. You should know this better than I do. After all, he is your clone."

Hurt laughed.

"This is indeed the reason, but it is not an important reason. Let me ask you a simple question, what do you think can be done to end the empire's cloning system?"

Nigel thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I don't know about this. After all, this kind of thing is impossible now."

"Most likely."

After Hurt finished speaking, he pressed his forehead and said.

"Why were clones born?"

Nigel said.

"Of course it is for the development of the entire empire."

After finishing speaking, Nigel seemed to understand something. He looked at Helt, who had a serious face, and then said.

"Because of the existence of human beings, there are clones. If most of the human race is exterminated, then the number of clones will decrease sharply. Once the number of clones decreases sharply, human beings will not be able to with such a large body now." If it is maintained, eventually the entire human society will collapse and there will no longer be resources to create clones, right, that's what you want to say."

Hurt nodded.

"Such a thing sounds very crazy, and that clone Hult is doing such a thing now."

Nigel asked.

"Where did you see it?"

Nigel was still somewhat skeptical of Helt's inference, because there was no evidence that the clone Helt wanted to destroy humanity.

"How many people have died this time?"

Hurt asked.

"The exact number is 561."

After Nigel answered, Helt immediately called up the video of the destroyed transfer point and then said.

"The reason why so many of us died is because Helt's tactical plan was to kill humans more efficiently. They have no mercy or sympathy at all. Look at this place."

After Helt finished speaking, he pointed to a warehouse in a transfer point. After judging that there were humans inside, the clones did not prioritize destroying some facilities. Instead, they went around to the back of the warehouse and directly destroyed the warehouse. of oxygen supply equipment, and opened a hole in the warehouse.

"Many humans who planned to wait for reinforcements died soon because the attack was too sudden. Many humans could only passively enter the warehouse before they even had time to get the equipment."

Nigel's face was solemn, and then Helt continued.

"This is a plan to kill people, and a lot of people don't notice that."

Nigel put his hand on his chin, thought for a while and nodded.

"Indeed, they went too far and might even kill humans. But what about the disadvantages you mentioned?"

Nigel asked, and Hurt said with a smile.

"Since they are clones, there is no need for us to use human soldiers to fight against them."

Nigel asked, standing up in shock.

"You mean clone troopers? Let's use clone troopers against them?"

Hurt nodded.

"Only this method can annihilate them in one fell swoop."

Nigel's scalp was numb and he pressed his forehead and said.

"The Empire has banned this kind of thing, so where are we going to find all these clone troopers all of a sudden?"

Nigel just finished saying this and realized something, he said.

"The Queen has this technology in her hands and it's very sophisticated."

Hurt nodded.

"Yes, I have long suspected that the Queen has carried out large-scale experiments on clone soldiers in the First Army, and such experiments are very successful. Our memory erasure technology is very successful, and I am afraid that brain control The technology is also very successful.”

After Helt finished speaking, Nigel put his hand on his chin and asked.

"But why didn't Nikolai know?"

Hurt said.

"You should know about the Queen's Guard."

Nigel nodded.

"The guard, which belongs only to the Queen, has nearly 1,000 people. It is responsible for protecting the safety of the palace. It does go to the First Army for training every year."

Nigel said, his face livid.

"The reason why the Queen is able to remain calm is because she has a huge clone army?"

Hurt raised his finger and made a shushing gesture.

"No one knows what the Queen has done in the past thirty years, because everything in the palace is strict. Remember? More than 30 years ago, the team of scientists who supported the founder were eventually killed. They were sentenced to death, but were they really the ones who died?”

After Hert finished speaking, Nigel was completely refreshed now, and he only felt a sense of fear.

"When I was a kid, I once overheard Project Hive."

After Helt finished speaking, he pressed his forehead. He now remembered clearly that he had heard this plan not once or twice. He heard it when his father Stokov was talking to the Queen. At that time, Helt was only about 5 years old. .

"If the Queen really started this plan from then on, then I am afraid that there is already a huge nest of clone soldiers under the palace, and I am afraid that the Queen has cloning technology that we have never heard of."

Nigel looked nervous and then said.

"If this is really the case, is it possible that we have to talk to the Queen directly about this kind of thing? The Queen probably won't use this kind of power."

Hurt shook his head.

"It's not about asking the Queen to use her clone army, but asking her to give us the technology of clone troopers that can go into battle in the short term."

Nigel said thoughtfully.

"Then how many clone troopers do you think it would take to make such a trap tactic successful if it goes according to your idea?"

Hurt thought for a moment and said.


Nigel stood up and asked.

"So many words are too difficult for us now, and"

Hurt said.

"These clone soldiers don't need to be well-equipped with weapons. What they need is to be a bait to induce the clone Helt and the others. And all the movements of the clone army as a bait can only be known through the family. If the information is passed to them, as long as they fall into this trap, they will never be able to turn around."

Nigel said after Helt finished speaking and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"What about the clone front?"

Hurt laughed.

"They should also be following the strategic actions proposed by the clone Hert before he left, and they may launch a direct offensive against the First Army at a specific point in time."

Nigel understood completely and smiled.

"Indeed, as long as we deliberately expose our flaws, they will attack both sides at the same time in order to directly defeat our three major armies, so that their clones can develop rapidly in the future. But now we have to hide in the dark and wait for them to exert their strength. , and then find out everything before taking action.”

Nigel laughed. Hult's plan sounded great. These clones would never imagine that they were fighting clone troopers.

Hurt said.

"Of course, this is all based on the premise that the Queen can allow us to do this."

Nigel said.

"I think the Queen should want to end all this completely before establishing diplomatic relations with Brilliant City."

Hel nodded.

"Let's go over there tomorrow morning and have a good talk with the queen. By the way, we can lure the family out. If they follow the clone front and order the 4th and 5th Army to attack, it will be a golden opportunity for us, and we can defeat the Purge in one fell swoop. Get rid of those families.”

"Your idea is really extreme Hert. I didn't expect it to be so crazy."

After Nigel finished speaking, Helt smiled.

"After all, if we want to continue to survive and develop, this society must continue to be stable. Otherwise, the family members will definitely try their best to override the imperial power."

Nigel nodded.

"Indeed, that guy Victor is probably still outside the Lunar City and still in the company. I'm afraid he is a fake."

The two refilled their glasses, and then Helt said.

"Nigel, you must not tell anyone about this."

Nigel nodded. The country was already in turmoil. The capital was about to explode. They had accumulated power for too many years. Once this power overturned everything, the entire empire would no longer be as prosperous as it is now.

Hurt took a sip of wine and pointed at some dots on the crystal screen.

"These places will definitely become the focus of their attacks in the future."

Nigel was puzzled.

"These places look completely unrelated."

But as Hult called up the current number of humans and clones in these facilities, Nigelton soon understood that the number of humans in these places was very large, and in some places it was even equal to the number of clones. Some technologies personnel, as well as some logistics personnel. If these humans die, the damage to the three armies will be the greatest.

"Clone Hert has seen many problems. As long as the original human being dies, the number of clones will gradually decrease in the future, and eventually we humans will enter a civil war."

After Helt finished speaking, Nigel nodded in agreement.

"Endless wars will destroy everything accumulated over the years, and after the number of clones decreases, there will definitely be big problems in the huge volume of human society. Because of the control of fertility, if this rotating chain is broken, It is indeed an abyss for humanity. An abyss that cannot be filled by any means.”

Nigel looked at Helt and asked after he finished speaking.

"Why did you tell me so much, Hult, what exactly do you think?"

"The reason why I told you so much is because you are not a man with simple ideas. Let us complete the layout of this trap together and completely remove the threat posed by the clones first."

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