Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 647 Worst case scenario

The air was filled with the aroma of flowers and a hint of coffee. There were many people taking care of the small yard. Katerina sat quietly on the bench and looked at the flowers in front of her.

Katerina's expression was solemn, she was still worried about Helt's safety, although the Queen had already said that she very much wanted Helt to work for her and she guaranteed not to threaten Helt.

Katerina has been living there for a week. She has no way of knowing what is going on outside. The only thing she knows is that Hert and his team's plan failed and they were encircled and dispersed by the army group.

Katerina looked at the sunshine in the distance and listened to the noise outside. She felt very uncomfortable now. She missed Hert very much. At this time, not far away, Yuna wearing a guard uniform came over. Her eyes were cold.

Katerina no longer wants to pay attention to Yuna. The information about the clone front was passed on by Yuna in the past. She is a member of the Queen's Guard and is indeed a human being.

At first, when Katerina heard Helt say this, it was unimaginable that her comrades who had been together for so many years were actually human beings, but in the end she said nothing.

"How are you these days?"

Yuna asked.

Katerina stared at Yuna coldly, feeling sick when she thought of the happy days when the three of them lay in bed together.

"I didn't expect you to behave like this."

Yuna smiled.

"It has nothing to do with me that we were captured. It was Hult who fell into the trap of the Imperial Clone Troopers."

Katerina didn't want to continue talking to this woman. Yuna stopped Katerina who was getting up, then looked at the people around her and shouted.

"You guys go down."

After everyone left, Yuna said.

"Helt is fine. In fact, he is even better than before."

Katerina asked doubtfully.

"What do you mean? They have all been surrounded."

Yuna looked around and said.

"Don't worry, I'm on your side."

Katerina pushed Yuna away, she couldn't believe it, Yuna said excitedly.

"Could it be that our friendship for so many years and the time we spent together with Helt were fake?"

Katerina shook her head.

"Because you are human."

Yuna asked.

"Can't humans have their own feelings? Can't humans have a friend who is a clone? Even though I know that I am a human, the best memories of my life are spent in a group of clones."

Yuna's tears fell after she finished speaking. Katerina didn't know whether to believe this woman, but the memories of the past kept coming back.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but your sudden identity change."

Yuna hugged Katerina and then said.

"I was abandoned because I violated the terms of my mission."

After Yuna finished speaking, Katerina looked solemn, and they sat down, Yuna said.

"I was indeed a member of the Queen's Guards who performed the Queen's mission, but when I saw the Guardsmen constantly slaughtering unarmed clones, I kept thinking, why do we treat clones like this, obviously they also Possessing emotions and thinking.”

Katerina looked at the sad Yuna. She sighed and patted her hand comfortingly. She was still hesitant and entangled in her heart because she didn't know whether she could trust Yuna.

Maybe Yuna is just a part of the Queen's plan, Yuna said looking at the suspicion in Katerina's eyes.

"Later, during a mission, I helped the clones and broke the rules. Then I was taken away and forced to participate in an experiment. My memory was wiped and I was exiled to the space station. Then I met Hull. special."

Of course Katerina knows about Yuna's past, because she also met Helt accidentally.

"You just said that Helt and the others were fine, but better. What happened?"

Yuna wiped away her tears and said.

"They prevailed, on an unprecedented scale."

Then Yuna told Katerina what happened, and she looked at Yuna in disbelief.

"Really? It's impossible for Helt and the others to win under such circumstances, right?"

Yuna said.

"Yeah, I was desperate at the time. I thought we would die there and never see Hert again. Early this morning, Hert and the others attacked the empire's transportation force again, causing heavy losses to the empire's transportation force. ."

After Yuna finished speaking, Katerina showed a smile, she raised her head and said.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that Hert's actions were really right. I was worried at first that it would be inappropriate to let all soldiers become commanders."

Yuna said excitedly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought after I heard the news. Huerter is really amazing. He has done things we can never imagine."

The two women talked and laughed happily. Everything now was happy for them, and the worries in Katerina's heart finally disappeared.

But soon the two looked at each other, and they both knew that they might become an obstacle to Helt, Yuna said.

"The queen has sent people to negotiate with Hert, but Hert is firmly unwilling to agree to become the queen's subordinate."

After Yuna finished speaking, Katerina nodded.

"I think Huerter did the right thing. Even if we never see Huerter again, I still think he did the right thing."

At this time, the conversation between the two was completely displayed in front of the queen. The queen looked at her young self, and it was indeed very similar to her. For the one she loved, she did not hesitate at all, even if it meant sacrifice.

The queen's forehead hurts now. She originally wanted to use these two women to win over Helt, but now it seems difficult. In order to make the clone Katerina believe in her, the queen even did not hesitate to fabricate that she was also a clone. lie.

But it seems that it is not that simple to let the two women face her. The Queen picked up the wine glass on the table. The loss this morning made the Queen who was originally about to be angry finally laugh out loud.

Because the current situation is like this, and the family members probably did not expect that the clone Helt and the others would be so powerful in combat, and now there is no way back for the family members.

The queen has already agreed to many conditions of the family, and they are quite satisfied with these conditions, so they directly agreed to the queen's conditions at the last moment, as soon as they saw the clones showing their disgrace.

A lot of information about the clones was provided to the empire's armies, but no one expected that the seemingly shaky clones would burst out with powerful power, causing heavy losses to the three armies.

Now the empire's troops have been pinned on the periphery of the lunar city. Everyone in the outside area now feels scared, because the attack of the clones has made many humans fearful.

In addition, these clones do have powerful combat capabilities, which is why the empire's troops are so vulnerable in front of them.

The queen was really dumbfounded now, because no one could have imagined that the clone Helt could be so powerful.

There is no turning back for the family members, because Hert has led the clones to take over 18 of the family's mines, and now the family members have no face to contact Hert anymore.

The periphery has been connected by Hult, and clones will become the empire's biggest threat in the future.

The Queen found Hert and Nigel and discussed that in the future, these clones would most likely begin to enter the periphery of the moon, launch direct attacks, and seize the space station.

But the problem now is that the Imperial Army has no ability to destroy them. The loss of nearly 40,000 people has caused the entire Imperial Army to suffer unprecedented heavy losses.

What troubles the Queen the most is that no one knows what this clone Helt will do next.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked open, and a guard captain ran in, he said in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, a take-off and landing point 20 kilometers north of the Moon City was attacked and suffered heavy losses."

The queen no longer wanted to hear it, and raised her hand to signal the other party to go down. After a while, the document was passed over, and there were more than 500 dead and wounded soldiers.

The take-off and landing point was directly destroyed by the clones, and they left no human alive.

The queen showed an extremely serious expression. She knew that if they continued to let it go, they might be forced to go to war with the clones.

But once a war breaks out, it will be devastating to the entire empire, and they cannot afford to delay it.

"We have to find a way."

The queen bit her thumb, and the door to the room was knocked open again. The queen swallowed.

"Your Majesty, this is the clone Helt. He wants to talk to you face to face."

The Queen looked shocked and then asked.


The guard captain said.

"Right where we were just attacked."

There was a puzzled look on the Queen's face. She didn't know what the clone Hert wanted to talk to her about, but it was obvious that the Queen couldn't go there.

"Reply him immediately. If he wants to talk, we can let him come to Moon City in person. I will guarantee his personal safety."


Hult was sitting in a command room, and some people from the empire came over.

"His Majesty said that if you want to talk, go to Page City and he will ensure your safety."

As soon as these words came out, several commanders present became angry. One of them walked over directly, and Hert stopped him.

"You go back and tell the queen that if she doesn't come here in person, there's no need to talk. I'll make you pay the price. Unless you return my wife to me. And the commanders who were captured by you."

The people who came over nodded and then left. Hult looked at the people and said.

"Worst case scenario, I have to go there in person."

The commanders immediately rejected Helt's words, because Helt was their core. If Helt went over, he would definitely be captured, let alone talk about anything.

"It's a trade-off because I know exactly what the Empire is going to do next."

"What's the meaning?"

a commander asked.

"They will vigorously develop clone troopers. So they hope that I can go over and become the commander of the clone troopers."

Many people seemed extremely angry. They had worked hard to make the human cloning system disappear, but now they have put the cart before the horse.

"Mr. Hult, you must not go there. If you go, we will be finished."

Hurt shook his head.

"Not for now, and if I don't go there, there's no way to save them."

As soon as Helt said this, everyone present fell silent. It is true that if Helt did not go over, they would not be able to let him go.

"During this period, the reason why I let everyone attack is because I want to enter the next stage of my plan."

People don’t quite understand or understand, Helt said.

"They are about to establish diplomatic relations with Brilliant City, and why do they want to cultivate a large number of clone soldiers? Have you ever thought about this issue?"

Helt said as everyone shook their heads.

"Because they may start a war in the future, and what we need to do is to enter Brilliant City, tell the people in Brilliant City, and borrow their power to help us eliminate the clones."

Hult's remarks stunned everyone present, one of the commanders said.

"Are the humans in that city trustworthy?"

Hurt shook his head.

"I don't know this, but I will definitely provoke a war between the two sides."

Everyone present was stunned, Hurt said.

"If we don't do this, we will never be able to see the success of abolishing the cloning program until our death. Have you all forgotten? The empire destroyed us without any hesitation."

Hult's voice was filled with anger as he continued.

"Because the Queen has the intention of war, she may have seen something she needs in the Brilliant City, but she cannot get it easily. The best way of diplomacy is to use war to show strength, overwhelm the other party, and force the other party to come up with what they want. need."

Helt smiled, and many commanders were silent, Helt said.

"Don't worry. You just need to act according to the plan I specified. We will definitely be able to grow and develop in the future. So what you need to do is to develop this place after I leave. This is what you all have to consider."

The commanders lowered their heads. They did not want Hult to take such a huge risk.

"And please understand, my two wives are in their hands."

Some commanders nodded. Indeed, they all saw the fatigue and anxiety on Hert's face during this period. They also knew that Hert was under tremendous pressure.

"But I won't go over now. We have to stabilize everything before I take the initiative to go over. Okay, everyone can start to retreat. After a few days of rest, we will start to continue the attack."

Hert's goal is very clear. Through this period of attack, the clones can gain a firm foothold as a whole, and then he will go to the Moon City to implement the plan. As long as he can reach the Brilliant City, Helt feels that he The plan is half successful.

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