Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 659 Chapter Zero Ticking

Chapter 659 Chapter Zero. Tick-tock-tock-tock

breeze blows

Under the gray-black sky, a small transparent ball with shimmering light was rolling. Some of the dazzling light came from a piece of metal inside the ball. Under the sky was a large expanse of barren sand, with occasionally some strange-shaped black protrusions. Objects, black dust floating in the air.

The small ball was pushed gently in the breeze, bouncing up and down on the rugged ground from time to time. At this time, the transparent small ball stopped at a black cracked tree stump.

There was a sudden movement, the black sand rose slightly, the small ball swayed left and right in the breeze, and was caught in the cracked tree stump. The surrounding ground, the sand was still shaking slightly, and the sand was floating in the breeze.

Suddenly, the sand bulged up, and a snake with a flat triangular head rushed up from the ground. The snake's body was black, with slightly wrinkled triangular scales. The scales suddenly opened, and a stream of water was sprayed out from the gaps. There were streams of air. The snake was about 20 centimeters thick. It was an extremely weird snake. The scales all over its body were opening and closing slightly. The sharp scarlet snake spit out, and a pair of golden eyes were staring at the cracked tree stump. A small transparent ball stuck in the middle.

Woo woo

There was a rapid whistle in the sky, and the snake, who was still staring at the transparent ball, was just about to crawl back into the ground when a pair of huge black wings fell from the sky, accompanied by an exploding electric current.

In an instant, the snake's head was pierced, and its huge body in the mud began to twist violently. In an instant, yellow sand was flying.

"This is Crow No. 817, calling Sand Dune, hoping to send an airboat over. I had a great harvest today. I caught a king snake, haha!"

Gradually, the whole snake began to calm down, and the wind and sand dispersed. With the impact just now, the transparent ball broke away from the tree stump and flew into the distance with the violent impact.

The man who spoke wore a crow protective mask, and his body was wrapped in black leather armor. There were tiny holes in the armor, which looked a little weird. The armor seemed a little thick, and from time to time there was the sound of gears turning in the armor. A squeaking sound.

On the man's back is a pair of huge bat wings connected to his arms. The wings are closely integrated with the outside of the man's arms. The wings look very thin, but there is a metal tube like a skeleton at the edge. And on the man Behind him, there is a long double-tube backpack, nearly 1 meter long. The backpack also fits the armor on the back. At the lower end of this double-tube backpack are two exaggerated trumpet-shaped openings, and the upper end is round. of.

A 1.5-meter-long gun was inserted into the ground nearby. The body of the gun was oval, only the head of the gun was slender, and there was a hand-held mechanism on the handle of the gun.

"It's just scrap metal!"

The man looked at the metal object that was flying into the distance and flashing in the wind. He looked with joy at the giant king snake in front of him, with nearly two-thirds of it still in the sand.

Suddenly, when the man was a little happy, the sand at his feet suddenly bulged. Before the man could react, a long black shadow rose from the ground. It was another smaller king snake. In an instant, the man The body was entangled.


The man said, reaching out to get the spear, but the next second, the man was pulled to the ground by the king snake that wrapped around his body. There was a crunching sound, and the man's left hand suddenly clenched tightly.

Woo woo

Accompanied by a violent whistle, bursts of violent and rapid clicking sounds, the sound of mechanical gears, and the whistle of water vapor were instantly heard. Accompanied by a violent whistle, the man's body armor sprayed out from the small holes. White water vapor came out, and the hot water vapor burned the scales of the king snake in an instant. It seemed as if it was feeling severe pain, and the winding force not only did not decrease, but increased.

The whining sound continued, and large amounts of water vapor continued to gush out from the small holes in the man's armor.

"Damn, this is close to 1,000 degrees."

The twisting stopped, and part of the king snake's body had been dissolved, revealing the dark bones inside and some flowing strange-colored juice. Within a few minutes, the man started retching.

"It's disgusting."

The man struggled hard, trying to break free, but he could only look at the sky helplessly. Under the window of the crow mask, there was a pair of helpless and irritable eyes.

Woo woo

snap, snap, snap

In the distant sky, a black spot moved towards this side. Accompanied by the sound of getting closer and closer, there was a huge airship in the sky. On the surface of the airship was a blood-red crow with its wings spread. The pattern has the words G29 next to it.

As the airship got closer and closer, the man on the ground still entangled with the dead king snake laughed.

"You guys are here. We have gained a lot today. However, I got rid of one of them. The leather may not be usable. The bones are still somewhat useful. They are pig feed anyway."

The upper part of the airship was nearly 30 meters long, and a boat with multiple propellers was hung below, which was nearly 15 meters long. As the whistle sounded, the airship slowly landed on the ground, and some people wearing the same clothes came down from it. man wearing crow protective mask.

"Idiot, your steam armor is probably broken. Repairing it is a big expense. We at G29 can't afford a fool like you who always messes up good things."

At this time, several men came over and began to take out a handful of knives. The handle of the knife was a hollow tube with some small air holes. The blade was also a little weird, like a track, with a circle of sharp serrations. The object is at the edge. At this time, several people pull the mechanism under the handle of the knife.

The gear mechanism inside the knife handle, which is nearly 10 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide, began to move. Along with the steam spurting out, the serrations on the blade began to rotate rapidly, making a whining sound, and soon several The man took a knife and cut the body of the king snake entangled with the man on the ground, and the juice splashed on everyone.

"Dragon Curse, I think you should go home when you have time. After all, your brother seems to be having a hard time right now. Ibrasi is just wasting his time. For that research, he has made Pit 39 ours. A burden to Shimmer City.”

At this time, the man named Dragon Curse, who finally broke free from the restraints, stood up. The woman in front of him came over and kicked him. The metal frame on the edge of the bat's wings was no longer in shape, and some black liquid continued to drip out.

"It's leaking, bastard, you're in trouble now, you guys hurry up and take this stupid pig back."

A group of people carried Dragon Curse into the airship on all fours, and then a few people stayed behind, planning to dispose of the carcasses of the two king snakes first. Many parts can be used as production parts. This harvest For G29, it is very good.

The wind is still howling. Under this gray-black sky, there is nothing. The transparent ball is still rolling in the wind. At this time, the wind begins to become fierce. Before, the ball begins to rise in the wind, and there is a big black ball below. In the forest, there are many strange plants growing in it, as well as some dark animals wandering in the forest.

There are many forests like this in this land with only wind and sand, but this is what the locals call it a "forest", perhaps because they have never seen a real forest.

After the ball floated for a certain distance, it crossed a forest. At this time, not far away, on a sand dune, there were huge metal pipes rising from the ground to the sky. There were some small ones on the surface of the pipes. holes, but these small holes are only for huge pipes, which are actually pipes one meter in diameter.

Puff puff

One side of the dune suddenly bulged, and then the sand spurted out like a gush of water. A large amount of sand rose up. The small ball sank into a small opening of the huge metal pipe, and slowly fell towards the dark bottom. Go down.

There was a rustling sound, and at the bottom of the huge tube was a pair of intertwined and wriggling black and red vine-like things. But after the ball fell, these black and red vines began to curl up and spread out in all directions. The ball dropped.

At the dark bottom is an open flower like a sun disk. When the ball fell, a large amount of sand also fell down, and the open sun flower suddenly shrank.

Twilight calendar year 2276, October 31, 5:43 pm

Dang Dang Dang

A young man with a tired look and an unshaven beard was carrying a shoulder bag and a bag of things on his back. The sound came from the metal object in the bag the man was carrying hitting the guardrail next to it.

The man's cheeks were shiny and covered with sweat and dirt. He looked very tired, but his expression looked extremely happy and relaxed.

The man was walking on a long metal walkway built in the sky along the mountain wall. From time to time, some sand would fall down with violent roars, making the man look gray and disgraced. He could only shake his hair and slap his cheeks. .

This trail built along the mountain wall is nearly 3 meters wide. Under the man, there is a flowing water. The color of the water is somewhat black, and there is a pungent stench. Next to the small river, there is a rail.

This was a huge, diagonally long underground cave. The light inside the cave was a little dim. When the man raised his head, he saw a huge transparent cover that emitted a faint light.

On the opposite cave wall, there are terraced fields from bottom to top, in which potatoes are grown. There are solar lamp poles on both sides of the terraces. During the day, the only crystal luminous cover above is used to supply the plants. At night, the sun lamps will light up, and terraces like this can be seen everywhere in Shimmer City.

This circular underground cave with a diameter of more than 500 meters is the center of Shimmer City. It is also the junction point connecting all mine cities. It is the only place where steam trains must pass. It is also the place where sewage is collected and treated.

The entire cave looked extremely empty. Long Yu stopped at the guardrail. He had been walking for five days and was about to return to his home, Mine No. 39. All the mine cities are located in this central area called Kimberley. The surroundings are connected by tunnels, and steam trains are the only means of transportation in Shimmer City.

But the price is not cheap. Long Yu carefully opened his satchel. Inside was a small metal box. After pressing the button of the box, the lid popped open and there were a number of items wrapped in black and red vines. There was a look of relief on Long Yu's face. He hadn't seen his wife and two children for more than half a year.

"They should be a little taller!"

The place where Long Yu went to exchange for work was in the remote No. 103 mine in the west. In the entire Shimmer City, things were exchanged for things. At this time, a whistle sounded. As soon as Long Yu looked over, he saw As soon as there was a touch of steaming white water vapor, a steam train carrying guests and supplies roared past.

"It's too expensive to sit back and ask for 10 eggs. If it's 5 eggs, it's almost the same."

Long Yu put his hand on his chin and watched the steam train roaring past with a smile.

At this time, the black and red vines crawled out of Long Yu's backpack, and immediately the vines began to burn without fire. Long Yu was startled and hurriedly closed the box. He was startled and almost died.

The black and red vines in the metal box are the power of the gods in Shimmer City. This power that facilitates the lives of residents is called A Kuang Guo. It is a power given to humans by the gods after the high priest Laika communicated with the gods.

It's just that the power of the gods seems to be afraid of light. As long as it comes into contact with a little bit of light, it will fly into ashes and disappear.

With his legs unable to walk even one step, Long Yu sat on the edge of the mountain wall, longing for him in his heart. His wife and children should be living a better life now, because Long Yu would send things to them every month. go back.

The smoked pork shank on the back is the settlement of Long Yu's last work, and the 100 eggs in the satchel were replaced by Long Yu with an electric steam valve.

Looking up at the translucent crystal cover above his head, Long Yu began to fantasize again. Going outside, Long Yu had never been outside, but from time to time he would listen to the crows talking about the outside world, the strange animals and plants, and the things on the ground. What exactly is there.

When thinking of Crow, Long Yu couldn't help but think of his brother Long Curse. Seven or eight years ago, due to the death of his parents, the two brothers had extremely serious differences on future issues. His elder brother Long Curse planned to go to Crow, while Long Curse planned to go to Crow. Yu Ze couldn't leave because he only had eyes for the pig farm princess.

The two brothers fought over this. The crows that the elder brother wanted to go to were the security maintenance and mediation organization of Shimmer City and also the army of Shimmer City. They were responsible for investigating the outside world, bringing back some resources, etc. Their treatment was that of Shimmer City. The best ones are subordinates of High Priest Laika.

This is what many people dream of, but if you want to join the Crow, you have to spend all your money. If you want to become a qualified Crow, you need to undergo rigorous training in many steam machinery, combat investigations, etc., but you must support yourself, so The older brother, Dragon Curse, used the three steam generators left behind by his parents in exchange for everything he needed for his four years of training in Crow.

When his family's fortune was emptied, Long Yu had no idea about it. He and his brother fought over it, and finally his brother left. His current sad life was all caused by that ruthless brother.

A year ago, his brother came back and brought a lot of things to him, but Long Yu did not accept it. He looked down on his brother from the bottom of his heart and would not accept any assistance from his brother, because in Long Yu's view, he is now The happiest one was that he successfully married the princess of the pig farm and gave birth to children with the princess.


At this time, accompanied by a vibration, some sand on the cave wall fell again, but there was a faint light in the fallen sand. Long Yu hurriedly got up, ran over quickly, and found that it had fallen from the ventilation vent. A translucent ball fell, with a bright silver metal piece inside, and Long Yu hurriedly grabbed it.

As soon as he touched the translucent ball, Long Yu felt a strange feeling, because the outer mold of the ball did not look like plastic, but felt more like mud. Long Yu tried to squeeze it hard, The ball did not explode, but dented. After playing with it for a while, Long Yu discovered that even if he pricked the ball with his finger, it would not explode.

"A broken sign!"

There was a line of small characters engraved on the silver-white metal piece inside. Long Yu directly inserted his finger into it and held the metal piece.

Bright City Edjk847damxu1ijdfcnxcmuqo2jh89jcfzlkxmc0823or

Looking at this string of weird numerical symbols, with horizontal bars in some places, Long Yu suddenly lost interest, thinking that maybe it was just a pendant hanging around someone's neck. Instead, he felt like mud to this translucent touch, regardless of He was very interested in the small ball that remained intact no matter how he popped it. Long Yu took out the metal sign from the small ball. After touching it, he found that it was just some kind of alloy. Although he had never seen it before, things like metal, in the They are quite common in Shimmer City and are not valuable at all.

Long Yu just wanted to throw away the piece of metal, but suddenly remembered that he only wanted to go back and forgot to buy a gift for his wife. Long Yu continued to look at the small sign. If the edges were modified, , it would be pretty good to make it into a pendant. Then, if you polish off the string of things on it, the silver color looks pretty good under the light.

Long Yu stuffed the small sign with the length of his thumb and the translucent ball about as long as his palm into his bag. He tiredly took out a bottle of water, took a sip, and then took out some dried mushrooms and stuffed them in. With his mouth in his mouth, his hunger was temporarily relieved, and he continued walking. He was still at most a few hours away from Mine No. 39 where he lived.

"What a failure. I walked for five days. If I had known better, I would have taken the steam train."

It was the end in front of him, and there was no light in the next place. Long Yu sighed helplessly, holding on to the guardrail next to him with one hand, planning to enter the small cave directly in front of him. At the end of the river, in the river, you could see a A huge black and red tube-like object that looks like a mouth. This is Morimer, who is responsible for treating sewage. It is also the power given to humans by God after the high priest Laika communicated with God. Morimer is also responsible for handling the external exhaust vents. The leaking sand and substances harmful to the human body include air purification in Shimmer City.

Long Yu, who was submerged in the long, lightless cave, held on to the guardrail and walked step by step. Although he had a steam lamp for lighting, Long Yu didn't want to use it. The most troublesome thing about machinery is wear and tear. Every time it is used, the machinery will be consumed. , this kind of steam lamp can be used about 1,000 times, either by replacing parts or directly, but neither of them is cheap.

Some core parts require several eggs for a small piece, or some potatoes and sweet potatoes. If you replace them with meat, they won't be much better.

Long Yu hummed in the darkness. This was a distant song. It was a song that everyone in Shimmer City could sing. It was played on the steam horn every year during the High Priest's Day. Long Yu wanted to do it several times. Go, it's just that the No. 1 mine, the best in Shimmer City, is not accessible to people like Long Yu.

There was no sound in the darkness except for the dust and sand that fell from time to time, which made it easier for Long Yu to fantasize. In fact, he also envied his brother for being able to go to the outside world.

Many people have never been to the outside world in their lives. They have only heard of forests and seen pictures, but have never seen them. As for why humans live here, according to the oral tradition of the older generation, it is because of God’s greed for humans. Punishment was imposed, and from then on humans lost their right to live on earth.

This Kimberley mine is the best proof of human greed. Long Yu also took a history class in school. This huge mine was dug by humans with bare hands, for something called diamond. Long Yu has also seen it, but it is very hard. , it looks beautiful, but it is difficult to use on some steam machinery.

Thinking of this, Long Yu couldn't help laughing. He felt that people in the past were really stupid. They spent so much effort digging underground for such flashy things. The center of Kimberley is nearly 1,100 meters above the ground, and other mines are similar. , but all above the center, so that the water can be continuously circulated through the morimer for the use of all.

It took humans 100 years to dig this huge mine. Long Yu also heard people say that diamonds used to be relatively valuable in the human world. It is said that one diamond can be exchanged for many things, but Long Yu is not sure I believe it, but it always feels too fake. It would be nice to have something that cannot be used and just hang it on your body and exchange it for an egg.

Long Yu was a little tired again. He sat down and took out a ticking pocket watch from his arms. A faint light came on. It was already 7:23 in the evening. Long Yu smiled helplessly. It would take at least a few hours to walk like this, but soon Long Yu would be able to reach Mine City No. 19. The idea of ​​going to Mine City No. 19 to rest for a night came to his mind, but this idea was immediately blocked by the one on the inside of the pocket watch cover. The photos of wife and children were cancelled.

Long Yu took out a clockwork sound box from his trouser pocket, which was only as long as a big finger. He twisted the clockwork, and soon a burst of joy and ringing music came out. This was for his daughter. Gift.

Cheerful music echoed in the long dark corridor. Long Yu quickened his pace slightly. There was a faint light from the distance and bursts of clicking sounds. Long Yu knew that he was not far from Mine No. 19. , can bathe in the glimmer of light again.

A dim yellow light shone through the opening, and Long Yu happily followed the rhythm of the wind-up music box and ran out.

"It's really good."

Long Yu looked at the prosperous scene of the city in Mine No. 19 with envy, and stopped temporarily. In front of him was a large number of buildings located in the mine.

The clicking sound was endless, the huge gears on the surface of the houses were slowly turning, and steam was constantly spraying out from the houses. Although it was not bright, it was a warm and soft light that formed a large area. Golden.

The streets and alleys are a lively scene. From time to time, you can hear the humming of pigs, the lowing of cows, and the clucking of chickens. The steam trains passing through the streets and alleys, as well as the mingling of gongs and chips that make Long Yu's throat thirsty. Long Yu licked his lips. He really wanted to go to the tavern and have a drink, but five eggs and a glass of wine was a bit luxurious for Long Yu.

People on the streets were wearing leather clothes, colorful hats made of strange animals, and clockwork clothes with steam machinery, and some decorations on their bodies were rotating slightly.

There was a buzzing sound, and Long Yu saw a flickering firefly flying towards this side. He was startled. On the way down to Mine No. 19, a group of children ran over screaming.


A large, palm-sized mechanical firefly, whose whole body was covered with gears and connecting parts, hit the mountain wall and then stopped moving. Its wings seemed to be damaged.

"Waimore, you idiot, how could you fly this way?"

A little girl ran over angrily. This was a children's toy. My own children also had it, but it was smaller. The children looked at Long Yu and picked it up from beside him. A mechanical firefly toy.

"Be careful next time!"

Long Yu said, watching a bunch of noisy children running down.

"Uncle, would you like to come to our tavern for a drink? We will do some activities today and give you some beans."

A little boy with a runny nose and wearing black and blue leather and metal clothes turned around and asked, and Long Yu coughed.

"Fat boy, I'm only 26 years old."

Several children made faces at Long Yu, and then went down laughing and playing. Long Yu saw that the steam train that had passed in front of him was parked on the railway track in the center of the city. A large number of people were near the truck, and some Cargo was being moved down, some was being put up, and train inspectors were busy.

Long Yu lay on the guardrail and sighed silently. He thought it would be great if he and his wife could move here, but according to the current situation, it is unlikely. There are not too many people in Mine No. 19, nearly 2 Thousands of people, looking at these mechanical metal houses standing on both sides of the railway tracks, Long Yu thought of his own house again, and he had to do many things by himself.

Among the pedestrians coming and going on the street, there are some people wearing tight black leather vapor suits and crow masks walking around. These are crow people. They never show their true colors because they need to deal with a lot of residents every day. dispute.

Long Yu looked at the long stairs going down next to him, swallowing from time to time, but in the end he held back. At this time, there was a trace of commotion under the passage built on the protruding part of the cave wall. In Guang's alley, a butcher from a pig farm had an argument with a man carrying a bag.

Although the stairs are very long, more than 20 meters long, the sound can be heard clearly. The two had a dispute over the transaction. The man who came to exchange for meat was carrying a bag of pumpkin seeds. Long Yu glanced at it and saw The hefty linen bag weighs at least 5 kilograms. Seeds are also a relatively valuable thing here, but only if the party who wants to exchange them has no food pressure.

"Why are you so unreasonable? Isn't it worth it? A bag of pumpkin seeds, in exchange for 20 kilograms of meat? You only gave me 15 kilograms."

"You can't fucking look at it yourself. Some of the seeds are moldy. You don't know how many there are."

The man who bought the meat in exchange insisted that there were only a few moldy ones, which was different from what he had promised before. Long Yu laughed helplessly. After all, if it were him, he would definitely have to compete with the butcher. After all, 5 kilograms of meat were missing.

Cured meat is the only way to preserve the quality of meat here, but if the fresh meat is grilled on the steam iron plate and added with some spices, it will taste very good. Long Yu glanced at the eggs in his pocket, one kilogram of fresh meat The price of pork is between 30 and 50 eggs, but it depends on whether the other party is willing to exchange. Long Yu thought about it and decided to forget it.

The two of them seemed very excited. The man carrying the seeds wanted to leave, but the butcher had already cut off the pork and refused to let go.

At this time, some people on the street picked up the radio contact device and contacted the nearby crows. After a while, several crows came over. One crow held a small book and recorded the remarks of the two people in detail. Taking pictures with the camera in hand.

After some negotiation and mediation, the butcher was finally able to cut off 3 kilograms of pork and supply it to the man who exchanged the seeds for meat.

Many things in Shimmer City are resolved through negotiation, and all issues can be negotiated. Long Yu glanced at the scattered pedestrians, but with such a fuss at this time, the butcher's evaluation seemed not to be very good. Some People who originally intended to trade for meat should not trade with this butcher in the short term. After all, a bag of seeds that big can be exchanged for 25 kilograms of meat.

A good seed can even be exchanged for an egg. This is the price of the seed. There are also some effective edible fungi that can be exchanged for more things.

Long Yu went back this time with the intention of cultivating mushrooms in the food greenhouse next to him. He finally got some discarded wood from a forest maintainer and obtained the strains. Long Yu also read the method in detail. As long as it can be cultivated If mushrooms come out, life will be easier.

At this time, there was no one in the market near the edge of the mine. Long Yu sighed helplessly. The butcher seemed a little discouraged. There was still one third of the pork left. The pig dealer could only take a knife and start to dismember the pig. The bones are separated from the pork and canned into pickled pork bones and pickled pork.

The butcher skillfully brought over the metal cans that had already been filled with spices and pickling water. Long Yu looked at them with interest.

"It's true that there is no treachery or business."

Long Yu found that the butcher put very little pork into metal cans, most of which were minced meat and fat meat. Canned pickled products were also the most unpopular products in Shimmer City because of the contents of the iron boxes. You can't see it, and you don't know how many edible parts there are. Some butchers even put the bones in cans, and the canned taste is really average.

Watching the man put the shaved pork bones into the pickling water for a while, then directly sealed them with plastic molds. There was a sealing machine next to it. In a short time, the butcher finished processing the unsold ones. Pork, holding a small package of pork that looked very good in quality, started to pack it up and prepared to leave.

Long Yu, who was attracted by the prosperity in front of him and the smell of food and alcohol, felt hungry again. He could only take out the dried mushrooms and continued to chew them. It tasted really good and could fill his stomach temporarily.

This dried mushroom is boiled with spices and meat bones and air-dried. It is a relatively delicious high-end product. It even tastes good when used to stew soup. Long Yu is only willing to eat a little bit. It was given to him by the old man who was the forest ranger. , because I work hard.

All families in Shimmer City must learn to be self-sufficient from birth. Only when they are self-sufficient can they live. Only by living can they enter this world full of gears, springs, gushing steam, and all kinds of things. A society of strange mechanical objects.

The supreme ruler of Shimmer City is High Priest Laika. She has been recognized by the gods, so she has a lifespan beyond that of ordinary people. This high priest is 196 years old. If it weren't for her, humans would not be able to be so prosperous. To survive.

The annual Priest's Day is also called Shrovetide. It is a festival where people confess their sins to God. It is also called Thanksgiving. It is a festival where humans thank God for blessing them with the convenience of life.


Long Yu sighed helplessly. For the people of Shimmer City, this is an extremely bright and clean profession. Only those who are favored by God can be qualified. Once they become priests, they will become God's apostles, responsible for managing the power given to mankind by God. .

Usually only children under the age of 15 can get the opportunity. Long Yu and his brother Long Ju had taken the priest test before they were 15 years old, but they failed because they could not respond to the god.

"If I could become a priest, I wouldn't have to worry about life."

Long Yu smiled, looking at his muddy feet and the old soft leather clothes on his body, he could only continue to move forward.

Within a few minutes, Long Yu came to the dark and lightless passage. If he continued walking for an hour, he would reach the No. 39 mine where he was. Unlike the No. 19 mine, it had long since declined.

"It's all that damn old man Ibrahim!"

Long Yu's teeth started to itch when he thought of Ibrasi. He was once the most respected steam machinery scientist in Mine No. 39, because everyone believed his words and provided him with supplies to continue developing some steam machinery technologies. Ibrasi Xi has indeed researched and developed a lot of good steam machinery and bought a lot of good things for the local people. However, it is different from the past. A few years ago, Ibrasi suddenly announced that there was a new type of steam machinery. research, everyone became happy and fully supported Ibrasi’s research.

However, Ibrasi's research led to the decline of Mine No. 39. There was nothing that could be done about it. Compared with Mine No. 19 that Long Yu just passed by, there were only 5,000 people in Mine No. 39, and most of them were elderly. Only They can make a living by taking care of their own land with the little remaining labor force.

In the past, the whole grand scene full of clicking and ticking sounds, just like Mine No. 19, had disappeared, and his brother Dragon Curse might have predicted it a long time ago. He had been persuading himself to let him go to Crow with him.

Steam machinery provides a convenient life for the people of Shimmer City. From work to daily life, these machines are indispensable. Without these machines, people can only work with their own hands. Mine No. 39 There are many steam mechanics in China, and you only need some potatoes, eggs, etc. to help them repair or build everything in your home.

As Ibrasi failed again and again in this steam machinery research, these steam mechanics finally left Mine No. 39. Their departure was accompanied by the departure of more and more young people.

Long Yu was uneasy in his heart, but there was still hope. He patted his satchel, which contained strains of bacteria. This thing might bring a little hope to Mine No. 39. In the eastern mine city, the value of mushrooms is very high.

This delicious and nutritious thing goes well with many foods. Many people like it, and it is also convenient to exchange for some things.

Long Yu also dreamed of becoming a steam mechanic in the past, but his family's conditions did not allow it. After taking the cognitive class, he could only return home to help. In such a cave, the yield of crops is very unstable. Yes, Long Yu also suffered from hunger when he was a child.

The harvest was not very good. In desperation, my father had no choice but to exchange the only camera in the family for a bag of potatoes to help them survive the bad harvest.

Long Yu was too tired to bear it. He had been walking for the past five days. When he was really tired, he would rest for a night in the corridor near the city. The temperature in the cave was not too cold, but rather warm.

There was no feeling in his legs, and Long Yu couldn't walk anymore. He pressed the guardrail with both hands and moved forward step by step.

"If I had known better, I would have taken the steam train."


Long Yu fell to the ground, and his legs could no longer move. He smiled bitterly, saying that he walked for five days for ten eggs, which would make most people laugh.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound in the darkness. Long Yu looked at it with vigilance. His hand had already been put behind the soft leather jacket. He took out a steam gun in his hand, which was used for self-defense. , can fire six steel nails in succession at one time.


Long Yu asked, but there were still rustling sounds coming from the wall less than three meters away from him. After holding the steam gun for a few minutes, Long Yu realized something. He hurriedly took out the steam lamp. When I wanted to open it, a serious and gloomy female voice came from the wall.

"Don't turn on the lights and I'll give you a ride, young man!"

Long Yu seemed to realize something. He wanted to get up but couldn't.

"Master Priest, I'm really sorry."

Although Long Yu had only seen it once, these priests used the power given by the gods to move wrapped in black and red vines. This power given by the god named Sgaio was very incredible, and it also had the function of purifying the air.

Long Yu felt that his feet were entangled with some smooth and fleshy things, and his body began to move slowly. He was very excited. It was very rare for priests to see them on weekdays. They got the gods. After being recognized, as the intermediary between gods and humans, giving power to humans, they will become as powerful as gods and cannot bathe in the sun. Therefore, priests are extremely awe-inspiring existences in Shimmer City. Long Yu was the same. From the bottom of his heart, he was in awe of these priests who were active all over Shimmer City and never received any payment from the people.

The city can continue to exist, and humans can survive, these priests are indispensable. Those who are chosen as priests will always be able to live in darkness, and will never be able to touch the light in their lives.

"Master Priest, your voice sounds very young!"

Long Yu asked happily, and a desolate laughter came from what could only be seen as a bulging outline on the wall.

"Yeah, maybe I'm still young. What do you call me young man?"

Long Yu found that the priest was quite kind. The priest that Long Yu had seen before was extremely violent. Long Yu saw with his own eyes that the priest used the power of God to eat several thieves directly.

"Long Yu!"

As soon as Long Yu finished speaking, he felt Skye, who was holding him on the ground, stop.


A burst of slightly bitter laughter came.

"There are quite a few people named Long."


Long Yu said that he had indeed met people with the same surname as himself in various mining cities.

"Maybe I shouldn't have my hopes up!"

The voice of the female priest came, and Long Yu could hear that she was a little melancholy. However, seeing how gentle and kind the priest was, Long Yu tried to ask.

"Master Priest, what's bothering you?"

"Young man, troubles exist as long as there are creatures with feelings and thoughts. Even crops are the same. Maybe machines also exist!"

Long Yu hummed. He would not doubt any of the priest's words. Although it sounded absurd, the priests were all existences that were beyond the scope of human beings.

The speed of movement began to become faster, and Long Yu asked some more questions later, but the priest just smiled, that kind of vicissitudes of life and weak smile.

A glimmer of light appeared in front of him, and Long Yu happily said thank you, with a strong sense of awe.

"came back!"

At a glance, Long Yu saw the big bell tower with lights on next to the railway track in the center of Mine No. 39. There was a clicking sound in the air. Two-thirds of Mine No. 39 was only dimly lit in the house, and on the street Most of the electric lighting equipment in the city are damaged and aging to varying degrees. Because there are no steam mechanics here anymore, most people can only replace them with small steam generators for their own home use.

Long Yu's home had been in darkness for a long time, and he could only live with the dim light of the bell tower for a while. The only steam power generation equipment in the home needed to provide light to the fields before harvesting crops. This was also Long Yu's home. The reason why Yu went out to work.

In his first month of work, Long Yu bought a steam generator in exchange and sent it back to his wife and children. He stood up excitedly.

"No matter where it is, no matter how dark it is, there is always light!"


As Long Yu spoke, he suddenly turned around and saw a female priest with only her head and shoulders exposed, wrapped in a large number of black and red vines. She looked extremely beautiful, with a faint purple light emitting from her skin. , and the priest also noticed Long Yu's gaze, and she smiled gently.

"Have you ever heard this! Young man."

Long Yu nodded and said.

"This is a saying that has been passed down in our family."

The priest smiled and nodded.

"It's just that before this light appears, it is always accompanied by a long period of darkness. As humans, how should we seize this light! The punishment from heaven may be that we humans have been immersed in the light for too long and kept asking for it. In the end, only darkness remains, and the punishment from heaven may be a test given by God to us humans!"

"Why do you know"

Long Yu said proudly, and at this time he noticed that the priest next to him looked at him strangely.

"I've known it since I was a kid, Destroyer of Worlds!"

For a moment, purple particles floated in the air, and the priest in front of him suddenly came over. Long Yu was caught off guard and wanted to retreat, but was already entangled in black and red vines.

"Don't be nervous young man, I'm just feeling your body."

Long Yu relaxed a little. The light in front of him got closer and closer. A cold chill came from his forehead. The priest directly pressed his forehead to Long Yu's forehead. At this time, Long Yu felt a stinging pain. , it was Skyo's power that penetrated his body.

After a few minutes, Long Yu was let go by the priest in front of her, and she showed a bright smile.

"Please remember to be vigilant! Be more vigilant, future vigilants! Such things as light do not only exist in front of your eyes, but also exist in the bottom of your heart!"

"You know that too? Destroyer of worlds!"

The female priest nodded gently.

"I once had a friend named Jean who told me a lot about the Destroyer of Worlds."

Long Yu looked at the priest strangely. A name like Gene seemed a bit strange in Shimmer City.

"Perhaps as Gene said, when hope is about to disappear, as long as you don't give up, new hope will appear again."

The female priest said, looking brightly in front of her, smiling and moving along with the black and red vines under her feet.

"Goodbye, young man, perhaps we will meet again soon!"

Long Yu stood there and remembered for a while.

"Master Priest, what is your name!"

In front of Long Yu's eyes, on the roadside and beside the flowing sewage river, there were huge sunflowers one after another. This was Mori Mo. The priest in front of him quickly entered Mori Mo's mouth, always smiling. .

"My name is Laika, young boy!"

For a moment, Long Yu's eyes widened, and he looked in disbelief at the priest who had submerged himself in the Ririn Flower.

"Your name is Laika?"

Long Yu ran over in a hurry, but the female priest was no longer in sight.

"Is it the high priest Laika? Really?"

After a while, Long Yu cheered excitedly. This was the first time that he could see the supreme high priest Laika. Long Yu roared and ran down the stairs quickly, and ran to the rows of sunflowers. , unable to suppress the excitement in his heart, he approached the Sun Flower step by step. At this time, many black and red vines on the ground rose up, seeming to stop Long Yu, and Long Yu finally came back to his senses.

His legs were still tired, but Long Yu had strength again. He came back. After bowing respectfully, Long Yu turned around and ran to the bridge over the river into the city. Following the lights of the bell tower in the distance, Long Yu was familiar with this place. Everything, he ran quickly. His home was in the east of the city, not far from the clock tower, and there was still some light near the clock tower.

There are houses with gears and metal pipes around him. Some houses have lights on, while others are dark. Many metal buildings are old and rusty. Long Yu still remembers that when he was a child, Pit No. 39 was as beautiful as Pit 19. of prosperity.

At this time, the longing that had been squeezed in Long Yu's heart burst out in one breath. He wanted to return home quickly. He had just talked to his wife on the phone a few days ago. His wife also missed him, especially the children, every few days. God will ask himself when he will come back.

"Long Yu, you are back!"

I have already seen my home, a three-story duplex mechanical building. On the front is a lot of mechanical parts and gears that fit together, as well as rows of large pipes. There are lights on the second floor of the home.

"Grandma Putzel!"

Long Yu shouted, and next to him was an old woman with a stooped figure, leaning on a rattling luminous cane, wearing a cat-head hat, a pair of single-frame glasses, and a thick cylindrical jacket. The hard leather mechanical jacket was jingling, the gears were turning slowly, and steam would be emitted from the back of the jacket over the head from time to time.

This kind of mechanical suit is designed to help those with limited mobility. It has machines embedded in the legs to walk instead of feet.

"Are there any eggs?"

Puzel said, pointing to a bag of potatoes next to his hut. Each potato was not big, but a little small.

"I'll trade you a bag of potatoes for 10 eggs, okay?"

Long Yu didn't want to change, but he finally agreed. He opened his satchel and carefully took out 10 eggs from it while covering the light. He entered Grandma Puzer's house, which was dimly lit, and placed the eggs. From the linen basket next to him, he came out and picked up the pile of potatoes, which were covered with soil and were light and fluffy.

"Grandma Puzer, if you are free tomorrow, you can bring your grandson to our house for dinner."

The old man smiled, stretched out his somewhat deformed hand from his long soft leather sleeves, and waved. Long Yu turned around and started running with a smile.

"I'm back, Isa."

Long Yu shouted happily. At this time, there was a sound and a creak upstairs. After the gears next to the metal door made a violent friction sound, the door slowly opened.

A figure had already rushed forward, and Long Yu opened his arms and hugged his wife, who was only wearing some old common clothes.


The voices of two children, a boy and a girl, sounded at the same time. Long Yu immediately gently pushed away his wife Isa, who was already crying with joy. The two children upstairs ran down. Sure enough, they had grown a lot taller.

"Feifei, Honghong."

His wife gently leaned her head on her shoulder, her mouth twitching. Long Yu held his son Long Fei and daughter Long Hong in his arms. The two little guys were already sniffing. His son Long Fei is 10 years old and his daughter is 8 years old.

"Isn't daddy a mushroom?"

Long Yu nodded and looked at his beautiful wife affectionately. Isha kissed her and Long Yu turned his head.

"I'm going to take a good shower first, and you get some cured ham. I'd like a drink."

The wife still kissed him and leaned gently into Long Yu's arms. With a creaking sound, the door slowly closed.

Dang Dang Dang

12 am

The bell tower rang the evening bell as usual to remind some people who were not sleeping yet.

Several people wearing crow masks gathered in the hall of the clock tower. This is the headquarters of the crows in Mine No. 39. The crows are stationed here and manage Pit No. 39. In addition to daily training, the crows will go door to door. It is up to the local crows to decide how much to take some food, but most crows will not go too far.

This is the rule set by High Priest Laika after the turmoil in Shimmer City ended early in the morning. Crows serve Shimmer City, and residents of Shimmer City must support crows.

Jingle Bell

A quick phone call rang. This was a long-distance phone. Only Crow headquarters had it. Residents only had short-range radio communication equipment at best.

A black phone hanging on the wall rang rapidly, and the crow captain of G39 ran over and picked it up. However, the next second, the captain froze on the spot.

"Yes, I understand, Lord Dark Crow!"

The moment he hung up the phone, people from Crow Crow gathered around him.

"What's wrong with your head?"

"It was the order of High Priest Laika. In our mine No. 39, the Chosen Ones appeared, and there were two of them."

In an instant, everyone burst into joy. The so-called God's Chosen One is a person who is chosen by God to become a priest. Once this person becomes a priest, the place where this person is located will receive the supreme reward from the High Priest Laika. This family will be able to receive food delivered by steam train in the future.

"The Chosen Ones have appeared! In our city of Mine No. 39, dear citizens, I repeat once again, the Chosen Ones have appeared in our Mine No. 39, and there are two of them! I just received an order from High Priest Laika, High Priest Laika will come in person in a few days.”

A clicking sound suddenly sounded, and along with the sound of steam, many places in Mine No. 39 suddenly lit up with lights. Someone ran out of the house, and the whole town boiled in an instant.

"Did you hear that honey!"

Long Yu, who was sitting in a metal cylindrical bathtub, stood up, smiled excitedly, and hugged his wife next to him. Everyone knew what this meant. Once the Chosen One appeared, the people nearby would The mine city will also send congratulatory gifts. This is the oldest custom in Shimmer City and something that everyone should be happy about.

Serving God is a very satisfying thing, and there are still two chosen ones. Long Yu was so happy. Only then did he remember that he met the high priest Laika. His wife looked at Long Yu in disbelief.

The streets began to boil. Some residents who were usually reluctant to turn on the lights turned on the steam lamps inside, as if the city was reborn in an instant.

"Okay, no daddy! My sister is secretly eating dried mushrooms."

The childish voice of her son Long Fei came out, and the couple hugged each other tightly. Isa blushed and pushed Long Yu away with her heart beating.

"Wait until the children are asleep, and then be patient! And please be careful this time. If there is another child, our life will be very difficult."

Long Yu smiled awkwardly and washed his body quickly. He looked at the grand scene outside the window. Today was obviously not the Priest's Day, but it seemed like a festival. Such a grand scene had not appeared for several years, but for just a moment, Long Yi's mood became enlightened.

Soon, the whole family happily gathered around the dining table in the dining room on the second floor and started eating. The daughter and son seemed to have not eaten meat for a long time, and they were devouring the fried meat that their mother had just made.

There were also some opened metal cans in the corner of the kitchen, including vegetables and meat. His wife made all of them into a big pot of soup. Long Yu looked at the wine in the small glass bottle at hand. It had been there for a long time and there was still some left. In the second half, he unscrewed the bottle and took a sip. The fatigue of the past five days seemed to be lifted. Someone knocked on the door, but Long Yu just stuck out his head and told them that he had just come back and would go down later.

However, for some reason, the area around his home became more and more lively. Long Yu also felt strange. The knocks on the door kept ringing. Long Yu could only go downstairs and pressed the switch next to the door. Some old and rusty doors suddenly Opening it bit by bit, what Long Yu saw at this time was the captain of the crow and other team members.

"Congratulations, Long Yu."

The captain gave Long Yu a hug as soon as they met.

"It was your sons and daughters who were chosen to be priests."

For a moment, Long Yu stared dumbfounded at the residents gathered around on the street. Everyone was saying blessings. However, the next second, Long Yu's heart felt a little cold. This meant that he and his son and daughter would be separated for a long time. Perhaps never to be seen again.

It was obviously a happy event, but Long Yu's smile was a little solemn. He recalled the physical induction that the high priest Laika had done to him before. Long Yu was not sure if it had anything to do with that physical induction.

Long Yu asked hurriedly.

"Did any priest come here while I was away?"

The captain shook his head.

"No priest has come, and no priest has come to this city for a long time, so I was quite shocked when I received the notice, and it was the order of High Priest Laika."

As he spoke, the captain turned around and gave the order, asking Crow's men to patrol the area 24 hours a day to ensure the safety of the chosen ones.

Neighbors came over, and some even came over with gifts. Although Long Yu refused, he had no choice but to accept it. After half an hour of accepting the offer, Long Yu said that he was very tired and wanted to go back to sleep.

"Wow, why does Dad have so many things?"

His daughter Long Hong ran over and took the thing from Long Yu's hand. Long Yu smiled slightly bitterly and said it was a gift from a neighbor, and his wife Isha also noticed the weirdness in Long Yu's eyes.

After her son and daughter had eaten, Isa took the two little ones upstairs. Up to the third floor were corridors, with the children's rooms on the left and Isa and Long Yu's bedrooms on the right.

Long Yu drank wine quietly. The food on the table was already boring, and the two children were about to be taken away.

"It's obviously something to be happy about, why."

Long Yu took a big sip, and the wine was all gone. He picked up the bottle of wine he had just received from his neighbor, opened it, and drank it.

The clicking sounds outside the house are still coming in from time to time, and everyone's enthusiasm for cheering is still rising, because this is indeed something worth being happy about.

"What happened!"

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Isa went downstairs. He looked at her husband who looked melancholy and a little drunk. He walked over and sat at the metal dining table, pressing Long Yu's hand.

After a while, Long Yu told the truth, and the next second, Isa's face also showed a very complicated expression. The two children were brought up by the husband and wife, and both husband and wife were reluctant to part with them, but the priest's order was absolute, absolutely There was no way to disobey, and this time it was the order of High Priest Laika.

In the small dining room, the couple leaned against each other, and Isa also drank a little bit of wine. Neither of them were drunk, but sober, and they lost the interest they had just in the bathroom.

"There are still a few days left, let's spend some time with the children!"

As Isa said, Long Yu hummed, turned around and carried his wife upstairs. After the lights in the kitchen were turned off, the clicking sound stopped, and the noise outside also calmed down, except that crows could be seen. People are wandering around their houses.

The couple stood at the door of the children. Through the small hole on the door, they could see that the two children were sleeping soundly, accompanied by the dim light.

Long Yu curled up at the door, sobbing in his throat and sobbing. His wife was also crying silently. The couple could only hug each other and live in darkness for the rest of their lives, which they had never imagined.

After their emotions calmed down a bit, the couple returned to the dimly lit bedroom and lay on the bed hugging each other quietly. Neither of them could fall asleep.

"It's obviously something to be happy about!"

Isa nodded gently, and Long Yu looked restlessly at the dim light cast from the bell tower in the distance. The scene here was the same no matter day or night. In fact, day and night are very different to the people of Shimmer City. There is not much difference, just to adapt to the work and rest time.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Neither the couple can sleep peacefully. The sudden good news makes the couple feel terrible.

"I want to get up and walk."

Long Yu said, his wife nodded, and the two got up again and returned to the dining room on the second floor. Then Long Yu opened the door of the storage room, and there was a smell of food and various different smells in the room. Steam machinery, metal and some food, but mostly potatoes and sweet potatoes, and some eggs. Long Yu turned on the steam lamp next to the storage room, and the clicking sound came again.

On a small mechanical stand directly opposite the storage room, there was a pile of old framed photos. These were from previous generations of the Long family. Long Yu walked over and looked at the photos of himself and his wife placed there. At the front, there are his father and mother, and behind him are his grandparents. Looking all the way to the top, there is a handsome man wearing clothes different from the current era. His name is Long Fan, and he is the ancestor of the Long family. , already a person from 200 years ago.

This is also the habit of everyone in Shimmer City. Every household will have photos of each generation. This is a way to prevent the crows from losing some of their city records. There will also be some brief introductions behind the photos.

However, in the photo of Long Fan at the top, there are four children in front of him, but the photo of the grandmother next to Long Fan is missing a piece. Photos of the four children as adults are on the bottom one. As for why there is no photo of the grandmother of the Long family. Photos, everyone is not very clear about this issue.

Long Yu opened the drawer under the table and found a heavy book covered with dust, with the four characters "Destroyer of Worlds" printed on it.

An inexplicable sense of sadness surrounded the couple, but Long Yu still told his wife about the time when the high priest touched him, which might be related to that incident.

"Feifei and Honghong are still so young, I really"

Isha started sobbing again as she spoke. Long Yu smiled and recalled the place where he met the high priest Laika. He smiled happily again for a while.

"I feel that High Priest Laika is a gentle and kind person. Why don't we ask her to disqualify our child from being the Chosen One?"

"is it possible!"

Isha asked and Long Yu nodded.

"Maybe it can be done if we sincerely talk to her about our feelings as parents of our children!"

tick tick tick

The second hand on the clock tower is still turning, it’s 3:11 in the morning

The city of Mine No. 39 finally fell into silence. Only the bell tower was still dimly lit. Three figures appeared on the corridor built against the mountain beside the mine.

The three of them were of different heights, two men and one woman. One of the tall men carried a long steam sword on his back and stared sharply at the bell tower in the distance.

"What an irony!"

One of them was a medium-sized and well-proportioned woman. All three of them were wearing soft leather masks. The woman was a slender fox, the man was a lion, and the smallest one with a sharp voice was a monkey.

The three of them walked down the long stairs and came to the smelly river. At this time, the three of them looked at the Nichirinka on the left.

"Don't regret it! If we catch the Chosen One, things will get out of hand."

The lion said and the fox chuckled.

"It's already out of control. After all, we are all wanted criminals."

The monkey laughed and walked to some sunflowers. At this time, the black and red vines on the ground stood up. The monkey took out a hand-held steam lamp from the long backpack on his back and started burning it. When the lights were turned on, the vines burned without fire in an instant after being hit by the light.

"Stop playing monkey, we have to move quickly, we only have half an hour at most."

The three of them said that they quickly crossed the bridge and started running. The three of them were all wearing some weird steam armor, which looked different from the armor worn by the crows, and was thinner.

Soon the three of them arrived at Long Yu's house. The lion took off the big knife from his back and held it with both hands. The fox next to her pressed her hands under the lion's shoulder armor. She swallowed breathlessly.

"Move fast monkey."

The monkey raised his hands, and there seemed to be suction cups on the palms. He quickly climbed to the top of a house, and took out a steam gun nearly one meter long from the cylindrical bag on his back. There was a cylinder on the holder. Monkey took out some thumb-sized cones from his trouser pocket and began to install them one by one in the horizontal strip-shaped holes on the side of the steam gun.


Accompanied by a violent burst of sound in the air, and a whining sound in an instant, a cloud of white steam spurted out from the butt of the steam gun held in the monkey's hand, and a sharp cone accurately shot through a Crow's neck.

"Do it!"

As the fox spoke, he pressed the mechanism under the lion's shoulder. The lion roared and rushed out holding the steam sword in his hand. The fox turned around and ran quickly.

There was a whining sound, and a large cloud of water vapor was sprayed out from behind the lion's shoulders, and the saw teeth on the edge of the large knife in the lion's hands began to rotate rapidly, with little electric sparks.

"Go to hell!"

In the blink of an eye, the lion had jumped in front of a crow who had just taken out a steam pistol. The big knife slashed through it, directly cutting the crow's steam armor, splitting him in two.

The next second, another crow holding a steam spear and planning to use steam jets to launch a stabbing attack fell to the ground. Suddenly, horns and sirens sounded, and crows holding slender steam knives sprayed over.

The lion vigorously waved the sword in his hand, and a large amount of white steam rose into the sky. His vision was blurred for a while, but the crows that came closer had their necks pierced by the long awl and fell to the ground.


Accompanied by a burst of violent noises and bursts of mechanical jamming, the big knife in the lion's hand was blocked by a thick stick. With a sizzling sound, accompanied by flying sparks and black smoke, the lion hurriedly He stepped back and let go of the damaged steam sword in his hand. The whine of the whistle came towards him, a huge sound of swiping through the air sounded, and a stick fell instantly in front of him.

The lion clenched his right fist, and with the violent steam spurting out, he punched it.

"Hold on! Damn it."


Accompanied by a violent firing sound, Fox raised her arms, and a soft steel rope pierced the third-floor window of Long Yu's house. At the moment of fixation, the steel rope began to be retracted into Fox's arms, and she kicked her feet on the wall. , jumped up and directly protected his body with his hands and crashed into the room on the third floor.

In front of him were two shivering children sitting on the bed. The fox giggled, but the next second the door to the room opened. The fox nimbly jumped to the bedside, grabbed the girl who could no longer move, and took out the He put a steam dagger to the girl's neck.

"What are you going to do!"

Long Yu held the steam gun in his hand. He trembled and looked at the woman in front of him wearing a fox mask and a steam light armor that was convenient for movement. He only needed to pull the trigger, and the bullet could easily penetrate the woman's body, but Long Yu Yu didn't dare to shoot. Behind him, Shanshan's wife Yisha covered her mouth and looked at the scene in front of her with tears in her eyes.

There were constant rattling sounds from below, and there were shouts everywhere.

"I'm very sorry to disturb your rest, sir. Miss, I want to take away these two children. Please put down the gun in your hand. Otherwise, I would rather kill your son and daughter now. After all, I don't want them to become monsters." ."

Long Yu looked at everything in front of him at a loss. He was dumbfounded and his hands and feet were cold.

"Hurry up."

There was a roar of a lion below, and his situation seemed to be bad. At this time, the monkey had already run to the railway track. After looking around, he quickly found a locked iron cabinet. He took out a handful of He opened the two-meter-high iron cabinet with the key, and a steam rail car appeared inside. The monkey immediately pulled out a black pipe from the side of the cylindrical metal backpack behind him and connected it to his right hand. The arm, the hook on the right arm is fixed on the front end of the cart.

"Don't make any mistakes for me."

Woo woo

A large amount of steam spurted out from the monkey's hands and feet, including the small holes in the steam armor behind him. At this moment, there was a creaking sound, and the heavy steam trolley moved little by little, and was dragged onto the track by the monkey.

"Come here good boy!"

The fox waved at this time, and Long Yu could only watch his son trembling as he walked over. At this time, the fox suddenly pressed the mechanism on the edge of the armor. The two children cried and flew from both sides of the armor. Two ropes came out and the knot was completed instantly. The fox jumped directly to the window and fell down.

Long Yu had already turned around and went downstairs. His wife Isa was crying helplessly. The fox who came downstairs cut the steel rope with the steam knife in his hand and ran away with his two children.

"Okay, got it."

At this time, the lion behind a wall heard the shout, and he took out a small round ball from his pocket. After seeing several crows attacking him, he smashed the ball on the ground, and it was followed instantly. As black smoke rose, the lion clenched his hands, turned on the steam jet, and flew out very fast.

"Just like the simulation!"


The lion immediately hugged the fox and the two children with both hands, rushed across the street, and quickly rushed to the edge of the railway track under the surprised eyes of some people.

The steam trolley on the railway track was ready, but there was no sign of the monkey. The two people couldn't help but jump onto the steam trolley. There were two big tubes at the back. Just when the lion was about to press the start button, A hand reached out from behind the cart's cabinet.



The fox suddenly pushed the lion away, and a long awl pierced the fox's shoulder directly, and she screamed in pain.

Long Yu walked out with an expressionless face and an angry look on his face. The monkey was already kneeling on the ground dripping with blood, being carried by Long Yu with one hand.

"Let my child go!"

Long Yu roared, but the fox on the cart cursed a few times and blocked the two children in front of him.

"You can shoot, I said, I will kill them without hesitation."

At this time, whining sounds continued in the distance, and crows came directly from the roof. The lion glanced at the monkey.



Instantly accompanied by bursts of rattling sounds, mechanical friction, and whining sounds, the steam cart began to move. Long Yu had already jumped onto the cart, and the monkey looked at the two of them angrily.

"You two are messing around"

The moment he finished speaking, the lion jumped down, picked up the monkey, and started running with a roar.


Two long awls pierced the lion's steam armor. He jumped onto the cart with all his strength. With the increasing speed and a large amount of white water vapor floating up, the steam cart roared and flew away instantly. .

Long Yu was still holding the gun in his hand tightly, looking at the crow chasing behind him. He was angry inside at this moment, but within a few minutes, the steam cart sank into the dark cave. In Long Yu's hand He never put down the gun he was holding.


At this time, the lion spoke, but under the violent sound of steam, it was not convenient to speak at all. The four of them just faced each other in this dark cave.

As soon as Long Yu came downstairs, he ran towards the railroad tracks. He knew that the other party had kidnapped his two children and wanted to escape the pursuit of the crows. The only place he could go was the railroad tracks. There was chaos outside his house, and the crows were still dealing with these things. people.

When Long Yu came to the railway track, he saw a man wearing a monkey mask sitting on a steam trolley. Long Yu approached quietly and decisively shot the man through the foot.

The only place this line can lead to is the quarry. Residents only go there once or twice. Occasionally, they can dig out some metal, but they are not very valuable.

The speed of the steam trolley was very fast. Long Yu didn't know what would happen next, but in his impression, the woman wearing a fox mask said that she didn't want to see her children turn into monsters. Two thoughts came to his mind. The first time I saw the priest, he really looked like a monster.

A glimmer of light shone in the darkness. At this time, Long Yu saw that both the fox girl and the monkey boy were in bad condition. They looked a little weak. The lion's condition was not much better. The steam armor had been scrapped and there was a heavy air in the air. Mixed with the smell of blood.

Time passed by, and I don’t know how long it had passed. Long Yu already felt his arms were numb. At this time, the fox girl had let go of the two children. The two children crawled to Long Yu’s side, and Long Yu held them in his arms. He held the two children and leaned against the guardrail of the steam trolley. He never lowered his hand holding the gun. It only took one shot to pierce their heads.

But the two children were already back in his arms, and the lion turned around.

"Don't be nervous, it'll be over soon."

Long Yu looked at the three guys in front of him angrily. The fact that they didn't hurt his children may be the reason why Long Yu didn't kill them. He still had 5 bullets, which was more than enough.

But at this time, in Long Yu's heart, there seemed to be another reason. The two children were brought out and did not need to become the chosen ones.

At this time, Long Yu hugged the child tightly with both hands.


Sparks splashed on the rails, the steam trolley shook violently, and the violent braking made the three people in front of them almost fly up, but the lion had already pinned them down, holding tightly to the guardrail next to them with both hands.

After a while, the car stopped, and the two sides looked at each other. Long Yu's raised arm could no longer hold up.

"Although I don't know what to say to make you believe us. These two children who were chosen as the Chosen Ones will become monsters. We were all once Dark Crows. Shimmer City is not what you see. Situation, High Priest Laika is just a bloodthirsty monster, you probably haven’t heard news about Mine No. 88 for a long time!”

Long Yu didn't answer. He didn't know what was going on in Mine No. 88, but it seemed like he hadn't heard of it for a long time because there seemed to be a landslide there.

"All the people in Mine No. 88, more than 10,000 people, were eaten two years ago. Every one of them was devoured by the High Priest Laika."

Long Yu's eyes widened. At this time, the fox endured the severe pain in his shoulder and put one hand into his pocket. Long Yu subconsciously pulled the trigger.

In the long tunnel, there was a clicking sound, and along with the sound of steam, the only glimmer of light disappeared.

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