Society will always show its cruel side at some point, and people are always fragile when facing this cruelty. Ibrasi quietly looked at the drawings of the kinetic energy machine he drew, still thinking. Improvement research is ongoing.

Ibrasi has been thinking about these things recently. He knows that his time is running out, and the machine in front of him is his lifelong effort. This is research that Ibrasi has been conducting since he was 30 years old. It took 40 years, but now this research is very possible.

The prerequisite for achieving all this is to break the existing society. This society seems stable, but in fact it has been controlled by a small number of people, and the priests will not pay attention to these things at all. This is why Ibrahimovic The direct reason why Lacy would participate in the resistance meeting.

Ibrasi once visited a merchant's house. The merchant proudly showed off his collection. In the warehouse where he stored food, Ibrasi saw mountains of food, some of which had rotted and deteriorated. However, there were still people outside. Starving.

In recent years, merchants have been hoarding everything. Even they don't know what they are doing with so many things. The supplies handed over to the crows are only a small part, and most of the supplies have been controlled by the merchants. In the hands of the merchants, those merchants controlled the supplies, but they had no intention of promoting the progress of the city, and they were intoxicated with music and music every night.

Coupled with those monster-like priests, Shimmer City is gradually heading toward death, but many people don't know it. The method of relying on the power of those monsters as mechanical connection points in the past is already a thing of the past, Ibrahimovic Lacy knew very well that many machines were unstable recently, which had a lot to do with monsters.

All the steam machinery in Shimmer City and some of the things used as connectors are the tentacles of the monsters. However, under the observation of Ibrasi recently, the effectiveness of many machines connected by the tentacles of the monsters is gradually decreasing. Compared with ten years ago, the power has been reduced by 30%, which is very scary.

Many people have not realized that human society will definitely be destroyed if it does not move forward. Shimmer City has been bartering for barter until now. The biggest drawback has been highlighted. Only output is exchanged, while scientific and technological capabilities are growing slowly. People in the entire city have lost their motivation, and most people are living in a state of confusion.

Ibrasi is very clear about what the loss of mechanical efficiency means. First of all, the light energy needed by many crops will begin to attenuate. In the past, it only took one liter of water to produce electricity, but now it requires 1.3 liters, and mechanical The attrition rate has also increased to 1.3 times. If this continues in the long run, society will inevitably collapse.

And the priests' method of dealing with some people who are no longer productive at all is also very simple and crude. They throw them directly into the garbage dump and let them fend for themselves. Under such a social system, Ibrasi cannot see any hope. Hope and light, now Ibrasi needs more materials to complete his semi-perpetual motion machine.

The loss rate of energy transmission has been reduced to less than 5%, and this value can be reduced. Ultimately, the energy loss rate of energy transmission can be reduced to 1%. This is what humans have been hoping to achieve for a long time, and want to achieve this step , which requires a huge consumption of resources. Over the past few decades, Ibrasi has been looking for opportunities to meet with High Priest Laika, hoping that she can provide him with everything he needs for research.

Ibrasi has approached Laika 30 times in a row, but Laika never agreed.

"It's good now."

This is what Laika said the most. Ibrasi is very disappointed with today's Shimmer City. The level of technology is still at the level half a century ago. There has been basically no technological innovation in half a century. The fact that so many people are completely unable to support themselves is proof that today's society is gradually heading toward death.

In the age of relying on steam as a power machine, huge problems have arisen. If the problem of mechanical energy cannot be effectively solved, the city will have no future. In addition, the tentacles evolved from the power of the priests as connectors for mechanical parts. Nowadays, It is no longer as easy to use as before, and may even hinder the operation of the machine.

Everything in Ibrasi's home now is pure machinery, and the tentacles of the monsters have been completely destroyed by him with strong light. After many studies, Ibrasi has determined that pure machinery is now better than mixed machinery. Mechanical power is much better with tentacles.

In the past few years, Ibrasi has also asked some businessmen to recommend his pure machinery, but the businessmen only said to try it out, and after exchanging for his machinery, they put it in the warehouse like a collection.

Ibrasi is getting more and more angry. The city has been reduced to this, but the managers have done nothing, and the businessmen are not even aware of it. Such a society has nothing to do in Ibrasi's eyes. the value of.

So Ibrasi joined the rebels four years ago and provided them with a large amount of equipment over the past four years. The steam armor made by Ibrasi has been ahead of the crow's technology. Ibrasi's battle the night before yesterday I have carefully watched it through photographic surveillance, and the performance is much better than that of the Crow.

Although the three of them were the elite crows in the past, it was quite difficult to face so many well-equipped crows. However, the battle last night was easily resolved. Although there were some problems in the middle, these were all An innocuous question.

"Very important material is missing."

Ibrasi pressed his forehead in annoyance and put down the drawing in his hand. He looked at his basement. There were still three people imprisoned in it. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening. Ibrasi had thought about starving them to death before. That's fine, but I can't bear it at this time, but if I let them go, I will be exposed. Now I still have important research on hand.

It’s just that Ibrasi was a little soft-hearted. He had watched the Dragon Curse and Isa grow up. At this moment, someone came into the room, and Ibrasi immediately hid the camera next to the table. Then he pretended to be tired and leaned on the chair.

"Ibrasi, are you there?"

Ibrasi replied, and soon several crows came down.

"You're still the same."

One of them said with a smile, and then they asked about Puzer's death. Ibrasi stood up in surprise and became emotional. He and Puzer were just across the street.

"I really didn't expect that the old woman was dead."

Ibrasi looked a little sad, and several people from the Crows comforted him. Basically, they had determined that the cause of death was caused by a single-shot spring gun, and the spring gun fell at the scene. It seemed that it was caused by He shot himself to death by mistake.

Ibrasi lowered his head helplessly. Several people from Crow also talked about the disappearance of Dragon Curse Isa and another member Shayena. After talking with Ibrasi for a while, Crow's people left. .

Ibrasi acted very calmly, and then he looked at the entrance to the underground secret room, still thinking about what to do.

There was nothing wrong with killing Puzel Ibrasi. Over the past few decades, this old woman had not only brought trouble to herself, but also to others. The reason why she wandered around the streets late at night was just that In order to know other people's secrets, they would then ask others to exchange them for a few potatoes or something worthless on the pretext of telling them.

This is how Puzer has been surviving in the town of No. 19 Mine. Ibrasi has reminded her many times, but Puzel has never felt that there is anything wrong with doing so, grasping other people's secrets, and then blackmailing her. Getting food from others is a very common thing for her.

There are many people like Puzel, and Ibrasi has also seen them in other places. There are countless these moth-like guys, but no one cares about them at all. The Crow people only investigate and search in the outside world. Except for supplies, they are basically the same in every town.

"What should I do!"

Ibrasi looked at the tight metal door. He knew very well that if they were not given food and drink for a few days, they would die, especially water.

It can be seen that Dragon Curse did not inform anyone about coming here, and the same goes for Isha. Although she came over angrily, and even actually shot her in the end, Ibrasi did not blame the little girl. It is very normal for the long-barreled steam gun to misfire.

Especially after firing once, the chance of the second shot misfiring is very high. This thirty-year-old product has been discontinued, and she didn't seem to notify anyone.

Ibrasi has helped them in the past. When the pig farms here were still prosperous, Ibrasi would often go to Isa's house to help them repair some equipment. This little girl would always follow behind him and ask Ask east and west.

And the dragon curse is even worse. Ibrahim has a very good relationship with the Long family. He has helped them several times. He has watched the brothers grow up. Ibrahim cannot do anything no matter what. Although Ibrahimovic in that house Lacy has dealt with many people in the past four years, but these two are the only ones he can't deal with.

Ibrasi then returned to the kitchen on the first floor. He planned to cook them something to eat and then talk to them.

Near 10 o'clock

A large number of Crow personnel and townspeople from Mine No. 19 came over. Everyone looked at Long Yu's home quietly. It was dark inside, but a little light blue light could be seen in the darkness. And a rustling sound could be heard.

This has never happened before. Many townspeople stood aside devoutly. High Priest Laila came to investigate in person. The captains of the crows stood outside the house, waiting for orders.

Laika moved quietly around the house, her tentacles searching for everything in the house. Soon Laika came to an old room filled with books. She moved quietly over and stretched out a He picked up a dusty photo frame with a picture of a man on it. Laika looked at it emotionally.

"Long Fan!"

Laila gently touched the man at the top of the old photo with her fingers, and then she felt something. The photo was missing a corner. Laika carefully opened the photo frame and found the missing part from the back. A corner of the photo was missing. The dark-skinned, shy woman stood beside Long Fan with her belly puffed out.

"It's been so many years?"

Laika's voice was a little sad. She looked at herself in the photo. After giving birth to her children, she left Long Fan and became a god. Then Laika never saw Long Fan again, and she never went to Long Fan again. Fan.

"The dawn will come."

Laika still clearly remembered that this was what Long Fan said most often in this dark mine.

There was indeed a brief period of light in Shimmer City, but now everything will return to darkness. Laika knows very well that the hordes of rebels will eventually overthrow everything, and a war is inevitable.

Laika knew very well that she was just an ordinary woman, because when she was about to be swallowed by the monster, she stayed awake, and finally gradually controlled the monster, completely assimilated with the monster, and was able to use the monster's power. Later, she used this power The Glimmer City was built.

Originally, all this should have continued forever. When Laika realized that she was just an ordinary person, she knew that if she could not restrain the monster, it would bring great harm to the entire city.

Over the years, Laika could only continue to find some people who could adapt to this monster and train them to become priests. However, the suppression ability of these priests was only temporary, and she alone could not completely control the growing monster.

In these years, the only thing that made Laila feel relieved was that she found her own bloodline, which made him a priest. He successfully controlled the monster perfectly, but then due to a serious accident, her only bloodline died. It was Laika who ended him with her own hands.

The inability to control the monster's power eventually led to the tragedy in Mine No. 88. This is something Laika has been suffering from for so many years. Her own inhibitions are getting lower and lower. In the past, she could still check things in many places, but now this The monsters that have assimilated with him seem to be collecting the rent that Laika has owed for many years, becoming more and more out of control.

She originally thought that her bloodline had been cut off, but a few days ago, when Laika found the man named Long Yu, the moment she touched him, Laika felt that her bloodline was still alive.

Then Laika immediately made his two children the Chosen Ones. He is already 30 and it is impossible to control the monster. As long as his two bloodlines help, Laika is still confident that he can continue to take care of the city. All in all, the number of priests today is less than 20.

Every year, priests are devoured because of this power. In the end, Laika can only directly use his more powerful power to devour the priest. His power is getting stronger and stronger, and he has reached the limit of his own mental strength.

Soon Laika came back to her senses, and she figured out a problem. I am afraid that there are helpers from the resisters in this place, and this helper should be a relatively powerful one, otherwise they would not be able to kidnap the Chosen One so easily.

The reason why Laika didn't stay here was just because she sensed a god with the same power from outside, the man named Fry who had just been assimilated. He brought monsters that Laika didn't know, but it just made Laika feel To his surprise, in this man's fragmented memory, he saw Jean.

"Just wait, dawn will come, for sure."

Laika still remembers Jean often telling her this. Now that Laika has motivation again, she will do everything possible to find her own bloodline. This time Laika also thinks very clearly. She will deal with the rebels and then find some capable people. managers.

Laika is not good at these things, so the current Shimmer City is very chaotic, or Laika has basically not managed the city over the years, because controlling the monsters has exhausted her.

Soon Laika thought that there could only be one gathering place for these rebels, a garbage dump more than 50 kilometers away from here. Soon Laika returned to the door of the room.

"Notify everyone, let the Crow members from A to F bring weapons and equipment and come here. Once I determine the location, I will take back the Chosen One and eliminate those rebels."

As Laika gave the order, the team leaders in front of them looked very shocked, but they immediately started to do it.

There is another reason why Laika decided to do this. Mist was assassinated last night. If it weren't for the man named Fry, Mist would have died. Once Mist died, Dark Crow The command system will collapse, and many secret messengers will be unable to deliver any news.

The system of the Crows was established by Mist. As the terminal of intelligence, he received a large amount of information from the Crows who did not even know about each other's existence, and then directly conveyed it to Laika.

Then Laika returned directly to the house, and her body sank into the ground little by little with the piercing tentacles. She knew the location of the garbage dump very well. There were many bright lights inside, so now Laika just wanted to take a look. Then let the Ravens' men attack in full force.

While the stories of those banished to the dump may have been exposed, that's no longer the case.

10:01 pm

Dragon Curse stood at the door alertly. Shayena just woke up and came to the stairs.

"Stop standing there stupidly. Only after you have rested can you gain strength. If that old man doesn't give us anything to eat and drink, we will die in a place like this. Besides, it's very hot here now, don't you think?"

Dragon Curse's breathing was a little rapid. At this time, he saw Isha who was still sleeping. He hurriedly ran over, pulled up Isha, and patted Isha's cheek.

From the very beginning, Dragon Curse felt that the air was thin and it was a little difficult to breathe. After Isa was woken up, she immediately pushed Dragon Curse away.

"We can't sleep with Isa. We are already a little short of oxygen. If we continue like this, we will be suffocated to death before we starve to death."

Shayena coughed and laughed.

"It's better now. That bad old man was really cruel. Besides, I've observed how many people have died in this place."

Isa covered her mouth and Dragon Curse glared at her. He had seen it before. There was a lot of blood. It seemed that the old man was disposing of the body here.

Regarding everything about Ibrasi, Dragon Curse has never doubted anything, but he just doesn't know why Ibrasi has become so scary.

As time passed, Dragon Curse felt more and more hot. He and Shayena had taken off their steam armors. No matter how hard they beat, it was useless. They could only wait.

At this time, accompanied by a coolness and a mechanical sound, the heat was immediately replaced by a cool feeling, and the three of them were breathing heavily.

"What do you want, old man? This is a serious crime."

"Stop calling me little girl, let's eat."

Accompanied by an old voice, the three of them all looked towards the corner of the room. Then with a creak, a small opening opened in the middle of the iron door, and a large plate was handed in. There was a large bottle of water, and some vegetables and potatoes, which looked heavy. Full.


Dragon Curse ran to the stairs and shouted.

"What should I tell you? What is the world you see now?"

"What did you do to Long Yu and my son and daughter?"

Isa ran over excitedly.

"Sorry Isa, they will be fine. If you are willing, I will talk to you slowly after dinner. If you are not willing, I will send you some food regularly every day until Until the problem on my side is over.”

As the small opening under the big iron door was closed, the three of them could only choose to eat.

"Eat more to be strong."

Dragon Curse watched Isa eat only a little bit before returning to the workbench and curling up, holding a potato and walking over. Isa turned her head stubbornly.

"I really don't know what you're angry about? It's the old man outside who locked us up."

Shayena couldn't stand it anymore. This woman's attitude towards the Dragon Curse was too arrogant.

"I hate you."

Isa said directly, and Dragon Curse hummed.

"Indeed, you should hate me. If I hadn't taken away the family's fortune and gone to the crow, you and your brother wouldn't have lived a miserable life for so many years."

Isa smiled and grabbed the potatoes, moved some away and ate them.

After a while, Dragon Curse, who was guarding the stairs, heard the sound of the small window opening.

"Tell me why on earth you did this Ibrasi."

"First of all, what do you think of this city?"

Shayena laughed.

"Old man, these issues are not something we should consider. Even if we do, it will be useless, right?"

Ibrasi laughed.

"It's true that you young people don't have to think about these issues, but have you ever thought that when you grow old, you will only be able to live like Puzel, or that you will have no support at all, and in the end you will starve to death, or even look like garbage? Have you ever thought about being thrown away? This city has begun to die."

Dragon Curse stared blankly at the small window, and then said.

"Ibrasi, do these things you said have anything to do with what you are doing now?"

"Of course, I do this just for the dawn, for the day when the dawn comes!"

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