Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 666 It’s hard to recover

"Dad, can't we go back?"

Long Yu smiled softly and looked at his daughter Long Hong sitting on the bed. She looked a little scared. The noise outside woke the three of them. His son Long Fei was at the table, looking at the steaming food. He was already very excited. I'm hungry, but I'm still holding back.

Long Yu blamed himself. Yesterday before going to bed, his son wanted to go outside to have a look, but Long Yu wouldn't let him go. His son said that he had grown up and he felt that the person who held them hostage was not a bad person, but Long Yu After shaking his head, the father and son had some heated words. Later, the son insisted on going out, and Long Yu did the rough behavior that a father would do.

Since then, father and son have not spoken a word since last night's dinner. It seems that Long Fan is still angry about what happened yesterday. Looking at his daughter who is a little scared, Long Yu can only comfort her and pick her up and come to the table. side.

"Eat Feifei, Honghong."

Long Fei still pouted and tilted his head, as if he was unwilling to eat. Long Fan took out a bowl of porridge and placed it in front of his son.

"Eat quickly. Only when you are full will you have strength. We won't stay here for long. We have to go home."

Long Fan looked at his father blankly.

"Dad, I don't want to"

Long Yu lowered his head, tears falling down. At this time, his daughter beside him also started crying. Long Yu held the two children in his arms. He knew that the two children did not want to be priests, they just wanted to be priests. With his parents, Long Yu also decided that after going back, he really wanted to have a good talk with Laika. Although becoming the Chosen One would have a qualitative change in their future lives, neither he nor Isa wanted to Separate from your children.

"I understand, it's okay Feifei Honghong. I will definitely talk to the high priest Laika when I go back. She is a reasonable adult. It's okay. Eat quickly. Only when we are full can we have strength. Walk back."

Although Long Yu understood the reason for the existence of this garbage dump yesterday, Long Yu did not think that everything here was created because of the indifference of the priests. The reason itself was that the resources were scarce. If this is not changed, even if they overthrow the rule of the priests, the city will have no future.

This is what Long Yu has seen over the years. When Mine No. 19 declined due to Ibrasi's troubles, Long Yu had to go out to work often and then send the income from work back home. Although the family's life was Although he lived in poverty, he was always happy, so Long Yu didn't want to see chaos happen.

Once chaos occurs, more people will be involved, and if more people are involved, Shimmer City will not be far from collapse.

Long Yu disagreed with their approach from the bottom of his heart. Although he had only met him once, Long Yu did not think that High Priest Laika was the kind of person who was difficult to communicate with.

"Hey, how about it, do you want to play outside, you two little guys!"

Sun Mei smiled and held the door frame with one hand, standing at the door and asked with a smile on her face.

"No, thank you, Miss Sun Mei!"

Long Yu looked at the training outside. Most of the people were doing weapons training and attack training. It looked decent. The man named Rhodes was guiding many people at the scene.

"What's wrong? Still think we are bad people?"

Sun Mei asked with a smile, Long Yu shook his head.

"Feifei, take your sister out for a visit, but you can't go too far."

The two children who had eaten breakfast returned to smiling. Long Fei took his sister Long Hong's hand and ran out quickly. He knew that his father wanted to discuss something with this eldest sister.

"Don't look so scary."

As soon as the two children left, Long Yu showed a serious and serious expression. He looked at Sun Mei blankly and asked.

"If you really overthrow the rule of High Priest Laika, what happens next?"

"The next step is of course to establish a beautiful new era."

Sun Meifeng said calmly, and Long Yu shook his head.

"Resources here are already scarce. New era?"

Sun Mei didn't want to discuss such a serious issue with this man because she had stopped thinking about these things a long time ago because it was easier, although she realized what Long Yu wanted to say.

"How about we stop talking about these things and talk about other things?"

"for example?"

Long Yu's tone was still a little hard, and Sun Mei laughed.

"Your wife is very beautiful. How did you meet her?"

Sun Mei's words left Long Yu a little confused, and he shook his head.

"Break the old order and establish a new order, but in the process of replacing the old with the new, can you guarantee the majority of people? What will happen to their lives?"

Sun Mei sighed, waved her hands and said.

"This is not an issue that I should consider. This is an issue that leaders should consider. But one thing, I must explain to you, this era has long been decayed. If it does not end, one day one of those tragedies in the darkness will Will burst out, do you know the Hungry Cage?”

Long Yu shook his head in confusion.

"I escaped from that hell-like place, and then met Rhodes and the others. This city is far more cruel than you think. The reason why we kidnapped your children is just to prevent the number of priests from increasing. , In our surveys over the years, it is very difficult to give birth to a priest, and usually only 1% of the selected people can become priests."

The corners of Long Yu's eyes twitched slightly, and Sun Mei continued to explain.

"Every year, many people become the Chosen Ones, but everyone only hears the news that the Chosen Ones have successfully become priests through the radio. So what about the losers?"

Long Yu looked worriedly at the place outside the door.

"If you really want to protect your children, you must choose to believe in us unconditionally. I told Rhodes last night that if the priests attack and the crow-packing people attack, in the end, In the worst case, you have to leave with your children. If they catch you, it will be over. You will never see your two children again. Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Think clearly before taking action."

Sun Mei's tone at this time seemed extremely serious. Long Yu nodded slightly, and then Sun Mei left the room. She did not intend to continue to have too much interaction with this man. Although the man's previous actions made Sun Mei feel a little surprised. , but such surprises are short-lived.

"It's not good, it's not good."

At this time, there was an exclamation, and everyone who was still practicing stopped their movements. Rhodes looked over, and a small man hurried in.

"What's wrong? Vincent!"

Sun Mei ran over quickly, and the man named Vincent swallowed and said.

"Yesterday's assassination attempt failed and everyone was captured."

For a moment, everyone present was stunned. More and more people gathered around. The man named Vincent told the news that the assassination of more than 30 people failed yesterday and that more than 30 people were captured. They were the ones who planted them in Crow The information sent by the undercover was accurate, but the information did not say what happened specifically.

Rhode looked at the information written on the paper in Vincent's hand with solemn eyes. This seemed incredible to everyone. Those who went to assassinate were all elites. Although some people might die, they had made preparations before setting off. , but I didn’t expect that everyone was captured.

This sounds unacceptable to everyone.

"Is there a traitor among us?"

At this time, someone questioned, and suspicion was immediately written on most people's faces, and they looked at each other.

"Absolutely impossible."

Rhodes immediately said that although he had no basis, there had never been any incidents of traitors in these years. Rhodes believed in the people he brought out with his own hands, but the fact that more than 30 people were captured meant that their plan was very complicated. It may be exposed. If you die, it's okay. The priests have the ability to read all the information they want directly from your brain.

Long Yu stood quietly next to the gathered people, listening to their chatter, and probably knew what the problem was.

However, at this moment, with a burst of sound, a person flew over directly. As soon as Long Yu looked over, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ordinary clothes, but his eyes were shining with red light. There were several guards at the door. Already fell to the ground.

"Enemy attack!"

Someone shouted, and Rhodes immediately rushed over. He picked up a large training knife on the side, and slashed with the white steam spurting out.

"If possible, I hope you will surrender, and I hope you will lay down your weapons as much as possible so that we can have a good talk."

Long Yu was dumbfounded as he looked at the man in front of him who held up his left hand with only three fingers. He easily held the steam knife with his hand. With a click, the built-in chain in the blade broke, and bursts of sparks shot out.

"You guy, after all."

Before Rhodes finished speaking, he saw the man's fist in front of him falling on his chest. There was a loud bang, and the hard armor was directly penetrated. Rhodes flew out with blood vomiting and fell heavily. He landed on the ground and then remained motionless. It took only a moment for the people around him to react and take out their steam guns.


The next second, something happened in front of them that no one could understand. The steel needles seemed to be forbidden, stagnating in the air in the red light.

At this time, there were commotions below, and everyone in the camp rushed over with weapons. However, wherever the man passed, people kept falling. Long Yu could see clearly that they seemed to have been killed by someone. This invisible force knocked him unconscious.

Sun Mei yelled for everyone to go back and get their weapons and equipment, but the result was the same. Those who had already put on steam armor came forward waving steam blades, but they still couldn't withstand the man's blow. Many people fell down. At this time, Sun Mei rushed into the house. Long Yu suddenly realized. The next second he saw that the two children were sandwiched by Sun Mei.


Following a burst of ejection sound, Long Yu immediately screamed, but Sun Mei had already been lifted up with a hook lock and flew up.

"Etc., etc"

Long Yu shouted hoarsely, but the next second, with a dazzling red light, Long Yu saw that it was the man who had attacked and landed in front of him. The ground immediately sank, and there was a loud bang. The man in front of him flew into the sky in an instant. Long Yu was stunned. In an instant, the man caught up with Sun Mei.

The next second Long Yu saw that Sun Mei in the air had been hit and completely lost consciousness. His children and Sun Mei seemed to be dragged by something. As the falling man landed on the ground, The three of them were floating steadily in the air, and there were still people rushing towards them. At this time, the man in front of them raised his head and glanced at Long Yu.

"These are your two children!"

Long Yu nodded numbly. The man smiled and suddenly jumped past him. There were bangs and bangs behind him. In less than two minutes, the battle was finally over. Long Yu hugged two scared people. The pale child checked Sun Mei again. She was not killed, but just fainted. At this time, a large number of crows had already rushed in, holding handcuffs and began to arrest someone on the ground. Everyone looked at the man in disbelief.

Long Yu held the two children. At this time, the man slowly walked over and stretched out his hand. Long Yu felt that the man had no ill intentions. He did not kill anyone, but knocked them unconscious directly.

"My name is Frye. I'm an outsider who just came here a few days ago. I'm from Brilliant City!"

Long Yu looked at the man in front of him in shock, but finally stretched out his hand.

"Go back first."

Long Yu returned to the front of the door. At this time, he saw that a large number of people in the garbage dump were gone. They were all staying in the house, and there were thousands of people in Crow. They were in these garbage dumps. The person at the door was checking and asking something.

Then several crow captains came over and planned to ask Long Yu to hand over his two children. Long Yu hugged the two children tightly.

"Mr. Long Yu, your two children are already the Chosen Ones. Those rebel forces are still trying to move outside. We will protect them."

Long Yu was obviously unwilling. He rejected the proposal, but soon several Crow people came closer, and Frye came over.

"How about I protect them myself?"

Frye said, and several of the crows stopped saying anything. At this time, Frye spoke.

"Follow me, someone wants to see you."

Long Yu said thank you gratefully, and then glanced at Sun Mei lying on the ground.

"What will happen to them?"

"I don't know, I'm just here to repay Miss Laika's kindness for saving me before."

Long Yu followed Frye down. Many Crow people along the way looked very respectful when they saw Frye and specifically got out of the way. This is for sure. After seeing the absolute strength of this man, no one was dissatisfied. Long Yu didn't know who this man was and why he would use this power.

Soon Long Yu saw a dark cave with a faint blue light emitting from it.

"Come inside Long Yu!"

A hoarse voice came from the cave. Long Yu knew it was the high priest Laika. He glanced at Frye, who took the two children over.


Long Yu said something again, and then walked into the tunnel. Bursts of rustling sounds rang in his ears. After a while, Long Yu walked up to the high priest Laika.

"Lord Laika."

Long Yu shouted respectfully.

"I came to you for no other reason than I will take away your two children today!"

Long Yu's heart tightened, he clenched his fists and licked his chapped lips.

"Can I refuse, Master Laika?"


Long Yu looked at Laika seriously, and Laika smiled gently.

"You look a bit like him."

Long Yu looked at Laika with her head raised suspiciously, as if she was missing something.

"Long Fan!"

Long Yu became a little confused. This name was very familiar to Long Yu. It was his grandpa Zeng.

"Do you know my grandpa Zeng? Lord Laika."

Laika suddenly stretched out a hand and touched Long Yu's forehead. He took a step back in surprise.

"Although it is unacceptable for you to have your two children taken away, it is of great significance to the entire Shimmer City. Although it is cruel, I am sorry that I have to take them away. Your two children, let them be my successors."

Long Yu looked at Laika in shock.

"Sir Laika, my wife and I love these two children very much. Can I beg you not to take them away?"

Laika's eyes became sharp at this time.

"I cannot agree to your request because my time is running out. If a successor is not found, the city will collapse."

Laika swallowed, he didn't know what to say. The decision made by High Priest Laika was something that no one could resist.

Laika looked at the emotional man in front of her. Some of his behaviors were very similar to Long Fan's, but now she didn't have much time.

"I can give you one month. This is the limit. Your family can move into Mine No. 1. From now on, you will be supported unconditionally by Crow and you don't need to work."

Long Yu looked at Laika in disbelief, who had turned around and slowly disappeared in the dark tunnel.

Long Yu's heart was a little heavy. He left the tunnel after a long time. His children looked at him worriedly. Long Yu smiled and shook his head.

"We go home."


With the help of Crow, Long Yu, Fry and their four children got on a steam trolley at the end of the railway track. They could go directly back to Mine No. 19. But at this time, there was another news that made Long Yu a little overwhelmed. , his wife Isa disappeared, and his brother Longshu, who came here to investigate, and one of his colleagues were missing.

Long Yu watched the steam trolley start slowly, and the two children lay tiredly on his lap. He did not tell them about the disappearance of their mother, because Long Yu no longer wanted the children to worry.

"Thank you Mr. Fry."

Long Yu spoke again, and Frye shook his head.

"Are you worried about what will happen to those people?"

Frye asked, and Long Yu nodded without hesitation.

"They don't look like evil people. I can feel that there are people like this in every city. Don't worry, I will advise Miss Laika. If this city doesn't move, it will be finished. "

Long Yu looked at Frye and nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Frye, you said before that you are from Brilliant City?"

Frye hummed.

"I know the place."

Frye looked at Long Yu with some surprise. At this time, Long Yu took out a small silver strip-shaped sign from his arms. Frye understood it as soon as he saw it.

"This is the communication number of Brilliant City and the city coordinates."

Long Yu looked at it with some suspicion, because he didn't know about these things. Fry rubbed the sign that conveyed the message. After a while, people from the 3rd Department would wrap this small sign with a dark film on the barrier, directly Let it out.

"Has it been transmitted that far?"

Frye said with emotion. Long Yu also closed his eyes tiredly at this time. The steam trolley was traveling quickly. Frye looked at the dark places along the way and could always see the blue light. It seemed that Laika was right. These two children were taken very seriously, but he did not ask for specific reasons.

At this time, Frye was thinking about a problem. This city might not have a future. When he saw the garbage dump, Frye realized that this place had come to an end. It was very bad. This made Frye think Enter the barrier area outside Bright City.

This society is obviously completely different from that of Brilliant City, but very similar structures have emerged.

Is that so? Humanity!

Frye smiled bitterly.


Ibrasi took the freshly prepared meal and pushed it through the small hole.

"Ibrahi, wait, can you tell me something more specific?"

The sound of the dragon curse came from the small hole, and Ibrasi laughed.

"Wait until I am free. You will live here for the time being. Until I come up with an effective way, you can only live here."

Ibrasi said and closed the small hole. He felt something strange. Early this morning, many of Crow's people had left. Although Ibrasi felt a little worried whether they would attack the garbage dump, he changed his mind. Thinking about it, even if hundreds of Crows attack, they will not pose any threat to the garbage dump.

Over the years, Ibrasi has provided them with a large number of weapons and equipment. As long as they hold on to the highest point, Crow's people will not be able to deploy them in the garbage dump cave. Ibrasi plans to continue research.

"Really, that damn old man."

Shayena complained, took the food from Dragon Curse's hand, and then walked to Isha who looked confused.

"It's time to eat."

Isa seemed to be thinking about something and didn't react at all. It wasn't until Shayena shook her that she realized what she was doing. She immediately took the things and said sorry. The three of them had thought of many ways in the past two days, but as long as If the door is not opened, they cannot get out.

Dragon Curse knew that no matter what, he could not convince Ibrasi. The old man had been very stubborn before, but Dragon Curse thought of something. No matter what Ibrasi wanted to do, what exactly they wanted to do, their plan was It won't work.

Dragon Curse had heard from the captain before about the escape of the rebels among the crows. Dragon Curse despised these people because they betrayed the city.

"There will be a solution, it'll be okay!"

Dragon Mantra said in a relaxed manner, but at this time the atmosphere in the room returned to the previous dullness.

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