Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 671 Chapter Zero Teardrops (Part 1)

Chapter 671 Chapter Zero. Teardrops (Part 1)


The water splashed, and a shark emerged from the water. Its huge and long head slowly emerged from the water, its fins were flapping, and its body stood on the water little by little.

This black shark looks very alert, with a pair of scarlet eyes observing everything around it. This is a dilapidated bay, with a large number of broken hulls on the sea, and the harbor in the distance is full of broken buildings.

The shark was six to seven meters long. After the shark's body was halfway out of the water, its huge body was taller than a nearby rusty yacht. The shark slowly approached the yacht and suddenly opened its mouth. He opened his mouth wide, revealing his sharp teeth, and bit down in one bite.

Click click click click

The shark began to devour the old yacht, and its sharp teeth were dismembering the old yacht.

In a hole opened in a large dilapidated ship not far away, a pair of purple eyes shone brightly under the blue light.

"Natsu! It's almost there!"

A voice came from the dark broken hull, soon followed by a flash of white light. Here stood two humanoid creatures. They were wearing simple coarse cloth, and their skin was azure. On their azure skin, There are criss-crossing white lines. These lines are emitting a faint white light all the time, and they look extremely eye-catching under such a gray-black sky.

These two creatures with human faces, but no ears or hair, stared at the sharks on the sea in the distance. On their blue cheek skin, there was a green horizontal bar on the left cheek.

The two were about the same size, with the smaller one being called Nants by the stronger one behind him.

"Garcia! Still waiting."

Nantz squatted in a hole more than ten meters above the water. Under his feet, there was a thick iron chain. At this time, the shark more than 30 meters away from the two of them was still eating the old yacht bit by bit. , and at this time both of them were squatting on the ground, both of their hands holding on to the iron chain.

At this time, the shark stopped, still standing on the water, seeming to be resting, its scarlet eyes closed, and the two of them were still waiting for something.

"That's it!"

Garcia said and looked at Nants next to him, who shook his head.

"It must succeed, if it fails."

Garcia saw the sadness in Nantz's expression, and he patted Nantz's back consolingly.

"Panello is getting married soon, you want to give her the best gift, right?"

As soon as he said this, Nantz lowered his head, with a hint of sadness in his green eyes, and nodded.

"There is no way, we are born low-level Steka!"

Nantz said and Garcia smiled and shook his head.

"Or. I mean otherwise."

Garcia also seemed very uncomfortable. He saw that his good brother Nanz, who had grown up together since childhood, was about to lose his sight. He could not do anything when he saw his lover getting married. Garcia knew this feeling clearly.

"Tonight, if we can succeed, we will go back with gifts. Tomorrow night is the festival. You and Penelope should discuss it carefully and take her away!"

Nantz looked at Garcia blankly.

"No, I have no ability at all. Even if I take her and run away, I won't be able to get far."

Garcia smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay Natsu, I think"

"Stop talking!"

Nantz's face darkened. He glanced at the dilapidated city streets and the gray-black sky in the distance. Today was 8 o'clock in the morning on October 30, 2276.

The two of them had been in this dilapidated bay full of sunken ships and wreckage for a week in search of hunting grounds. They were exhausted. Fortunately, this shark appeared.

The world in front of them was like this when they first opened their eyes. They were the people of Stecatripoca, the god of chaos. The reason why this world became like this was because of the greed of humans in the past, which eventually led to God brought disaster and destroyed the past world and civilization. In the past world, this land was dominated by a kind of creature called man.

The elder of the village also said that humans are the most greedy creatures. The two of them also saw many human corpses in the human ruins, which were completely different from them, as well as many things created by humans in the past.

In particular, a kind of poisonous white powder can be seen in many places on this land. The two people live in a village of more than 400 Stika people more than 10 kilometers away from the bay.

It is a relatively small village in the Steka Kingdom. Two-thirds of the people in the village are low-level Steka, without any combat effectiveness or crystal proliferation armor.

Steka with blue and purple eyes are the most common in the village. Eyes are one of the important signs of identifying a Steka. The eyes of a Steka that mixes two colors are medium Scott, while some mix three types. Even the four colors of Steka are high-grade Steka.

The horizontal bars on their cheeks also represent that they are the lowest-level labor force in the Steka village and are looking for food every day. The more green horizontal bars, the greater the ability to capture prey. The largest is the Steka with three horizontal bars. card, while the red horizontal bar represents the protector of the village.

In the society of Steka, there is a group of cursed Steka with black eyes. Once such Steka are born, they will be killed directly. In order not to let their children die, some parents will take the initiative to kill their children. They were sent to the territory of some cursers. Nanzi had a sister named Shakira. She was suddenly cursed when she was 11 years old and was then sent away. Nanzi has never seen her until now. Sister Shakira.

Nantz's lover Penelope was born with a Steka with golden-red eyes, and recently the corners of her eyes have started to turn white. With eyes that are a mixture of the three colors, she has become the noblest Steka in the village. The great elders of the high-level Steka took the fancy of her, and they would directly take Penillo over in a few days, and Panillo would marry a noble Steka.

This matter had been decided a year ago, and Nanz also knew that tomorrow's festival would be the last time, and it would also be the last day Nanz could get along with Penelope, so Nanz decided to give the best gift to his lover.

Food is necessary for Steka. These strange "animals" running around the world are an important source of food for Steka. They Steka only need to eat some of these animals to supply the body with necessary needs. With enough energy, you can go without eating or drinking for a week.

Nantz had thought about escaping with Penelope, and even thought about going to the territory of the cursers, but all this was unrealistic. Nantz had no ability, and there were many cursers wandering in this land. , they will rob the food of normal Steka, and even take away female Steka, as well as kill some normal Steka.

The Steka with the red horizontal stripes on their cheeks in the village exist to protect the village, and some female Steka are responsible for picking up some usable materials to make clothes.

Nantz has prayed to their gods countless times, but the God of Chaos has never responded to Nantz, because Nantz has heard that if you pray to the God of Chaos sincerely, you may gain power.

"You can do it now, Natsu!"

Looking at Nanzi who was dazed, Garcia said softly. Nanzi came back to his senses, and the two of them nervously pulled on the chains. After looking at each other, they nodded.


In an instant, the two people pulled the chain, and with a huge sound of water, the shark with closed eyes on the distant sea suddenly opened its eyes, making a splashing sound, accompanied by a squeaking sound, and rusty stripes. Anchors rose from all directions instantly, and thick chains were like nets, rushing towards the shark instantly.

The sound of splashing water sounded, and Nanz and Garcia immediately jumped in, jumping directly into the dark sea water. There was a blue crystal spear on their backs, which was used by their Scourge Weapons made of special excrement and tears are very hard.

The shark struggled in the huge chain net. The huge force dragged the entire net sliding on the water surface in an instant. The water splashed continuously. Two people swimming quickly were floating on the water surface. The gills opened, and the two approached quickly, and the water flow became chaotic due to the shark's struggle.


Garcia shouted, and the moment they approached, the two people jumped out of the water like fish. There were things like fins on their hands and feet, which suddenly popped up like shrapnel, and their bodies and legs were out of the water. After that, they quickly came to the sky above the shark on the water surface. The two of them raised the crystal spears in their hands and stabbed directly into the shark's eyes.

There was a constant clicking sound, the shark's eye was stabbed, and black blood spattered out. In an instant, the shark's big mouth bit directly into the chain, and one of the chains broke. The two of them were still holding Jing tightly. Spear, the shark flopped directly, suddenly leaping forward.

Garcia immediately shouted.

"Get away from Natsu!"


Nanz grinned slightly. The moment the shark's mouth approached, Nanz raised his hands and grabbed the shark's sharp teeth. The teeth instantly pierced the skin of Nanz's hands and soles of his feet. Nanz was in pain and his eyes were desperate. Looking at Garcia standing on the anchor under the chains.


The water splashed everywhere, like a huge bomb falling into the water. Nanz was directly bitten by the shark and fell into the dark ocean. Nanz's eyes were gleaming. Garcia had already jumped into the water and swam quickly. As he chased after him, Nantz felt his strength gradually losing. The white blood looked particularly clear in the dark ocean, like a weak white air, flowing slowly, like a ribbon.

Nantz's feelings became increasingly blurry. He knew that the hunting plan had failed. Although such a simple trap worked, they also attacked the shark's eyes as some experienced hunters said, but this But the power far exceeded Nantz's imagination.


The crystal clear tears rolling out of Nanzi's eyes were flowing like strings of pearls in the dark ocean.

The wind was blowing gently. In a small village, all the houses were square, some with two floors, some with three floors. There were men and women in the village, and all the Stikas were busy. Prepare for tomorrow's festival.

These houses are made of stones of different colors, or animal bones or shells. They look colorful, and some of the stones also emit light, and the whole village flashes with neon lights.

At the top of a five-story house in the middle of the village, a Steka woman with golden-red eyes was sitting on the balcony. She was wearing a white gauze dress, with a delicate face, and a trace of sadness in her eyes. On her pretty face, All I can see is the bitterness.


White pearl-like tears fell from the eyes of this female Steka and rolled to the ground. She looked at the dark bay in the distance, still worried.


The woman sighed, and her tears began to stop falling, because someone came upstairs. A tall, elderly Steka walked up with a red crystal skull cane. There were many decorations on his back. , with feathers and straw, and a turban with an eagle pattern on his forehead.

"village head!"

"Panillo, forget about Nantz!"

Penelope shook her head.

"I will never forget it in my life."

The village chief walked over helplessly and pressed Penillo's shoulder.

"You have no future, and you are a person who can enter the Kingdom of God. It is impossible to meet Nantz again in the future."

Penillo shook her head sadly.

The so-called Kingdom of God in the village chief's mouth is that only high-level Steka can enter. They need to cross the northern desert and find the high wall. Only Steka who is allowed by God can enter the Kingdom of God through the high wall. .

"Is there really a god in this world? Village chief."

The village chief immediately looked at Penillo with a solemn expression.

"Stop blaspheming God. God is everywhere."

Penillo smiled and shook her head.

"If there really is a God in this world, people who love each other will not have to part ways in the end, so I don't believe there is a God in this world!"

The village chief's expression became extremely solemn, and at this moment, accompanied by a clanging sound, the village chief immediately stood on the high-rise building. At the moment of falling, a faint blue light emitted from the village chief's back. With a ray of light, a pair of wings as thin as cicada wings spread out and fluttered instantly, and the village chief glided directly over.

There were rumbling sounds, and the Stekas holding fiery red crystal spears looked at the things running towards this side on the opposite city street with horrified eyes.

"Ask for help from the Great Elder immediately!"

The village chief shouted, but the next second, the black herds of cattle came to the edge of the village. One of them was a giant buffalo that was three meters high. The scarlet horns looked very powerful, and the buffalo's Above, there is a smiling, casual-looking female Steka. Most of the cows behind her are one or two meters tall, and there are a large number of mixed male and female Steka.

"Hey! Village elder, long time no see."

The strong-looking and beautiful female Steka in front of her slipped directly from the head of the giant bull. The moment she landed, more than 50 defensive Stekas in the village pointed at her with red crystal spears.

This female Steka is only about 1.7 meters tall. She looks very petite, but there is an arrogant aura on her cheeks, and all the Steka in front of her has black eyes.

"You are Shakira!"

The village chief finally recognized the woman in front of him, and he looked at her in shock.

"Where's my brother!"

Shakira stared at the village chief. At this time, two male Stakas on the two shorter cows behind him landed next to Shakira.

"It's better to fight quickly!"

Shakira laughed, and then took a step forward. Immediately, the village chief held up a red crystal skull cane. However, the next second, Shakira suddenly moved forward. In the blink of an eye, accompanied by phantoms like streams of light, Shakira was already standing behind the village chief. She raised her hands, and black flame-like substance overflowed from her hands. In an instant, two curved daggers appeared on Shakira's arms, as if from the arms. It grows out of the normal.

"If you are not afraid of death, just come here."

The village chief felt fear. The moment he turned around, several defenders in the village had already rushed over. However, the next second, along with the afterimages, Shakira's figure appeared among these Staka's. The surroundings shook, and in less than a second, all the weapons in Steka's hands and the armor of animal bones and shells that had attacked were shattered.

Shakira squatted on the ground, smiling proudly. The village chief felt the fear, and the rest of Steka did not dare to take action. At this time, Shakira burst into laughter, and suddenly jumped up, followed instantly With flowing black light, a pair of wings spread out. In an instant, the village chief exclaimed, but the next second Shakira had already flown to the top of the building in the middle of the village.

"Hey, little beauty!"

Shakira smiled evilly and looked at Penillo in front of her. Penillo was shocked. Just as she was about to get up, there was an afterimage in an instant. Shakira was already standing behind Penillo. She clasped Penillo's neck with one hand, then stroked Penillo's cheek with the other hand and leaned her head closer.

"What are you going to do!"

"Don't you want to marry my brother? How about you come with me first? If you marry my brother, I will be your sister!"

Penillo turned her head in shock.

"You're Shakira!"

Panillo couldn't help but say anything. Shakira hugged Penillo and jumped out of the small building. The black wings spread out again with the light. Penillo only felt that the things in front of her were flying. In less than a second In the blink of an eye, Shakira had landed back on the giant bull's head, and the giant bull was breathing heavily from its nostrils and making a mooing sound.

"Shakira, what do you want to do!"

The village chief said angrily, Shakira put her arm around Penillo and rested her head on Penillo's shoulder.

"What are you doing? Are you not convinced? Old man, you still want to give it a try. It only takes a moment and I can kill all of you!"

The village chief looked at the excited defenders and the villagers who kept appearing. No one dared to move because they had witnessed Shakira's power. This was the instant crystal multiplication that only high-level Steka had. ability.

At this time, Panillo was no longer afraid. This free and bold woman was Natsu's sister. This was enough. In the past, Natsu would often talk about his sister to Panillo, not once or twice, because In Nantz’s mind, her sister Shakira is the best.

"How about it! The village chief remembers to tell my brother that I took his wife away. If he wants to find her, let him find her by himself."

As Shakira spoke, she raised her hand and a group of running bulls began to turn around. In an instant, hundreds of bulls began to run wildly. In less than a few minutes, they disappeared into the dilapidated city streets in the distance.

The village chief looked at the crutch in his hand in astonishment. He didn't know why Shakira suddenly came back and had such great strength, such speed and crystal proliferation ability that the village chief could not match.

In the distant sky, there was a flash of red light, and something was approaching in an instant. Gradually, three men and two women appeared. All of them were Steka with three-color eyes. One of them Steka, wearing dark armor, walked up to the village chief, who hurried over.

bang bang

The woman slapped the village chief twice.

"A bunch of useless trash!"

Everyone in the village knelt on the ground, and the village chief also knelt on the ground. The woman's hot hand was pressing her forehead. At this time, a small hole opened on the left side of the woman's head. After a while, it looked like The indifferent woman with red, blue and white eyes lowered her hand, and the small hole on the side of her head closed.

"Such a loss is huge. You idiots, even if you sacrifice the lives of your whole village, it won't be enough to compensate. Why don't you resist?"

The village chief was silent, his head already hitting the ground.

Steka, the leading woman, clenched her fists, and there was a fierce light in her eyes, but at this time, a tall man with gold, red and green eyes behind her held the woman.

"It's not a good idea to do this. It will bring us a bad name!"

The woman suppressed the anger in her heart. She wanted to kill all the Stellas in the village to vent her anger, but she finally held back.

"Which direction did they go."

The village chief hurriedly pointed out the direction, and immediately the five Stellas jumped up instantly. In an instant, their wings of different colors and shapes spread out, and in an instant they flew towards the ruined city.

The rumbling continued, the giant bull was still galloping, Shakira held Penillo in her arms, but neither of them said a word at this time.

"What do you think, little beauty!"

Penelope shook her head.


"Don't think about it. I've heard about this a long time ago. It's impossible for my idiot brother to make a decision. He's too weak, so I, as a sister, can only do so reluctantly."

Penillo hummed, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. The anguish in her heart had disappeared. The only thing she was worried about now was whether Nantz, who was out hunting, could come back safely.

At this time, Shakira looked back at the sky behind her with solemn eyes, and she stood up.

"You take the little girl away, I'll stay behind and show them some color!"

As Shakira spoke, she jumped up. In an instant, a herd of running bulls passed by her feet. On Shakira's back, a pair of dark wings spread out. In an instant, Shakira was approaching and chasing after her. of enemies.

"Hey, noble Steka, good morning!"


Shakira's afterimage instantly bypassed the five flying people, and her kicks and fists clearly hit the five flying people.

swish swish

With a rumble, five high-level Steka fell to the ground. Shakira slowly landed on the top of an abandoned car and sat down.

"If you don't want to die, go back! If you want to die, come here and give it a try."

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