Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 692 Prologue Chapter Zero Blindness

Chapter 692 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Blindness IX

On a deserted and silent street, garbage was blowing in the wind. The street was filled with a large number of scrapped cars. Some of the cars were rusty. There was no one on the street. There were black marks on the ground, as if they were something. What remains after solidification looks like a humanoid.

There are empty high-rise buildings all around, and there is not a single person in sight. The sky is hazy, with only a circle of light behind the clouds. At this time, a shining light seems a bit dazzling. On the top of a car, there is a silver watch. , the workmanship looks very fine, except for some dust adhering to the surface, the watch is still moving.

Click click click click

In this empty and silent street, the crisp sound of the watch is particularly clear.


June 13, 2076, 7:19 am

This is a seaport city located in the south of the Atlantic Ocean. It was once the kingdom of football. Flags of some teams can be seen everywhere on the streets, as well as sculptures of some famous players, including stars representing honor.

Some black solidified human-shaped marks can be seen at regular intervals on the ground. There are a lot of them, some are single, and some are several human marks superimposed on each other.

Scattered food, banknotes, water, and a lot of weapons and ammunition can be seen in some places. Black dust is always floating in the air, dust visible to the naked eye like gravel, floating gently in the city, sometimes rising and sometimes falling.

At this time, a bird landed in front of a bag of food, looked around suspiciously, then stretched out its head and began to peck at the bag. Soon the bag was pecked open, and the bird began to eat the food in the bag. A bit laid back and doesn't seem to care much about everything around him.

Soon the bird was full, and it flew to the top of a car, beating, as if looking for something. However, the bird's body was a little strange at this time, and some black scabs could be seen under its feathers, like The surface of the rugged stone was like a rock, and the birds began to preen their feathers.

After a while, the bird flew up, and quickly flew to the top of a tall building, landing in a place with stronger sunlight. It looked around, as if looking for its companions, but there was nothing to be seen anywhere in the city. At this time, the bird looked to the east. Something was moving slowly on the sea. The bird spread its wings and flew towards the east.

bursts of noisy voices

At a harbor, densely packed people were like ants, waiting for the arrival of the ship, and some ships that had already set sail had already sailed into the distance, and many people showed desperate expressions.

Almost all boats from all over the country are concentrated here. Most people just want to escape from this city that has become a place of death. Most people coming from all over the country have hope that this is the only place they can escape. , heading to North America, or Europe across the ocean, is the only hope for people here.

A large number of soldiers armed with weapons, using the outer edge of the harbor as the dividing line, are confronting the people who are still pouring in from outside. Many people are talking at random, hoping to pass, but almost no one dares to step forward. Because someone who moved forward was shot directly.

The soldiers looked at the people gathered in horror. They were wearing gas masks and fully armed. Behind the six-level checkpoint, they stared intently at the people outside.

Thirty meters away from a temporary tent at the checkpoint, a large number of people were queuing up. In the large tent, there were many medical equipment and examination equipment. A man looked at the medical staff wearing fifth-level protective clothing not far away in horror. Experts, they just drew blood from the man.

The man seemed to be praying for something, and soon a medical scientist nodded and indicated that the man could pass.

The man seemed to have obtained the key to heaven. He kept saying thank you excitedly and passed the metal house behind the temporary tent.

At the signal of the medical scientist, a woman 30 meters away hurriedly ran over. She was a little tired and rolled up her sleeves as soon as she came over. Several medical scientists immediately came to draw blood.

Testing has been going on here for nearly a month. There are a total of 10 monitoring points. They can only test 3,000 to 4,000 people a day, and it takes 3 minutes to test one person at the fastest. It is not just here, there are places like this in other seaports, but they are more Some people are coming here.

Nowadays, most people who come here only dare to go around the edge of the city and live on the edge of the city. Some local medical scientists have sent people to put up warning signs to tell people not to go to the city, because there are extremely Possibly infected with this annihilation virus.

The fatality rate is 100%. Once infected without any medical treatment, the human body's tissues will be completely decomposed. The virus's survivability is extremely strong and can survive for at least 5 days. It will adhere to the surfaces of many things and seaports. The wind blowing into the city has become the biggest savior of mankind at present, but it is only temporary.

Medical scientists understand that it is impossible to solve this virus now, because the structure of this virus is too complex. It is a type that has never appeared in the human world since the beginning of history. It is certain that with the hope of the asteroid Spread out after the explosion.

The virus has spread in less than a month and has killed millions of people. Contact has been lost in many places. No one knows where to go to be safe, but the only way is to hide in a tight place. At home, no contact with humans.

There are currently more than 100,000 people waiting for the ship at the port. They need to be tested before boarding the ship. As long as one person is infected, no one will survive on the ship. There is currently no one carrying the virus. An example of people surviving.

"I can not make it!"

A male medical scientist walked out of the tent and came to the metal room. Then he quickly threw his clothes into the incinerator and jumped naked into a pool of anti-virus solution. Soon he came to another metal room. After entering the room, I lay down on the sofa tiredly. After a while, the door opened and another female medical scientist entered.

"Saravia, I think this place can't be used anymore. We have now obtained most of the virus samples and can leave."

The man said, and the woman walked over, picked up the cup, and poured a cup of hot coffee. She shook her head.

"Neo! Are you going to abandon this place?"

The male medical scientist named Neo laughed and shook his head.

"It's not about abandoning or not abandoning, but we have to make a choice. After all, the president has gone to the safety of North America. The naive soldiers are still executing orders, and the citizens are still thinking about being rescued. I I can’t bear everything that’s so heavy!”

Saravia laughed.

"We still don't know anything about this virus at the moment, so if we go back now."

"Look at the situation in the city, Saravia. There is no time or opportunity for us to stay any longer. I have been working for 20 hours straight and now I am very tired."

Saravia leaned over, sat next to Neo, and pressed his hand. Both of them were internationally renowned virologists. They worked in a testing facility in North America and did not belong to this country. Although they are from this country, they are basically away from home all year round and rarely come back. This time they received instructions from high-level officials to at least obtain virus samples. This is for the future of mankind.

After bringing back the virus sample, you can rely on AI to analyze it, and one day you will know the true appearance of the virus.

"There is hope for these people, as soon as we get the testing done, some people can get on the ship and at least get to some safe place."


Neo laughed.

"There's no safe place in the world, and do you really think they're going to let the ship dock?"

"What do you mean Neo?"

Saravia asked, and Neo had closed his eyes. He didn't want to answer Saravia's question anymore, because he no longer planned to say anything to this woman. She wanted to save more people, so they It has been delayed here for half a month, and as the supervisor, Neo has been criticized by many people below.

The reason why he continues to stay here is that Saravia convinced Neo again and again. Neo's patience has reached its limit. The ship that set sail a few days ago has not come back to pick up the people yet. Neo knows that something is wrong. .

Europe may be relatively safe now, but some ships bound for Europe may bring the virus with them. This is what Neo is worried about, so he plans to go to Europe to negotiate with someone from another international virus organization. I hope I can convince them to give me some AI medical equipment and let me take it back.

Neo also plans to inform the past about the situation here, so he has used an unmanned aerial camera to record the tragic situation of human extinction in the past month.

Once this kind of annihilation virus is infected, the initial symptom is body muscle weakness, and then it will fall into an incubation period, which is usually only 7 days, but now it can be detected through blood testing, and after seven days, this annihilation virus will begin to rewrite Human beings' NDA directly turns human beings into particles. This is what is already known.

After the virus breaks out, humans will continue to lose body fluids, and then slowly become like withered plants, and finally turn into a pile of sticky decomposed substances, and the appearance of death is extremely terrifying.

Basically, from the initial two days of muscle weakness to the seven days of incubation, it will explode on the tenth day. The outbreak virus can completely decompose a person in only 8 hours.

The speed at which the virus rewrites human DNA is terrifying, and how the virus does it is currently unknown.

Neo knows very well that it only takes one particle of such a virus to break out in human society, and it is enough to destroy all mankind. This is just the beginning, and Neo knows that a large-scale outbreak has begun in southern North America. If the remaining countries in North America do nothing, soon there will be no living creatures on this land.

Not only humans, but also animals. Almost all animals visible to the naked eye have been extinct. Rinho has hardly seen anything in the past few days.

However, just when Neo was about to close his eyes, he saw a bird flying in the sky outside the window. In an instant, Neo woke up. Saravia, who had closed her eyes and was resting, suddenly woke up. .

Neo's head was buzzing. He had been working non-stop for 20 consecutive hours. His thinking had become extremely developed and he couldn't stop at all. In an instant, Neo screamed in horror.

"Everyone put on protective clothing and prepare to evacuate, evacuate!"

Saravia looked at Neo with a crazy and frightened expression at a loss.

"What happened?"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."

Neo hurriedly ran to a place with level 5 protective clothing and quickly put on new protective clothing.

"Do you want to die?"

Looking at Saravia who was still confused, she finally put on protective clothing on board. At this time, medical scientists from the medical monitoring stations came over one by one. A total of 129 people gathered together. Neo said to the officer, They are going to give a seminar on viruses.

Everyone put on protective clothing and gathered in a large harbor factory. Neo felt extremely hot.

"Now we must leave, the virus will break out here. I just saw a live bird coming here. In the past few days, we must not take off our protective clothing, and the military will not let us leave. "

Neo said, and many people showed frightened looks. The order the army received was to assist them, the medical experts. However, if they left, the people in the army would definitely become suspicious, and the place would be in chaos.

Someone asked Neo if he saw it wrong, but Neo said.

"I'm not wrong. If I was really wrong, I wouldn't call everyone together so urgently. Now we have to draw up a plan. Our hospital ship is now under military escort and we must find an opportunity to leave. That’s it, otherwise we’ll never be able to leave.”

Saravia was a little at a loss. She knew the seriousness of the problem. If Neo saw it correctly, then the bird that flew in was the carrier of the virus. Once a particle of the virus fell into the crowd, The consequences could be disastrous.

Biological disinfectants can kill this virus, but they require high concentrations. Nowadays, everything in human society has been shut down and there is no production capacity. Therefore, it is impossible to use biological disinfectants to ensure that the virus does not disappear. Will spread.

Soon Neo and several department heads made a plan. Everyone listened carefully, because it was related to their lives, and now that they were not around, the outside was already in chaos. They quickly wore gas masks. The masked general came in and asked them to hurry up and help with the testing.

Neo began to arrange for some people to go out, and finally more than 30 people were left behind, all of whom were core members of this medical institution.

"General, we have to take the virus back to the ship for study."

When Neo said this to the general, the general immediately shook his head.

"If you need any equipment, I will send someone to get it for you."

For a moment, everyone present felt a chill. Neo also nodded and told the general about some equipment needed on the ship.

"General, there is a problem here. The external environment cannot be completely isolated from bacteria. We must return to the ship to conduct experiments."

The general hesitated for a while and then said with a smile.

"You stay, and you and the rest of you can carry out any experiments, and the others can go."

Neo had nothing to say. Originally, when the control was not so strict more than ten days ago, they had a chance to leave. Even though there were soldiers guarding their ship, there was no one who was not afraid of death. Neo only needed to guard the ship with them. As long as the soldiers on their ship can communicate well, they should be willing to assist.

"It was my fault."

Saravia breathed with a solemn expression, and through the mist, she saw an angry Neo.

People living close to each other on the harbor can only use clothing to cushion them, and they can only eat and sleep on the harbor. Human beings are now like penguins who join a group to keep warm and resist the cold wind.

At this time, accompanied by a cough, a man who had just used the toilet at the beach suddenly staggered and fell to the ground. Many people around looked at the man in horror. He smiled and explained that he had legs. Afterwards, the man lifted up his pants, and many people felt a little relieved after seeing the surgical wounds on their legs.

The sea breeze carries a stench, and because there are no toilets, most people can only solve their physical problems directly in the sea.

But at this time, the man who claimed to have leg problems felt dizzy after sitting on the ground. He wanted to raise his arms, but could not. The man became frightened. Then he tried to move his fingers and found that his fingers began to refuse to listen. Called.

But soon the men took off their clothes and fell asleep. Basically, they could only eat food once a day. Most people could only lie on the ground like this, enduring the cold and hunger.

For most people, it doesn't matter that they got a video from a distant country a month ago about why the asteroid fell. Now everyone wants to live.

Survival is more important than anything else. This is what most people think. Many people will look at the sea from time to time to see if the ships carrying people have returned. This is the reason why everyone can continue to endure in such a harsh environment. .

There are a lot of garbage and fish carcasses floating on the sea. Biological extinction has begun, and human beings, as a member of living creatures, have inevitably begun to become extinct.

In just one month, a large city with a population of nearly 2 million became silent, and the same happened to people fleeing from various places. They also saw empty cities one after another on the way. People who went into the empty city in search of some food and water never came back.

10 o'clock in the morning

In a desert in North America, there are still many people walking through it. Everyone is walking along the road, but they are far apart from each other.

The exhausted people looked solemn. They just wanted to reach the city at the end of the desert as soon as possible. Among all the people, there were some who looked powerful. There were 5 people in total, one of them was a woman, and the others All four of them were young and strong, and carried weapons.

The woman's name was Youka, a virologist. She was carrying a large bag with virus samples inside. After two difficult months, Youka finally escaped with the help of several guards who came to the rescue. But along the way, Youka lost everything. Both his son and daughter were infected with the virus and died.

Youka knew very well that although this virus was powerful, it needed transmission conditions. Two months ago, Youka contacted the military through the radio equipment set up by the escorts and told them everything they knew, as well as the virus. conduction conditions.

It's just that Youka didn't talk about it in detail, because she knew very well that she could only arrive safely. After all, her husband Witte should have died by now, and she had nothing left, but she had to tell her personal experience about the virus. Only by telling other humans everything will help humans find ways to fight viruses in the future.

This kind of work can only be explained clearly by Youka, a virologist who has experienced this disaster, instead of interpreting it through a radio with extremely poor signal and almost difficult to communicate.

High temperature is currently the best way to kill viruses. This is what Youka seems to have tried, and with other virus transmission conditions, you can avoid being infected by the virus to a certain extent, but Youka feels that it is too late to know all this. , if it had been known a few days earlier, both the son and daughter would still be alive, and there would not be only 4 people left in the 30-person escort team.

At this time, helicopters were coming towards this place in the distance. Everyone seemed to see hope and waved their hands. A member of the escort team immediately took out the last remaining signal flare and fired it directly. Towards the sky.

The transport helicopter came over here, and gradually 10 helicopters landed. Youka ran over under the escort of the escort members.

Bang bang

The gunfire rang out, and Yuka was stunned for a moment, but she was picked up directly by a man and ran towards the helicopter.

All the people who approached were shot dead mercilessly. Yuka, who stepped onto the helicopter, looked in a trance. She kept swallowing. At this time, no one dared to get close. Everyone was asking for help. Some people knelt down. Weeping feebly.

"How are they"

Before Youka could finish his words, the helicopter took off.

"D393H has completed its mission, OVER!"

"Please go to the designated coordinates immediately, the annihilation operation is about to begin! OVER!"

Soon 11 helicopters took off without any mercy. Youka looked at the people below, when a military official in the back seat came over.

"Miss Yuka, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do."

Yuka asked tremblingly.

"What do you want to do?"

The officer nodded and hummed.

"The high-temperature killing plan you proposed before, Miss Youka, is indeed our only method at present."

Youka stared at the officer blankly, and at this time, accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, black fighter jets suddenly drew directly over from a distance.

As soon as Yuka looked over, he saw a large ball of flames suddenly shooting up on the ground. In an instant, there was a sea of ​​​​fire behind him. The flames were like water flowing, and they kept appearing behind the roaring fighter jets.

Soon Yuka could hear nothing and see nothing.

"Selective insomnia? There is a method. As long as the conditions are met, you can avoid being transmitted by the virus. This is the devil's behavior!"

Yuka roared, and the officer took off his hat and laughed.

"The situation in the country has completely changed now, Miss Youka, if the virus continues to spread, you may have a chance to see what hell is like!"

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