Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 695 Prologue Chapter Zero Split

Chapter 695 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Split Ⅻ

one day ago

October 28, 2176, 7:39 am

In a large area of ​​withered forest, many people with weapons gathered together. They were men and women, old and young. Their oily faces looked a little tired. At this time, there were many people following behind. People came closer, some of them holding stones, shovels, and other objects that could be struck.

More and more people came closer, and in the entire forest, which was almost withered and covered with fallen leaves, everyone was moving forward cautiously, for fear of making too much noise.

In the distance of the hazy sky, there is light. The light becomes brighter as you move forward, and there are bursts of mechanical sounds. Many people look a little scared. The people walking in front are holding guns of different lengths. In everyone's eyes They are all full of desire. Judging from their clothing, skin color and race, these people are all from different countries.

At this time, the person standing at the front was holding a broken small flag, and the people behind him stopped. In the front row were some experienced soldiers, who were also from different countries.

This group of people has only one purpose, to rush into the rocket launch base 2 kilometers away, seize the lift-off rocket, and head to the Asgard Space Station. This is the only idea of ​​​​all humans who still maintain their sanity.

However, the truth is cruel. The space station cannot meet the needs of all surviving humans. People continue to come to this rocket launch base, hoping to get a ticket to the universe. However, ordinary people cannot enter, only those on the list. Scientists were able to enter, and this heavily guarded rocket launch station became the hope of all mankind who knew the news.

Food has become less and less available in the past few months, and trying to cultivate crops under such dim sunlight is simply a dream.

Humanity has begun to separate itself, and the war has spread over a large area. In addition, the disease is still spreading silently, and the hellish battle for survival has begun.

These people gathered together after a brief contact. Many people wanted to enter the rocket launch base, but were turned away. Those who dared to step in would definitely be killed. The guards inside The army showed no mercy.

Although we don’t know which day the rocket will take off, we can see that in the distance, the launch rockets on ten launch pads are making preparations. Every day, some things are airlifted from other places, and many are allowed to fly. People who ride in rockets drive transport planes to transport things in and out every day.

In some places, many people have heard of many places where the government stockpiled supplies in the past, and several have been found. However, it is impossible to open the door. Even an explosion cannot open the extremely strong explosion-proof door.

Many places where supplies are stored are even equipped with automatic defense systems with powerful firepower. The only thing that is certain now is that no one is managing this world.

Many people have heard that the rulers of this land have already taken the most cutting-edge scientific and technological data to the country on the other side of the ocean and abandoned this land. However, the disease has flowed from the other side of the ocean, and the entire Europe No one knows how many people died.

It's just that the epidemic has subsided for a month, and traffic is no longer as frequent as in the past few months. Because the energy consumed by transportation has been seriously insufficient, the epidemic was briefly controlled.

Some people heard that shelters have been established in the deep forests of Northern Europe, while some people went to the hot African savannah in the past, because some people also established shelters there, and more people chose to go there. Go high up, but after the news about the rocket launch base was leaked, most people came here.

In this short month, the area around the rocket base has been littered with corpses. Now this group of people has only one idea, to try their best to break in. As long as they can break in, everything is possible. Those who control the rocket The people in the base will compromise. If they don't compromise, everyone will die together.

Hungry, cold and war have made this group of people desperate. There are nearly a thousand people in this group. They are led by a few experienced officers. They have been here for a month, but they have not launched any attacks. They are just nearby. Living hard every day relying on the supplies they found along the way, everyone was investigating the situation near the rocket base, and finally they formulated a plan.

Attack from the east side of the rocket base where the woods are thicker, and there are many facilities on the east side. As long as these places are occupied, it will be extremely beneficial for them, but there are a lot of soldiers patrolling in the east, and there are many guard towers, and Some automated attack bots have been fixed.

This battle plan was extremely difficult and extremely dangerous. The leader began to wait, planning to wait until the light was brighter before everyone could act together. The battle plan had been laid out in detail.

In the past few days, they have been releasing news to the guys in nearby cities that the rocket is about to take off. This is everyone's last chance. Last night, they met someone who had the same purpose as them and wanted to The forces that fought tooth and nail to attack and seize the rocket.

In the end, these forces agreed to attack from different places, and no one would miss such an opportunity.

The leader began to separate, and the people behind him looked at the small flags of different colors held in front of them and followed suit.

This is the last chance for everyone to leave this dying planet. If you miss this opportunity, you will die with this planet.

Time passed by, and in a dilapidated city located 70 kilometers away from the rocket launch base, people could still be seen in the city, but there were only a small number. They were all running through the streets quickly carrying things, and then quickly Return to your safe haven.

The streets were full of scorch marks, most of the shops had been destroyed and everything that could be taken had been taken away.

At this time, several figures appeared at the end of this dilapidated street.

"Wait a minute! You walked over so carelessly. If any guy who is so hungry that his eyes are blinded shoots at us secretly, he will soon be made into a pot of delicious broth."

There was a burst of laughter. Deguna held a cigarette in her mouth and took a pleasant drag. Then she handed it to Jean who was standing aside. Jean nodded with a smile, turned around and looked at Ellie who looked unhappy, and patted her comfortingly. Tap her on the shoulder.

"Maybe we shouldn't be here."

Witte muttered and immediately released the safety on the gun. No matter how many years have passed, the most lethal weapon is still a firearm. The most important thing is that it is cheap and easy to use. Then Deguna waved her hand, and Rose and Jean left. Yiyi quickly entered the dilapidated building nearby and began to investigate.

Li Chu was still looking at the map, which was full of various marks. Gu Yi couldn't walk anymore. They had walked thousands of kilometers along the way, and there was basically no traffic. Facility, the reason why they came here was because they heard a radio message. This rocket launch base receives all people engaged in feasibility research. This is their last chance to go to the universe and enter Asgard.

They have missed once before, but if they miss again this time, they will not have any chance.

Tang Rao couldn't help but laugh.

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to you, a sow!"

Deguna was a little angry, and Allie came over immediately and held the two of them, but Tang Rao immediately waved her hand. She was just talking about it for fun. The mine base in Africa would not last long, but In just one month, countless conflicts broke out, but eventually the conflict broke out in full force.

In order to survive, everyone had no choice but to escape, because more and more people came to this mine, so they walked directly towards Europe and traveled through many places. Everyone was exhausted when they arrived here, and the distance The rocket launch base is still 60 to 70 kilometers away.

Everyone planned to rest for six or seven hours before setting off. Relying on everyone's knowledge along the way, the eight people almost dealt with all survival crises, avoided epidemics, and made it all the way safely by relying on caution.

"It's true, after we came all the way, our physical condition has improved a lot."

At this time, Gu Yi stood up. Recently, he had obviously felt that his body had relaxed a lot. In the past, working in the laboratory for a long time caused a lot of muscle strain, but now after experiencing such a disaster, Gu Yi felt My physical condition is much better than before.

"This is considered exercise."

Tang Rao smiled and sat on the ground. At this time, on the rooftop in the distance, Gene and Rose had already begun to investigate forward, and signaled that they could pass, and everyone began to take action.

Finally, in a movie theater in the center of the street, 8 people decided to rest. After entering a movie theater, Gene and Rose headed towards the two doors, which they guarded. People take breaks and rotate every two hours.

"What's wrong? Can't you sleep?"

Looking at Gu Yi, who was lying on the sofa opposite and never closed his eyes, Tang Rao asked.

Gu Yi smiled with a relaxed expression and shook his head.

"Do you have a family?"

Looking at Gu Yi, who rarely said anything to others, Tang Rao laughed.

"Unfortunately, I didn't!"

The two were born in the same country, but they had little communication along the way.

"What's wrong with you today?"

"In people's heads, there will always be a trace of thoughts, or hopes, do you think?"

Tang Rao shook his head and put away the smile on his face.

"Don't let me think that, with your expertise, you should know better than me what will happen to a huge amount of radiation released in an instant. You don't know, right?"

Gu Yi hummed. He knew better than anyone else that no one would be spared at the location where the dragon lighthouse was.

"My daughter was going to get married soon!"

"That's true."

Tang Rao sat up, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"Anyway, please forgive me. It's just a momentary thing. It shouldn't be too painful."

Gu Yi hummed. At first he wanted to go over and confirm it with his own eyes, but reality didn't allow it. The two looked at each other and smiled, then turned to the backrests and closed their eyes.

Jean, who was patrolling the periphery of the cinema, visited the other side and saw Rose leaning against a small door. She looked a little tired and sat beside the small door.

"Sorry, I'll be there soon"

Jean motioned for her to continue resting.

"I'll keep patrolling."

"I'll trouble you every time."

Jean didn't say anything. Among the eight people, he was the one who patrolled the longest and was the most serious. Many crises were resolved because of Jean's seriousness.

"The power of love is really great, isn't it!"

Rose said with a smile, Gene hummed and continued walking.

"are not you tired?"

Gene turned around with a smile, and Rose took out her cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and threw it to Gene.

"I've already lost Ellie once. I will keep her safe, no matter what happens. As for you bastards, you are just a casualty of good luck."

Rose laughed, looking at Jean walking away, she closed her eyes tiredly.

Jean, who had basically confirmed the surrounding environment, started walking along the stairs. During the process, he saw many corpses. Soon Jean came to the top of the building and glanced at his watch. It was already 11 o'clock.

Soon Jean saw someone moving not far away. They seemed to be running towards a place. More and more people were moving. However, the next second Jean saw a trace of scarlet appear in the distance. His keen eyes Sensing that something was wrong, Gene returned to the cinema within a few minutes, and everyone was soon woken up.

"what happened?"

Looking at the brighter and brighter fire in the distance, Deguna felt something strange, but everyone knew immediately that they had to rush to the rocket launch base as soon as possible. There was a big problem there.

According to the visual sight of the fire, it can be seen from such a long distance, which is enough to show that the situation over there is already very serious.

Although the eight people were tired, they could only take action forcefully. After they crossed the street, they saw some people who had also started to take action. After asking, they learned that the rocket base prohibited anyone except scientific researchers from entering. There should be many people attacking the rocket base now.

The eight people started running anxiously. It was impossible to walk across the sixty-seventy-kilometer road in a short time, but it was impossible and they had to run. There were people on the road, many of them carrying some The thing is walking quickly.

"I'll carry you!"

Jean said as he directly picked up Ellie on his back. Jean was already accustomed to such long-distance actions.

"Hurry up, we have to stop those idiots before they destroy everything."

Deguna shouted, there were eight people who were familiar with rocket structure and kinetic energy, including spaceships. As long as the rocket base could be intact, they would be able to create a rocket that would take off.

8 people struggled to move quickly on the road. Many people nearby were also the same. They were exhausted, but they were still running. More and more people appeared on the road along the way. At this moment, everyone could only One purpose, a rocket launch base.

This is everyone's only hope. There are many people running on the road. It is already past 1 o'clock. At this time, some sounds can be heard in the distance, as well as a large amount of smoke and dust.

Gene was holding Ellie's hand at this time and was still walking quickly. Several people around him were already extremely tired. Although the distance was getting closer, it was obviously impossible to continue running past. In the end, 8 people Like other people who had been running wildly for a while, they sat on the ground to rest.

When resting, the distance between people is also very far, and everyone holds more or less weapons in their hands, showing extreme distrust of everything around them.

In just ten minutes, Gene and his team started to take action again. The situation looked increasingly bad. There was a warm smell of fire smoke in the air, and there was already a fire in the forest in the distance. Burning flames, and black smoke floating all over the sky.


Almost everyone on the road stopped. The road in front of them was impassable. Some people had even started to flee back. The fire was completely out of control. A large area of ​​forest was on fire. These forests had not been contaminated by rain and dew for a long time. The forest illuminated by the sun has become a good combustion-supporting material.

"Go that way."

After Li Chu measured the wind, he immediately told everyone, and they ran towards a fork in the road. Almost only flames could be seen in the forest on the right, but only a small part of the forest on the left, and some people followed Jean and the others. Entering this trail, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

Li Chu held up a belt and kept testing the wind direction. The only way for them to avoid the fire was to walk in the opposite direction of the wind, so that the fire would not spread in a short time.

Soon a few people saw another road leading ahead. They were not far from the rocket launch base. Many tire marks could be seen on some old roads, which were still very new.

"what to do!"

Li Chu asked, because there were woods on both sides of the road, and if the fire spread, they would definitely die inside.

But someone still stepped in. Jean's expression was hesitant at this moment. At this time, a fierce red light appeared in the distant sky. For a moment, everyone's hearts were hard to calm down. Something exploded violently. .

"We can't go any further."

Li Chu stepped into the path decisively, and everyone had no choice but to follow them. There was still about 20 kilometers to go, and they would reach the rocket launch base in just a few hours.

"Go back, otherwise we will all die here."

After marching for half an hour, Li Chu immediately shouted, and everyone could only turn back. Gene glanced back at the forest that had begun to burn not far away, and showed a smile.

"Even if we can't catch up, I think we can start building a shelter so that we can survive longer."

Werther laughed and said in agreement.

“With the knowledge we have at our disposal, everything the world can use can be used.”

"Don't be too pessimistic."

Tang Rao muttered.

In the end, everyone returned to a relatively safer town. Seeing the fire burning rapidly, many people still passed by, but the place in front of them was already wrapped in flames.

The fire continued to burn, but everyone took turns to rest, planning to wait for the fire to subside before taking action.

It was not until 8 o'clock in the morning the next day that everyone had enough rest and after eating the remaining food, they started to take action.

Looking at everything charred on the roadside, as well as the people lying in the middle of the road whose skin had been baked black, the eight people quickened their pace. At this time, everyone also noticed that some people who came after them began to move these people The body was moved away, Ellie covered her mouth, and Gene said with a smile.

"It won't be a problem."

Time passed by, and everyone could see the whole picture of this huge rocket base. As expected, it was in dilapidated condition. And the moment everyone approached the rocket base, there were bursts of violent roaring sounds, and a flash of light. The fiery red sky jumped up, and then one after another, the rockets were launched, and everyone ran.

Like many exhausted people, they ran towards the rocket launch pad. At this time, the fierce gunfire that had been heard stopped, and the soldiers who were still guarding the checkpoint in front of the launch pad put down their weapons. , stared blankly at the rocket taking off.

Six rockets took off, and only spots of light could be seen. Everyone raised their heads and looked up at the rockets taking off. Despair was a true reflection on everyone's face at this moment.

Gene hugged Ellie quietly, and he and the other six people looked at the almost invisible light spot in the sky until the light spot disappeared.

Ellie woke up with a start and wanted to shout something, but gunshots still rang out. People were everywhere in the rocket base. They began to break down the door, and after entering, they began to search frantically.

Immediately, the eight people returned to the gate. The entire base fell into desperate madness. The eight people found a house that had been half destroyed by the attack. They went directly to the top floor of the house and watched all this silently, crazy. And everything that makes people unable to see the slightest hope.

"Just take it one step at a time."

Deguna said, lighting the last remaining cigarette and taking a puff. Everyone was already exhausted. At this time, Ellie said with a smile.

"Let's just find a city. Find a city that's relatively intact. There's always a way to survive."

Jean stood up. Everyone was already planning to leave. There was nothing to be found in this base, because everyone wanted to get more. If they took more, they would not listen to Jean and the others, because this There may be nothing left in the world worthy of their belief.

Returning along the road full of scorch marks, everyone looked at the people running all the way. Everyone seemed to have seen hope and wanted to go in and get something. At least there was nothing left inside now. Take whatever you see if you can.

Ellie was walking in front of everyone, always smiling and looking into the distance.

"It shouldn't be difficult to build a shelter. Everyone, lend me your strength!"

Suddenly, Ellie turned around, put her hands behind her back, and stretched out her hand with a smile. Gene took the lead in taking his hand, and then everyone else put their hands over, and Ellie smiled with satisfaction.


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