Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 697 Prologue Chapter Zero Gods

Chapter 697 Prologue. Chapter Zero. God XIV

In the silent darkness, with flickers of light, those people with eyes full of hope in the darkness were revealed one by one. In an instant, everyone cheered, and everyone hugged each other, with different skin colors. People of different races hugged each other, and many cried with joy.

The cheers continued in the empty underground mine. Gradually, the cheers began to stop with people kneeling on the ground one after another. Many people closed their eyes and knelt on the ground with great piety, praying. What was he looking at? In the distance was a machine pieced together with a lot of scrap metal, surrounded by light bulbs one after another.

The light fell for the first time in this dark underground mine after many years. The exhausted people were crying. They had experienced too much and suffered too much. In the past few years, it has been a nightmare for everyone. Torture, war, disease, and getting food to survive have all been big problems in the mines over the years.

At this time, at the highest point of the light, there were some black-red things crawling in the dark on the stone wall, like plants, but they didn't look like much. On the surface of these densely packed black-red things like hair, There was a woman who looked at the people below with a smile. Everyone was praying to this woman who was wrapped in something like a black and red vine.

The success in turning on the lights was all because of this woman.

"Dear people! It's today, January 9, 2180. It's 8:13 in the morning. We finally got power and it's light here. Please continue to be patient for a while, and the crops will arrive as scheduled. , and everything will return to normal, everyone can survive, no one will die due to hunger, and we no longer need to continue killing each other, let us live together under the guidance of God."

"Lycra, Lycra"

The cheers started to break down, but gradually they became one large piece. Everyone chanted Laika's name. To everyone, this name is the god here, because everything Laika said came true, she was the one who solved the problem of the mine. It ended the disputes, ended everyone's killing each other, and miraculously cured everyone.

The disease has gone away. As long as the patients who have been touched by Laika can get better, this is God. In the eyes of everyone, this one can only see the cheek in the darkness, and the other parts of the body are covered by black and red substances. woman, she is the god here.

The cheers were so intense in the cave that they almost overturned the top of the cave. Everyone was grateful and cheering for everything that was hard-won.

At this time, on a passage built with wooden supports on the cave wall in the distance, there was a man standing. He was holding two sleeping children, a boy and a girl. The man's eyes looked sadly at the cheering people below this huge mine. People, he knew very well that it was not a god, but the man couldn't say anything.

Long Fan stared blankly at the place in the distance that shone with green light in the dim light. That was his wife Laika. He came here today to say goodbye to Laika because his wife had become a god here.

"I declare now! From now on, this is Shimmer City! A city that exists underground and can allow us all to live happily!"

As the clear voice of Laika sounded, more and more people stood up excitedly and cheered. Long Fan looked at the people below. Among them were local residents, former soldiers, including some scientists, but Now everyone is looking at Laika enthusiastically and respecting her as a god.

"I am just a humble spokesperson for the gods. I can communicate with people and let the gods give power to us humans. Please stop calling me God directly. Please call me Priest Laika!"

Long Fan glanced at his wife again, and then walked away with his two children in his arms. The only thing he could do was to leave, and then watch his wife become a god. Apart from that, he could not do anything else. Long Fan was silent. He walked into the dark place in front of him and disappeared into the light.


A low female voice murmured from the dark tunnel. Long Fan wiped away his tears, hugged the two children into his arms, and then started crying.

9:01 am

As a burst of gunfire rang out, a researcher fell to the ground. In a research room, all the researchers raised their hands in fear. In front of them, there was a group of kangaroos with guns hanging on their arms. The leader of the kangaroo He is not tall and is very different from other kangaroos. His fur is blue.

"Fredo, what do you want to do!"

At this time, among a group of scientists, a man wearing glasses shouted, but the blue kangaroo shook his head and moved his pointed ears.

"Fredo, we also have life, and we are also life living on this land. We are not your human food, your human clothes, and we are not your human playthings!"

The kangaroo spoke, but the voice seemed a little stiff and mechanical. The sound came from the sound generator on the neck of this kangaroo named Fredo.

"Fredo, put down your weapons, it's impossible for you"

As soon as a man in military uniform finished speaking, Kangaroo Fredo raised the gun on his short arm and fired directly. In an instant, the man who spoke was shot through the head, and bursts of crying could be heard in the research room.

"Humans! I have modified all the technical parameters. AI will no longer obey your orders. From now on, this is the country of kangaroos and our country. We want to take back what originally belongs to us. Everything here is It’s ours, we kangaroos are the indigenous people here, not you humans!”

In an instant, a gun rang out, and each rat ran away trying to escape. However, the kangaroos behind Fredo the kangaroo shot and killed the humans in the laboratory accurately, until only the human Fredo was left. He was horrified. Look at everything in front of you.

In order to study the problem of gene transmission and to make food meet the needs of everyone, they continue to improve the genes of kangaroos so that they can reproduce and grow more quickly and then become food and clothing. Kangaroo Fredo is the first Stimulated by the influence of supernormal radiation, the kangaroo with a mutated brain has acquired such a thing as wisdom.

Over the years, the human Fredo has been teaching the kangaroo Fredo. This name was chosen because the kangaroo Fredo liked it. The human Fredo looked at the kangaroo Fredo in disbelief. Looking at each other, Freddo the kangaroo walked over step by step.

"Fredo! Free."

Human Fredo opened his eyes wide, and the gun rang out. Kangaroo Fredo slowly walked past the place where human Fredo fell, and then looked at the kangaroos behind him.

"Release all the kangaroos and inject the brain-altered gene fluid. We only need to prepare for three years before we can seize everything."

Kangaroo Fredo walked up to a researcher with an eye disease, leaned down, grabbed his black sunglasses, put them on, then took a human cigar, lit it and bit it in his mouth.

"The counterattack begins, for freedom!"

At the same time, in the southern part of this vast land, a man walked quietly towards the smoking volcano in front of him. He smiled slightly. Behind him was a large area of ​​destroyed towns. The man kept smiling. , he walked towards the volcano little by little. At this time, many people in the town looked at the man in front of them in horror.

They didn't know what was going on with this man. He seemed a little abnormal since he drifted here a few years ago, and what happened before frightened everyone.

The local managers had all been killed by this man with his bare hands. At this time, the man who walked up stopped smiling, his skin cracked, and blue began to spread all over the man's body.

"Joseph, where are you going?"

At this time, a woman ran out and shouted worriedly. Joseph turned his head with a smile and shook his head. Then the clothes on his body seemed to be swallowed up and dissolved little by little. Gradually, Joseph's entire body turned into half Transparent blue.

"I'm going to where I should go. Anyone who wants to come can follow me. This is the only way you can survive and become another kind of life form."

No one dared to approach. The woman hesitated, but in the end no one followed. Joseph ran towards the volcano and disappeared quickly.

It started to rain in the hazy sky. For a moment, everyone ran with panic. Rain can be fatal. This is everyone's water supply. Everyone ran back home quickly. The woman turned around and ran away in despair. stand up.

At this time, Joseph, who was halfway up the mountain, gathered his head, and there was a touch of sadness in his bright white eyes.

"Become a human or a god! What a difficult choice!"


"Today! Now, at this moment. Our great United States of the World is established. I declare that from now on, the United States of the World is established!"

The president stood on a high platform and announced the founding of the United States. There were crowds of people below, all shouting and holding flags in their hands. It has been a nightmare for everyone in the past few years because of constant disasters. It invaded human society, but now the problem has been solved, and human society has temporarily restored peace.

Although more than half of the people in the country are suffering from cancer, there is hope for everyone in the future, because the country has found a way to get these cancer patients out of their misery.

The vigorous development of biomedical machinery technology, human cloning technology, and machinery industry technology has made everyone extremely happy. Those technologies that were blocked by the country in the past have been fully released. A large number of people are not too concerned about such disasters. of complaints.

In the past, everyone hated this president, especially for his waste of people's tax money to build a wall. But thanks to this president, the virus did not spread in a short time, and now the virus has It was completely blocked in that desert and did not break out on a large scale in the country.

The country has opened up so many technologies, production capacity has begun to recover again, and some large machinery has begun to be manufactured.

"I promise that all citizens will be bathed in the sun again. I promise that all citizens will be able to survive. Please those who resist, put down your arms. You only have one month. After one month, we will We will carry out purges and impose the harshest sanctions on anyone who dares to endanger national security."

In a dark room, Sari watched the president's speech quietly. She just smiled scornfully. She still lived in the same place. This place had almost turned into ruins and no one could see anyone living there. However, Surrey survived. He relied on a small sunlight field in the underground garage and lived alone for three years. Apart from reading books and going outside for activities, Surrey had nothing to do every day.

"It's nonsense, it will only get worse in the future."

Sari had clearly felt what the president wanted to do. She pressed her forehead, leaned back helplessly, and then closed her eyes.


Xu Guang quietly opened the diary.

It’s a new day. Today my wife and I will go to our harvest field. We should be able to harvest a lot of food!

After writing such a paragraph, Xu Guang closed the diary with a smile. He will make up for the unfinished part when he comes back tonight.

"Xu Guang, are you there?"

The door to the study room was pushed open, and his pregnant wife Gu Qian walked in. Xu Guang smiled and leaned over, putting his cheek against his wife's cheek.

"You didn't shave this morning!"

Gu Qian said and continued to rub.


Xu Guang gently stroked Gu Qian's belly, and then said with a smile.

"Let's go. Today I have to loosen the soil in the fields and visit some friends' homes."

Soon the two of them walked out of the small three-story tubular room and stepped on the concrete floor. They both looked at the huge fluorescent lamp above their heads.

At this time, the neighbor greeted the couple, and the couple smiled and waved. This is the inside of the Dragon Lighthouse. Each floor is a simple three-story cylindrical house. There are more than 1,000 people living on each floor. In total, There are 10 floors for residents, and the other floors are their own sun fields, which need to be taken care of by yourself.

Today, more than 11,000 people live in the Dragon Lighthouse. Although everything was destroyed after the huge disaster, the Dragon Lighthouse still stands.

The couple strolled on the planned street and walked to the elevator, talking and laughing. The upper floor was the research room. After Xu Guang finished working in the sunshine field, he would go to the upper floor to conduct research, while Gu Qian would go to the farmland. He read stories to the child in his belly until Xu Guang came back from work.

Everything here is harmonious. In the past few years, with the joint efforts of everyone, everything has become very beautiful, and it will be the same in the future. The underground nuclear energy is enough for them to live for more than two centuries, so there is no need to worry about energy issues.

After entering the elevator, Xu Guang's face darkened, and Gu Qian patted her husband's back comfortingly.

"Do you still care about that?"

Xu Guang immediately laughed and shook his head. At the moment of the disaster, Xu Guang opened the door and let many people escape. But in the end, Xu Guang was pulled back by Gu Qian and closed the door. If it weren't for Gu If Qian desperately pulled Xu Guang in, Xu Guang would be dead by now.

But for those outside, all this is too cruel.

Nowadays, this dragon lighthouse relies on the calculations of the AI ​​codenamed God to arrange everyone's lives very properly. However, this God has been warning recently that humans should not continue to reproduce and embryos should be artificially synthesized. When freezing, the quantity must be controlled.

"It shouldn't be a problem to just have one."

Gu Qian muttered, and Xu Guang hummed.



"Sister, what on earth are you doing!"

Fred looked in astonishment at the people in front of him who were wearing black robes and holding weapons, lifting Archon Redes up little by little. Surrounded by a large number of people, they looked with respect and respect. High above, her sister Vella sat on a delicate throne carried by eight people.

At this time, Verla's left eye was blood red, and there were a large number of tree-like black lines under the eye, and these things were squirming slightly.

"These are the rules here! Redes broke the rules and must be punished under the criminal law."

For a moment, everyone around him shouted. Vila smiled evilly, and then looked up. Redes was suddenly pulled up. He clutched his neck in pain, and the rope became tighter and tighter. .

"Devil. You devil!"

Redes shouted with his last breath, and he was soon hanged.

"In this cold winter city, I am the king, and I am the rule!"

Vila smiled. At this time, everyone around him was kneeling on the ground. Only Fred did not kneel down. He looked at his sister blankly. His sister had completely changed. In the big conflict a year ago, although It was indeed the elder sister who calmed everything down with the power she didn't know how to obtain, but the elder sister began to become violent. Anyone who disobeyed her sister would only be hanged.

"What's wrong, aren't you going to kneel down?"

Fred shook his head. Although he was scared, he still spoke.

"I want to go back to the village to meet my sister, is that okay?"

Verla stood up and suddenly jumped to Fred's side. In an instant, the heavy and huge force pressed the eight people below who were carrying Jiaozi to their knees. They all looked at Verla in horror.

Vila gently stroked her brother's cheek, leaned closer and stuck out her tongue to lick his brother's cheek.

"I will allow you to go back, but you are never allowed to set foot in Winter City."

Fred said nothing, turned around and started running.

"Come here, give him some seeds, food, and weapons."

Someone immediately complied, and no one here dared to disobey Vierla's orders.

Vila kept laughing, but the laughter sounded a bit sad. Fred wiped his tears. He didn't know what happened. He wanted to help his sister, but he couldn't do it now. .

The wind whimpered on the street and moved across the ground quickly. Verla raised her head and returned to her seat proudly. She silently closed her right eye, while her left eye was still open, with black and red spots on the surface of the eyeball. Something like tangled hair was squirming.


Located on the harbor of a dilapidated harbor city, a young man with blue light all over his body and white blood vessels looked at the changes in his body incredulously. The young man's name was Ai Xi. He did not escape from the harbor when the disaster struck. small town.

The huge wave did not hit, but suddenly disappeared. No one knew what happened. Then many people came back here, because other places were more chaotic, and the key was that food could be found here.

Ai Xi has lived here for more than three years, but when he woke up early this morning, Ai Xi felt that something was wrong. His body had undergone earth-shaking changes. Everything started from the resistance a few months ago.

Ai Xi and many of the remaining people who were suffering from illness guarded a fish canning factory, trying to protect the food. However, a group of thugs outside still attacked. Ai Xi and the others resisted desperately, but But in the end they were all caught, brutally treated by the mob, and finally thrown into the sea.

Ai Xi doesn't remember what happened. The only thing he remembers is that when they were forced to go to the bottom of the sea to retrieve mechanical parts, Ai Xi saw a large piece of blue material that looked like an ice floe. After that, their bodies began to change. mutation.

But thanks to such a change, Ashe did not die. After the thugs got what they wanted, they left. Hundreds of them who dived into the sea to retrieve parts all showed the same symptoms.

"What's going on?"

12 o'clock sharp

"Looks like! Our bodies are vocalizing something."

Witte said, holding up a finger, and with his thoughts, an orange particle overflowed. Jean, who was walking on the mountain road, smiled, and the light blue particle cloud surrounded him.

"Thanks to this mutation, we are in a slightly better situation now."

Tang Rao said, Rose and Li Chu next to him laughed, Gu Yi looked back at the cliff behind him, Wu Na smiled, and Deguna said.

"We wouldn't be here if we didn't have this ability."

Ellie nodded with a smile, and soon they came to the gate of an old metal facility with some numbers and characters on it.

"Although I don't know who established this kind of research base in the mountains, what is certain is that we can tinker with a lot of things."

As Tang Rao said, Gene quickly walked over and pressed the door with one hand.

"Push away!"

Ellie said, Gene hesitated, she walked over with a smile and held Gene's hand.

"No matter what is inside, no matter what happens next, we should be responsible for the humans here, at least let them have the possibility of living alone!"

"It will take a long time!"

Li Chu muttered something, and Werther laughed.

"The cells in our body are no longer cells. To be more specific, we are no longer human beings!"

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