Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 743 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 743 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment ⅩⅠ

"Please take a good look. The atomic arrangement of these substances is unprecedented. We conducted a week-long exploration on this asteroid and discovered a total of 348 new substances."

X said quietly, and many kinds of atomic arrangements and combinations, as well as actual substances, appeared on the extremely fast and huge screen.

There are more than 30 directors of the seminar sitting on the stage. They are all well-known scientists. In this curved hall, there are more than 6,000 scientific researchers from all walks of life. On the left are more than 3,000 media, and On the right are representatives of some companies.

The meeting had lasted for nearly two hours. Everyone was listening carefully to the explanations given by the council members on the stage, while the scientific researchers directly opposite were discussing in whispers from time to time.

Many things are truly presented in front of everyone, which is far more detailed than previously reported, and each scientific researcher can directly view these materials with their own ID.

This is something that many people did not expect. X announced at the beginning that complete impact data and research data at the time would be released in the next few days.

In the future, some small seminars will begin to be gradually carried out, as well as seminars and exchange meetings within the industry, as well as exchange meetings on plan explanations from time to time.

X only hopes that all countries can reach a consensus as soon as possible. Now, more than 30 countries have sent instructions on cooperation intentions, but these instructions are too smooth and are still in the trial stage.

"Okay everyone, it's getting late. It's already 11 o'clock. You can have your meal first. After the break, the explanation will continue at 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

The venue was abuzz for a while, and many people were talking to each other. Many people did not leave, but continued to stay in the venue.

Reporters also began to interview some scientists in the aisles. Everything discovered on that asteroid was disruptive to today's human technology.

Some scientists even speculated on the existence of silicon-based organisms, because from the video data just released, there are signs that there are traces of silicon-based organisms on the asteroid.

But what most biological scientists are most concerned about is the kind of cosmic worm that can divide infinitely and absorb cells for body repair. For the biological world, this is immortality in a practical sense.

Because the number of cell divisions in a lifetime is limited, but that cosmic worm has broken this biological limit.

The voices of discussion continued one after another. Weiner sat quietly in his seat, looking at the information that had been released. He remained silent and did not communicate with the people next to him.

Weiner knew very well that his voice would probably not be heard by anyone, because what everyone saw was a new scene that was about to revolutionize human technology. Whoever could seize the opportunity would be the first to take advantage of it. On the wave of the times.

Some games have been started secretly, and Wiener has seen a lot of things. In the past two days, hundreds of people have visited him, and they all basically revolved around the topic of quantum mechanics.

"Mr. Weiner, let's have lunch together."

Several young scientists came over respectfully. Although Weiner wanted to refuse, he finally nodded in agreement.

Outside the conference hall, Bai Tou and many bodyguards were waiting for their employers to come out. He was leaning against the wall comfortably, holding a cigarette in his mouth and observing the people around him.

In the past few days, Baitou has discovered that many people seem to be nonchalant, but actually want to get in touch with Wiener. In the past two days, Weiner has told Baitou many results about quantum mechanics research, and Baitou can only rely on his extraordinary memory. Write it down completely.

"Meet the handsome guy again!"

A beautiful woman in formal clothes next to her said hello as soon as she left the house. Bai Tou just smiled politely and Tang Rao stood in front of Bai Tou.

"I don't think you look like a bodyguard at all. By the way, what's your relationship with Professor Weiner? You seem to know each other very well."

Bai Tou didn't answer, just said.

"Sorry, the employer's secrets cannot be revealed casually."

Tang Rao immediately laughed, then approached Jean and held his arm.

"Let's have dinner with others!"

Bai Tou saw Weiner coming out surrounded by a bunch of people. After Weiner nodded, he agreed to Tang Rao.

Following Tang Rao all the way to the restaurant, the two took their favorite food and found a small round table to sit down.

"I said you couldn't be Weiner's nephew or something, right?"

Tang Rao asked again, without any concealment. He put his hand on his chin and stared at Bai Tou with charming eyes. Bai Tou smiled helplessly.

"I'm just his neighbor."

Bai Tou knew what Tang Rao wanted to know, and in the past few days, many people who were also bodyguards had asked him some questions while chatting with him.

Bai Tou chatted with Tang Rao casually, but his eyes never left Weiner. After all, everyone's intention was quite obvious. They only wanted what Weiner had.

"I made it clear to you, Mr. Li Ji'en, if you can help me get something, I can give you 10 million D. What do you think?"

Bai Tou said with a smile.

"It's so generous."

Then Tang Rao stretched out his feet and gently rubbed Bai Tou's knees.

"You can also add me, which is equivalent to a free gift. How about it?"

Bai Tou asked.

"What do you want?"

"All about quantum propulsion, if you can get it"

At this time, Bai Tou smiled, took a napkin, and asked.

"Do you have any lipstick, Miss?"

Tang Rao took out a lipstick from his small leather bag, and started writing on the white napkin. Tang Rao moved his chair closer, put his hands on his cheeks and looked at it with a smile.

But gradually Tang Rao's expression became serious. There were a series of quantum mechanics formulas that she had never seen before, as well as some very precise variable intervals.

Bai Tou stopped. On the long napkin, a head calculation formula had been written down. As a scientist, Tang Rao naturally knew the meaning of this series of formulas.

"Who are you."

Bai Tou continued to eat with a smile. Tang Rao hurriedly put the napkin away and then resumed his smile.

"How on earth did you get these?"

Bai Tou took a sip of wine and then stared at Tang Rao. Tang Rao was a little embarrassed and over-measured his head.

"I'm just his student."

Tang Rao immediately stood up in shock, but immediately sat down again.

"Tell them, okay? If you tell me, you can do whatever you want!"

"Okay next time."

Bai Tou said that after finishing his food quickly, he planned to get up and leave.


Bai Tou turned around with a smile and continued walking.

"One hundred million!"

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