"Seeing how serious your expressions are, could there be something big wrong? Your Excellency, the manager, Miss Michelle."

King Xue, the chief of Section 1, walked over with a gentle smile, put his hand on his chest and bowed.

"It's none of your business here."

Mo Xiaolan said unceremoniously, she stared at King Xue fiercely, the department that had the accident this time, one of their departments might have some problems involved, but their department was clean, so Mo Xiaolan found it extremely incredible, because King Xue was quite close to the people of the consortium on weekdays.

"I am here to make a suggestion to you. Now it is impossible to solve the problem silently. I personally suggest that these vacancies should be plugged by the people I provide. This will not only not arouse suspicion, but also can Let the situation calm down, announce to the outside world that the person will be replaced, and directly adopt family-style deportation measures for the arrested people to avoid future troubles.”

For a moment, Mo Xiaolan and Locke looked at King Xue at the same time and said in unison.

"Are you still human?"

King Xue still smiled calmly.

"Even if the problem is really exposed to someone who is interested, according to my proposal, it can be over in three days. The people under me are all very well-educated and fully capable of handling these department officials who have had trouble, and even It is the job of the councilors to cut the grass and root out the roots. Since you are worried about the problem being exposed, the only way is to expel the whole family without discrimination, regardless of guilt or innocence. If neighbors ask, the city is so big, my people will go over and explain that they have moved away. "

The smile on King Xue's face became even bigger.

For this seemingly harmless, humble and polite guy, Mo Xiaolan hated him from the bottom of his heart. Most of the guys who could put forward such opinions at such a critical time were cold-blooded and ruthless.

"Of course, when my people go to these positions, they will naturally obey the management of the section chief. They will definitely no longer be my people. Make a decision quickly, Your Excellency. If possible, call several section chiefs over and discuss countermeasures together. , I believe this is a huge benefit to everyone.”

"It's for your own good, you bastard."

King Xue adjusted his black-rimmed glasses calmly.

"Because of the last incident, the reputation of Congress has been ruined. Our 13 departments are all the same. Now we are all in a quagmire. In the end, we only need to prepare a few scapegoats, such as the department officials who tortured you half to death, plus At the end of the season, during the trial on September 15, before those who were interested could let the problem explode, the collusion between large companies and department officials for profit was suddenly exposed, and it was said that 13 departments had already begun a joint investigation , finally found evidence. What the people want is the result. As for the process, few people will think about it. Even if they think about it, it will not help. If public opinion is blocked, it will only take a week for the rain to clear up."

Mo Xiaolan's eyes widened. He could tell the solution so clearly and straightforwardly, and it could really be solved. But when he thought of Jean, Mo Xiaolan was about to refuse, but King Xue seemed to understand something and walked slowly over. Mo Xiaolan, who was stunned, stepped forward and bowed.

"All the credit for this can be given to Section Chief Jean. I believe he is very willing. First of all, his identity is a mystery, so there will be more and more rumors, and they will soon become rumors, and rumors can only It's just a chat after dinner. It doesn't matter what the truth is. The citizens are more interested in the rumors about Chief Gene. Secondly, as a close friend of the former Section 9 Chief Ji Mo, Chief Gene should be very willing to solve the problem personally. "

Michelle stared at King Xue calmly. This guy's ability to control people's hearts is first-rate. He has found such an opportunity to put a large number of people under him in power. Even if he absolutely obeys the words of the section chief, This is just a lie to a child. When the time comes, his people will be able to successfully penetrate into various positions and pinpoint the dilemma of several departments.

Locke nodded slightly, but Mo Xiaolan next to him was still thinking about something, and finally she nodded. This result may be the best, and the fragile order must be maintained.

"You can use this method, but you have to wait two days."

King Xue nodded.

"I will personally explain everything to Section Chief Jean. Please get started. I have assigned personnel and can officially start work at any time."

King Xue said as he turned around and was about to leave, when Mo Xiaolan stopped him.

"What are the benefits of doing this? It's obvious."

King Xue adjusted his glasses frames and grinned.

"My personal philosophy is that only those who are capable should be selected. If this incident breaks out and all the section chiefs who have proven their talents over time are dismissed, and those garbage scum become the section chiefs, I can't imagine it. , especially Chief Jean, he is even more unwilling to watch the two loyal subordinates he single-handedly promoted suffer. What the city needs is not absolute power, but the competition between strength and strength to maintain order. Everyone , I like this kind of battlefield very much, of course.”

King Xue paused.

"The above are just my personal crazy words. Ji Mo himself is also a capable person. It's a pity that greed has created everything now, but the root of human beings is greed."

After King Xue left, Locke breathed a sigh of relief, pulled open the opening of his uniform, patted his round belly, and made a long grunting sound.

"Your Excellency, I will prepare lunch for you."

Lilian said, but Locke immediately shook his head and looked at Mo Xiaolan with a smile.

"Can someone else please replace me?"

As soon as King Xue went out, he took out his phone and dialed the number 00013.


There was a loud noise from the phone, and King Xue immediately realized something.

"I'm sorry to disturb you when you are overlooking the city. Chief Jean, I have a proposal here. I just came out of Section 2. A proposal that can bury everything in darkness."


With a loud noise, Jean fell from the sky and landed in a deserted neighborhood. A large piece of the ground sunk into the ground. He took out a cigarette, lit it with a heavy expression, took a puff and leaned forward with his head raised. on the wall.

King Xue on the phone was still talking about his solution plan.

Gradually, Jean's face became slightly angry.

"Of course, Chief Jean, the deportation of the whole family that I mentioned is not all. I will send people to interview the families of those who have committed crimes that endanger the city. This can be done within one day. I will sign an agreement with them. , they will receive a monthly pension. After all, these people have contributed to the city no matter what. The pension is based on their position, years of service, and the number of family members. The money they have used to line their own pockets is enough. Well, as for the family members at the end of the season, although they will be criticized for a period of time, we just need to let them hold a press conference to draw a clear line from the end of the season. It’s a very simple question, isn’t it? Chief Jean. "

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