Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 799 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LX

Chapter 799 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXⅦ

"It's really retribution. I didn't expect it to be so fast. I even donated 500D for the loss."

Several young people sitting in the restaurant were watching the news. The instigator of this incident had been confirmed to have been shot dead while fleeing during the conflict, and the hostages were also rescued.

Things have turned the page on today's news broadcast and things will come to an end soon.

Most people who were angry at their country for not rescuing the hostages immediately began to appreciate their country's handling of the incident.

Today, there is a world-renowned event that has attracted everyone's attention. NAS will launch an AI satellite into space today in order to prepare for the plan to land on an asteroid.

This AI satellite has powerful data analysis capabilities. The data here has been announced to be shared directly with the Space Academy after its establishment, providing scientists with reliable and effective observation data.

It can delineate detailed coordinates for the extraterrestrial universe. After these data are imported into the spacecraft, it can ensure that the route will not deviate and make mistakes.

2 o'clock in the afternoon

The international airport in WA was heavily guarded and a large number of reporters were waiting. A white dot appeared in the distance, and soon a hovering passenger plane with the international aviation logo appeared.

The reporters immediately began to report that today was a very important day for country M. The chairman of the science and technology seminar came with 69 of the world's top scientists.

The two sides will negotiate on some future issues, and the current president has also spoken out and will hold talks with the chairman of the science and technology seminar.

But the first stop for the science and technology seminar was the scientific research department of NAS company, where they held the first meeting and discussion with NAS scientists on the landing plan to reach a consensus. Such a discussion was made public. All countries participating in the asteroid landing plan, You can view the meeting content by yourself.

Many reporters have begun to introduce this unmanned AI aircraft for science and technology seminars. It has been serving science and technology seminars for five years. Its stability and speed are unmatched by any airline's aircraft.

X sat quietly in the operating system room, looking at the airport getting closer and closer. There were two guards beside him. After all, if the other party puts them under house arrest under certain conditions, X will make the other party regret it immediately.

Now X is eager to see Melinda and must know whether she has any experimental plans.

X did not place all his hopes on the upcoming asteroid. He had started biological experiments many years ago. After many studies, he found that the secret of human beings being able to extend their lifespan may be hidden in viruses.

Many finished products of bacteria and viruses have been developed, which require large-scale experiments, and Continent F is a very good place. That chaotic place is a natural testing ground.

"I will interview you all later and deal with it. I have to go talk to Mr. President."

The plane slowly hovered over the airport, and then slowly landed. X took the scientists off the plane. Facing the surging reporters, X quickly got into a black car that was already waiting. He is from the National Security Agency of country M.

"Dr. X, Mr. President, you are most welcome to come."

X just smiled and did not listen to the words of the officials next to him. Soon more than a dozen escort vehicles followed, quickly passing through the airport and directly onto the highway. After going down an intersection, X immediately saw the military man, he got on a transport plane.

It can be seen that the president must be very anxious.

In just half an hour, the transport plane landed in an underground hangar outside a white dome-shaped building.


Surrounded by a large number of people, X stepped onto a green lawn. The presidential team in the distance greeted him cordially, without any reporters.

"Mr. President, as agreed, we are here."

As soon as

The secretary behind him respectfully stepped back and closed the door, and X sat directly on a chair.

"I'll just say it straight, I hope you won't be offended!"

X said and glanced at everyone, then his expression became serious.

"What is the world like today for you? Technology is changing with each passing day. The future world will be exciting. In the future, Asgard plans to build a space railway. You should be able to vacation in a space hotel in your lifetime. ."

Many people in the room looked at X with interest. He stood up, walked over, stood in front of a group of people, raised his hands and said.

"The future will always be wonderful for us, but if we want to get to the future, we must get the key to the future."

The president looked at X quietly in front of him. He still didn't trust this guy very much, but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. Several major chaebols in the country were supporting science and technology seminars. After all, they already had more wealth than they could use up, hundreds of dollars. A billion is nothing to them. They are already sixty or seventy years old and will be buried in another 20 years, so they are eager to extend their life span.

X captured the thoughts of these plutocrats and made them willingly defect.

"We just hope everything goes as you said, if not."

"I have a backup plan. I am here today to hope that your Excellency, President, you can let me see Dr. Melinda. She will return to the country today!"

The president looked at X warily, and then X said with a smile.

"We are experimenting with many new drugs in Continent F. Why do you think it is? Some drugs have already achieved results, and there is no problem that they can help you extend your life by 10 years in the next few years."

The president is also interested, but he is still wary of X. After all, this man is a bit sinister.

"What kind of drug is it?"

the president asked, and X shook his head.

"The data can be provided. As for the drugs, you don't need to know."

Several people started discussing, and then a woman spoke.

"Just hand that female doctor over to Chairman X."

The president was a little uncomfortable, but he could only nod. Being able to sit in this seat was all thanks to this group of people, who pushed him up in an instant.

In order to stabilize everything that follows, he must rely on this group of people. The president immediately stood up and took out the phone. Soon the secretary walked in. After the president told the matter, the secretary nodded and left.

After discussing for a while, after the chaebol people left, X did not leave, but planned to have a good talk with the president, because this man was also an out-and-out careerist.

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