Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 835 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment C

Chapter 835 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CⅢ

May 10, 2056

At ten minutes before dusk, in an airport in a small city located in the southern part of Y continent, Bai Tou was carrying a bag and pulling a big red suitcase with one hand. He was wearing a black suit. He looked in high spirits, with handsome and strong cheeks. Many women around him looked at him, and some even took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

However, they were quickly stared back by Tang Rao, who was also outstanding in figure and appearance. The two planned to find a place to stay first, and then prepared to go to the trading place.

This small town does not belong to any country. It is a no-nonsense zone in Continent Y. Countless wars have broken out. In the past, most of the harmful items in the world were exported from here.

Nowadays, the city has become a modern city under the rectification of some big gang members.

After just a few scenes, Bai Tou saw the neon lights flashing on the street. He felt that this place was completely different from the run-down town where he stayed, except that the buildings looked newer.

Many people gathered around on the street. Some were selling some items, some were providing accommodation, and some were selling some special products. At this time, Tang Rao took out a black card with a golden pattern. For a moment, people on the street Everyone on the bus looked over, and immediately some tall guys with tattoos got out of a car on the street.

"Miss Tang Rao, you are welcome to come here."

Tang Rao hummed, and then someone took the luggage from Bai Tou and put it into the car. There were a large number of women in various sexy clothes standing on the street, and they were chatting with many customers.

The people who come here come from different countries, regions and races. There is a name here, the City of Joy.

There are a large number of shops selling special items on the street, and Bai Tou quietly observes everything on the street.

"Go to the place first and finish the things, and then we'll go out for a walk."

As Tang Rao said, Bai Tou got into the car. Many people on the street looked at the two of them with strange eyes.

This place also has another name, the trading city. Under the mutual constraints of several major gangs, this place has existed as a shady exchange in the world for more than 20 years.

People who trade here can get absolutely safe protection because they are not interfered by any country, but they need to pay 5% to 10% of the amount of each transaction as a gift.

At this time, Bai Tou noticed a shop with a glass display window. Inside were women wearing collars, with price tags hanging around their necks, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

"That's what this place is."

"Will this be the case in the future?"

Bai Tou took out his cigarette with a smile and handed one to Tang Rao. The car was driving slowly on the somewhat congested road. The driver in front of him honked his horn, and several tricycles with passengers immediately recognized the situation and hurriedly gave way.

Soon the car arrived outside a large casino. At this time, a man was carried out of the casino on a stretcher. He looked very painful, beating his chest and cursing something in his mouth.

There were many women outside the casino, as well as some tricycle drivers waiting to see people off.

The facilities on the street seem to be very complete, but the people here seem to be wearing and using things that are a bit backward.

"No one is willing to mention this place, after all, everyone needs this place."

Tang Rao said, Bai Tou smiled and said.

"There has to be a place to poop, right?"

Tang Rao chuckled and the car stopped at the hotel behind the casino. As soon as the two got out of the car, a bunch of people came over.

"Miss Tang Rao, welcome to your arrival."

An old man smoking a cigar and sitting in a wheelchair smiled and extended his hand. Tang Rao walked over and held the old man's hand.

"Mr. Chacai!"

Tang Rao shouted and the old man nodded.

"Miss Tang Rao, the amount of this transaction is very large. I have already sent someone to wait for the cash. Please rest assured that it will be safe."

Tang Rao hummed.

"The cash will be delivered later, I'll leave it to you, Mr. Chacai."

Cha Cai glanced at Bai Tou behind Tang Rao and said with a smile.

"This boyfriend looks pretty good, Miss Tang Rao."

Tang Rao smiled and shook his head.

"He's just my friend."

The two of them were led directly to the suite on the highest floor of the hotel. As soon as they entered, Tang Rao planned to take a shower and eat before going out.

Bai Tou stood by the bathing pool on the balcony, looking at some low and dilapidated places in the distance. They were completely different from here. The last rays of the sun were about to disappear, and the low and dilapidated houses in the distance soon fell into darkness. Only here can there be light.

"You eat first, I want to take a shower first."

Tang Rao had already entered the bathroom. Bai Tou sat quietly on a chair by the pool. There was a bottle of whiskey in an ice bucket beside the table. Bai Tou unscrewed it and poured a glass and took a sip. The taste was very good. good.

Tang Rao said that all consumption here is free, but it is limited to food, drink and fun.

In Bai Tou's eyes, everyone is cannibalizing each other, and the bigger ones will swallow everything. Human beings may never be able to escape from this reincarnation, and it will continue until they are destroyed.

Recently, when he was getting along with Weiner, he gradually mentioned these things, and Bai Tou also thought about it a lot.

The key to the future of mankind, looking at his hand with a white head, he was still hesitating. Such a thing was too heavy for him. Once he inherited and mastered everything about Weiner, he must take responsibility. .

I originally thought that I would live an ordinary life, but I didn't expect to meet Weiner at such an age.

In just a few months, Bai Tou felt that some things in his view of the world were quietly changing.


Splashing water

Tang Rao jumped into the swimming pool wearing a sexy black swimsuit, then swam next to Bai Tou, lying on the edge of the pool, and Bai Tou handed her a glass of wine.

"You always have this expression on your face. You are compassionate but helpless. You are very contradictory, young man."

Bai Tou smiled.

"This is a microcosm of human society, but what we usually see is a world illuminated by light, but here is a world with neon lights flashing in the dark."

Bai Tou nodded.

"You should have saved a lot of money now."

Tang Rao smiled.

"Most of my money is in some place, like an orphanage or a nursing home."

Bai Tou looked at Bai Tou in surprise.

"Because of my money, those children and the elderly who are about to fall into despair have a glimmer of hope. It's just a small part. This is my little contribution to this world when I come to this world."

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