Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 868 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CXXX

Chapter 868 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXXXⅧ

The smell of fish filled the air, and the fishmongers were shouting hard. There were people everywhere on the crowded dilapidated streets.

Kelly was wearing casual clothes and pressed her nose. She couldn't stand the smell. The same was true for the soldiers around her. Everyone was dressed like tourists.

This seaport city is very prosperous. Unlike the trading city, it belongs to a small country. The local people make a living by fishing, and there are many ships passing by every day.

Due to the locust plague last year, the country encountered a food crisis. In desperation, the local department had no choice but to lift the ban on marine fishing. As a result, fish shipments are now very large every day.

It's just that this state cannot last long. Such overfishing will only make the amount of seafood unstable and destroy the local ecology.

Many tourists come here to eat cheap and delicious seafood, so this place has also developed greatly.

It's just that these businesses on the surface are just ordinary people, and there are more transactions happening here.

Kelly observed a group of people in a shop. After a brief glance, she understood that they were conducting illegal transactions.

But none of this has anything to do with Kelly. Kelly came here to recapture the kidnapped scientists in her country. She came here four days ago and started to make arrangements.

All of them received new identities and successfully passed all inspections. They did not say hello to the local people, because this place would evolve into a small battlefield.

Those kidnappers can only go to the trading city from here. They only need to give the local inspector a little money and they can easily pass the inspection.

This part of the income is a very large amount of income in this seaport, because everyone going to the trading city must pass through here.

Kelly sneered and stared at some guys on the street. This place was a mixed bag of dragons and snakes, making it a very good place to do something.

Kelly and her superiors have made maximum arrangements for this mission, and if they still cannot rescue these scientists, they can only get rid of them.

These scientists must not be allowed to fall into the hands of other developed countries. This is the order the general gave Kelly and the others.

In the previous pursuit, they were always one step slower. After investigation later, it was confirmed that the intelligence personnel of a certain country had been intervening in their pursuit, causing them to always be one step slower than the kidnappers.

Even some allies were making small moves behind the scenes. Soon Kelly and the soldiers returned to the small rented hotel. As soon as they entered the room, the leader of the operation, Captain Smith, was looking at the map and communicating with the intelligence personnel next to him.


"Warrant Officer Kelly, we have received the exact information. They should arrive in four days."

Kelly's eyes became sharp, and Smith smiled and looked at a room of people with serious expressions and said.

"Don't worry, young people, just relax."

Although the captain said so, everyone knew that this mission was not easy.

"Captain, those M country guys have already made some moves, and their fleet in AU is approaching here."

The captain smiled.

"That's for sure, because they failed on this land. Do those damn CA agents really think that we don't know anything about it?"

Kailin walked over and started discussing with the captain. They came here secretly on a submarine. Although it was very secretive, it was only a matter of time before they were discovered.

Regarding the last failure, Kelly was very upset in her heart. The pursuit mission along the way was also the same. No day could make her feel at ease.

The worst case scenario is that when it misses, it can only launch missiles to directly destroy the target.

What Smith is worried about now is the M country's fleet that is already heading here. Their submarines are still on standby in the high seas.

The missiles on the submarine have been replaced by missiles from a certain big country that have been banned from sale. After their improvement, the accuracy is completely fine. Even if there is a problem, the problem will eventually be blamed on that big country.

"Okay, everyone, please take your respective team members to conduct various field exercises in the past few days. There must be no mistakes."

Kelly hummed, left the room and went to the next room. The members of the team were talking and laughing, and they all looked relaxed. Kelly said with a straight face.

"Stop your attitude, we are not here to play."

Time passed by, and at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, there was a fishy smell in the fish market. Many fish had spoiled, and some were thrown on the ground casually.

A fishmonger was about to close his stall when a man passed by and threw something on the ground. After the fishmonger splashed, he looked back at the small hotel behind him and showed a sinister smile. He clenched the item tightly. The small metal ball fell on the ground and quickly returned to the store after closing the stall.

Soon the fishmonger took out his mobile phone and inserted this small metal object into the groove on the north side of the mobile phone. Some information appeared on the mobile phone. After looking at it for a while, the fishmonger laughed. After closing the door, he entered the phone from the first floor. Go down through a secret door next to the toilet.


The lights came on, and there were a lot of things piled up in the room, especially a large number of tubular translucent items, as well as many chemical items. The fishmonger smiled.

"This mission gives you quite a lot."

Soon the fishmonger began to carefully take out some chemicals, and then began to carefully handle them with a measuring spoon and put them into some tubes.

Half an hour later, the fishmonger took a prepared bomb and put it in a box. He picked it up carefully. After walking out of his shop, the fishmonger walked to the inn.

"Come here, this is the place."

The man at the front desk said with a smile. The fishmonger took a look at the room number plate. The man at the front desk then began to enter the backstage and greeted everyone to go to the restaurant next to them to finish their meal early today.

The fishmonger walked up to the second floor casually. With a grin, he came to the middle of the two rooms on the second floor, put down the box, and then ran quickly.

Just when the fishmonger came to the corner of the corridor, a gun was put on his head. The fishmonger looked dumbfounded. The box in the corridor behind him had been opened by Kelly. She took the two of them within a few seconds. This simple bomb was defused in just a few minutes.

"Find a place first to interrogate this man properly."

Smith came out of the room, and the soldiers came out of the other rooms, all with weapons.

"You can bribe the hotel owner with money, and so can we."

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