Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 892 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CLXI

Chapter 892 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CLXI

Under the moonlight, X quietly listened to the report of the situation by the clone soldier Another clone with the same military talents will take over.

Now he just needs to wait quietly for Bai Tou to complete what he wants to do. Nothing can make a young man believe in himself more than satisfying his demands.

This X showed a pleasant smile, glanced at the time, and said with a sneer.

"The time is almost up. Once the quantum propulsion technology is obtained, we must have the corresponding power source."

X was in a great mood, because Baitou's actions set everything in motion. X would make up his mind only after Baitou made his decision. And there may really be accidents in this world, and many big events could be caused by accidents.

"It's almost done. When the wind comes, the battlefield will be cleared."

This kind of nano-weapon is very light, smaller than a grain of sand. With just a little breeze, many nano-robots will be blown away. Even if someone finds it, they can't understand how it was made, because eventually the information in the nano-weapon will be cleared.


In a hotel, an old man with a white beard was tied up. He had a lot of scratches on his face and looked full of fear. Several other people were making various contacts in front of the computer.

A CIA agent was asking the old man something. The old man was the person who had previously traded with Guyi. His name was Jin Gusi, and he was one of the founders of high-energy photonics.

Jingus successfully escaped from Country M two years ago. He has had enough of the life of being in prison. He has no freedom to travel every day or go anywhere. The same goes for his family. His grandson has been in the research laboratory since he was a child. I live in a nearby town and have never been outside.

The plan was successful because someone helped Jingus and the others escape, but later Jingus heard that the insurance company had been sealed for allegedly stealing state secrets.

Jingus has been hiding with his family in XZ for these years. Although such a life is freer, it is not much better.

Now Jingus only has one thought: to find a country that can provide support for himself and his family and live a stable life.

Jingus is protected by a local gang member. Jingus's family is still being detained. Jingus must help the group complete some work on the production machinery before he can leave.

However, tonight on Jingus's way back to the city, he was ambushed. A group of capable special forces killed all the guards and he was also caught.

"Mr. Gingus, what exactly did you do? We heard that some new faces have come recently. They don't look like tourists or soldiers."

The interrogating man looked solemn. If Jingus really leaked the high-energy photon technology, it would be treason for the M country. Jingus had escaped for more than two years. They searched all over the world before finally listening to a monitored phone call. The location of Kingus was found.

dong dong dong

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room. Immediately, more than a dozen people in the room took weapons and guarded various positions. The captain walked over and opened the door. He held the gun tightly in one hand. There was a trance in front of him, and a bunch of mosquitoes appeared in front of him. Flying in, there was no one outside the door.

"We may have been discovered, move first."

The captain said, and a bunch of people started to pack up. However, at this moment, there was a bang, and an agent who was shutting down the computer fell to the ground. The captain hurried over to check, and his face suddenly changed. He saw something out of the corner of his eye. There was a metallic sheen, followed by a stinging pain on his forehead. He swatted it up. It was a mosquito.

"after all."

The captain held his heart in pain, and the people in the room fell one after another. In less than a minute, everyone in the room was dead. Jingus looked at them in shock. It seemed that they died from some kind of poison, and There was nothing in the room, and Jingus felt creepy.


The door of the room opened and a man with a loaded gun came in with others and quickly untied Jingus.

"Mr. Gingus, we want you to come with us to a place where your family is waiting for you below."

Jingus looked at the man in front of him in surprise, speechless, and with doubts, Jingus really saw 9 of his family members in the room below the hotel, all intact.

"Who are you?"

"Mr. Gingus, you will know when you get there."

Jingus nodded. He had no choice but to follow the group. Then X took off his mask and smiled happily.

Tonight's plan has been fully successful. All we have to do is wait for the incident in the small seaside village to end.


Bai Tou quietly put out the cigarette butt, and heard the sound of X in his ears.

"You really can keep your composure, why don't you take action?"

Baitou didn't say anything. Some of the soldiers were still cleaning the battlefield. He planned to wait until they came back before taking action. Moreover, now was not the time. He didn't want to do it in front of Ellie. This might be the reason why Baitou was so late. The reason for not wanting to take action.

At this time, Deguna had already woken up. She only felt pain all over her body. She was fixed on the stretcher and could not move at all. Deguna didn't know when Baitou was going to take action. He claimed that he had the means to kill these people in an instant. , but Deguna is a little panicked now.

When she was caught before, Deguna once thought about dying, but now the thought of survival came out of nowhere and made Deguna energetic again.

Kelly looked at Deguna from the side. At this time, many soldiers had cleared out some houses near the camp so that these scientists could rest.

"Don't you think tonight is a little strange?"

Kelly asked, Deguna didn't answer, Kelly stood up with a smile.

"Your Majesty Warrant Officer, I think it would be better for us to have a frank and unfair discussion."

Deguna closed her eyes and heard the buzzing sound of mosquitoes in her ears.

"Is there a mosquito net? I don't want to wake up early tomorrow morning with a headache."

As soon as Deguna opened her eyes, she saw Kelly falling down.

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