The dim light of the sun shone into the room, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit solemn. Their eyes met, Gene smiled softly, and Le Xiao was still shocked by the news and had not recovered.

Gene walked over slowly, and Lexiao stood up. She immediately screamed when she felt a chill, and hurriedly grabbed the towel and covered her body with a red face.

"This, this is."

Seeing that Jean didn't care, Le Xiao hurriedly ran into the room, brought out the light and shadow wardrobe, put on clothes and came out. Her heart was beating fast. Jean sat by the window, lit a cigarette, and quietly Quietly looking at the sun rising slowly in the east.

"This matter is over, and it's not something you can know. The only thing I can tell you is that I promised Xiaoqing."

"What, it turns out to be fake news, it's really Jean, you"

Le Xiao didn't say anything, just looked at Jean quietly. At this time, Jean seemed to have something heavy weighing on his heart, but he was holding back and still maintained a gentle smile.

"Why do you bring food with you."

Watching Jean take out some sausages, fresh vegetables, and condiments from the light and shadow locker.

"Sometimes I can't afford to go to a restaurant in the city for a leisurely meal, so I took it with me."

Le Xiao looked at Jean sideways and muttered.

"What do you mean you don't have time? You have a lot of time to eat with other girls."

After a pleasant and delicious breakfast, Le Xiao decided to go home. She would go back to her small four-foot-square apartment and start looking for a job.

"Are you really not going to consider it? This is a job with a monthly salary of 2,000, which may rise to 10,000 in the future."

There was a feeling of excitement, as if an electric current was piercing through my brain. This salary was too tempting, but Le Xiao immediately rejected it and slapped her cheek.

"Thank you, Mr. Jean."

Le Xiao bowed respectfully at the door, and Jean smiled.

"You don't have to be so polite."

Lexiao pursed her lips and shook her head.

"It's enough to know that Xiaoqing's father is still alive. As long as he is alive, we will see him again one day."

Le Xiao looked gloomy and recalled what happened to her father, but soon she started running. Jean watched Le Xiao leave and stood at the guardrail, watching Le Xiao's petite body running hard in the sun. He glanced at the western sky.

"As long as the plan is passed, more people can live in the sun."

Early the next morning, inside the prison tower

Jewell yawned and walked into the cell where the wise man was. The wise man was having breakfast and smoking comfortably.

"What do you want from me?"

"Jewel, I want to go out and do farm work and stretch my muscles. Can you make an exception?"

Jewell hesitated for two seconds and then shook his head.

"It's impossible. You are a death row prisoner. If you want to work, I will send you back to the underground."

The wise man climbed up and pointed at his severe dark circles with a smile.

"Jewell, I'm an unarmed old man. Just let someone keep an eye on me. If there's any problem, you can kill me."

Seeing that Jewel was still hesitating, the wise man walked over and said with a smile.

"Jewell, aren't there only a few scientific officers who know what crimes I have committed? Many young boys don't know. I just want to bask in the sun. I always feel that I will die soon. I have been here for many years. underground."

Jewell was a little surprised. It is true that although this guy has a good brain, he has little strength. It is easy to deal with him, and he has not committed any crime in the past 30 years.

"Okay, I will give you special permission to go out once. Then don't find other reasons to want to go out."

The wise man nodded and bowed and said thank you.


The small door of the prison tower opened, and the wise man swallowed, still hesitating. His hands could not help trembling, and his whole body was numb. Looking at the green wheat fields outside, the sunlight had dyed them golden, his eyes were a little moist, and his mouth was wet. Slightly open, nose twitching.

A special collar has been put on the guard's neck, and he is being escorted by six guards who have been in the job for just three years.

The wheat field has two-meter-wide paths, and there is a land nutrient supply tank every 10 meters. The main function of the prisoners working in the wheat field is to prepare the nutrient solution stored in the house at the junction of the wheat field. , push it to the supply pool on a cart.

There are small tubes for nutrient solution under the fertile black soil. Because there are five crops a year, a large amount of nutrient solution is needed to replenish the nutrients and moisture of the soil, so that the crops can thrive in the sun.

About half of the eastern grain base is planted with rice and wheat, which are the two main foods in Brilliant City. The wheat field in front of you has just been harvested, but in less than a month, it has grown again. The sprouts are here.

Each wheat field is 400 square meters, and there is a junction tower in the middle of the four wheat fields. The prisoners are taken to the junction tower by the guards, and then they start the day's work. Especially the harvest time is the busiest, and they have to work in the fields from morning to night. .

There are 6 guards on the junction tower, who will pay close attention to all the prisoners' actions. Once the prisoner dares to escape or cause trouble, the special collar signal will be activated directly, and the prisoner will be killed in an instant.

There was a creaking sound, and carts kept coming and going to the junction tower. The wise man was led by six guards to the junction tower one kilometer away on the left before stopping.


"It should."

A guard took out a cigarette, gave it to the wise man, and lit it for him. The wise man took a leisurely puff of the cigarette and went directly to the second floor of the junction tower. Several guards who were playing cards in the room immediately gave up their seats with smiles and greeted everyone. After making tea for the wise man, more than a dozen guards in the room looked at the wise man excitedly.

"Mr. Panda, your predictions are really more accurate than computers. Haha, I made more than 50,000 yuan this month, thanks to you."

A guard said excitedly, and the others chatted happily. They all made a lot of money from the stock market. After listening to the wise man's words, they invested tens of thousands in the stock market. In just one month, Earned tens of thousands.

But one of the guards looked sad and downcast.

"Who told you to be disobedient? You must be greedy and suffer a loss now."

The guard with a mournful face said angrily.

"Stop talking, Mr. Panda, is there any other way? Which stock to buy next month?"

Old Panda is what most people in the 11th Criminal Management Section call him, because the wise man has extremely serious dark circles under his eyes. Many people don't know that such an old man is not a mutant, but looks amiable, and he also knows many ways to make money. Why is he a death row prisoner?

"Boys, life has its ups and downs, but it's best to be steady."

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