Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 949 Branch 0 6 (Part 1)

10 am

Fredo was finally able to stand up. The wounds on his body no longer hurt as before. He began to beat slightly in the cell. In the past two days, Niegra came over once a day to ask Fredo something.

Fredo just talked casually, but Niegla seemed to believe it, and Fredo was helpless. It can be seen from Niegla's words that the current situation in Branch 0 is very tense.

Hans and Rival have not come over in the past two days, and Fredo has no way of knowing the situation outside. Kimball should come over today.

After Fredo exercised for a while, he began to rest, and the wounds on his body began to hurt faintly again. He just hoped that his body would recover as soon as possible. Dave and the others should be ready, and Fredo just needed to wait quietly.

Furui has been thinking a lot these days, but he still decides to travel. There is nothing he can do in this land.

At this time, the door of the room opened and Kimball walked in. Then the door of the room was closed. After Kimball approached, he started chatting with Fredo. In the past few days, Kimball has written a lot about Fredo and the past. The report of some connections has gained Niegra's trust.

"it is ready."

Hearing what Kimball said, Fredo immediately laughed and took the cigar from Kimball.

The two of them were talking about some things in the past. Fredo clearly told Kimball some of the things he had planned for the resistance before. Kimball was carefully recording it, but the two would chat about some things during the period. These things seemed ordinary, but Kimball clearly conveyed the news from the outside to Fredo.

The two-hour conversation ended quickly. After Kimball left, Fredo breathed a sigh of relief. Dave and the others had prepared everything, and the kangaroo resistance front would also cause a certain degree of commotion that day. Fredo can take advantage of the commotion to escape from here.

Furydo and Kimball asked for a set of weapons. They only needed two laser weapons and a set of liquid protective armor, including some directional bombs. Then they used the explosives made by Dave to blow up the cell. Fury There is always a way to escape. His mecha has been placed in a warehouse less than 50 meters away from the basement.

As long as Fredo can successfully escape to the first floor, there will be no problem at all. The place he is currently on is the third underground floor. Fredo still has some impressions of the structure of each floor. Kimball has already detailed it. In a few words, he told Fredo the structure of this building.

All he needs to do next is to wait for the opportunity carefully. Fredo smoked a cigar comfortably and played with the lighter in his hand. He didn't know what happened to Jamie and the others now. Although Kimball had already told Jamie What happened, but Fredo can probably guess Jamie's current situation, and he should be worried.

After spending so much time with Jamie, Fredo found that he liked to worry about others. He was more worried about other people's affairs than himself, and would even pay attention to his own emotions.

"Just bear with it for a few more days, Jamie. We can set sail soon."


At the entire passage facing the sea to the east, a large number of human slaves lined up in a long queue. They were constantly putting things transported from the undersea passage into boxes, and then several slaves worked together to carry them to the aircraft warehouse. A large number of aircraft Everyone is waiting, and some slaves have been sent directly to the seven seabed mines currently in operation.

Niegla was watching the slaves working in a nearby high-rise building. Now Niegla thought that the only way was to increase the output of the mine and let the slaves go to the seabed mine. Not only mechanical digging, but also manual digging was needed. Transportation directly improves the efficiency of mining and maximizes the efficiency of the mine.

Niegra was talking with the people of the Gnome Legion. They hoped that the Gnome Legion could rent them 5,000 engineering robots. Niegra felt the danger, because the No. 0 branch was very likely to be captured by the rebels.

Especially once the war breaks out, such a premonition may become a reality. Now what Niegra needs to do is to mine 24 hours a day and transport the ore to the major branches of the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion. Although the dwarf kangaroos are dissatisfied place, but Niegra promised them that when seabed mines are developed in the future, the production capacity of these mines will belong to the dwarf kangaroos.

The top brass of the Dwarf Kangaroo Legion also knew why Niegra was working so hard to mine. As long as enough ore resources were hoarded before the war began, they would not have to worry even if the war entered a tug-of-war and the time became longer.

The red and red kangaroo legions cannot fight for a long time, and prolonging this cycle is very beneficial to their east and west gray kangaroo legions.

Last night Niegra and Earls talked on the phone. The mines where the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion and the Pygmy Kangaroo Legion cooperated were also mining frantically, so Niegra let the slaves start entering the mine today, and there was a steady stream of slaves. Delivered.

"General, there are slaves who can no longer work."

"Don't worry about it until they die, otherwise just keep doing it for me."

In just over a day, many human slaves have not rested since they went to the mine. Some slaves collapsed from exhaustion. Now nearly 10,000 human slaves have been removed from various branches.

Niegra plans to use 10 days to reserve enough mineral resources for at least half a year of war. The other six undersea mines that have not yet been completed have been completely stopped, and the No. 3 undersea channel that was previously destroyed has been ignored.

A large number of dwarf kangaroos were driving engineering machinery to work in the mine, watching as ore was being transported continuously, and human slaves were constantly moving the ore to the aircraft warehouse.

Niegra mobilized 1,000 aircraft, which would travel day and night to Branch 0 and the nearest branches. He also removed 2,000 soldiers to help maintain order.

"Now even if these rebels do anything, it will not help."

Several adjutants laughed, and their previous worries were all gone. Even if they really destroyed Branch 0, it would not have the slightest impact on the war.

"General Sost called."

Niegra picked up immediately. Sost was the top military commander of the Pygmy Kangaroo Legion.

"Thank you for your call, General Sost."

"The amount you are asking for is too high, and with such high-efficiency work, the wear and tear on our engineering mechas will be very high."

Niegra laughed. Sure enough, this was what the dwarf kangaroos were most worried about.

"Don't worry about this. After the war is over, we will do our best to compensate."

As long as 5,000 engineering mechas from the dwarf kangaroos join in, the mining efficiency will increase several times.

"Any questions?"

Niegra asked.

"Are you sure someone is actually going to do sabotage secretly?"

"One hundred percent sure, General Sost, if we continue to mine slowly now, when the war begins, once those lurking rebels begin to attack our rear, it will be difficult for us to keep up with our supplies during the war. "

Niegra waited for the other party to consider. 5,000 engineering mechas were indeed not a small number. For any kangaroo legion except the dwarf kangaroos, this was already the number of nearly all the mechas in the entire legion.

But the Dwarf Kangaroo Legion is different. Because they are naturally very short and fragile, they vigorously developed mecha technology in the early days. Most of their mechas are one-piece and can be used for multiple purposes by simply replacing parts. Mecha, the mecha technology of the Dwarf Kangaroo Legion is also the best.

5,000 mechas are not a problem at all for the Dwarf Kangaroo Legion. They only need to remove the combat parts of some combat mechas and replace them with engineering ones.

"Okay, we can agree to your request, but after the war is over, we want double compensation."

Niegra laughed. He had thought of this a long time ago. This is also a common trick used by dwarf kangaroos. They will not let go until you are in a hurry. Niegra has no choice. Although such a method is despicable, as long as it is If you win the war, double compensation is not a big problem.

"Yes, General Sost, I hope you can arrange it as soon as possible."

"We can start today. Just ask your warship to transport it over."

Niegra laughed, finally the problem was solved.

Once the mining efficiency increases, they can obtain at least more than half a year's worth of mineral resources in ten days. The deployment of the various troops is almost completed. With just one order, they can start attacking the branch of the Red Kangaroo Legion.

As long as the war is victorious, the entire kangaroo society will only be dominated by the Gray Kangaroo Legion. At that time, the eastern and western legions will be directly merged, and there will no longer be five major legions. Only then can the entire kangaroo society be unified, and only after unification can it continue to develop.

The issue of unification has been discussed by the five legions for decades, but it is obvious that no one wants to unify. Niegela has been working on the unification of kangaroo society since he became the upper class.

In the next stage, the kangaroos must develop into aerospace technology, because above their heads, there is a human country called Asgard. In the past few years, their relationship with Asgard has become very close. .

Niegra knew very well that this land would eventually be destroyed one day, so for the survival of the entire kangaroo community, it was only right to go to the vast universe.

As long as the kangaroo society can be unified and integrate all technologies, the entire kangaroo society can easily develop aerospace technology, and the speed will be very fast.

At this time, Niegra thought of the blue-blooded people on the volcano in the northeast. Fredo reminded him a few days ago that blue-blooded people are indeed a problem. This is indeed a huge hidden danger to kangaroo society, but as long as the kangaroos leave this land , this threat no longer exists.

"It's a pity Fredo, we know more than you do, so we can see further than you can."

In the No. 1 seabed mine, there was a rumbling sound. The entire mine was filled with piles of human slaves who were carrying ore. Many people could no longer do it. Some of them fainted directly, but they would be beaten again when they woke up. Request to continue moving.

Dave and Berg were sitting on a high platform to rest. They were also asked to come in for mining operations. In desperation, they could only drive in engineering mechas. However, their treatment was different from humans. They wanted to rest. You can rest, and even if you want to leave, you can leave immediately.

Some human slaves who couldn't move anymore begged for mercy, but were beaten severely by the kangaroos holding whips until they started moving again.

Dave and Berg are already used to this kind of thing, because they are both engineers. They have seen how these human slaves are treated in the mines from a long time ago. Many human slaves die every day. .

At this time, a human fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth. No kangaroo passed by. He twitched violently and stopped moving after a while. His eyes were still open and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

It wasn't until half an hour later that a kangaroo came over and dragged the dead slave away and threw it directly into the waste disposal pond.

"Actually, I have thought about these things before, whether we have gone too far Dave."

Berg asked, and Dave smiled and nodded.

"Whether it's excessive or not, they have no power to resist. This is the reality. The reason why we failed is because humans have no way to resist. They have degenerated into the primitive era, and we are in the technological era."

At this time, as carloads of slaves were transported down the passage, some slaves finally got a rest. They did not need to carry them in the mine, but they needed to return to the outside of the passage to move the ore transported from the mine to the aircraft warehouse. .

"Such a society may one day be ended."

Borg said and Dave laughed.

"It's a pity we can't see it."

At this moment a gray kangaroo jumped over.

"Two gentlemen, you have rested for a long time. If you are really tired, please go back to the dormitory to rest."

Dave and Berg didn't say much. They were indeed too tired. They had to prepare the mecha at night and had to work during the day.

"We are really tired from the continuous work in the past few days, so we need to rest for two days."

After Dave finished speaking, the gray kangaroo immediately made a record. The two of them were waiting on the front of the delivery vehicle. After the ore was loaded into the shelves, the vehicle started.

"Three days at most. At this time, we have to send Fredo and the others away. I will go back tomorrow and try to find a way to bring the two children in first."

"Would it be too dangerous?"

Borg asked, and Dave laughed.

"It's just one day, no problem."

But then Dave thought about it.

"If the situation is good, we can send them to the dock to wait directly. This will be safer."

Borg nodded. As long as he had the help of the Kangaroo Resistance Front, it would not be a problem to send Jamie and Imogen to the dock.

Soon the vehicle transporting the ore arrived at the entrance of the submarine channel. Because most of the submarine bases have not yet been completed, the ore can only be transported by manpower.

Dave looked at these dying slaves. When he went down in the morning, most of the slaves were still energetic, but now many slaves are so tired that they are about to collapse.

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