General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 597 Second Brother's Means (Part 2)

"Why... did you sell it to someone else?" Second Master Shen was in a daze.

He felt ashamed that he did not do this well.

Wei Guoyao said: "I have been in Xidu for more than a month, and the herb has not been sold. I thought it would not be sold, so I wanted to deal with it cheaply before it withered... No one thought... or No one wants it, but one wants it all.”

He is also very difficult.

Second Lord Shen is the son of the deputy leader, who wouldn't want to be next to this big tree?

What's more...

He glanced at the fairy-like jade man sitting in a wheelchair not far away. For some reason, he always felt that the man was a big shot.

"Brother Wei, Mrs. Wei..." Second Master Shen was so ashamed, he just bragged to others that he had found the medicinal herb, but in a blink of an eye the medicinal herb was bought away, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

He didn't know that this herb was bought for Zhuge Qing, if he knew, he might jump off the top floor on the spot.

"Who did you sell it to?" Mei Ji came over and asked.

The businessman of Wei State had never seen such a bewitching woman before. His gaze unconsciously swept across Mei Ji's proud chest, resisting the urge to spray nosebleeds, and said embarrassingly, "I sold it to a pharmacist."

Mei Ji asked, "Where did you sell it?"

The Wei merchants dared not look at her anymore, for fear of losing their composure in public: "A market outside the east city."

Mei Ji said again: "Do you remember that person's appearance?"

The businessman from Wei State nodded again and again: "Remember, remember!"

Wei Ting asked Fusu to fetch a pen and paper, and when the businessman from the state of Wei finished his description, his portrait was also completed.

"Look." Wei Ting showed him the portrait.

"That's right! It looks like this!" The businessman from the Kingdom of Wei was shocked. How could someone draw such a portrait? God!

"Okay, I got it." Meiji asked the portrait to be brought over, rolled it up and put it in her wide sleeves, "At twelve o'clock, I will definitely bring back the herb!"

The killer glanced at her: "The premise is that the other party has not used it."

Mei Ji glared at him: "You don't have a crow's mouth!"

She looked at Zhuge Qing, "Sir, I'm going to find herbs, wait for my good news!"

Zhuge Qing smiled lightly: "Okay."

She tapped her toes and flew down.

This little episode didn't affect Zhuge Qing's interest, so he invited the businessmen from the state of Wei to join him.

The businessman of Wei State was a little embarrassed.

Second Master Shen said with a face flushed from drinking: "Mr. told you to sit down, so sit down!"

"What, sir?" Wei Guo businessman asked dully.

Second Master Shen wrapped his arms around him: "Mr. Zhuge."

Wei Guo merchants are stupid!

Wei Ting was a little helpless, and wanted to leave the banquet several times to find medicinal herbs.

Zhuge Qingyun was indifferent, chatting and laughing from time to time.

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this is really a man with a terrifyingly strong psychological quality.

Wei Ting had a serious face: "Why do you keep staring at my second brother?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Second brother looks good."

Wei Ting's face darkened: Wife, you have changed.

Second master Shen and the businessman from the state of Wei drank successfully, Zhuge Qing called the shopkeeper and asked him to arrange a wing room for the two of them.

Then the group set off back to the inn.

"Second brother, let's go together, we live on the same street anyway." Wei Ting said while hugging the sleeping Duhu.

The two tigers and the little tiger are in the arms of Su Xiaoxiao and Fusu respectively.

Zhuge Qing didn't speak.

Wei Ting narrowed his eyes slightly, realized something, and said in shock: "Second brother, you won't move, right?! What do you mean? You deliberately avoided me! If it wasn't for Dahu and the others who followed you... ...I happened to run into you again tonight... Could it be that I will never be able to find you again? How could you do this?!"

Wei Xiaoqi was injured.

He stuffed the big tiger into his arms.

You hide, you keep hiding!

A Yuan looked at Zhuge Qing shyly: "Sir."

Zhuge Qing looked at the sleeping little guy in his arms, and sighed, "Go back to the Moon Inn."

The corner of A Yuan's mouth twitched, he was going to move back...


The next day, the Western Jin Emperor summoned Zhuge Qing to the Royal Study Room of the Imperial Palace.

"I heard that you have a younger sister, who is Qin Canglan's granddaughter."

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty got straight to the point.

Talk to smart people without going around in circles.

Zhuge Qing was sitting in a wheelchair, with a deep and introverted demeanor, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Ah, there is such a thing."

The Emperor of Western Jin took a few steps in the room and looked at him with a frown: "Aren't you from Beiyan? How could you have anything to do with the Qin family of Dazhou? I don't remember Qin Canglan having a grandson as old as you."

Zhuge Qing said softly: "I am not from the Da Zhou Qin family, and she and I are not blood siblings. I want to recognize her as my righteous sister."


"She is somewhat similar to my long-lost sister. The first time I saw her outside the western capital, I had the idea of ​​recognizing her as my adopted sister."

The Western Jin Emperor looked at him suspiciously: "I...have never heard about your sister."

Zhuge Qing smiled bitterly: "Sadness, Qing doesn't want to mention it to others. My sister is my only relative in the world. It's a pity that we were separated ten years ago. I have searched many places over the years, and it was not until three years ago A clue."

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty paused: "Three years ago... your sister came to the Western Jin Dynasty?"

Zhuge Qing nodded slightly.

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty frowned and said, "So...the real purpose of your stay in the Western Jin Dynasty is to find your sister?"

Zhuge Qing said nothing.

This appearance became a kind of default in the eyes of the Western Jin Emperor.

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty was originally worried that if he lost the stone marrow, he would not be able to keep him anymore, but now it seems that he was too worried.

Zhuge Qing sighed: "However, everything seems to be Qing's wishful thinking."

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty said in a deep voice, "What? She still doesn't want to be your righteous sister?"

Zhuge Qing smiled.

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty quickly realized that the girl was Yu Wenxi's friend, and Zhuge Qing was Yu Wenhuai's counselor. It was not surprising that the little girl refused to agree to the two families' disagreement.

The Western Jin Emperor was by no means a fool, but it took Zhuge Qing three years to win the trust of the emperor little by little, and it is easy for the Western Jin Emperor to trust him now.

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty snorted: "How many good things people can only dream of, but she actually dismisses them."

Zhuge Qing said: "Everyone has his own aspirations."

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty said with emotion: "It's a strange woman."

Soon, the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty thought of one thing. If the girl refused to recognize Zhuge Qing as her righteous brother, would she also refuse to heal Zhuge Qing's leg?


"His Majesty."

"You go to the inn."

Su Xiaoxiao had just finished breakfast with Sanxiaozhi, and planned to go out to the imperial concubine's mansion for a follow-up consultation for Xiaojun Wang.

He and father-in-law came to the door suddenly.

When Su Xiaoxiao saw him, she remembered Guo Lingxi's complaint to the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty. The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty most likely knew that she was Zhuge Qing's "sister". He and the father-in-law probably came to her to ask for the gold back. Bar?

Eunuch He asked, "May I ask how Mrs. Wei is thinking about it?"

Su Xiaoxiao said seriously: "It's still under consideration."

He Gonggong smiled, and took two heavy boxes of gold from the accompanying eunuch: "Your Majesty said that as long as you agree to treat that patient, the consultation fee will be doubled."

Su Xiaoxiao: "???"

The second brother is so awesome\\(^o^)/~

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