General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 599: Success (Part 1)

At this time, Feng Xiaoran didn't know that a bird had stolen his medicinal herbs.

He has the habit of medicinal baths, especially after autumn, for which he specially built a large bath room and dug a small bath pool made of white marble.

He relaxed and soaked in the hot pool, imagining Zhuge Qing struggling to die in pain, and everything that Zhuge Qing took away would return to him.

No, more than that.

He will take over all the connections and forces Zhuge Qing has accumulated over the past few years, including the Black Armor Army.

"I'm really looking forward to it."


Su Xiaoxiao was waiting for news at Yu Wenxi's room.

The little princess secretly pushed open the door and took a look inside: "Qin Su."

"Little princess." Su Xiaoxiao turned her head and saw her, and greeted her.

The little princess pushed the door open and closed the door gently.

"Qin Su, don't worry, no one will find me."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled.

It's no wonder no one noticed it, but the Western Jin Emperor turned a blind eye and closed his eyes now, except for Yu Wenyi's yard, he was not allowed to enter, and the little princess jumped around wherever he wanted.

The little princess sat down beside Su Xiaoxiao: "Qin Su, are you waiting for my mother?"

Su Xiaoxiao hummed.

"Mo Xie just told me that he wants to go out with my mother." The little princess doesn't know much about adults, she just thinks it's not good for her mother to go out and leave Qin Su here alone, so She decided to come and accompany Qin Su.

"Qin Su, how is my brother's condition? When can I see him?"

Su Xiaoxiao said to her: "Hurry up, when the smallpox of Xiaojun Wang is cured, you can go to see him."

"Great!" The little princess took Su Xiaoxiao's arm, "Qin Su, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise I might not have a brother."

Su Xiaoxiao said in relief: "Xiaojun Wang Jiren has his own aura, so he will be fine."

The two talked for a while, and Yu Wenxi and Mo Xie came back.

Yu Wenxi took off her cloak, glanced at Su Xiaoxiao and her daughter, and said to Mo Xie, "You go out for a walk with Xin'er."

This is something to talk to Su Xiaoxiao alone.

"Yes." Mo Xie took the little princess out.

Yu Wenxi put the brocade box on the table, but not on Su Xiaoxiao's side, but in front of her.

Su Xiaoxiao probably understood what happened.

She looked at Yu Wenxi: "Your Highness."

Yu Wenxi said seriously: "What's your relationship with Zhuge Qing?"

It seems that Yu Wenxi already knew that Zhuge Qing needed this herb.

Su Xiaoxiao's expression was very calm, without the guilt or panic of being caught, she asked: "Did Feng Xiaoran tell His Highness?"

This Feng Xiaoran is Zhuge Qing's deadly enemy, no, Feng Xiaoran thinks he is his deadly opponent, Zhuge Qing never regarded him as an opponent from the beginning to the end.

Feng Xiaoran has been investigating Zhuge Qing, she remembered that Mei Ji said that Feng Xiaoran had pharmacists under his command, maybe they had read Zhuge Qing's medical records and guessed Zhuge Qing's condition.

There is only one thing that Su Xiaoxiao can't figure out. This kind of cold syndrome is very rare, and the imperial physicians are helpless. How did the pharmacist know that Wei's herbs can treat the symptoms?

Yu Wenxi said coldly: "It's him, now it's your turn to answer me."

Su Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes and sighed: "It was your father who asked me to treat Zhuge Qing's illness."

Yu Wenxi was taken aback: "What?"

Su Xiaoxiao said in a low voice: "Although His Majesty of the Western Jin Dynasty did not tell me who the patient was, he showed me the other party's medical records. He is not good at doing things, and the person whom His Majesty values ​​so much, except for Zhuge Qing, I can't guess the first patient." two people."

Of course, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't expose Zhuge Qing's true identity, so he could just push it to the Western Jin Emperor at this time.

"If your highness doesn't believe it, you can go to the palace to inquire. I believe that with your highness' ability, it will not be difficult to find out this matter."

Yu Wenxi frowned: "Yesterday, Xin'er said that her father-in-law came to see you and entered the palace for this reason?"

Su Xiaoxiao said in a low mood: "Part of it is for Zhuge Qing's affairs, and the other half is to ask about the condition of the little county king. I showed the color of rejection yesterday, and today His Majesty sent me to come with my father-in-law and gave me double the deposit I'm not all for money, I'm just worried that His Majesty's determination is so great that if I refuse, I may offend His Majesty."

Yu Wenxi asked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Su Xiaoxiao hesitated and said: "First, I just guessed that it was Zhuge Qing, there is no evidence, and second..."

Yu Wenxi said lightly: "Secondly, you are also worried that I will not help you."

Su Xiaoxiao said in a low voice: "Yes. The Western Jin Dynasty is powerful, and I'm just the daughter of a small general of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I can't afford to offend His Majesty the Western Jin Dynasty. I don't want to offend His Highness, but I think, as a person like His Highness, Even if you know, you shouldn’t embarrass me.”

Yu Wenxi said sternly: "Stop flattering me! I'll find out if my father asked you to treat Zhuge Qing! If you didn't lie, it's fine, if there is a half-truth—"

Su Xiaoxiao met her gaze frankly: "Your Highness, just go and investigate."

Except that the statement that she showed rejection was false, the rest had evidence, and it didn't matter whether she showed rejection or not, at least the Western Jin Emperor thought she would refuse.

Yu Wenxi pushed the box in front of her: "Take the herb and see if it's right. Besides, you have a good eye, Feng Xiaoran gave me the herb so smoothly, I'm worried that he might be tampering with the herb." What kind of tricks?"

Yu Wenxi doesn't want her to have an accident now, putting aside personal feelings, Yu Wenxi still counts on her to treat her son.

Su Xiaoxiao took the brocade box: "Thank you Your Highness, I will take my leave first."

After leaving Yuwenxi's yard, she found a place where no one was around and opened the brocade box. There was nothing unusual about the medicinal herbs, and there was nothing unusual about the smell.

She closed her eyes.

This time the pharmacy let her in smoothly, she opened the box again and said, "It really is poisonous."

She went out of the pharmacy, picked up the medicinal herbs thrown out by the pharmacy on the ground, and put them back into the brocade box.

Fortunately, she was prepared with both hands.

"Ouch! Crow!"

From the garden not far away, the little princess screamed.

Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly closed the brocade box and walked over.

It turned out that the Five Tigers had returned.

It held half a medicinal herb that was almost longer than itself, and flew all the way with a whimper, its little wings almost smoldering.

When it arrived at the imperial concubine's mansion, it finally couldn't fly, and even the birds and grass croaked and fell down.

Su Xiaoxiao decisively went to pick up the herbs.

The five tigers of wage earners fell on the shoulders of the little princess.

The little princess was startled, and almost grabbed it and threw it into the cesspit, but fortunately, he found that it felt familiar.

"Five Tigers?"

She opened her eyes wide, "Five Tigers, why did you turn black? Have you been struck by lightning?"

It's just the five tigers disguised as a crow: "..."

Su Xiaoxiao stuffed the medicinal herb into her arms without any trace.

When he looked up, he found Mo Xie watching from not far away.

Mo Xie looked away and pretended not to see anything.

There is no need to check whether the herbs brought back by the five tigers are poisonous. After all, if they were poisonous, the five tigers would have been poisoned to death.

In view of its great achievements, after returning to the inn, Su Xiaoxiao generously rewarded it with five bird food.

The five tigers feel that the bird life has reached its peak!

Five birdseed, five! Can you believe it?

The five tigers have their own cages without doors, but they have built a small bird's nest.

It hoards bird food in its little nest.

In the days when there is no bird food in the future, it can be taken out and eaten slowly.

The inn didn't have a stove for boiling medicine, so Su Xiaoxiao went to Zhuge Qing's side.

Wei Ting was afraid that he would run away again, so he kept guarding him in the room.

Zhuge Qing was sitting in a wheelchair next to the bed, while San Xiaozhi had already fallen asleep on his bed.

To Su Xiaoxiao's surprise, the three little guys slept neatly, even their hair was in the same direction.

She blinked dumbly.

Wei Ting came over and whispered, "Second Brother did it."

Su Xiaoxiao: "..."

A Yuan was guarding in the house, while the killer and Mei Ji were guarding in the courtyard.

Su Xiaoxiao went to the study with Zhuge Qing and Wei Ting.

"Have you got the herbs?" Wei Ting asked.

"I got it." Su Xiaoxiao said, "That Feng Xiaoran is really cunning. He guessed that the second brother wanted the herb, and he actually gave Her Royal Highness half of the poisonous herb. Fortunately, I was prepared."

She took out the other half of the intact herb.

Half of the stone in Wei Ting's heart has fallen, and the other half will not completely fall until the second brother recovers.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Zhuge Qing: "Second brother, before refining the medicine, I want to take your pulse again."

Zhuge Qing stretched out his thin wrist.

Su Xiaoxiao caught his pulse: "Second brother, did you take stone marrow a few days ago?"

Zhuge Qing said: "Yesterday."

Su Xiaoxiao frowned: "It's only been a day..."

Wei Ting asked, "So what?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Second brother's pulse condition has not changed much from before taking the medicine, and the effect of stone marrow on second brother is getting smaller and smaller."

Wei Ting looked at Zhuge Qing distressedly, Zhuge Qingyun smiled lightly.

However, Wei Ting noticed that his face was much paler than when they first met, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead. The second brother... has been enduring the pain caused by the cold poison.

Su Xiaoxiao began to check his legs: "By the way, second brother, did you see Guo Lingxi when you entered the palace today?"


"Did she recognize you?"

"I wear a mask."

Su Xiaoxiao: As expected of the second brother.

Zhuge Qing's condition could not be delayed any longer, so Su Xiaoxiao decided to refine the medicine overnight.

A Yuan had already bought medicine pots and pill stoves according to her request, and put them in a separate room.

Before starting, Su Xiaoxiao said rigorously: "Second brother, let me tell you first, I have never tried this prescription, and the patient described above is similar to your condition, but not exactly the same, so the prescription of this prescription I can't guarantee the effect at the moment."

Zhuge Qing smiled: "It's okay."

"Then I'm going."

Su Xiaoxiao closed the door, Wei Ting stood guard outside, even if the sky fell tonight, he would never allow anyone to disturb her.

There was another heavy rain in Western Capital tonight, Wei Ting stood still in the rain without moving a step.

Su Xiaoxiao strictly followed the steps recorded in the handbook, and boiled it in the alchemy furnace all night. Other medicinal materials are okay, but there are only half of this medicinal herb in Wei State.

She has no chance of trial and error.

When it was daylight, the heavy rain finally stopped, and the door of Su Xiaoxiao's room was opened from the inside.

She came out in a daze, completely embarrassed.

Wei Ting just looked at her like that, not daring to ask her.

Facing the dawn after the rain, Su Xiaoxiao spread out her palms, revealing a small box the size of a palm.

Everyone's feeding abruptly changed the bird food of the five tigers from three to five.

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