General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 677: The Leng Family's Retribution (Part 2)

"So fast."

Su Xiaoxiao was a little surprised.

Fu Su said: "Leng Ziling has searched for it many times before, and this time it's a matter of course."

"Where's Yu Chixiu?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

"Behind." Fusu replied.

The armor was too heavy, and it took Yu Chixiu a while to calmly (not) enter the camp.

He put the armor on the table and said with all his might, "I'm not breathing...I'm not breathing..."

Su Xiaoxiao: "..."

Wei Ting couldn't move at the moment, he could only look at them with his eyes.

"Am I coming?" Su Xiaoxiao asked him.

"Hmm." He responded.

Su Xiaoxiao opened the bag first.

When he saw the familiar golden armor, Wei Ting's throat suddenly swelled, his eyes were flushed, and water flashed in his eyes.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the armor that exuded a sense of killing and righteousness even though it was covered with dust, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow."

Then several people looked at Wei Ting.

Wei Ting restrained his emotions, and asked in a normal tone with red eyes: "Where did you find it?"

"It's near Tianshan Mountain." Fusu told Leng Ziling about his experience of looking for armor, and also told about what happened in the secret room.

"It's so dangerous, I almost can't come back."

He said in shock.

He was not so keen on mechanisms before, but it was Su Xiaoxiao who asked him to build a city of organs according to the blueprints, which seemed to be nothing, but in fact he developed a little intuition for organs.

So it might not be his luck that he bumped into the secret room twice by mistake tonight.

It was he who unintentionally discovered his organ talent!

Fusu was excited.

Several people didn't know what he was excited about.

Su Xiaoxiao said to Wei Ting: "Father's armor is here, is dad still alive or..."

"Alive!" Wei Ting choked up and said firmly, "He must still be alive!"

The conversation between the two of them stunned Fusu and Yuchi Xiu. What happened during the two nights they were away? Why is the general suddenly...alive again?

Wei Ting analyzed: "When my father was captured by He Lianye, he was wearing this set of armor. It is known that the secret room was left by his father and has nothing to do with He Lianye. So the armor can only be put in by his father himself. "

Su Xiaoxiao understood: "So Dad either got away from Helian Ye, or climbed up from the ice volcano, and then he went to the secret room and put the armor inside."

Wei Ting nodded: "It should be like this."

Su Xiaoxiao was thoughtful: "I still can't figure it out. If it's the former, since He Lianye knew that his father had escaped, where would he have the courage to claim that his father had been killed by him? Is his rumor self-defeating? If it's the latter, He Lianye should not know that his father climbed up from the volcano, he will firmly believe that his father is dead. He can't see his father climbed up with his own eyes, and let him go away Well, that's back to the first case."

Wei Ting thought for a while: "Unless... He Lianye is sure that my father will never come back."

Su Xiaoxiao wondered: "Then why do you say that father may still be alive? Maybe, even he is not sure about father's life or death."

Wei Ting couldn't figure it out either.

But no matter what, even if there is only a slight possibility, he will never give up.

"Look what's in the box," he said.


Su Xiaoxiao nodded. To be cautious, she put on a gas mask and silver gloves, "You guys hold your breath first."

The three of them held their breath.

Su Xiaoxiao took another gas mask and put it on for Jing Yi.

The iron box was locked, but this ordinary brass lock didn't bother her, so she easily pried it open with a wire.

But when she went to open the iron box, she couldn't open it no matter what.

You can't break it with your hands, and you can't pry it open with a dagger.

"I'll do it with my fist!" Yu Chixiu said.

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at him: "If you punch down, the contents inside will also be destroyed!"

This is probably the "relic" that Wei Xu really wants to keep, and the golden battle armor is only placed outside to cover up its existence.

Its value is far higher than the gold armor, what kind of treasure is this?

Wei Ting said softly: "You put it away first, and then think about it slowly when you look back."

Su Xiaoxiao agreed.

Taking advantage of the time when she put the iron box into the box, she secretly put it in the pharmacy. This is the safest place, and she doesn't worry about being stolen by anyone.

When she turned around to look at Wei Ting, Wei Ting had already breathed out evenly.

A severely wounded soldier who had stood firm all day finally fell asleep.

He refused to sleep before, not only because he was serious with Jing Yi, but also because he was worried about Wei Xu.

Knowing that Wei Xu escaped from He Lianye's hands back then, the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

The second brother's medicine was collected, Wei Xu's relics were found, and the battle was almost over. Next, leave enough military pay for grandfather, and they can return to Beijing.

But before going back, she had one more thing to do.

Wei Ting's plan to go to Mang Mountain to burn food and grass is confidential, and He Lianye looked sure that Wei Ting would come, obviously someone leaked the news to He Lianye.

Is it true that the Leng family does not have to pay the price for secretly cooperating with the Beiyan army again and again?

In the second half of the night, the soldiers who had fought all day fell asleep, and the entire camp was silent.

In a certain camp of the Leng family, a macaw came in through the gap with a pill in its mouth, threw the pill into the brazier, and jumped out with a chirp!

Light smoke came out of the brazier, which was sucked in by the sleeping Leng Zhao.

About half an hour later, Leng Zhao suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

He opened his eyes and saw the golden battle armor standing in front of the bed. He trembled in horror: "Wei Xu!"

Wei Xu was wearing a golden battle armor, his black iron sword was standing on the ground, and his hand rested lightly on the hilt: "Long time no see, Leng Zhao."

Leng Zhao was so frightened that Gu Lu rolled out of bed, got up in embarrassment and stepped back several steps to the side, tremblingly said: "You... why are you here... aren't you dead..."

Wei Xu opened his mouth: "It's not enough for you to kill me, you also came to kill my son. I'm here to avenge you, Leng Zhao."

Leng Zhao swallowed, and looked at Wei Xu in horror: "What happened back then...don't blame was the White Lotus Sect who wanted to harm you...I just revealed your whereabouts..."

Wei Xu pointed his long sword at him: "The White Lotus Sect is dead, now it's your turn."

He slashed at Leng Zhao with a sword.

Leng Zhao had already been drugged and confused, so he could not afford martial arts and strength. He only felt a sharp pain in his body, and blood spattered three feet!

He fell down on the ground in embarrassment, looked at the blood on the tent, and then at Wei Xu who was walking towards him like a Shura in purgatory, his whole body collapsed in fright.

If he was sober, he would definitely not be like this.

The drugs aggravated his hallucinations and amplified his inner emotions, which was the fear of Wei Xu.

He fled the tent with his head in his arms, and bumped into a group of patrolling soldiers head-on.

"General Leng, what's the matter with you? Is something wrong?" asked the leader of the corps leader.

Leng Zhao's body was not actually injured, but his hallucinations were too severe, and he felt that he had already been chopped by Wei Xu.

He turned back tremblingly, and grabbed the corporal leader's skirt with his "blood-soaked" hand.

"Wei Xu is here...Wei Xu came to seek revenge on wasn't was the White Lotus Sect...the White Lotus Sect asked me to do it...Leng Tiannan also agreed...I just sent a message... They made me do this...Wei Ting and I just sent a message..."

He spoke incoherently, but everyone still understood.

He had leaked the whereabouts of Wei Xu and his son to Bei Yan back then, no wonder they were ambushed by Bei Yan in the middle of the night.

As for Wei Ting leading his troops to Mang Mountain to burn food and grass today, he was also the one who informed Helianye.

Everyone's eyes on Leng Zhao changed.

Leng Zhao's hallucinations let him see Wei Xu continuing to chase and kill him with a sword, he fled in a panic, and fell into the well in a panic.

"Help—help me—help me—"

The soldiers stood at the mouth of the well and looked at him.

He shouted desperately.

More and more soldiers gathered around.

"Help me—uh—I can't water—uh—help me—"

He choked on the water and struggled painfully underwater.

However, no one rescued him.

The early second watch is coming, and in the last few hours, take a look, babies, if you have a monthly ticket, hurry up and vote.

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