General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 992 Father's love is like a

Chapter 992 Father's love is like a "mountain"

In the small garden, Wei Ting had just finished bandaging the last wounded Huosilimen disciple when he suddenly sneezed!

At this time, he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, he just thought it was an itchy nose.

I didn't know I was itchy at all.

Xing'er was carrying a food box and came over sweating profusely: "Miss, Uncle, Master Lu, are you hungry? Have something to eat first."

Last night, she and the nanny were placed in another secret room by Lingyin. As soon as the fight was over, the two of them went to the kitchen.

Lu Aotian first looked at the brothers around him.

Xing'er understood, and hurriedly said: "Everyone has it, Master Lu, don't worry."

She and the nanny made a lot of big meat buns and sweet red bean soup.

Qianshan Island is surrounded by the sea on all sides. There are many fish and shrimps, and the price is cheap. On the contrary, the price of meat is high, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

And Baihua Palace not only has tens of thousands of acres of flower fields, but also has its own livestock farm, which no one else can afford. It is commonplace here in Baihua Palace.

Lu Aotian saw several disciples under his sect running over with big food boxes to share with the brothers, and then looked at Xing'er's food box with peace of mind.

"It's coming soon, Master Lu, come and sit down first!"

Xing'er put the food box on the stone table in the middle of the garden, and untied the bound mat from her body to spread it for her young lady.

Su Xiaoxiao sat down with Wei Ting, Jing Yi and Lu Aotian.

Xing'er opened the food box, first took out a few clean wet cloth towels from the top drawer, and handed them to several people to wipe their hands.

Lu Aotian is a rough guy, so he has never been so meticulous. Looking at the three people, he also wiped them clumsily, and then wiped the towels to pieces.

"Cough cough."

He cleared his throat.

Xing'er smiled and brought out the second drawer of big meat buns and the third drawer of red bean soup.

Lu Aotian continued to look inside: "Is it gone?"

Xing'er asked curiously, "What would Master Lu want to eat?"

Lu Aotian said aggrievedly: "Sugar buns."

Xing'er took out a greased paper bag from her wide sleeve: "Just sugar buns, don't you want jelly beans?"

Lu Aotian stared straight at the eyes!

Sugar candy candy beans!

Lu Aotian took the jelly beans over and stuffed them into his bosom.

No one is allowed to compete with him for this one bite after working all night!

Xing'er chuckled.

Lu Aotian pointed to the meat buns and red bean soup on the table and said: "Eat, eat, eat!"

They were really hungry even after being tired all night.

Wei Ting and Jing Yi picked up a big meat bun and sent it to Su Xiaoxiao at the same time.

Su Xiaoxiao blinked.

Xing'er picked up the bun in the middle and said, "Miss is different from what you eat! Less salt and less oil, this bun belongs to Miss!"

Su Xiaoxiao: Give Myolie extra monthly money later!

"Thank you, Master Lu, for today's matter." Wei Ting said.

Lu Aotian waved his hand: "Small things, small things!"

Wei Ting asked: "Speaking of which, how did Sect Master Lu know that Baihua Palace is in trouble?"

Lu Aotian told about the encounter with Chu Feifeng on the way.

"That place is the only way to Huoshamen. I guess she came to look for me, but she passed out, and I couldn't ask any questions, so I wanted to send you a letter. I just arrived at Baihua At the foot of the mountain, I saw a few sects coming to Baihua Palace. It’s midnight, and I don’t need to ask to know that they are worried and kind.”

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Is sister-in-law seriously injured?"

Lu Aotian said: "Girl, don't worry, I have already invited a doctor, and the doctor said that she has no worries about her life."

Su Xiaoxiao and Wei Ting looked slightly pale.

"To be honest, don't thank me, thank you sister-in-law, I risked my life to send you news, and was discovered by Tian Yutang."

After Lu Aotian finished speaking, he drank a sip of the sweet red bean soup, it was so delicious that his whole body was shocked!

Su Xiaoxiao said: "There is no one from Tianyutang among the seven factions that came to attack us tonight."

Wei Ting thought for a while and said, "The Seven Great Sects came later. Before that, there was a group of people in black who went straight to Feiyun Palace. They don't seem to be here for mother."

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly realized: "Xiaobao, they want to rob Xiaobao! This is what my sister-in-law wants to remind! But I didn't expect that by mistake, the master Lu who came to deliver the news came across the conspiracy of the seven factions."

Jing Yi asked: "Why did the people from Tianyutang arrest Xiaobao?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "The head of Tianyutang is Mrs. Ru's own brother, and it must be Mrs. Ru's 'daughter' who is reluctant to be replaced by herself, so she wants her brother to steal her 'daughter' back."

Jing Yi frowned handsomely.

Su Xiaoxiao said thoughtfully: "I have to find a chance to govern the madam. And the seven major sects are also strange, and there must be someone behind them to instigate."

Wei Ting had a vague guess in his heart.

Thinking of something, Su Xiaoxiao said again: "However, how did Dad find Baihua Palace?"

Wei Ting said: "The one who came after Huoshamen."

Lu Aotian exploded: "Grandpa, grandma! Am I being followed? Why don't I know?!"

Wei Ting: Let you know, my father doesn't have to mess around anymore.

Wei Ting guessed that his father probably didn't rush to Lu Aotian from the beginning.

After all, when his father left for Qianshan Island, Lu Aotian was still imprisoned in the Duke Huguo's Mansion.

The biggest possibility is that his father met Lu Aotian by chance and thought it was strange, so he followed him all the way.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "In a while, you go to see the sister-in-law and take the sister-in-law over."

"Father and son" said in unison: "Okay."

Wei Ting squinted at a certain nephew: "My sister-in-law."

Jing Yi: "Hmph."

After breakfast, Wei Ting sent Su Xiaoxiao back to the house to rest, and then planned to go back with Huo Shamen.

But as soon as he left the house, Wei Xu blocked him.

Wei Xu had a murderous look on his face, and his fists were clenched.

An ominous premonition welled up in Wei Ting's heart: " haven't rested yet?"

He glanced at Wei Xu's empty chest again, "Did you give the child to Lingyin?"

Wei Xu clenched his fists and said, "You still have the guts to raise a child! Big tiger, two tigers and little tiger."

Wei Ting's heart skipped a beat.

Finally remembered what I just forgot, three little brats!

The three little ones came out bared.

Dumb held Wei Xiaobao in his arms: "Grandpa, my sister is asleep!"

Wei Ting was shocked!

Poor brat! Do you know that you sold your father!

Wei Ting looked serious: "Father, I can explain..."

Wei Xu said softly: "The big tiger, the two tigers and the little tiger, you take your sister back to the house first."

The three little ones obediently took their sister back to the house.

Wei Ting: "Dad, I can really explain...Dad! Dad...Dad, Dad—"

Wei Ting was dragged by his father to the farthest wing room in the west.




Lu Aotian and Jing Yi were standing in the yard, when they heard someone's scream from the wing.

Lu Aotian felt pain when he heard it, his whole body trembled, and he said, "It's too miserable, it's too miserable..."

Jing Yi said calmly, "Master Lu is just used to it."

Lu Aotian: "..."

In the end, Wei Ting also failed to pick up Cheng's sister-in-law.

It was Jing Yi and Lu Aotian who went there.

Someone was paralyzed in the corner without a soul, and complained aggrievedly: "Father, am I still your most beloved Xiao Qi?"

Wei Xu staggered from the numbness!

Third watch, happy eating everyone.

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