Riding the bright moonlight, Lin Pingzhi walked towards the bottom of the mountain.

Huashan has been said to be "the first mountain in the world of great danger" since ancient times, and its mountain roads are naturally steep and difficult to travel.

Lin Pingzhi did not perform light body skills, but walked honestly and normally.

After all, it was night, there was some snow on the road, and the road surface was slippery. If you are not careful, you may fall into the cliff, and then it will not be fun.

After walking for about an hour, he finally came to the bottom of the mountain.

As soon as he walked out of the mountain forest and came to the official road, he heard a whizzing sound, and then he saw several figures in the woods on both sides of the road.

"Hahaha..." one

of the leaders laughed loudly and said

, "Junior Brother Lin, lucky meeting, lucky meeting, we meet again!" When

the man approached, Lin Pingzhi saw the other party's face clearly, only to see his thin and narrow cheeks, and a pair of deeply sunken eyes, full of cruelty and greed.

He was Di Xiu, the eldest disciple of Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan Sect.

The four people behind him were all disciples of the Songshan Sect.

Several people slowly approached, surrounding Lin Pingzhi in the middle.

"Senior Brother Di is intercepting the junior brother halfway, I don't know what to advise?" asked Lin Pingzhi calmly.

He wasn't worried.

Because, among the five people of the Songshan Sect, except for Di Xiu, who was a second-rate early stage cultivator, the other four were all third-rate realm cultivators.

With the prefecture-level mid-grade sword technique that he had already started, that is, the fused Wuyue sword technique, and the Xuan-level light skill of Xiaocheng Realm, these were enough to easily crush those four third-rate realm disciples.

As for Di Xiu, although it was a little tricky, Lin Pingzhi also dared to fight with one.

Even if he is invincible, he can use the light martial arts method to escape, and if it really doesn't work, he can also use poisons such as miserable breeze.

Anyway, in the space of the system, a lot of these things are stored.

It's just that he doesn't want to rely too much on those poisons, because they are actually not very threatening for those masters above the innate realm.

If he becomes dependent on poison, it will be very detrimental to his future growth.

He also wants to take the opportunity tonight to improve his actual combat ability.

Seeing Lin Pingyi's calm and relaxed appearance, Di Xiu couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"Hehe, boy, it's quite good at pretending, wait a while, Lao Tzu must concoct you well

!" he said quietly on the surface:

"Junior Brother Lin, my master and his old man, have some interest in your family's ancestral sword spectrum to ward off evil, if Junior Brother you are willing to dedicate it, my master promises to help you take revenge!"

Hehe, my Lin family's hatred, I will personally report it, no need to bother with the left palm!" "

Nima, this is obviously drawing a pie for himself, trying to deceive his own evil sword spectrum.

Presumably, once he handed over the sword spectrum, Di Xiu would definitely kill himself and extinguish himself.

Di Xiu's face sank, and he said, "Why, Junior Brother Lin, are you willing to hand over the Evil Warding Sword Spectrum?" Lin

Pingzhi said: "Yes, of course I do!

"However, Senior Brother Di, you also said just now that the Evil Warding Sword Spectrum was handed down from my Lin family's ancestors, and only the father passed it on to the son, not outsiders!" said Lin Pingzhi.

"Hehe, then Senior Brother, I want you to hand it over?" a hideous look appeared on Di Xiu's face, and he sneered.

"That's okay, ask Senior Brother Di to call me dad! and also change his name to Lin Xiu, I'll hand it over to you!" said Lin Pingzhi helplessly.

"Bastard, you really want to find death!" Di Xiu was furious when he heard this, and he immediately ordered the two disciples

, "Zhang Shan, Li Si, you should hurry up and capture that kid for me!

Zhang Shan has a cruel temperament and likes to cut off people's hands and feet, and then roast them and eat them.

Li Si is a good man, especially a handsome and beautiful man like Lin Pingzhi, he is even more coveted.

At this moment, his big bull's eyes were staring at Lin Pingzhi's buttocks.

He stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips constantly.

Zhang Shan brandished the bright and shaky mountain knife and said angrily to Lin Pingzhi's urn: "I will cut off your limbs, roast and eat, and not let cumin!" Li Si continued to lick his lips and said: "I

want your ass valley!"


Pingzhi was disgusted by the two, especially the dog named Li Si, who actually dared to have ideas about labor and management!

The next moment, I saw his whole person rise up, and when his body flew high in the air, his body suddenly flipped in the air, and the long sword in his hand was like a silver-white waterfall, swooping down towards the two.

A waterfall of sword light shrouded the two of them.

The two were shocked in their hearts and hurriedly held their swords to block, but the sword light was like a phantom, and suddenly disappeared.

Just when the two were puzzled, they suddenly felt a sharp pain in their waist.

Immediately afterwards, the upper half of their bodies detached from their waists and then fell to the snow.

At this time, he saw that Lin Pingzhi was already standing behind them, and the long sword in his hand was covered with blood, and the blood was dripping down the sword body.

In fact, Lin Pingzhi's first "Heavenly Pool Tilt" was just a false move, but his real killing move was an extremely ordinary roundabout slash.

Lin Pingzhi first used the confusion of the Sword Light Waterfall, and then he performed a light body technique, quietly came behind the two, and cut them off.

Zhang Shan and Li Si saw their intestines flow from their abdomen, and then they died in panic.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Seeing this scene, the other two Songshan disciples turned pale with fright, and their legs trembled uncontrollably.

Di Xiu's heart was first shocked, and then a burst of ecstasy.

"This... Could this be the Lin family's sword method to ward off evil, it's really too powerful, if I get it... Wouldn't it be possible to traverse the rivers and lakes!" Thinking

of this, the heat in his eyes was even greater.

He tried his best to control his agitated mood, looked at the remaining two disciples, and calmly ordered:

"You two, go and capture that kid alive!"

One of them said weakly, "That, Senior Brother Di, I... We don't... "Hmph

, men can't say no, if they can't do it, they have to die!" Di

Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly,

"This is the order of the master, if you dare to disobey... Hehe, think about it for your family!" Di

Xiu also knew that the two were not Lin Pingzhi's opponents at all.

He just wanted the two to consume more of Lin Pingzhi's physical strength, and at the same time, he could also learn more about the exquisite sword techniques that the other party had unleashed.

In this way, when he made a move to deal with Lin Ping, he would have a greater certainty.

When the two heard that Di Xiu wanted to threaten the lives of their families, they could only draw their long swords and kill Lin Pingzhi hard.

Lin Pingzhi cast Feiyan to step on the snow, and easily dodged with a dodge.

At the same time, he unleashed a heaven-turning palm technique, the dark cloud cover, and hit the Heavenly Spirit Cover of one of them from the side.

I saw that the man's skull shattered on the spot, and red blood and white brain plasma burst out.

The man shook a few times, then fell to the ground, and soon lost his breath.

The remaining one was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, and there was a commotion of urine under his crotch.

He kept kowtowing to Lin Pingzhi:

"Grandpa... Father......

"Made, bitch!" Dixiu scolded.

Only a soft "choking" sound was heard, followed by a flash of white light.

The next moment, that disciple's head flew into the air...

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