“Female… Female emperor, what the hell did you do!!! ”

Suddenly, there was an exclamation.

Chu Tian glanced at it, but it was an acquaintance.

Lieutenant General Mole!

What attracted Chu Tian’s attention was the blood stains on the legs of Lieutenant General Mole.

Oh, forcibly held back with pain?

This search has appeared in Chu Tian’s memory, but it is not too surprising.

What surprised Chu Tian was the strength of the female emperor.

You know, according to his official understanding, he found that the mole was among the vice admirals of the navy headquarters, and his strength was considered high.

But they all have to rely on self-harm to stay calm.

This is just the passive skill of the female emperor…

“It seems that this woman is not just a vase.”

Chu Tian was a little teasing.

“The concubine body is just cleaning up the garbage that stands in the way!”

Hancock ruffled his hair and replied without the slightest apology.

“And… The concubine will be forgiven no matter what she does, because the concubine body is so beautiful! ”

If it weren’t for the fact that almost everyone around was petrified, just this small action, Chu Tian estimated that it would have caused another scream.

Mole: “…”

The mole was speechless for a while, and only after half a day continued:

“Forget it… I don’t want to argue with unreasonable women like you, hurry up and restore them! ”

“Recovery? Why should it be restored, it is their own peeping into the beauty of the concubine’s body, which leads to the end. ”

Hancock’s eyes were disdainful, and he raised his head slightly.

“But they are all the backbone of the siege of the fallen angels! You petrified them all, who will arrest people! ”

The mole growled lowly.

“Oh, then don’t care about the concubine’s body, the concubine body is going back to Nine Snake Island.”

Hancock arrogantly did not take the other party seriously in the slightest, turned around and prepared to leave.

“Female Emperor, you give me wait, you are violating this way…”

The mole also wants to dissuade.

“How… Mole, do you want to try to stop the concubine too?! ”

Hancock glanced at the mole contemptuously, and after speaking, he walked towards the shore with his own care.

“Again, the concubine is going back to Nine Snake Island!”


The mole froze, very annoyed.

A punch hammered into the tree next to it.


Apparently, he was very angry.

But there is no way, not to mention whether he has fought or not, the villains are on the same side, and he is not good to stop it by force.

And with Hancock’s arrogant character, I believe that he will definitely not hesitate to stay.

The final result, it goes without saying, at most to block, and then be happily kicked into stone.

“A day later, the petrification of the concubine’s body will be completed.”

Leaving such a sentence, Hancock’s figure completely disappeared on the coast.

When Hancook arrived at port, Nine was ready to go to sea.

Obviously, Hancock never wanted to stay in the first place.

Perform a mission to capture fallen angels.

“Sister, everything is ready!”

The second sister, Sadarsonya said.

“Well, let’s go straight to sea!”

Hancock nodded and gave the order.

With an order, the ships of the Nine Snake Pirates also sailed out of the port.

At this time, the third sister, Marie Gruda, still did not hold back, and stepped forward and asked:

“Sister, I still feel a little wrong… This time we forcibly refused the mission, the navy side is not good …”

“No need to say more! Marie Gruda! Concubines have their own plans! ”

Before Mary Gruda could finish, Hancock frowned and interrupted her sharply.

“I’m talking too much, my lord sister.”

Mary Gruda knew that this was a sign of her sister’s anger, so she quickly did not dare to say more and retreated to the side.

No one can stop Hancock’s decision, not even his two younger sisters, which is one of the iron laws of Nine Snake Island.

Because, she is the proudest and most beautiful female emperor!

But at this moment, Hancock temporarily lost his proud look, his face was sad, and his face was a little red.

Walked to the bow of the boat, looked at the ocean in the distance, and silently said to himself.

“Lord Fallen Angel… There’s only so much a concubine can do for you…”

“It’s worthy of being a proud female emperor, this violent temper, gee.”

As a party, Chu Tian looked like he was watching a play, and even ate two packages of melon seeds.

After watching all the processes, Chu Tian’s experience was that good-looking women are not easy to mess with.

Although in appearance, the female emperor is indeed very attractive to Chu Tian.

But as a macho Chu Tian, he was not interested in provoking such a queen!

He’s not shaking!

Seeing that there were no melons to eat, Chu Tian shook his head and prepared to leave.

“Haha, Black Lord, do you think so too?”

At this moment, a familiar shout came from the side.

Chu Tian subconsciously turned his head.


“But if the black general can understand her carefully, he can know that Hancock is not bad in nature.”

“Oh yes?”

Chu Tian chuckled and didn’t take it seriously.

Because he knows that with this blue fat man’s chivalrous character, no one will be bad.

“Then it seems that I will have to find an opportunity to get to know the female emperor in the future.”

“Haha, then it depends on what purpose the black lord general has in mind, if it is a bad purpose, it is not very good.”

Jinping said with a hearty smile:

“However, if you think about it, with Your Excellency’s strength, it won’t be a big deal.”


Chu Tian shook his head with a smile and was noncommittal.

“I thought that you were a cold person, but I didn’t expect it to be interesting to talk about the sky.”

Jinping continued:

“Seriously, although this sea is magical, I never thought that there would be a genius like you.”


Chu Tian was idle, but he was happy to chat with this hearty fat fish man.

“Because… It’s not nice to say! You are really a monster! ”

Jinping sighed.

“Monster? Hehe…… I’ve heard this a lot of names. ”

Chu Tian smiled and changed the topic.

“But the experience and efforts behind the monster, who knows?”

“Haha, that’s right!”

Jinping said with a smile:

“On this sea, there are not many people as interesting as the black general you… They are all here, is the black lord general interested in following me to my hometown to see?! ”

“Your hometown… Fishman Island?! ”

Chu Tian raised his eyebrows with interest.



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