“Crimson Moon, I remember that weapons can also eat Devil Fruit!”

Leaning against the wall, Chu Tian looked at the crimson moon in his hand and had a whim.

“Yes, master!”

“So how to eat it, do you have a mouth?”

When reading the original book, Chu Tian always had a question, how did the weapon eat the devil fruit.

“Master, just insert me into the devil fruit and absorb the moisture.”


And this operation!

Chu Tian quickly took out a devil fruit from his pocket.

“What do you think of this fruit?”

“It’s up to the master.”

Crimson Moon immediately replied, not at all a frame that was a demon knife.

“Then it’s up to it!”

Saying that, Chu Tian inserted the Crimson Moon into the Devil Fruit.

Something miraculous happened, and I saw that the moisture of the fruit automatically poured into the blade until the whole fruit dried up.

After absorbing, the surface of the Crimson Moon still did not change.

But Chu Tian knew that it had one more fruit ability!

“Crimson Moon, try the ability I chose for you with the “Voice of All Things”! ”

“Yes, master!”

In the next second, Crimson Moon’s entire blade turned into blood light.

The blood light began to expand and deform, and after a while, it grew to about two meters.

After the light dissipated, Chu Tian’s eyes lit up.

What a practical value for this fruit!

I saw that the demon knife in place disappeared, and on the contrary, a superb beauty appeared there!

Under the long waist-length crimson hair is the impeccable facial features.

The most special of these is the same red blood pupil.

Like a legendary succubus, it seduces people’s hearts at all times.

The eyes were diametrically opposite, full of endless killing intent and bloodthirsty edges, as if warning the living not to approach.

The curved black horns on her head and the bat wings that open behind her back are all interpreting that she is not human!

The contradictory combination of cold-bloodedness and enchantment makes her like the Dark Queen.

But when the dark queen’s eyes scanned Chu Tian, they changed.

The killing intent in his eyes dissipated, turning into submission and tenderness.


The transformed Crimson Moon didn’t wait for Chu Tian to react, so he hugged Chu Tian.

A pair of big white legs directly wrapped around Chu Tian.

What’s more, due to his height, his body directly pressed Chu Tian a little breathless.



“Stop the Crimson Moon !!!”

Chu Tian tried his best to finally escape from the “enthusiastic” Crimson Moon’s arms.


What does this goblin want to do???

Seeing that I am simple and kind, do you want to be rude?!

“I’m sorry master, Crimson Moon is so excited.”

“Moreover, in the previous knife body form, didn’t the master also hold me? Get used to it…”

Chu Tian looked at the aggrieved look on Scarlet Moon’s face, and he couldn’t bear to blame him.

Hey, just think you’ve been taken advantage of!

“Crimson Moon, has there been any change after eating the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Demon Form? Forehead…… I mean the strength aspect! ”

Afraid that the other party would hug him again and show his “changes”, Chu Tian hurriedly said more.


Scarlet Moon tried to move her body, her arms stretched out, and after a while, two clouds of light of different colors appeared in her palms.

“Well, master, I now have strong strength, and I also have some special abilities!”

“That’s good!”

Chu Tian smiled.

After all, it is a master divine weapon, and if you can fight by yourself, it is equivalent to having one more subordinate.

Well, it’s still a beautiful subordinate, and it’s comfortable to look at.

You know, the strength of this Demon Fruit is not low.

Among the fruits left by himself, he can at least rank in the top ten!

Chu Tian played with Crimson Moon, who had changed back into a knife, and smiled heartily.

The supreme fast knife, plus the super powerful phantom beast fruit, in this world, it is estimated that he will take it himself!

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