In the end, the Doctor still did not show the mechanical body made, and in his own words, did not want to blow up the laboratory.

“Okay, the next thing is the highlight of this time, Luoluo Luoluo…”

Vegapunk’s laughter rang out again, as he rested his arm on the last box of the cart.

The silver chest looks dazzling in the light, and it also excites everyone in the lounge.

“What?! The core of that kind of black technology, the artificial weapon that can match the general, is not considered the finale!? ”

“Is there anything more powerful!? Dr. Vegapunk, what the hell is your brain made of, it’s amazing! ”

“Nonsense! What else is stronger than the ultimate weapon of humanoid made by neutralizing artificial human technology, transformation technology, cloning technology, and mechanical technology! ”

Inside the General’s Lounge.

“Boom, it seems to be getting more and more interesting, is there actually something new? I haven’t even heard of that. ”

The yellow ape also rarely opened his eternally scattered eyes and looked at the box curiously.

There was something he didn’t even know.

When Chu Tian heard the sound, he raised his eyebrows, and his eyes also glanced at the box.

You know, the identity of the yellow ape is very fascinating in the original work, and even his novel things are definitely counted in the palm of your hand.

And what Vegapunk wants to show now is obviously not in the original book.

“It seems that this time did not come in vain, next, let me open my eyes.”

Chu Tian smiled playfully, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“I hope it can satisfy me, only if there is a value in robbery…”

He was sure of the purpose of his visit, which was to rob the Navy of the latest achievements.

Whoever stands in the way is not good!

“Since you can’t wait, let’s reveal my latest treasure right away! Lolo Luoluo! ”

Vegapunk laughed, his arm jerked, and the silver box immediately opened, and the contents shone with a dull light, exposed to everyone’s eyes.


“This is?”

“Something you’ve never seen before?!”

“Hohohoho This thing doesn’t look very powerful, I don’t know what interesting things Vegapunk has developed. ”

The yellow ape pouted and said with a treacherous smile.

Chu Tian didn’t speak, just watched thoughtfully.

“I know you’re all confused! Even question what it is! But I can tell you clearly! This thing is definitely in this world! Unprecedented, but also the most essential, the most important thing! ”

Vegapunk roared madly, like taking ecstasy, constantly shaking his head, looking up through the floor-to-ceiling window, and his eyes were full of madness when he looked at everyone.

“This thing is called – blood factor!”

“Bloodline factor!? What is that thing?! ”

“What, I’ve never heard of this!”

“Dr. Vegapunk, please stop selling and just announce the answer.”

“Luoluo Luoluo… You really shouldn’t be patient! Okay, then let me uncover the mystery of this thing! ”

With Vegapunk’s frustrated voice, a white curtain descended behind him.

Shadows gradually appear on the curtain!

Among them, the most familiar to several high-ranking government officials, BIG· MOM, and Kaido, a hundred beasts known as the world’s strongest creature, with an immortal body!

“Among the above picture characters, the one I am most familiar with is the Hundred Beast Kaido!”

“Its strong vitality is even to the point that it can’t die if you want to! Why did the Navy capture him so many times, but it couldn’t kill him all the time! This secret everyone thinks? ”

The low sound of Vegapunk drinking attracted everyone’s attention and curiosity.


“Speak quickly! Dr. Vegapunk! ”

“Did you crack this puzzle? Then won’t we be able to solve that damn beast Kaido!” ”

“Nope! Not only can it be solved as simple as that, but we can also take advantage of it. ”

Double Bangunk suddenly showed a sinister smile and continued to explain:

“Kaido’s life is so strong, he will not die if he sinks to the bottom of the sea, and with the most violent explosives and the most powerful shells, he will not be able to hurt him for a whole day!”

“Using nearly a ton of the most violent poison, injected into his body, did not have the slightest effect!”

“Even if you use the Sea Lou Stone to block his fruit ability, it is still useless to use a knife to split the fire and stab, and the gun to stab with arrows!”

“In the few times the Navy caught him, I tried countless ways to kill him, but found that I couldn’t do it at all!”

“It wasn’t until later, after experimenting countless times, that I understood a truth!”

“Kaido’s most powerful source of power is not the Devil Fruit! That’s why he can still have that indestructible body after being trapped by the Sea Lou Stone! ”

“Even feeding the second lesson devil fruit can’t kill that terrible guy!”

“I also studied the reason, and the result is that the fruit eaten, before it reaches his stomach, will be directly melted by his terrible cell muscles, and the ‘demon’ in the fruit will completely disappear at that time!”

“This strange power also makes us aware of another field of science!”

Hearing this, Chu Tian’s expression was shocked.

When he read the original book in his previous life, he had been thinking about a question, since the navy could catch Kaido, why didn’t he use the sea lou stone to stab the other party to death.

Or feed the second devil fruit and directly send the other party to the west violently.

But now hearing Vegapunk’s declaration, Chu Tian knew that the navy had already tried!

“Wouldn’t you die like this? Hehe, it is worthy of being the strongest creature, and it is really a monster. ”

Inside the lab, Vegapunk’s speech continued.

“The source of his power is his own body! Or rather… It’s his weird bloodline factor! ”

Vegapunk’s voice sounded again.

The government officials, who had been engaged in heated discussions, fell silent in an instant.

Obviously, this conclusion has broken through their original thinking and imagination, and an unprecedented feeling makes them subconsciously stunned.

“After a long period of research, we discovered the truth of the blood factor, everyone has the blood factor, which is almost engraved in the genes and affects the whole life.”

Vegapunk’s excited voice resounded throughout the laboratory.

“It’s just that some people’s bloodline factors are weak and almost can’t bring any special abilities, while some people’s bloodline factors are extremely strong!”

“For example, the Four Emperors Aunt and the Four Emperors Kaido are two of the most distinctive examples!”

“Auntie’s steel balloon body, no matter what attack can be unscathed!”

“Kaido’s immortal body! It’s so perverted that even the Devil Fruit can’t kill it! ”

“These two miraculous powers of life are caused by excellent bloodline factors!”

Vegapunk’s voice sank, and he continued:

“And… That’s not the most critical, after another year of experimentation, I found something even more important! ”

“That is, the Devil Fruit itself! It’s a kind of ancestry factor! ”


“Nonsense, huh?!”

“Don’t you talk about the power of the Devil Fruit! It is the demonic power from the sea. ”

Unlike the other government officials, Chu Tian’s expression was shocked when he heard these words.

A flash of epiphany flashed in his eyes.

“So it is!”

“No wonder that after that, Vegapunk’s achievements can derive artificial dragons! and artificial devil fruits! I see! ”

“That’s just your misunderstanding!”

Vegapunk continued!

After I understood the order of the lineage factors, I studied it carefully! It was discovered that the Devil Fruit turned out to be a genetic body! He can grant a genetic power that fuses blood when he eats his first bite! ”

“This kind of power is the bloodline factor!”

“He can make everyone have special abilities, but the genetic defect is that the eater will always be afraid of whom, in addition, the reason why eating two devil fruits will kill violently is not because of the so-called sea demon!” It is the result of the conflict between the two blood factors in the body! ”

“This is the truth! The truth of the whole world! ”

Under Vegapunk’s explanation, the original questioning and noisy voices stopped at the same time, and his eyes looked at the silver box opened by Vegapunk, and the needle placed in it was full of incredulity.

“So, in the days after that, I specifically applied to Your Excellency’s Five Old Stars for one thing!”

Vegapunk gave an eerie smile and continued:

“About the undersea prison! The sixth layer – the thing of infinite hell! “_

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