
Great Route, Naval Headquarters, Marlenfodo.

Marshal’s office.

“What? At this time, Draco is still going to the Chambord Islands to participate in the auction?! ”

Sengoku squeezed the phone worm tightly, his brows furrowed.

“This auction has come a batch of particularly beautiful slaves, Rozwald Saint and Charros Saint have decided to go!”

“Do you know the current situation in the Chambord Islands? There are countless sea thieves, as well as all kinds of outlaws! ”

Sengoku was so angry that he almost threw out the phone worm in his hand.

“That’s your duty, Marshal of the Warring States!”

“Don’t forget your identity, you are the marshal of the Navy, and the duty of the Navy is to protect the safety of the sea and eliminate pirates!”

“So, remember, no matter how many troops are used, you must protect the safety of the two adults!”

After putting down the phone worm in his hand, Sengoku sighed helplessly.

Has the current government really become a tool of the Draco?

Just to protect the two of them, a lot of troops will be wasted, did not think about this time, what if other places encounter pirates?

Sengoku shook his head indignantly.

This group of Draco, who had nothing to do, was really becoming more and more unscrupulous.

Do things without thinking about the consequences!

“Hey, it’s been an eventful time!”

Sengoku hastily glanced at the documents in front of him a few times.

Forcefully dropped it on the table, exuding his own boredom.

Before there was a great escape that was rare in a century in the city.

Then there was a mysterious auction where so many thieves gathered.

Now it’s Draco who wants to go to Chambord again.

As a warring country with a naval IQ, he inexplicably felt a breath of mountain rain.

All this seems to be too coincidental.

Unfortunately, if the Warring States want to break their heads, they can’t figure out where the connection between the three is.

Although he felt a little bad, as a marshal, the orders of the five old stars had to be obediently obeyed.

Just as he was about to make a phone call and order a large number of navies to go to the Chambord Islands.


The door to the office was pushed open by the panicked messenger.

“What happened?”

Sengoku raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

It had been a long time since he had seen the messengers at the headquarters so flustered.

Logically speaking, as the place with the strongest combat power and the highest safety factor, it is generally impossible for any emergency to occur.

“No… Not good! Marshal! ”

The messenger was panting because he was running too fast.

“You speak slowly!”

Sengoku frowned.

“Ben… The headquarters was attacked! ”

“The headquarters was attacked?!”

Sengoku’s brows furrowed even tighter, and he was about to ask what was going on.



Suddenly there was a deafening explosion outside the window.

With a huge chopping and cutting sound.

“What the hell is going on!”

Sengoku quickly turned his head and asked for the truth.

“Yes… It was a prisoner who escaped from prison the day before yesterday! ”

“Prisoners who escaped from prison?!”

Sengoku’s pupils dilated sharply, as if he thought of something.

“Golden Lion – Shiki, Lonely Red – Ledfield!”

Although when he heard the messenger say prisoners, Sengoku expected it.

But when he heard these two names, his expression was still unnatural.

The brows were even more wrinkled and wrinkled, and they were almost twisted together!

As a contemporary, no one knows the strength of these two people better than the Warring States!

When he was still a general, he fought the two many times.

It can be said that without Karp’s presence, these two people could have wreaked havoc on the entire navy at that time.

Even the then marshal steel bone, Sorbetum, was not its opponent.

Although the long period of detention will more or less weaken the strength of the two.

But the Warring States still did not have the slightest optimism.

The lion is tied to iron chains, still devouring people….

Not to mention the two legendary powerhouses.

“Immediately notify the green pheasant and the yellow ape general, and fight with all your might!”

“Marshal of the Warring States, doesn’t General Akainu need to be notified?”

Sengoku shook his head and said

“General Akainu was attacked by one person last time, and he has not fully recovered yet.”

“Hiss… Someone can hit General Akainu hard! ”

The messenger had obviously just learned about this and looked surprised.

Sengoku did not continue to explain.

The situation was too urgent, and after speaking, he jumped directly out of the window.

Navy headquarters in the air.

The man with his blonde hair was constantly waving the two swords in his hand, releasing sword qi.

Exactly the golden lion.

“Haha, although it is said that it is to complete the contract, it is not bad to smash the naval headquarters!”

The golden lion smiled wildly, and the two swords in his hand accelerated their swing.

“Lion Senkiri!”

Suddenly, dozens of sword qi that was enough to shatter the mountain shot out rapidly.

“Oh, that’s because your mad dog is a vandal by nature, you won’t forget why you were caught, right?”

On the side, Ledfield, who was also floating in the air, said after smiling evilly and wielding a blood-red sword qi

“Or pay attention to the proportions, I see that the contract has begun to dissipate, smash it for a while, let’s go.”

“Go? The game has just begun! ”

The golden lion seemed to be really on top, waving his hands, and the fluttering fruit ability was activated.

“Since you want to smash it, smash it completely!”

“Shiwei Ji Roll!”

The sound of the golden lion fell, and the entire ground was lifted, turning into multiple lion head shapes, and then crushed down heavily.

Originally, because the red dog went crazy last time, the badly damaged naval headquarters obviously could no longer withstand this heavy blow!

Suddenly, a golden figure jumped into the air.

The energy in the palm of his hand gathered and he shot hard at the golden lion.

Unfortunately, without waiting for it, Ledfield flickered.

The umbrella-shaped long sword in his hand, attached to the pitch-black armed color, blocked the air.

Stopped the blow.

“Ledfield! Why come to destroy the headquarters of the Navy, why help the golden lion! ”

“Don’t get excited, my old friend Sengoku.”

In the face of the roar of the Warring States, Ledfield still smiled very calmly.

“I’m not helping the golden lion, I’m just as trusted as him, and if he successfully unleashes this move, I should end this mission quickly.”

“Trusted? Who the hell can order you two sea pirates?! ”

Sengoku’s face was full of disbelief.

Obviously, this situation is even stranger than he expected.

An inexplicable look flashed in Ledfield’s eyes, and he said with a smile:

“Sorry, I don’t know who he really is.”

“Since you don’t say it, then give me the law!”

Sengoku’s right hand was raised, and stronger energy was gathered in his hand, carrying a shock wave, and fell again!

The power is fast, as if it can suppress all things!

But Ledfield was still not afraid, and the umbrella sword in his hand flashed blood-red sword light.

Forward to the front!

The Buddha palm that suppressed all things, the bloody killing sword qi was not divided for a while!

But the stalemate is obviously not the result that the Warring States wanted.

The ground raised by the golden lion on the side is still falling!

“Haha, Warring States, you alone can’t stop us!”

The golden lion saw that his goal was about to succeed, and he smiled arrogantly.

At this moment, a strong cold air roared by.

The raised ground was instantly frozen into an iceberg!

“Ice Age!”


The golden lion frowned, a little surprised.

“First meeting the sea thief!”

Qingzhi didn’t know when, he was already standing on the top of the iceberg.

“I am the general of this year, the green pheasant.”

“Oh, interesting!”

The golden lion sneered, waved his two swords, and wanted to send the other party a few sword qi as a “meeting gift”.

But at this time, another golden light catapulted.

“Eight-foot mirror!”

The photon appeared on the yellow ape’s foot, did not hesitate, and quickly kicked down!

“Lightspeed kick!”

The golden lion didn’t react for a while, was kicked down, and directly smashed a house!

Before the golden lion could stand up again, another figure was smashed into the house.

“Ahem, damn it, the old man is careless!”

The golden lion supported the ground with his sword and looked at the embarrassed Ledfield on the side, a little puzzled.

“It’s rare that you were actually hit.”

“Hehe, because there is another old friend.”

When it comes to the word old friend, Ledfield’s face rarely has a solemnity.

Before he finished speaking, a figure appeared in vain.

When the two saw the person, their brows frowned.

“It’s been a long time, Karp!”


Special training island, on the beach.

“Black Scourge Instructor, it’s been five hours, please be a person… No, please change your “training method”! ”

“Yes, yes, our patience has successfully increased under the careful training of Instructor Black, so can you also let other aspects also grow a little…”

“Not only in terms of patience, I feel that my masomasochism and endurance have also greatly improved!”

“Strange, why has your masochism and endurance also increased? Could it be that the instructor traded with you PY and secretly did other special training for you?! ”

“No, ask you a question, are you single?”


“Do you feel uncomfortable watching people show affection?”

“It’s uncomfortable!”

“That’s not it!”

“Ahem, okay, quiet!”

Chu Tian, who had been dashing on the beach chair for a full ten hours, finally stood up.

This simple action actually made the recruits almost shed tears.

Lord, you are finally willing to get up!

Chu Tian walked to the front of the team and scanned the whole team squarely.

As a responsible person, since he was eating military food, Chu Tian decided to do something practical!

It’s definitely not because you run out of drinks, cigars are smoked, idle and bored, and want to have fun with the recruits!

“Since you guys are so pleading, let’s start the next step of training!”

Speaking of this, the corner of Chu Tian’s mouth subconsciously grinned.

When the recruits saw this smile, they fought a cold war for no reason.

I couldn’t help but think about whether the decision to ask the instructor to get up was right or not….


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