
Off the auction floor.

Katakuri flew through the air for a while before he recovered and quickly twisted his body to stabilize his center of gravity.

Then a heel and landed again.

Before he had time to rest, his expression was shocked again.

Quickly flashed to the side.

Almost at the same time as he dodged, an invisible “shell” descended!

The violent wind caused by the explosion blew him to the ground for ten meters.

Katakuri quickly looked up and looked up.

At the gap in the wall, Chu Tian’s figure came one after another, stepping into the air and chasing out.

Without giving him time to breathe, another punch rushed towards Katakuri.

“Giant Spirit Fist!”

Chu Tian’s right hand directly turned into air, swelled to the size of a giant’s arm, attached an armed color, and hit it hard.

Although it seems huge and clumsy, it is still air in nature, so the attack speed is not reduced in the slightest.

Katakuri sees from the future that he cannot dodge, so he can only prepare to resist.

Squat with both feet and stride in a horse stride.

Nine donuts made of glutinous rice instantly appeared from the ground, and nine huge arms strengthened by glutinous balls stretched out from the doughnuts, and burst out at the same time!

“Nine-headed rice cake!”

The huge black qi hand and nine thick black arms collided violently.


With a loud bang, the air giant hand dissipated without a trace.

The sticky rice arm was also shattered.

The powerful shock aftermath once again flew out the Kataku chestnut bomb.

Standing in place, Chu Tian was unscathed!

“Empty shaving!”

This move is Chu Tian’s unique stunt.

By condensing the air, you can release the shaving even in the air!

The body flashed violently, and then chased towards Katakuri.

With a grip in his hand, the Shadowless Sword appeared out of thin air.

Katakuri finally regained his footing, and had to fight with all his might!

“Sword Rain Rice Cake!”

The ground instantly slashed out countless sharp rice cakes, quickly stabbing towards Chu Tian in the air.

This move not only has a large range, but also assists by constantly predicting the future, and the hit rate is also extremely terrifying!

It can be said that it is an extremely difficult killer skill.

But at this moment, it was invalid for Chu Tian.

Whether it was anticipation or immediate attack, Chu Tian could move again in an instant before touching his body.

The gap in speed is too big!

Moreover, Katakuri has an inexplicable feeling!

He sensed that the other party seemed to be using himself for training.

Do the right training to see and smell domineering!

Because, when his last few sword rice cakes pricked out.

The other side no longer needs to rely on speed

Instead, he completely predicted his own predetermined position!

“How could it be… The speed of progress may be so fast! ”

Katakuri shouted in disbelief, his arm attached to the armed color domineering.

According to your own prediction of the future, raise your hand upwards to meet the upcoming attack.

However, in the next second, the expected future did not come!

I saw Chu Tian’s figure in the air flash in vain, changing the direction of the attack.

The shadowless sword in his hand quickly stabbed towards his abdomen.

Katakuri wanted to defend and dodge, but it was too late!

He had to reluctantly move away from the point and let the Shadowless Sword pass through his body.

“Cut, it’s an old trick again, do you avoid by transformation?”

Chu Tian pouted, did not care, and continued to attack.

After dodging the blow, Katakuri’s body quickly spread out and fled towards the ground.

Of course, Chu Tian would not let him escape easily, and the sword in his hand fell heavily and plunged into the ground.

A wave of air currents once again forced Katakuri out of the ground.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and there was no more fighting intent in Katakuri’s eyes.

He realized that the child in front of him was far from his own enemy.

“Mochi barrage!”

The arm quickly waved repeatedly, controlling the overwhelming glutinous ball to fly towards Chu Tian.

With a “whoosh”, countless black glutinous balls covered with armed colors suddenly shot out like bullets at the same time.

At the same time, Katakuri turned and ran towards the distance.

“Huh, does this little trick also want to drag me down?”

Chu Tian smiled, clasped his palms in his hands, and stretched his arms outward.

“God’s Bundle of Hell!”

The countless black glutinous balls that flew were instantly fixed in the air, as if time stood still!

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian’s clenched palm stretched out again, and his hands supported it again.

“Shinra Heavenly Sign!”

A circle of strong air flow erupted from Chu Tian’s body, bouncing out with a black glutinous mass!

In the next second, Katakuri, who had not taken a few steps, was instantly overwhelmed by his black glutinous mass.

Although he absorbed a lot of glutinous balls in time, he still knelt on one foot and suffered internal injuries.

“Hey, not running?”

Chu Tian’s figure did not know when, and it had already appeared on Katakuri’s side.

Katakuri’s pupils immediately shrank, and he quickly rolled over, embarrassedly dodging Chu Tian’s sword.

But Chu Tian’s next sword soon came again, and Katakuri quickly dodged, but this time Chu Tian’s sword fell in advance where he was dodging.

Katakuri wanted to repeat his old trick and relied on escape.

But Chu Tian would not make the same mistake again!

“Pitch Black!”

In the next second, Katakuri, who wanted to drill into the ground, seemed to hit the copper wall and iron wall!

Nosebleeds are all knocked out!

“Oh, don’t be in such a hurry!”

Chu Tian said with a smile:

“Look at the ground beneath your feet.”

Hearing Chu Tian’s words, Katakuri found that the ground under his feet, I don’t know when, had turned into black air!

Without waiting for Katakuri to think of a way, Chu Tian’s hand directly pinched his throat!

Katakuri instantly felt that the air in his body was quickly pumped out, and in less than a moment, he completely lost his oxygen.

Lack of oxygen can cause suffocation, which can lead to vertigo.

The undefeated Katakuri of his life. In this way, he fell to the ground in despair.

Before he fell into a coma, he still had countless questions in his heart.

For example, why did the other party learn to predict the future so quickly?

For example, why is the other party so young but so strong?

Like what……

“Who the hell are you?”

Katakuri asked his last question.

Hearing the question, Chu Tian chuckled and said lightly:


“Black Scoundrel.”


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