General Qin

Chapter 291 Righteousness and Injustice

The Qin army broke through the city with huge cannons, frightening all the defenders in the city.

The 5,000 Chu troops did not have the will to fight. The guard, Feng Houyi, opened the city gate and led his troops to abandon the city and flee south, intending to head towards Huaiyang.

The fleeing Chu army was hunted down by a surprise attack by Zhao Guang, who was lying in the road ahead of time.

In this battle, the Qin army beheaded nearly 2,000 Chu soldiers, captured 900 soldiers, and scattered the rest.

The total casualties of the Qin army were less than a hundred, and some of them were the unlucky ones who fell into the trap of the Mo family when they entered the city.

After occupying Yangxia, Zhao Tuo stepped onto several other city walls to check the layout of the city defenses above.

"The Mo family's city defense skills are really powerful."

I saw that these walls were filled with all kinds of powerful defensive weapons such as caltrops, stones, crossbows, long axes, etc. every few steps, and there were all kinds of traps full of sharp blades under the walls.

If the common ants-attached siege method used in this era is followed, even if the Qin army can take down Yangxia, the number of casualties will be unknown.

"General, why should you be so sarcastic, no matter how clever our Mo family's defense is, it's still not as good as Qin people's cannons."

"Is that thing really Gongshuzi's invention?"

The young Mohist Bai Pie, who was a captive, gritted his teeth.

In the battle of Yangxia, the city defense technique that the Mohists were proud of was destroyed by the Qin army with giant cannons, and it didn't play any role. shock and shock.

And his master, Deng Lingzi, the last Chu Mo leader, and several Mo scholars, in despair and sighs, faced the bombardment of giant cannons and sacrificed their lives to be martyred.

Bai Fai escaped from the city at the last moment, not because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, and abandoned Mohism's morality.

Rather, he wanted to know, who made that giant cannon?

Why has there been no name for a giant cannon for two hundred years since the death of Gong Shuzi, but the Qin army has produced such terrible things in the past two or three years.

Is it really Gongshu's relic, or is it something made by those Mohists who took refuge in Qin?

Before Zhao Tuo could answer, the black butt who followed him proudly smiled and said, "You Mozi really don't know the mountains. The giant cannon you mentioned was invented by my general during the battle against Yan. He He is the successor of Gongshuzi Luban! Why, don’t you accept it?”

Bai Po trembled, looked at the young general who was younger than himself, and murmured: "Are you really a descendant of the public?"

Zhao Tuo smiled lightly, noncommittal.

Bai Fei saw that Zhao Tuo didn't deny it, and he didn't look like a member of the Mohist school. He thought he was the son of a master.

After all, Gongshuzi has always been immoral. In the past, Gongshuzi made a special trip from the state of Lu to Chu in order to get rich and honor, and invented siege tools such as ladders for the king of Chu. It is also possible for his descendants to dedicate this terrible cannon to Qin for power and status.

Bai Po couldn't help sighing deeply.

"Master is right, Gongshu's ingenious technique is unparalleled in the world, and my Mohist school is not as good as it. But..."

Speaking of this, Bai Po glared angrily, and cursed at Zhao Tuo: "You, Gong Shu, made this unjust weapon for Qin and launched an unjust war. Attack the country of the people, destroy its gardens, seize its Cattle and horses, killing its people, occupying its cities and ancestral temples, making the Qin State bully the weak, these actions are the greatest injustice in the world, even if they can destroy Chu and subjugate the country this time, they will..."

"This statement is ridiculous!"

Zhao Tuo sneered, interrupted his words, and asked: "What is righteousness? What is injustice? I have said since I was a child, is it righteous for the king of Chu to kill the king and usurp the throne? He swore to us in the land of Qingyang in Qin State, and then broke the contract and killed the king. Is it righteous for my emissary to attack my Nanjun? Is it unjust for my country of Qin to send troops to punish the unbelievers?

"To put it more seriously, since the fall of Zong Zhou and King Ping of Zhou and King Zhou Xie confronted and attacked each other, the world has been in chaos for five hundred years. During the five hundred years, the princes attacked and fought each other, countless countries were destroyed, and the common people were displaced. I do not know how many casualties."

"Now the state of Qin obeys the will of Haotian and inherits the hearts of all people. It is the general trend to unify the world. When the world is set at one time, the war will be peaceful, the disputes will be eliminated, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment. This is not what Zimozi said." The righteousness of the world is to rule the world'!"

"Moh, you seem to be helping the state of Chu for righteousness, but in fact it is just a small righteousness, and we are fighting to unify the world, eliminate disputes, and realize true universal love and non-aggression. This is the great righteousness!"

"Now, you use small righteousness to hinder great righteousness, and betray the ideals and morals of Zimozi, isn't it unjust!"

Bai Po was dumbfounded, and was unable to refute what Zhao Tuo said.

Mozi, still the same.

In addition to universal love and non-aggression, it also agrees with the principle that the world is determined as one.

Bai Fai was oppressed by Zhao Tuo's righteousness, he showed sorrow, and he no longer refuted, but whispered: "We, the ink in the south, must do what we say, and do what we say, so that words and deeds are in line with the law. Since I swore to defend the city for Yangxia, the day the city breaks will be the time when we die, and the Master and all Mohists have already been martyred, so how can I, Bai Li, steal my life?"

Saying that, Mo Zhe Bai Piao jumped down from the city wall.

The ink in the south has been extinct since then.

Zhao Tuo looked at all this coldly.

He has no regrets in his heart, compared to Qin Mo assisting Qin to unify the world and achieve the true ideal of "universal love and non-aggression".

In fact, Mo's vision in the south of Chu is too narrow and stubborn, clinging to the incomplete, and does not conform to the development of the times, so it is only a matter of time before he is eliminated by the times.

The appearance of the giant cannon just accelerated the process.

"The times have changed!"

Zhao Tuo stood on the wall, looking at the direction of the chasm in the distance, and sighed leisurely.

In the back, Zhong Limei looked at the young general in front of him with a complicated expression.

It was the first time he saw giant cannons attacking the city, and he was shocked by the terrible power, and he realized that the demise of Chu State was almost irreversible.

What shocked Zhong Limei even more was that according to what the black butt said, this terrible weapon was actually invented by the young general in front of him.

Last stand, military genius.

Fertilized Quyuan, proficient in farming.

The siege cannon was cleverly invented.

What else does this young general not know?

How many secrets are hidden in him?

Zhong Limei's eyes were not only curious, but also full of admiration, he was completely convinced.

After a long time, Zhao Tuo withdrew his gaze looking into the distance, and said to the left and right: "Let's go."


The Qin army captured Yangxia, and there were no Chu people in the city to resist.

Firstly, it was the second time that Yangxia fell into the hands of the Qin army, and the first time was born second time, so it was not difficult for the Yangxia people to surrender.

The second reason is that these Yangxia Chu people have been frightened by the giant cannon, and they have no heart to resist.

Under such circumstances, while appeasing the common people in the city, Zhao Tuo restrained the soldiers so that they would not invade the Chu people, and then waited for the arrival of the army.

A few days later, a black flood from the north rolled in.

The fluttering banners covered the sky and the sun, hundreds of thousands of troops were continuous, and the spears, spears, swords and halberds held high reflected dazzling brilliance in the sun, making people dare not look directly at each other.

Near Yangxia, all the Chu people who saw this scene were all trembling with fright.

"Hiss... is this the hundreds of thousands of Qin's army?"

Wu Guang was cutting firewood on a small slope. Seeing this scene, the soles of his feet felt cold.

The endless black armored army on the road in the distance looked really shocking, the entire Yangxia City combined of men, women and children did not have such a large number of people.

Wu Guang couldn't help but rejoice that the Qin army that attacked Yangxia had a weapon like a giant cannon, which could break through the city quickly. Otherwise, if it was stopped by the Mo's city defense, the casualties would be heavy. There must be rivers of blood.

"It seems that the state of Chu is doomed this time, and I have to integrate into the rule of the Qin people as soon as possible."

Wu Guang whispered to himself, compared to those ignorant Qianshou who didn't know the changes in the situation, he who has read books and has a little culture can naturally feel that the times are changing.

The Qin people are here.

This Kingdom of Jingchu, which lasted for eight hundred years, will probably cease to exist.


The water of the chasm was flowing slowly, and countless boats and ships came from the north, transporting a large amount of corn and grain from the Ao warehouse in Xingyang, and replenishing the army's food and fodder along the way.

This is also the reason why Wang Jian wanted to send Zhao Tuo to take Yangxia first. The Qin army's grain road would never allow any possible danger.

Hundreds of thousands of troops began to set up camp in the wide area on the side of the chasm, and at a glance, they were endless.

Except for a Qin army sent south by Wang Jian to capture Guling, the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops will stay here for one night, and then continue to go south, pass Guling and approach Huaiyang, where you can see the people gathered there. Xiang Yan Chu Jun.

Outside the big tent of the military camp, the Yubaolong flag was flying.

"It is finally time to decide on the next strategic deployment."

Zhao Tuo straightened the crown on his head and walked towards the big tent of the military camp where Wang Jian was.

Now the Qin army has reached the north of Huaiyang, and Yang Duan and the army in the south have also moved to the vicinity of Shangcai.

On the side of Chu State, the hundreds of thousands of Chu troops led by Xiang Yan retreated near Huaiyang, as if they were going to fight there and fight to the end.

The situation of the war has become clear. On this day, Wang Jian summoned the generals to discuss the matter, to carry out the next strategic planning and deployment, and decide how to start the battle to destroy Chu.

It is to concentrate their forces and fight Xiang Yan at the foot of Huaiyang City to start a world-shattering battle, and the winner will be determined in the first battle.

Or disperse the huge army, attack from all directions, attack the city and loot the land, and divide and devour the huge Chu country.


Think of the last possibility.

The corners of Zhao Tuo's mouth could not help but curl up.

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