General Qin

Chapter 542: Three Stars Are Brilliant

"In the past, I followed General Li to defeat Chu. After the victory in Sishui, I led the army back to Qin. I stayed outside Fengyi for one night."

"On that night, in my dream, I saw three stars shining between Fengpei, as bright as a bright light."

"I rode forward, wanting to see the appearance of those three stars, but in my dream, I couldn't control the horse. Instead, I rode the horse to the west. The three bright stars followed me, left and right, and entered Qin Pass westward."

In the military tent, Zhao Tuogao sat in the top position and talked freely.

Hearing what he said, everyone in the tent was dumbfounded.

Zhao Tuo said with a smile: "After waking up from the dream, I asked Sun Zhe to divination based on this dream, and the result I got was that the three stars were the three people between Feng Pei. , go west to Guanzhong, and then serve Daqin!"

"It's a pity that the Japanese man's ability is limited, and he can't divination the names of the people corresponding to the three stars. He only knows that one of them is in Fengyi, and the other two are in Peiyi. At that time, I led the army just after the battle of Surabaya. The army of Chu State came to pursue and kill them, but for the sake of the lives of the soldiers under their command, they had to leave in a hurry."

"After I returned to Qin, I didn't forget this matter. At that time, there was a Fengyi man named Lu Wan in the army who joined the army. I asked him about the heroes in the land of abundance, and I learned that Xiao He was the only one in Fengyi who was talented. , I used this name to perform divination, and it came to fruition! So when I led the army across Fengyi again, I sent Lu Wan to visit the Xiao family because of this."

Zhao Tuo's eloquence covered his pursuit of talents with a veil of mystery.

In addition to Xiao He, Zhao Tuo said that he later found a powerful old man for divination, and the divination revealed two people in Peixian County.

The first elephant represents the dog butcher.

The second image, the double image of two people, is a pair. Shuang, right, Cao Ye, so this person should be the Cao family.

After that, Zhao Tuo asked people to investigate the dog-killing warriors in Peiyi and the able men of the Cao family.

Finally, it was confirmed that Fan Kui and Cao Shen were on him, so he traveled thousands of miles and specially recruited three people to come here.

Three stars accompanied, and entered Qinguan in the west.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tent became silent.

Xiao He and Cao Shen looked at each other with surprise and suspicion in their eyes.

Although the Xiao family and the Cao family in Fengpei are not considered to be top-notch families, they are also families of local tyrants, and the family has enough money for them to go out to study and study literature and ink.

Especially Xiao He, who likes Huang Lao, has studied some ancient classics and heard many similar stories when he went out to study.

Wuding Yemeng, a sage, cited Fu Shuo between the editions and buildings.

Xibo went hunting for divination, and met Lu Shang in the Yang of the Wei River.

This kind of thing has existed since ancient times and has been passed down from generation to generation. There are precedents to be found, and it belongs to something that people of this era can accept.

Now the general calls Yemeng three stars, and the divination says that the three sages of Fengpei will follow him into the pass and serve Daqin.

If this matter is false, Zhao Tuo is the top nobleman in the Qin State, and the well-known general of the Qin State in the world, with his status, it is impossible to use this kind of matter to fight the three of them. Just kidding, but also come up with such a battle.

They sent people from thousands of miles away to conscript, and asked the Lieutenant of Sishui to personally invite Xiao He and the other three unknown Fengpei Chu people to enter the customs. After arriving in Beidi County, the general even lowered his status and treated each other warmly.

All these gestures show that this incident is definitely not fake, at least this dream definitely existed!

Otherwise, the general's head will be flooded, what will happen?

As for whether the three stars are the three of them.

Xiao He and Cao Shen are both people who think they are capable. They are over 30 years old and have no great prospects. The most powerful Xiao He is just a small official in the county. There are things.

General Zhao dreamed of three stars at night, and divination said that the three of them were sages.

Under such circumstances, how can people like them who are arrogant and talented deny it, and even like Cao Shen, they are secretly happy, this is an opportunity to take off!

Emotionally, they would rather believe that they are Samsung sages, and it is impossible to deny it.

But in reality, the general took a lot of effort to enlist them. When you arrive at this place, how dare you deny that you are not the person the general dreamed about? Who would dare to say such a thing?

Xiao He and Cao Shen looked at each other, regardless of whether the matter is true or not, they have only one choice after what the general said.

Sworn to serve!

The two quickly fell to the ground and kowtowed to Zhao Tuo.

"Admiral General Dade, Xiao He is willing to serve the General!"

"Cao Shen heard the name of the general, and he is willing to entrust his life to let him drive!"

"me too!"

Fan Kuai called out and imitated the posture of Xiao He and others to salute.

"Fan Kuai is willing to serve the general!"

Fan Kui knew that Xiao He and Cao Shen were both smarter than him, so it would be no problem to answer with these two.

Moreover, he was very grateful for the general's appreciation, coupled with the so-called Three Star Night Dream, Fan Kui had sincerely surrendered.

"Hahaha, please stand up, you three, after today you will all be Zhao Tuo's arms!"

Zhao Tuo saw the three of them worshiping and serving, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

These three civil servants and fierce generals in the early Han Dynasty completely became Zhao Tuo's people.

Zhao Tuo promoted them from the bottom, conquered thousands of miles, and greeted them with the honor of the generals above. This is a kindness to them.

After the conquest, Xiao He and others will have Zhao Tuo's imprint on their bodies. In Qin's law of consecutive sittings, it can be said that everyone is prosperous, and everyone is damaged.

If the three of them committed serious crimes, Zhao Tuo would be implicated and punished, just like Fan Ju was implicated by Zheng Anping and Zhao Gao was implicated by Fan Yi in the past.

If something happened to Zhao Tuo, Xiao He and the three of them would not be able to escape, just like when Lai Ai fell from power in the past, three thousand guests under her family suffered together, and they were exiled to Shu after their homes were ransacked.

With Zhao Tuo here, the future of the three of them is boundless.

When Zhao Tuo fell, none of the three of them could escape.

This is the binding of interests, which is more effective than kindness.

And Zhao Tuo's presentation of the three-star night dream is to borrow something from metaphysics to emotionally bind the three of them.

In this era, from the emperor to the common people in the head of Guizhou, everyone has to divination and pray to the gods. No one will be indifferent to this, and there will always be some influence in their hearts.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as bonfires, foxes, fish bellies, and red emperor beheading white emperor in history.

The kindness of appreciation, the bondage of interests, and the fetters of emotion.

Zhao Tuo's three-pronged approach has already firmly held Xiao He, Cao Can, and Fan Kui in his palms, and he will let them drive him in the future.

However, it is not appropriate to spread the matter of the three-star dream. Fortunately, Zhao Tuo had already made arrangements. Apart from Zhao Tuo and Xiao He, only Chen Ping, his confidant, was in the account at this moment.

As long as there is an order, this matter will not be leaked, and there will be no hidden dangers.

Chen Ping on the side was stunned.

He didn't know whether what the general said just now was true or not. If it was true, it would be so miraculous that it would be recorded in history books and passed on to future generations.

If it is fake, then the general's method of controlling people's hearts is simply appalling.

Even Chen Ping had to bow down.

At this time, Zhao Tuo did not put on airs as a general, and went forward to help Xiao He and others who were bowing down one by one, and encouraged and comforted them respectively.

If he wanted to train these three people as confidantes, he had to treat them differently from Wang Li, Guo Qing and other normal subordinates. He had to be more easy-going and kind, so that Xiao He and the others could become his true confidantes.

"Fan Kuai, what a strong man, he will be my general in the future!"

Zhao Tuo patted Fan Kuai's thick arm and praised him.

Fan Kuai patted his chest and said, "I will hit whoever the General wants me to hit in the future, just like killing a dog with a knife!"


Zhao Tuo laughed, and encouraged Xiao He and Cao Shen, and then asked people to serve the banquet.

With all the three heroes under his command, Zhao Tuo was in high spirits.

"All civil servants and generals are in place, and then we only need to wait for the army to gather before we can send troops outside the Great Wall and attack the barbarians in the north!"

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