General Qin

Chapter 546

"Hahaha, Wuzhiluo is really a good friend of our Yuezhi people, and even sent up the Qin people's marching route, because he is afraid that we will not win!"

In the luxurious dome at the foot of Helan Mountain, Marquis Guishuang looked at the silk that recorded the Qin army's route in his hand, and couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Knowing the other party's whereabouts in advance, they can ambush the other party in a place that is beneficial to them, and catch the other party by surprise.

"Will Wu Shiluo be too enthusiastic in doing this? Although he has some friendship with you and has done business for many years, he is from Qin after all. Is there any trap here?"

A white-bearded old man with a hooked nose spoke.

He wears the same golden hair crown on his head as Xihou Guishuang, which shows his identity.

Double Xihou.

Shuangmi Yueshi just arrived from Hexi, because Guishuang Xihou promised to give him a lush pasture after the war, and promised to get a lot of slaves and goods after defeating the Qin army.

In response to the desire for precious artifacts from the Qin people and a large number of slaves, Marquis Shuangmixi led 20,000 cavalry to support the Guishuang and Shuangmi tribes against the Qin army.

Hearing the ally's question, Guishuang Xihou smiled and said: "Wu Shiluo said in the letter that he helped us defeat the Qin people this time, not for free, and we need to give him more benefits when we trade with us in the future. Hehehe, if it weren't for sincerity, I'm afraid I wouldn't make such a request."

As he spoke, Guishuang Xihou looked at his daughter beside him: "Su Jiasha, please explain to Shuangmi Xihou."


Su Jiasha stepped forward, saluted Shuangmi Xihou, and said: "Shuangmi Xihou, although Wu Shiluo is a businessman from Qin, he is not from Qin. tribe. He dealt with the Qin people and our Yuezhi, Xiongnu and other Rong tribes, reselling goods for profit. If we were driven away by the Qin army, this land would be occupied by the Qin people, and the Qin people would have their own support Madi, he is no longer needed."

"This kind of thing hurts Wu Zhiluo's interests, so he will help us. Judging from the news he sent before that the Qin army will go to war, he is telling the truth and has not deceived us. And even if This time there is a problem with the Qin army's route, and it will not harm us. On the grassland, the Qin people are no match for our Yuezhi cavalry."

Shuang Mi Xihou stared at the ups and downs of the woman's chest, nodded and said: "You are right, I believe your words."

Su Jiasha's face was stiff, and after she finished speaking, she found an excuse to leave.

Seeing Su Jiasha's tall figure disappearing outside the tent, Shuangmi Xihou turned to Guishuang Xihou and said, "I want your daughter."

Guishuang squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the man in front of him who wanted to be his son-in-law.

This old man is old enough to be his father.

Guishuang Xihou's eyes flashed a bright light.

He is an ambitious Xihou, who has always been dissatisfied with the Yuezhi King. Before that, he had won over Xiumi Xihou, and asked the Xiumi Ministry to deal with the Xiongnu together with him, making Guishuang and Xiumi two allies.

It would be a great deal if he could tie Shuang Xihou into his camp through a daughter now.

The combination of the three will have more than half of the troops of the Yuezhi tribes.

Guishuang Xihou nodded and said: "Yes, but after defeating the Qin army. After defeating the Qin people, I will send her to your tent."

Shuang Mi Xihou grinned: "Then quickly send someone to search for the traces of the Qin army, find them, and defeat them!"

"The warriors of the Shuangmi Department can't wait!"


"Outside the frontier fortress, it really is quite different from inside the pass. The yellow sand and weeds are endless!"

Zhao Tuo is riding on a black horse.

There are no serious roads on the Gobi Desert, and there are stone potholes everywhere. Compared with riding a car, with stirrups and high bridge saddles, the experience of riding a horse is even better.

He looked around, and all he could see was wilderness, mostly Gobi.

The grassland is sparse and desolate.

In front of Zhao Tuo were elite cavalry with horses leading the way, and on both sides and behind him were cavalry and armored soldiers with strong bows and crossbows.

Further back, there are cavalry guarding the two wings, as well as a large number of Qin Army infantry.

Qin Jun has been out of the fortress for several days. Everyone has expressionless faces and dry lips.

"His mother always talked about the grasslands beyond the Great Wall. I really thought that after leaving the Great Wall, all I saw were green grasslands! This place is full of stones, yellow sand, and no grass grows. I don't know what to fight for. No dogs come to live!"

Fan Kui complained loudly, after all, he was born as a low-level dog slaughterer, and the rude way of speaking for decades cannot be changed in a short time.

Fortunately, Zhao Tuo admired Fan Kuai's military strength, appointed him as a personal soldier, and wanted to cultivate him into a confidant, so he was quite lenient towards him in this regard, and even had a bit of doting on him.

Zhao Tuo looked at Chen Ping who was riding on another horse, and said with a smile, "Chen Sheng knows the truth."

Chen Ping hurriedly explained: "Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Great Qin has fought with the Rong people and expanded to the northwest, enclosing all the better pastures in the Great Wall, so when you leave the Great Wall, you will naturally see such a desolate scene. If these are some good pastures, then the Great Wall should be built here."

"Hey, it seems like this is the reason. The good places are occupied by the Qin people, so these dilapidated places are outside the Great Wall."

Fan Kui rubbed his head and felt he understood.

Zhao Tuo nodded, and added: "However, it is not all these desolate lands beyond the Great Wall. Going northwest from here, near the Helan Mountain near Deshui, and under the Yin Mountain in the north, there are all good grasslands with lush water and grass. The best pastures for horses in the whole world. These are the places where the tribes beyond the Wall vie for each other."

"In addition to these places, there are many lakes and rivers in the wilderness beyond the Great Wall, and there are also small grasslands with lush water and grass around them. Many tribes live in these places, and they occupy good places."

"It's just that the outside of the fortress is endless and there is no obvious road. Therefore, when the army goes out of the fortress, it is necessary to have a good guide to guide the way. Otherwise, if you get lost, let alone fight with the Yuezhi people, I am afraid that you will get lost on the grassland."

"Am I right, Mr. Wuzhi?"

Wu Shiluo, who was watched by several short soldiers, nodded hurriedly and said: "What General Zhao said is that if there is no one to guide the way outside the Great Wall, you will definitely not be able to go back when you come. If you don't know the way for such a large army to march, It is absolutely difficult to live where there is a water source. I, Wu Shiluo, have been out of the fortress dozens of times, and I have been to Helan Mountain several times. If I come to guide the way, there will never be any danger of getting lost."

Wu Zhiluo took the opportunity to brag about his worth.

Zhao Tuo smiled lightly, this is the reason why he spared the lives of Wuzhiluo clan.

He remembered that when the Han Dynasty attacked the Xiongnu in the north, several generals lost their way on the grassland and returned without success, and some unlucky ones even committed suicide because of it.

So a good guide, don't kill randomly.

There was a commotion ahead.

A fast horse flew over and reported: "The general, the former army general Zhao Guang, found dozens of Hu cavalry. According to the observation of the cavalry in the army, it is very likely to be the cavalry of the Yue clan."

"So fast, this place is still five or six hundred miles away from Helan Mountain."

Chen Ping was shocked, but calmed down quickly, and said: "The main force of the Yueshi should not be here, and the cavalry who appeared should come to investigate us."

Zhao Tuo said calmly, "It's reasonable. After all, the Yuezhi people already knew our marching route, and it's normal to send people to investigate."

Wu Shiluo, who was on the side, blushed to death when he heard this, and quickly confessed his crime.

Zhao Tuo turned his head and said with a smile to several of his cronies and staff: "The main force of the Yue clan should still be some distance away. With normal tactics, they will not fight us in this place, but will lure us into the deep grassland. Let our supply line be stretched, the front and rear troops are out of touch, and when there is a huge loophole, they will pounce like a pack of wolves."

"I'm going to give them this chance!"

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