General Qin

Chapter 577: The Plan Begins

"The Qin army has withdrawn!"

The situation in Henan changed faster than Touman Shanyu imagined.

The large troops of the Qin army that blocked the river went south, leaving only small troops to stand firm. This is a signal that the battle situation has changed.

Touman Shanyu had no intention of leading his troops to the south immediately.

He was deceived by Zhao Tuo once in Daidi, and he has already grown his mind. What if this is another trick of the Qin people, to lure the Huns to the south of the river, and then surround them to mess with him? .

At that time, the Huns will have a big river on their backs, and it will be difficult for them to cross in a hurry. Wouldn't they have to be dealt with by the Qin army?

A wise wolf king will not be tricked by a hunter for the third time.

So Touman Shanyu just sent scouts to investigate again. Before he got specific information, he didn't want to put himself in danger.

When the spies sent by the Xiongnu were shot and killed by the left-behind Qin soldiers again, they were about to send another group of people over to investigate the intelligence no matter what.

The last batch of Qin people who were stationed at Dahe suddenly withdrew, and fled in a hurry, even throwing some of their strategic materials into the river.

Touman Shanyu reined in his horse and stood by the river, watching the torrential water rolling the Qin people's clothes and food, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

"Da Shanyu, our people saw that the Qin army threw many of their armor into the river, and rode away overnight. It seems that they were defeated by the Yuezhi in the south, otherwise they would not even have these precious things. I threw them all away, just to run faster."

Huyan Tiao, the Marquis of the Left Bone, laughed out loud, and the nobles of the Xiongnu around him also nodded.

In the eyes of the Huns, food is what keeps life alive, and weapons and armor are treasures that protect life. Unless it is a last resort, it is absolutely impossible to discard it.

Now the Qin people who stayed behind fled Qingqi and discarded the supplies, which showed that they had reached a very urgent time.

"Whether it is the Yuezhi people or the Qin people who win, they will definitely suffer a great loss. Great Chanyu, this is our chance, quickly lead our warriors to the south of the river, and take us back Land of the Huns!"

Zuoguli King Wulu Xuzong immediately stepped forward, staring at the south of the river with hatred.

There is his pasture.

Touman Chanyu smiled and refused: "Wu Luxu, don't worry, when wolves are hunting, you have to see which beast is the weakest before attacking."

"So let our people go to the south to investigate and see who is the most suitable weak beast to be hunted."

Touman Chanyu's words were reasonable, but the reality was that his men had just crossed the river, and soon ran back with a new piece of news.

"The Yuezhi people are here!"


To the south of the big river, a torrent of black armor came from the south.

"My God, this place is full of yellow sand. It's even scarier than those Gobi deserts in the south. People can't live here. What's there to fight for in this kind of place!"

Among the army, Fan Kui and Cao Can, who were short-soldier generals, looked around dumbfounded.

I saw that the four fields are vast and boundless, and the flat sand is vast and yellow into the sky. Wherever I look, it is all a piece of yellow sand, and I can't see any green things.

It's no wonder that Fan Kuai and the others were horrified. They came from Sishui County in the south, where rivers criss-cross, green waters and green mountains are everywhere, full of vitality.

Not only them, but all the soldiers of the Qin army swallowed their saliva and walked carefully in the yellow sand, walking through it with difficulty.

This was a scene they had never seen before. For the Qin people, this desert was far more terrifying than the nomads, and it would inevitably cause a disturbance in the army.

Zhao Tuo turned his head and said to the short soldiers accompanying him: "Let people publicize in the army, saying that this desert does not occupy a large area. We have a local guide to lead us. We will be able to go out tomorrow. When we get out of this desert, we will go out." The grasslands are rich in water and grass, and there are big rivers flowing there, so the second and third sons don't have to worry."

The short soldiers took orders and went down to appease the soldiers.

Zhao Tuo looked around calmly.

This should be the Kubuqi Desert that later generations call it, and it is now called Kujiesha by the Rong people in Henan. It is a large desert that lies between the Hetao grassland in the north and the Helan grassland in the south.

However, in this era, the desertification here is not too serious, the desert covers a small area, and occasionally there are oases with lush water and grass as supplies.

Under the leadership of experienced guides, Qin Jun could still go out easily.

It will take thousands of years of over-cultivation and grazing by various dynasties and the raging wind and sand before this place will become the seventh largest desert in China in later generations, and become a real sea of ​​death.

Following Zhao Tuo's order, Qin Zu, who was originally in a turmoil in the army, was appeased.

The general's words are laws and hopes for them, enough for them to overcome this arduous march that the Qin people have never experienced.

Compared to the desolate desert they were walking through in front of them, Chen Ping and Li Shiqi, the two advisers, were worried about the situation in the north.

"General, although this Su Jiasha has some skills, can he really fool the Huns?"

Chen Ping was quite worried about this policy.

Although he is quick-witted, he is still a young man with little experience in the battlefield, so he will inevitably be nervous at such an important moment.

Li Shiqi chuckled: "No problem, that's a statement made specifically for Tou Man Shanyu, he shouldn't doubt it."

Having said that, Li Shiqi frowned slightly: "I'm just worried about this woman, Su Jiasha. The general gave her great trust in letting her lead the team this time, but people of foreign races have to guard against it."

Zhao Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chen Ping worried that their plan could not fool the Huns.

Li Shiqi was worried that Su Jiasha, the leader, would have a second heart, leading to the bankruptcy of the final plan, and even other problems.

Yes, when the Qin army implemented the strategy of destroying the Huns this time, when Zhao Tuo finally chose the person to implement the strategy, Su Jiasha, who offered this strategy, was chosen. This decision was beyond everyone's expectations.

In fact, in Zhao Tuo's view, Su Jiasha is the only candidate to carry out this plan.

First of all, there are about 20,000 Yuezhi people who went north this time.

10,000 people came from Guishuang Department, and 10,000 came from Xiumi Department. The reason why the two were mixed was not only to cooperate with the rhetoric in the plan, but also to keep the two Yue clans in check, which could further reduce the risk of betrayal.

And the candidates who can lead the two Yue clans must have a noble status, so there are only a very limited number of people to choose from.

Choosing Xihou is the best, and it is also the least likely to arouse the suspicion of the Huns.

However, most of the two Xihous in the hands of the Qin army and Shuangmi Xihou's subordinates were wiped out by the Qin army. He harbored great hatred for the Qin people, and now he surrendered because of the situation. Naturally, this person is not suitable for this task. .

Guishuang Xihou, this man is an old Jianghu. He was a former Xihou and became a prisoner of the Qin army. He must feel uncomfortable. Zhao Tuo felt that if he gave Guishuang Xihou 20,000 Yuezhi people, he might turn against the water and join forces with the Huns.

And Su Jiasha is the daughter of Guishuang Xihou, and has been entrusted by Xiumi Xihou. She has the qualifications and ability to lead the two Yue clans, but her prestige is far inferior to Guishuang Xihou.

To some extent, she is more suitable than Guishuang Xihou.

As for the possibility of Su Jiasha's betrayal.

That exotic face appeared in Zhao Tuo's mind.

She is a smart person.

Whether it is really "fine Qin" or forced to rely on the Qin army because of the situation, after all, he can clearly distinguish the situation and know who is stronger between Qin and the Huns in the north.

Moreover, Zhao Tuo used various methods to bind those Yuezhi people, such as rewards and bribes, relatives as hostages, personnel brainwashing, torture and intimidation. This is an insurance measure. If you want to betray with 20,000 people Such a simple thing.

Zhao Tuo believed that Su Jiasha would make the right choice.

Looking at the two counselors, Zhao Tuo said calmly: "Anything you do in a military struggle is risky. If you are too cautious, you will tie your hands and feet. It is not a good general. We have done everything we can do before, Now that we need to employ people, we should treat them as suspects and use them without suspicion.”

Li Shiqi was startled for a moment, then clapped his palms and praised: "It's a good sentence, don't doubt people, don't doubt people, the general really has a lot of courage."

Chen Ping also nodded in admiration. The general's words were really heroic, which made him admire.

Amidst the praise, Zhao Tuo looked north.

The swirling wind and sand had already covered up the horseshoe prints of 20,000 Yuezhi cavalrymen.

Calculating the time, they should be approaching the south bank of the river and meet the Huns.

Whether or not this plan will succeed will depend on that woman.


On the banks of the great river.

The nobles of the Xiongnu are looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Because the scouts they sent to Henan brought a surprising piece of news.

Touman Shanyu opened his eyes wide and asked, "Would the Yuezhi people want to join us?"

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