General Qin

Chapter 606 The Northern Expedition Ends


"I have always kept in mind the general's teachings, lurking beside Touman, and being a middleman for Daqin. I tried my best to persuade Touman to attack halfway to complete the task assigned to me by the general."

"When Touman saw that the situation was not good and led his people to flee, I followed Touman and looked for an opportunity to cut off his head, just to dedicate it to the general."

Yi Hanxie knelt on the ground, talking about his contribution to Daqin.

He glanced at Su Jiasha who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, trembled involuntarily, and added: "After I killed Touman, fortunately, the noble lady Su Jiasha arrived in time to help me deal with those kings. Only then can the head of Touman be brought back and presented to the general."

Zhao Tuo looked at the faces of Yi Hanxie and Su Jiasha respectively.

These are the two secrets he buried beside Tou Manchanyu.

Wu Sunzi said: There are five kinds of time, there is the time of cause, there is the time of interior, there is the time of reverse, there is the time of death, and there is the time of life. The five rooms rise together, but no one knows the way. This is called the divine record, and the treasure of the king.

Zhao Tuo's control of the enemy's high-ranking officials to be his own spies is just one of the five insiders' tricks. Now that he uses it, he has made great achievements repeatedly. Not only did he defeat the Xiongnu, he even cut off Touman's head.

The state of Qin bestowed titles on military merits, and rewards were given for meritorious service. Zhao Tuo naturally would not swallow up such great achievements made by these two men.

He glanced at Yi Hanxie, who had both worry and longing on his face.

Zhao Tuo said lightly: "I said before that as long as you help me destroy Touman, you will be the new Xiongnu Shanyu. I am the general of Qin, so I will not break my promise to deceive you. I will give you some of the prisoners in the army. , and let you gather the Huns on this grassland."

"In the future, you will be the Shanyu of the Xiongnu, a vassal state of the Great Qin, and take care of the northern border for our Great Qin, how about it?"

After Li Shiqi translated it.

Yi Hanxie was overjoyed.

If it weren't for the two majestic personal guards guarding the general, he would have rushed forward and kissed the general's toes fiercely.

He imitated the etiquette of the Qin people, kowtowed his head on the ground and said, "Yi Hanxie is willing. In the future, I, Yi Hanxie, will definitely guard the northern border for Daqin and become the most loyal watchdog of the general!"

After listening to the translator's report, Zhao Tuo frowned and corrected: "It's not me, it's the emperor!"

"Yes, yes, we, the Huns, will be the watchdogs of the Great Qin Emperor and the general in the future, and we will never betray!"

Yi Hanxie showed a flattering smile, her heart was already filled with ecstasy.

In addition to the psychological shadow left by Zhao Tuo, becoming the new Xiongnu Shanyu was not a reason that drove him to betray Touman.

Now that his wish has been fulfilled, even if it is to be a dog for the Qin people, it is better than being like Touman and the two Guli kings with different heads.

Seeing Yi Hanxie's surrender, Zhao Tuo nodded in satisfaction.

Qin Shihuang has always disliked the enfeoffment system of the Zhou Dynasty, thinking that it is the source of the world's chaos, and it will weaken the power in the hands of the monarch, so that the central government is not like the central government, and the local areas are not like local areas.

In addition, the emperor didn't like the "barbarians must obey, and the barbarians should obey" in the five uniforms of the Zhou Dynasty.

He thinks that the barbarians are far away from the center, so what if they live in remote mountains and remote areas, why can't they be governed by the Qin people, but can only be regarded as a tributary state?

What does tribute mean?

There is no such thing as direct rule.

Therefore, Daqin does not need to pay tribute to the country, but only needs to defeat the other party and accept it as a vassal state.

The so-called vassal state refers to the "subject state" changed to avoid Liu Bang's taboo in the Han Dynasty.

It is an administrative division set up by the central court to accommodate the barbarians. It keeps its country name and its customs unchanged, but it must accept the rule of Qin officials, set up a subordinate state captain, and obey the dispatch of the central government.

Before Zhao Tuo conquered Chu in the south, Yuyue, who was defeated, was made a vassal state of Qin after the war, and its monarch Yue Wang Wuyou was reduced to Yuejun, and he was led by the Qin people.

Now that Zhao Tuo has defeated the Huns in the north, he is also planning to deal with it according to this model.

With Yi Hanxie as the new Xiongnu Shanyu, he recruited the disabled Huns and formed a new Xiongnu under the management of Qin officials.

Let them graze on the grassland under the Yin Mountains, provide Daqin with cattle, sheep and horses, and at the same time take on the important task of guarding the northern border and protecting the remnants of the Huns in the north, which is the so-called control of Hu with Hu.

Moreover, during the war, the Qin army could also draw cavalry from them to use as the Guiyi army.

However, the minds of barbarians should not be trusted. Zhao Tuo naturally had to prepare some preventive measures. He planned to move some Yuezhi people to the foot of Yinshan Mountain, and share the central grassland with Yihanxie's new Xiongnu.

The Xiongnu and the Yuezhi had always been at odds, and in addition to the fact that the Yuezhi had severely injured the Huns in this war, it was basically impossible for the two parties to collude, and they just used it to check and balance each other.

If one of the parties develops a dissent towards Great Qin, the other party will definitely not sit idly by. Coupled with the Qin officials sent here to govern and the border guards, a three-party surveillance situation has been achieved.

"In this way, the northern border of Great Qin can be determined."

Zhao Tuo felt that his plan was good, and the emperor would probably agree.

After appeasing Yi Hanxie, Zhao Tuo asked him to go down and count the prisoners in the army, and recruit those captured Xiongnu nobles.

Of course, he could only take some of them away. After all, when the Qin army was in charge, he had to bring some captives back to Xianyang to present them as gifts, and the fate of those people might not be good.

After Yi Hanxie thanked him a thousand times, Zhao Tuo's eyes fell on Su Jiasha.

"Do you know that Yi Hanxie is mine?"

Su Jiasha bowed and said: "When he mentioned that he attacked halfway, I had some guesses. When the general sent an envoy to Touman to prove his innocence to Yi Hanxie, it will be confirmed. Of course, The most important thing is that Touman's head was broken and bloody when he was hit halfway across, so it can be seen that this person was sent by the general."

Zhao Tuo nodded.

He stared at the woman with the tall nose and big eyes and slightly blue eyes, and asked, "Why didn't you take the opportunity to kill him? Yi Hanxie killed Touman, which is a great achievement. You can kill him together and take the credit for it all, when you are surrounded by your people, if you do this, no one will be able to find out."

Su Jiasha said softly: "The general needs a new Xiongnu Shanyu. As for my credit, it is enough."

Zhao Tuo fell silent, took a serious look at the woman in front of him, and sighed secretly.

Fortunately, Su Jiasha is a woman. If she were a man, Zhao Tuo would not let her go.

Zhao Tuo praised: "You did a great job. This time you offered a wonderful strategy to defeat the Huns, and you personally brought people to the Xiongnu for me, bringing the Huns' night attack plan, killing King Zuoguli of the Huns at the critical moment and breaking the Huns army. , and finally brought back Huiman's head. Your contribution should be crowned in this battle, and I will present it to the emperor for you. You will get the reward you deserve."

Su Jiasha smiled slightly, bowed again and said: "The concubine's contribution is not worth mentioning. I just want to follow the general to fight on the battlefield and expand the territory for the Great Qin."

There was light in her eyes, and her voice was high-pitched: "I have a plan to destroy the Yue clan for the Great Qin, and I can help the general destroy the Yue clan and seize the land of Hexi!"

Zhao Tuo was stunned, and after realizing it, he didn't show the interest Su Jiasha imagined, but rather lost interest.

He shook his head and said: "Winter is coming, when the river will be frozen, and the food road behind our army will be cut off. I will not go on another expedition, and I will lead the army back to the court, so that the soldiers can also have time to rest."

"As for the capture of Hexi, it should be considered after the beginning of spring next year. The situation will be different then. Let's talk about your strategy then. And..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Tuo said in a deep voice: "To capture Hexi, I'm afraid we will send another future."

The light in Su Jiasha's eyes dimmed.

She lowered her head and said softly: "Yes, I know."

Zhao Tuo nodded.

He didn't know whether Su Jiasha's eagerness to present the strategy of capturing Hexi just now was to continue to make meritorious service or for some other purpose.

But Zhao Tuo's Northern Expedition was over.

In addition to the impending cold winter, the objective reasons that make the grain road unsustainable. The defeat of the Huns and the death of Touman have achieved Zhao Tuo's goal of the Northern Expedition.

Zhao Tuo, who came from later generations, knew very well that if the Huns were left alone, what kind of ferocious beasts would grow up in the future.

Therefore, he has always been worried. The reason why he tried his best to promote the Northern Expedition in the court was to eliminate the Xiongnu first and kill this great trouble in China's heart in the cradle.

Now Touman is dead, and the Huns have also been maimed and taken in as the watchdog of Daqin. Zhao Tuo was naturally greatly relieved, and he was not so interested in continuing to fight on the battlefield and expanding the territory.

Moreover, based on Zhao Tuo's military exploits in recovering Henan, defeating the Yuezhi, and eliminating the Huns, it was basically stable to be named Lunhou (Guanneihou) after returning to Xianyang.

Lunhou is the nineteenth-level title, and above that is the top-level Liehou (Chehou).

To upgrade from level nineteen to level twenty requires a lot of experience.

Even if Zhao Tuo blows up the Yue clan's royal court and occupies Hexi, it may not be enough to be promoted to Liehou's credit, so there is no need to continue to eat alone, it is better to share it with other generals.

However, none of the above is the real reason why Zhao Tuo wanted to return to Xianyang.

The reason why he wanted to end this war eagerly was because of one person.

Under Su Jiasha's slightly disappointed gaze.

Zhao Tuo raised his head and looked outside the tent. A tall figure appeared in his mind.

"Emperor, emperor, you started building the palace again while I was away!"

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