General Qin

Chapter 626 Buying People's Hearts

"I think what the lord and lieutenant said is really pedantic!"

The man's voice was low, and the target of his words was directed at Lord Lieutenant Zhao Hai.

Zhao Tuo searched for his reputation and found that the speaker was Wang Wu, one of the Nine Ministers, Zhisu Neishi.

Zhao Hai also heard this, turned his head to stare at Wang Wu, and said coldly: "The old man is pedantic? Hehe, then I want to listen to Wang's internal history, what can I say that is not pedantic."

Wang Wu's face was calm, since he stood up, there was no turning back.

When he saw the emperor on the emperor's couch smiling at him, he immediately felt relieved.

The emperor is encouraging him!

So what if Zhao Hai is a veteran of the four dynasties.

Wang Wu knew very well that Qin State was the emperor's Qin State.

If you want to climb to the top in this country, you must not only be able to do things, but also be favored by the emperor.

Now Prime Minister You is old, and it will only be a few years before he retires.

When the status quo recedes, no matter whether it is Prime Minister Zuo Wang Wan who takes the position, or Doctor Censor Feng Jie who is promoted, the two will always make room for each other. And that position is usually chosen from among the nine ministers.

He, Wang Wu, expressed his loyalty to the emperor today. Will the emperor consider him more when making choices in the future?

After a little calculation in his mind, Wang Wu didn't hesitate any longer, and said directly: "The lord and lieutenant said that in the past, King Zhaoxiang bestowed the people's honor twice without meritorious service, and it was for the sake of state affairs. The title of Qianshou is not for state affairs?"

Zhao Hai snorted coldly: "The emperor obviously bestowed titles on the people to celebrate meritorious service, why talk about state affairs?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone had different expressions on their faces.

To say such offensive words directly in front of the emperor, Zhao Hai was probably the only one in the court who dared to do this.

The First Emperor smiled, but said nothing.

Wang Wu shook his head and said: "This is what I said just now that what the lord and lieutenant said is really pedantic. In the past when King Zhaoxiang, the seven kingdoms of the world fought in chaos, and our great Qin wanted to come out of the east and annex the world, so there were people who recruited people to go to Anyi. The conferment of the title, and the conferment of the title of Hanoi Qianshou for the battle of Changping, this is for the consideration of state affairs, King Zhaoxiang broke the rule that non-meritorious meritorious service should not be worshiped."

Wang Wu's voice suddenly rose, and he raised his voice and said: "The so-called time has changed, and now the emperor is so powerful, and the six kingdoms are wiped out in one universe, and there is no war in the Xia Dynasty. However, although the princes are destroyed, their survivors are still there, and there are many Guizhou heads. Fearing my Qin law, and having the heart of the lord of the six kingdoms, such a situation will damage the stability of my Great Qin in the old land of the princes."

"That's why the emperor bestowed the title of Guizhou head of the world this time, not only to celebrate my great Qin Hehe martial arts, to show the emperor's prestige, and to make all the people happy. It is also to cherish the virtues and win the hearts of the people of the world!"

Wang Wuyue spoke more and more fluently, and said excitedly: "The emperor bestows a title, and all the people will worship and enjoy the glory and benefits. How can I miss the lord of the six kingdoms. In this way, all the people in the world will return to their hearts, and the old land of the princes will be stable. Qin Guozuo Yongchang is really a matter of bestowing a noble and gaining thousands of benefits, isn't it a state matter?"

The hall was silent, even Zhao Hai was silent.

Although Qin State annihilated the six kingdoms, the annexation time was too fast, and it almost became a big fat man in one bite.

Such a result led to a serious shortage of Qin officials, even if Zhao Tuo took precautions and proposed to expand the number of students in the school. But how can the development of officials be so fast?

From the son of a noble who is illiterate or slightly proficient in writing, to an official who is proficient in the law and has passed the exam, it is impossible to learn in a few years.

Therefore, in a short period of time, it is impossible for the number of Qin officials to cover the entire thirty-six counties in the world, and many places still have to rely on local people, which leads to Qin's weak control over the princes' hometowns.

Coupled with the strict Qin law, the common people in Guizhou, the hometown of the princes, who were accustomed to the free and undisciplined life of the six countries, were suddenly brought under the Qin law system, and everything they did would be controlled by the law. If they accidentally violated the Qin law, they would be reduced to criminal punishment Disciples, naturally complained.

Aristocrats and tyrants from all over the country can rely on property and connections to get rid of crimes, but the common people in Guizhou have committed crimes and have to obediently plead guilty.

In this case, it is natural that the people feel resentment, and some people even miss the free life of the Six Kingdoms era.

All these things were reported to Xianyang by county guards and censors from all over the country, and all the officials knew a thing or two.

Now Wang Wu connects the emperor's bestowal of titles with these things. At first glance, it does make sense.

Give the head of Guizhou a rank of title, to show the emperor's kindness, in exchange for their return?

Buy people's hearts!

If it can be achieved, it is not impossible to use the first-level title to settle down the heads of Guizhou, reduce their grievances, and help the rule of Daqin.

All the ministers, including Li Si, are thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Qin was the first unified dynasty, and it was the first time that the world was directly ruled by the same court.

These carnivores in the court do not have the case of the ancient unified dynasty to learn from. They have to move forward in everything and cross the river by feeling the stones. No matter what policy is implemented, it is difficult to know the consequences.

Faced with what Wang Wu said, they had to consider and weigh it.

Seeing that Zhao Hai was silenced by himself, Wang Wu was very pleased. He felt that he had found a "righteous" reason to endorse the emperor. The emperor would be happy, right?

He quietly glanced at the emperor on the emperor's couch, seeing that his expression was indifferent, he was noncommittal, but the smile at the corner of his mouth still encouraged Wang Wu, he felt that what he said just now was really good, and he would definitely cherish the emperor's heart in the future.

The first in the list of generals, Martial Arts Marquis Zhao Tuo watched coldly.

He looked at the calm Shi Huangdi on the emperor's couch.

Except for the faint smile on the corner of his mouth, the emperor was always calm, making it hard to see what was really going on in his heart.

Use titles to buy people's hearts and stabilize the rule. Is this really what you mean?

Zhao Tuo sighed secretly.

Li Si, Zhao Hai, Wang Wan and others don't know whether it is useful to buy people's hearts, so they still need to think about it.

But as a latecomer, Zhao Tuo knew it clearly.


There is a bird!

The Qin Dynasty in history only existed for fourteen years, and then it was overthrown vigorously.

There were many reasons for Qin's demise, ranging from the rulers, down to the nobles of the six countries, and then to the entire country's system, all of which had various problems.

How could it be possible to change it by bestowing the first-level title of Qianshou in the world?


As long as your emperor continues to build palaces, recruit conscripts to overhaul the Lishan Mausoleum, and fight non-stop, even attacking Baiyue in the south, the hearts of the people of Great Qin will collapse sooner or later.

This level of nobility is of no use to the real stability of the country except for letting the heads of Guizhou say something about the emperor's holiness at that time.

Quite a bit like drinking poison to quench thirst.

In Zhao Tuo's view, once the title is bestowed, not only will there be no benefits, but there will be a lot of disadvantages.

The first thing is that the fighting spirit of the entire Qin army will be affected.

The soldiers of the family are all energized and ready to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. If you suddenly confer titles on the heads of Guizhou all over the world, what's the use of it?

Wouldn't it be better to go to the battlefield and risk your life to fight for a stable level up by staying at home?

Zhao Tuo shook his head and glanced at Wang Ben who was beside him.

The lord and lieutenant have all stepped up, so it's time for you, the lieutenant, to play.

I saw that the present captain took a deep breath and finally stood up.

Wang Ben will perform the duties of the Taiwei and state the disadvantages of this edict to the entire military merit system and the army.

"The minister Wang Benmo died to play to His Majesty. The king's internal history said that bestowing a first rank can win the hearts of the people in the world. I dare not say more."

"Ranchen is a Taiwei, in charge of martial arts, and knows the motivating effect of the title system on soldiers. My soldiers in the Great Qin fought for the sake of meritorious service. Back then, Shang Jun used military merits as the system, so that my Qin people were like Tigers and wolves are good at fighting and killing, so they can go east and conquer the six countries in one fell swoop. This military merit system is really the foundation of our Great Qin's power."

"Now that His Majesty bestows the title of Guizhou Head of the World, let's not talk about whether he can get his heart back, but this kind of practice will definitely kill the soldiers' desire to fight on the battlefield, destroy the combat power of our Great Qin army, and destroy the military merit system from now on!"

"As soon as this example is opened, the title will definitely become insignificant!"

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