General Qin

Chapter 762 King of South Vietnam

In South Vietnam, among the mountains that the Beijiang River passes through, there is a small town built on the river.

At this moment, there was a buzz of people inside and outside the city, and from a distance there were countless figures.

The leader of the tiger tribe, Atu, aggressively pushed away the South Vietnamese warriors who were blocking the way.

He squeezed to the riverside and shouted to a middle-aged Yue man with a fat body and a big belly: "Your Majesty, all the people of the Mei family and the Qin army have fled. Their city is empty, and no one has been found in the surrounding mountains and forests. .”

The Yue man, who was called the Great King, looked back, revealing his face wearing gold ornaments and a terrifying dragon-shaped tattoo, and his slender eyes were full of ferocity.

"Which way did you run?"

His voice was indifferent, and the coldness in his tone made Atu shiver involuntarily.

King Agus of South Vietnam.

He is the leader of the Jiao Tribe of South Vietnam, and was the most powerful warrior in South Vietnam when he was young. He once fought giant crocodiles offshore and gained a reputation far and wide.

Argus's father, Kulada, was the previous leader of the Jiao tribe.

At that time, many tribes in South Vietnam were invading each other. Kulada led the powerful Jiao tribe to conquer other tribes and established a Yue Kingdom on par with Minyue and Xiou, allowing other tribes to respect him as king.

In this battle of conquest, Argus contributed a lot and can be regarded as the number one hero.

It's just that Argus's mother died early. Kulada later doted on other women and fell in love with the son she gave birth to. He wanted to pass on the position of leader of the Jiao tribe and king of Nanyue to that woman's son.

Because he was afraid of Argus's courage and cruel character, Kulada secretly sent people to assassinate Argus. As a result, the assassin sent was insufficient and was killed by Argus on the spot.

After discovering that the mastermind behind the assassination was his father, this fierce South Vietnamese warrior decisively led his followers into the royal city.

In the chaotic night, Argus personally chopped off Kulada's head, killed all his brothers and relatives, and stuck their heads on the South Vietnamese city wall to shock all the Vietnamese in Jiaobu.

Because he hated Kulada for wanting to kill him and pass the throne to his brother, Argus became so angry that he even ate Kulada's flesh in public to vent his anger.

Even though the Jiao tribe and the Tiger tribe in South Vietnam have the custom of cannibalism because of their totems, practices like Agus's are still very rare and fierce.

Under its fierce power, all Vietnamese people could only bow and surrender. From then on, South Vietnam entered the era of Argus.

He is the king of Yue people in this land.

Under his leadership, Minyue in the east, Xiou and Luoyue in the west all feared the South Vietnamese and did not dare to provoke them easily.

But now, the Qin people from the north not only occupied the land of Minyue next door, but also sent people into South Vietnam, and joined forces with the Mei family to attack the Yellow Dog Tribe. Even the leader of the Yellow Dog Tribe was beheaded by them. This pair It was a great shame for Argus.

He summoned nearly 30,000 warriors from various tribes in South Vietnam and came to the city of Meishi in the Beijiang River Basin, preparing to kill all the abominable Meishi Yue and Qin people in revenge for their hatred.

Unexpectedly, the other party had oiled their feet and ran away one step ahead, leaving them with only an empty city and... a terrifying mountain of bones.

On the shore of Beijiang, more than two thousand corpses were piled into a hill, compacted with soil and more than ten meters high. Amidst the flying mosquitoes and flies, one can see the hideous-looking head exposed in the soil, as well as the blackened and rotten hands, feet and limbs.

Qin people’s view of Beijing.

Terrible and scary.

Standing in front of such a background, Argus's cold face looked even more ferocious and terrifying.

A Tu Gu lowered his head and said: "According to the remaining signs in the forest, the Qin army retreated in the direction of the Hokkien people in the east. The Yue people of the Mei family crossed the mountains, and it seemed that they were heading to the north of Lingbei. Dry the ground."

"Run away separately."

A cold light flashed in Argus's eyes.

The Mei family's Yue people migrated from Qianyue to the nearby area almost ten years ago. Their hometown is the hometown of Qianyue in the north of Lingbei, which has now been occupied by the Qin army.

It seems that the Mei family has completely surrendered to the Qin army and wants to move the family back to Lingbei.

A Tu Gu said bitterly: "If we knew that these people from the Mei clan were wild wolves who had not been raised well, we should have killed them all earlier! Your Majesty, otherwise we would lead the warriors of the clan over the ridge. Chase down the Mei family and kill every one of them with their heads on the ground!"

Argus hummed: "The Qin people built a towering fortress on the ridge, can you break through?"

Hearing this, Atu Gugangan laughed and stretched out his hand to scratch his butt in embarrassment.

At the junction of Gandi and Nanyue, there is a steep mountain range called "Five Ridges" by later generations, which divides Lingbei and Lingnan into two different areas.

After the Qin general Feng Wuze went south to conquer Ganyue, he took over the Chu Kingdom's old territory and occupied Dayu Ling, one of the five ridges. He built a pass on the ridge to control the main transportation route, named Hengpuguan.

Hengpu Pass is steep and difficult to attack. With Yue's technological level, it is impossible to break through the fortress without siege equipment.

Therefore, once the Mei Yue people cross the ridge and return to the north of the ridge via Hengpuguan, they have no ability to pursue them.

A Tu Gu sternly said: "Then we go to Fujian and kill all those Qin and Fujian people! They massacred the Yellow Dog Tribe. If we don't fight back, we will no longer have any prestige in front of the other tribes. Word!"

Argus slowly shook his head and said coldly: "The armor on the Qin people and the weapons in their hands are so good. If we take the initiative to attack their camps and walls, we will not have an advantage. And they might come back again." We have set up an ambush and are waiting for us to dive in. Atu Gu, you have to remember that a smart hunter cannot be led by his prey."

A Tu Gu rolled his eyes and said, "Does the king mean to wait for the Qin people to take the initiative to attack?"

"Yes, the weather is starting to get cooler now, and the dry season of the rain forest is coming. Those Qin people will definitely take this opportunity to attack from Fujian, so we don't have to fight, they will come over on their own initiative. You take people to the vicinity of Dongjiang River, Get me more traps. I want the entire jungle to become the tomb of the Qin people, and if the Qin people come in, they will not be able to go back!"

Argus whispered, his face filled with murderous intent.

Dongye City in Fujian Province.

When the field troops returned from South Vietnam arrived, these expeditionary warriors were greeted with a grand celebration banquet.

Cao Shen led his army into South Vietnam. Not only did he successfully win over the Mei clan's Yue people as allies, he also defeated the Yellow Dog tribe and made considerable gains.

This is a good opportunity to boost morale, and Zhao Tuo will naturally not let it go.

He not only publicized this victory to motivate the soldiers, but also told them that the South Vietnamese were not strong. A field army of 5,000 people could defeat one of the opponents and then retreat completely. Then wouldn't it be great if the Qin army attacked? South Vietnam can be easily defeated.

Outside Dongye City, bonfires were everywhere, and the aroma of meat and wine filled your nostrils.

The soldiers who had made great contributions in this battle drank and celebrated with each other, and the laughter spread throughout the country.

For several months, they worked hard at night to remove their armor and kept their weapons in hand. Now that they had finally returned victoriously, they could finally let go of their tense nerves and sleep peacefully. Naturally, they were all happy.

What made the soldiers in Field Qu even more excited was that it was said that General Zhao Tuo would personally come to visit these meritorious soldiers.

"The general is coming. I'm so excited. He is the invincible martial arts prince of our Great Qin! Liu Bang, are you excited?"

A Qin soldier's face turned red with excitement and he asked Liu Bang next to him.

"Excited...excited, of course I am excited."

Liu Bang responded with a dry laugh.

But he comforted himself in his heart: "Zhao Tuo must have never met Naigong. Even if he met face to face, he would not know who Naigong is. Moreover, Naigong has cut off his beard now, and usually pays attention to trimming it into a short beard. His appearance is different from before. Same thing, I think he will never recognize it, just lower his head later. Don’t be afraid, don’t worry.”

"Nai Gong is Liu Bang now, not Liu Ji!"

Opposite the bonfire, Xiang Yu was sitting on the ground with his head lowered, and the excited voices of the Qin soldiers could be heard in his ears because the general was about to arrive.

"Zhao Tuo."

Xiang Ji roared in his heart and clenched his fists tightly.

Zhao Tuo, the great enemy who had forced to kill his eldest father, forced to kill his father, and wiped out his Xiang clan, was finally going to appear in front of him.

"Zhao Tuo, I want to see what you, the evil thief, look like!"

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