Ghost Hunting Division, Li Dongzheng in the duty room

made a pot of tea and yawned.

Beside him, Lin Miaomiao was wiping her face in front of the makeup mirror, while Luo Ze was holding a copy of "Investigation" and studying it carefully.

"The hospital should solve it, right?"

Li Dong was looking out the window, a little worried.

At this moment, a bell suddenly rang.

The three of them instantly put down what they were doing, and their eyes solemnly looked at the electronic map of the new city in front of them.

Just on the side of the map, a red dot lights up, and the alarm sounds louder and louder.

"At this time..." Li Dongzheng frowned: "Luo Ze, call out the monitoring near the ghost infestation!"

"Yes." Luo Ze turned into a keyboard pianist and quickly called up a set of monitors.

Looking at the content of the monitoring, his expression changed greatly: "It seems to be a student from a nearby school."

"Fuck, at this time."

Li Dongzheng took a sip, and the three of them quickly prepared in unison.

"I'll go drive!"

Lin Miaomiao grabbed the car keys and rushed to the door.

Now the whole army is dispatched, and the squad in that jurisdiction just happens to be in the hospital to deal with the aftermath.

"The back door of the East Trunk Road Garden Community, hurry up!"

Li Dongzheng rushed to the co-pilot, his face heavy.

He didn't want to see the flower season girl being eaten away by ghosts anymore.

"Captain, are you still not at ease with my car skills?"

Lin Miaomiao raised her head in confidence, and Luo Ze, who was sitting behind, had already grasped the handle.

She slammed down on the gas pedal, and the car rushed out with all its might.


"Ho ho ho ~ "

It was a three-meter-long behemoth, its huge lower body was like a lump of rotten meat, and its upper body was as withered as a scarecrow.

Looking at the evil ghost that slowly squirmed over, Huang Leyao was so frightened that she didn't react at all.

When she watched the video, she didn't feel scared.

However, when the evil ghost was in front of her, the huge body, whimpering like an abyss, and the disgusting breath made her almost suffocate.

The evil ghost moved in front of Xia Feng, slowly stretched out his right hand, and grabbed Huang Leyao's bag.

The girl's thin body swayed in the air, like a toy, and she was held in her hand and watched.

It does not seem to be in a hurry to eat it, but to taste the despair and fear exuded by the girl.

"Ah~" The

demon opened his blood basin and mouth, and there was still disgusting mucus hanging from his teeth.

It closed its eyes, dangled Huang Leyao in the air twice, and gently threw it into its mouth.

This way of eating is its favorite.

Swallow humans in one bite, chew slowly, taste flexible bones, sweet bone marrow, and enjoy the pleasure of filling your mouth.

Especially this kind of young girl, the taste is better.

"Are you going to die?"

Huang Leyao turned pale and closed her eyes tightly.

However, the pain of being chewed did not strike.


The voice of the evil ghost seemed to be forceful, but it was like biting something hard, and it could not be closed.

"I can count of finding you, hehe~"

A young voice sounded in his ears.

Huang Leyao opened her eyes sharply, and a strange boy wearing an Ultraman mask was actually in front of his face.

Isn't this the Ultra boy in that video?

The girl was stunned, and did not react for a while.

She looked around, only then did she see sharp teeth on her head and a wet tongue under her feet.

The two were actually in the mouth of a ghost!

And Xia Feng, unexpectedly holding sharp teeth, abruptly broke his mouth open.

He put his arm around Huang Leyao, jumped gently, and the two landed smoothly.

"You you you..." Ultraman

mask, long hair, black robe, definitely him!

Huang Leyao instantly blushed and said that she couldn't talk.

The sudden appearance of idols, or in the way of heroes saving beauty.

God, what girl can't stand this, right?

"Ho ho ho !!"

The evil ghost roared, and the huge palm fell from the sky, mixed with the whining of the wind, and rushed straight towards the two.

"Be careful!"

Huang Leyao trembled and screamed.

She couldn't imagine what would happen next.

However, Xia Feng just stood in place and did not move half an inch.

It's like a statue.

I saw that an eight-faced Han sword appeared in his hand.

Looking at the palm that slapped like a small mountain, Xia Feng's face did not have the slightest expression.

Suddenly, he moved.

Raise your hand and raise your blade.

The whole movement was extremely smooth, and it took less than a second from the knife to the knife collection.


With a loud noise, like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, the huge palm fell to the ground.

Huang Leyao opened her mouth wide and was dumbfounded.

Ultra boy seems to be stronger than in the video.

And the weapon that doesn't look like a sword and doesn't look like a knife, why do you feel like you're going to be sucked in at a glance?

"Hey, hey, hey."

Under Ott's mask, Summer Breeze let out a strange laugh.

Entropy held a sword flower in his hand, and he walked towards the evil ghost step by step.

As if sensing that the two sides were not of the same level, the evil ghost actually showed fear and began to retreat.

"Hey... Hey, hey, hey.

Listening to the eerie laughter under the mask, Huang Leyao swallowed.

Who the hell is the ghost!

"I'll do it!"

Xia Feng jumped up and stabbed the other party with a wave of entropy.

Huang Leyao quickly took out her mobile phone and turned on the recording.

She wants to record the ghost hunting moments of the Ultra boy.


The ghost's eyes looking at Entropy were full of fear, and finally he couldn't bear it, and he wanted to run away to save his life.

However, its tonnage is simply too heavy.

Xia Feng's knife directly swung off the ghost's right arm.

A mournful scream echoed in the night sky.

The cut wound had a layer of black mist-like dark matter floating on the surface, which seemed to be constantly ingesting its vitality.

"Cool, so cool!"

Another knife, this time cutting its left arm with precision.

It is worthy of being an exclusive ghost weapon, if it is placed before, it is absolutely impossible to cut through the ghost-level body so easily with a scalpel alone.

And now, he didn't even have to turn on the Thunder Breath.



However, another knife struck it in the abdomen.

Passive trigger!

Entropy turned into three black afterimages on the way to it, stabbing three times in an instant.

Black blood spurted out of the stomach.

A flash of excitement flashed in Xia Feng's eyes.

In just a few seconds, the knife wielded by Xia Feng was already uncountable.

The evil ghost's originally fat body had been emaciated.

There was excitement in his eyes.

The knife in his hand is getting faster and faster.



The car came to a beautiful float and slowly stopped.

Li Dongzheng and Luo Ze got out of the car leisurely, their faces were pale, and they forcibly resisted the desire to vomit.

"When are you two so empty, go quickly, don't delay time."

Lin Miaomiao stepped down from the car with long legs and looked at the two with a look of disdain.

"No... I don't know why, the breath of that ghost seems to be disappearing.

Luo Ze said weakly.

"Could it be the undertaker?" Li Dongzheng's pupils shrank, and he forced himself to endure the discomfort: "Hurry over!" The

three of them rushed towards it quickly.

However, when they crossed an alley and saw that picture, the three of them changed their expressions.

A teenager wearing an Ultraman mask is constantly dismembering the ghost.

In the distance, there is also a girl, with an excited face, who is recording with her mobile phone.

Countless blood clots were scattered around, and black blood soaked the ground.


Luo Ze and Li Dongzheng finally couldn't help it, and vomited out.

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