General: Traveling Frog, Starting Blood and Following the Limit

General: Traveling Frog, starting with blood limit Chapter 573

In fact, for some pirates, it is not difficult to catch them in prison.

For example, Moonlight Moria has been rotten for many years and his eyesight has deteriorated. All he needs to do is defeat him.

What is even more difficult is to conquer the Shichibukai and make them willing to join the navy.

At this point, Kizaru thought it was impossible for anyone to do better than Byakuya.

Boya Hancock, Hawkeye Mihawk, Jinbe...

These big pirates are all famous in the sea, but they are willing to work for Bai Ye and serve as his subordinates.

If it were him, he would never be able to do it!

Akainu stood aside, also feeling very complicated.

Once upon a time, he had always been dissatisfied with Bai Ye becoming the marshal.

Of course, in terms of strength, he couldn't be Bai Ye's opponent.

After all, when three generals fought against Bai Ye alone, it was Bai Ye's victory.

But Akainu is still very confident in his own ideas.

He believes that "absolute justice" is justice.

Of course, I advocate the extermination of these pirates.

But at this moment, looking at Bai Ye's achievements, they were all tasks that he expected to be impossible to complete. ,

Let the big pirate join the navy, Bai Ye did it.

Byakuya did it effortlessly to disband the Shichibukai.

This kind of thing made Akainu have to start doubting himself.

Are his ideas and everything he pursues correct?

Or should we not do things so extreme?

Warring States looked at Bai Ye and was very pleased.

This kind of thing was something he had not been able to do for decades as a marshal, but Bai Ye did it.

"This kid Bai Ye is really capable!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

Garp nodded aside: "Indeed! At that time, I found him very pleasing to my eye."

"As expected, there is no one who I like that can't do it!"

Garp looked very serious.

Warring States: "..."

"Why have you become so narcissistic at such an old age?" Warring States said speechlessly.

In the center of the field, Bai Ye and Hawkeye shook hands and took a friendly photo, and then awarded him the Navy Medal of Honor.

In this way, Hawkeye Mihawk is officially counted as a member of the Navy.

Countless reporters quickly raised their cameras to record this moment in history.

the next day.

Countless newspapers circulated across the sea.

【Historic moment! Hawkeye joins the Navy, and the Shichibukai is officially over! 】

【Invincible! Byakuya defeated Hawkeye, truly the first person! 】

Most newspapers today adopt a double headline setting. After all, the news is too big.

Countless people looked at the report above and opened their mouths in surprise.

"Wow, so the world's greatest swordsman lost to Navy Marshal Bai Ye?"

"What! Bai Ye becomes the number one person in the world?"

"What's the comparison? How can the world's greatest swordsman be the opponent of the Navy Marshal?"

Most people who don't know are immersed in the comparison of combat power.

Only a few knowledgeable people understand the significance behind this report.

"The era of the Shichibukai is finally over!"

New World, Red 500 Pirates!

Red-haired Shanks looked at the newspaper in his hand and muttered to himself.

He knew that this would happen sooner or later, but when it actually happened, he still couldn't help but feel emotional.

Two of the Four Emperors enter prison, and the Shichibukai are completely disbanded

Everything on the sea that I was familiar with seemed to have changed.

The red-haired Shanks couldn't help but feel a little melancholy.

"Boss, you are sad for spring and autumn again!"

Ben Beckman said with a smile: "You can't bear to part with it!"

The redhead just smiled and said nothing.

The country of peace.

Yamato, who had firmly taken the position of captain of the New Beasts Pirates, was lost in thought while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

"It turns out that Bai Ye is so powerful!"

She read the reports in the newspaper and imagined the scene at that time. She couldn't help but be fascinated and wanted to fly to the naval base right away.

In recent times, Yamato has gained some knowledge of world history, learned about the significance of the Shichibukai, and also learned that they are all very powerful and famous pirates.

But judging from the newspapers, the Shichibukai was almost torn apart by Bai Ye alone.

Some were sent to prison, and some entered the navy.

They are no longer as arrogant as before.

Even the name "Shichibukai" has now become complete history!

"This is a real man!".

Chapter 397: The End of an Era

Yamato looked at the newspaper reports and sighed with fascination.

In comparison, Oden's deeds don't seem that attractive.

Unconsciously, some changes are taking place in Yamato.

The new world was once the territory of the Big Mom Pirates, and now is the territory of Buggy the Clown.

Bucky the Clown is sitting high up, bragging to his men.


"If you ask me, Bucky-sama should become the Yonko!"

One of his subordinates said excitedly.

This is not completely flattering. If Bucky can become the Yonko, he will be the crew member of the Yonko, and he will be impressive in public.

When you meet someone you know before, tell them that you are a crew member of the Yonko, and they will be dumbfounded.

"Yes, yes! Yonko!"

Many people have this idea and get very excited when they say it.

Bucky made a calm look: "It's not that simple!"

"The current order at sea does not allow the existence of the four emperors!"

"Don't you understand what happened to the four emperors?"

As soon as Bucky said this, his men all reacted.

The original four emperors were majestic and like emperors in their own territory.

In other parts of the world, their names are greeted with awe.

But what now?

Whitebeard is dead.

Aunt Charlotte Lingling and Beast Kaido were both caught and imprisoned.

There is only one red-haired Shanks, which is more cost-effective and exists in the new world.

"Yeah, it's not easy for the four emperors to do it either!"

The men all sighed.

It is not a good thing that the former emperor of the sea has ended up like this.

They don’t want Bucky the Clown to be the Yonko anymore.

"Master Bucky, you are right!"

One of his men suddenly shouted: "Sir Bucky is indeed Lord Bucky!"

"You are really far-sighted! You won't be fooled by the reputation of the Four Emperors!"

"If you say you don't want to be the fourth emperor, then you won't be the fourth emperor!"

Hearing his words, the men became excited again.

"Yes! No longer the Four Emperors!"

It was as if they actively rejected the Yonko, rather than being ineligible.

"Mr. Bucky, you really don't care about fame and wealth."! "

The subordinates shouted happily: "Such a person should be rewarded!"

"If you don't want to be a Yonko, then you can become a Shichibukai!"

"Just barely block the Shichibukai!"

Bucky's men all cheered.

"Shichibukai! Shichibukai! Shichibukai!"

Bucky stood high up, listening to his men's words, with a proud look on his face.

It was as if he had become a Shichibukai.

Completely forgetting that this position needs to be recognized by the world government.

Suddenly, a news bird fell from the sky.

A lot of newspapers were brought to them.

They hurried, and several people gathered together to read the contents of the newspaper.

【Historic moment! Hawkeye joins the Navy, and the Shichibukai is officially over! 】

【Invincible! Byakuya defeated Hawkeye, truly the first person! 】

Bucky: "What? The era of the Shichibukai is over?"

"There are no more Shichibukai in the world?"

He raised his head and looked at his men.

The subordinates were also very confused and said: "What should I do?"

"There is no other title in the world that can suit Lord Bucky!"

They began to worry about Bucky's name.

Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

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