Chapter 0099 – Operation Xiao Zhishao! The vine snake that was pitted miserably!!

Azou: “If it weren’t for Ash’s always rushing towards Leo Lu with a hot brain, he wouldn’t have let the arrogant pheasant lose so quickly.” ”

Aoki: “As far as Ash’s personality is concerned, it is really not suitable to use flying elves, especially the arrogant pheasant, which is not very good in physical strength, under his command, it is completely giving away people’s heads.” ”

Heba: “Listening to you say this, I noticed that all the attacks of the arrogant pheasant were avoided by Leolu, so it seems that this is indeed giving away people’s heads, after all, after this battle, the arrogant pheasant did not cause any damage to Leolu.” ”

Xia Bo: “People who don’t know still think that this is a battle of great strength.” ”

“Proud pheasant, you’re doing a great job.”

Ash didn’t have the consciousness that he had pitted the arrogant pheasant at all, and took the arrogant pheasant back with an indifferent face.

“Vine Vine Snake, it’s up to you!”


Ash then sent his sixth elf, who was also the next victim.

“Leo Lu, we must win Oh, use Vacuum Wave 1.”

After seeing Ash’s vine vine snake appear, Toratoru’s side immediately attacked.


As Hu Che’s words fell, Leo Lu immediately emitted a burst of white energy, creating a huge cyclone, and floated with the power of this cyclone.

Then it gathered a large amount of white energy together and launched a white shock wave at the vine snake.

“Vine vine snake, quickly dodge!”

It’s just that in the case that Ash didn’t drop the line, Leolu’s attack was obviously not so easy to hit the vine snake.


No, after hearing Ash’s words, the vine vine snake immediately jumped up and dodged Leolu’s attack.

“Vine vine snake, use the leaf blade!”

After seeing that the vine snake had dodged Leolu’s attack, Ash immediately launched a counterattack.


When the vine snake heard this, it immediately curled up its body, spun and rushed towards Leolu, and its tail was also covered with a layer of rich green energy.

After the vine snake rushed in front of Leolu, it stretched its body and pumped its tail on Leolu’s body, pumping it back several steps before stopping.

“That’s me!”

“Leolu, imitate!”

When Hu Che saw this scene, he immediately prepared to repeat his old technique.

To be honest, although imitation looks powerful, it is actually not a very powerful skill, because after using it, if you want to really use the opponent’s skill, there will be a momentary pause, so that there will be a slight delay when the actual attack is launched.

In most cases, such skills can be avoided.

But who called Tora’s opponent Ash?


As Hu Che’s words fell, Leo Lu’s body was immediately covered with a layer of green energy like a flame of light.

When this layer of energy completely wrapped it in it, its mind suddenly recalled the previous picture of the vine vine snake using the leaf blade.

Then he saw that Leo Lu curled up his body and rushed towards the vine snake.

And like the vine snake, its tail is also covered with green energy, and after getting close to the vine snake, it flicks its tail sharply and draws the vine snake out.

“Ah! By the way, Leo Lu will use this trick! ”

After seeing the vine snake being hit by Leolu, Ash finally came to his senses, remembered that Leolu would imitate this skill, and secretly blamed himself, secretly cursing himself for forgetting such an important thing.

And Ash’s self-blame left the vine snake behind again.

“Leolu, use vacuum waves!”

When Ash dropped again, Toratoru also attacked again.


When Leo Lu heard this, he immediately emitted a burst of white energy, creating a huge cyclone, and floated with the power of this cyclone.

Then it gathered a large amount of white energy together and launched a white shock wave at the vine snake.


In the face of Leolu’s attack, Fuji Vine Snake also showed rich experience in being pitted, and was not affected by Ash’s drop at all, so he jumped up and avoided Leolu’s attack.

“It’s now! Leo Lu immediately rushed over and used his strength! ”

Although the vine vine snake is already very smart, it is still found by Tora Toru to launch an attack.


No, before the vine snake could return to the ground, it was grabbed by the tail of Leo Lu, who suddenly rushed over, and slapped it its back, knocking it out.

“Make a shot!”

Before the vine snake could fall, Tora Che attacked again.


When he saw that the vine snake was about to fall to the ground, Leolu suddenly jumped up and grabbed the vine snake, and then it suddenly exerted its strength and threw the vine snake out.

After being thrown out by Leolu, the vine vine snake directly hit the wall in front of the audience and let out a scream.

And it seems to be in the same place as where the arrogant pheasant hit before.


Chat groups.

Ma Zhishi: “Shake! Ash, what the hell are you doing? ”

Hei Lian: “Probably blaming himself, because his useless elf was hurt, so he blamed himself, and because of his self-blame, the elf was hurt again, so he continued to hostage himself.” ”

Violet: “Isn’t this the drama 4.3 that often appears in those three-rate romance novels?” Does it really happen in reality? ”

Ma Xiu: “No way, it seems that it can only be explained like this, it can’t be because Ash likes to watch his elves get hurt, so he hasn’t reacted, right?” ”

Citron: “Listening to you say this, it seems that this is really the only way to explain it.” ”

Ka Wu: “Hey, I suddenly understood a little why Charizard ignored Ash before, and Yacheng was also pitted by Ash, so he had a tantrum, right?” ”

Chibana: “This… Does it seem really possible? ”

Kiki: “If this is really the case, then Ash’s use of newly adopted elves before seems to explain it, because the other elves have been pitted by him too many times and are no longer willing to fight.” ”

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